l lallyy ay alnng the tall lenee a et'nyy d nlpenple yy ere htiddled ar‘nund a xmnkingnil drum. I may rtnyy and then xnrnenne yynuld emerge \y ith a bla/ing xtiek xnaked in bitumen and xet nll iritn the yyindy night trailing a xltnyy er nl xpar‘kx behind them. l-‘eeling ny‘et'ayy ed I put ayyay my bieyele lamp. I had pietured a enlleetinn nl pneket llaxhlightx and eandlex in rain rar'x at the tnr‘eltlit y igil against l'r'ident but yy ax enntrnnted yy ith thexe liery prnpx lrnm ( ir'eek tragedy, ln xhar'p enntraxt tn the nr'ange llarex a enld xily er'y light bathed the grey buildingx and empty lnntball pitehex nn the nther xide nl tlte lenee. lhe prntexterx xtar‘ed thr'nagh the yy ire rnexh at their target the ( 'lyde xubrnar‘ine baxe at l7axlane. lhix ix the hnrne nl Britain‘x independent nuelear deterrent. .‘tl tttllex Hunt the eentr‘e ttl ( iltxgnyy Lt lleet nl nuelear‘ pnyy er ed xubmar‘inex eaeh earrying tn l’nlarix A} niixxilex. the y igil \y ax nrganixed by l‘axlane l’eaee ( 'arnp yy hieh yy ax xet up in lllfij nn a graxx \ erge nppnxite the main gtttenl the haxe x\eertt‘tltttg tn l ex Rnber‘txnn. nne nl the lnunder rneniberx yy hn ix nnyy a l)urnbar'tnn dixtr'iet enunerllnr'. nnne Ht the l: penple yy hn lir‘xt arriy ed nn a yy ar‘m .lune day 'had any idea the earnpaign yynuld laxt mnre than a leyy yyeekxi' But the inakexhilt tentx yy ere replaeed by brightly painted earayanx and thix xunirne r the earnp eelebr‘atex itx lnur'th birthday.

('nnxidering that Sentland hax It lll military bases. «ltlnlyy hieh .rr‘e ennneeted yy'ith tttlelear‘yyeapnttxand that 5‘”? nl' the pnpulatinn hax deelared itx nppnxitinn tn 'l’rident. it is perhapx xurprixing that l’axlane ix the enuntry 'x last remaining peaee earnp. t 'nlike ( ireenharn. _\tnlexyynrth and the lnrmer Senttixh earnps at l lnly l.neh Lttttl Rnxy th. the earnp eniny'x legal xtatux the narrnyy .xtripnt land nn the xide nl the .v\i\'l-l ix nyy ned by Strathely de Reginnal (‘nuneil yy hieh hax deelared itexell a nuelear tree /nne.

.-\x yy e yy alk baek alnng the lenee in the biting enld lnr a bnyy ltul nl y egan .xnup nn the beaeh. l yynrtder yy hy’ a grnup nl' penple earnped nn the xide nti a rnad beliey e that they ean hay e any kind nt’elteet nn the arrnx t'aee, Ney'erthelexx. last year the eamp launehed itx anti—trident ‘Rainbnyy (‘arnpaign' nnn-y'inlent aetinnx eaeh yy ith a theme enlnur. l'he tnrehlit y'igil nr ()range .-\etinn is the x‘eennd in the , series l’nllnyy'ing the Red (lnr xtnp) g .»\etinn in September yy hile Yellnyy Land ( ireen ;\etinn,x are planned lnr

Lt xeriex nt xey en

«run iirt'kr itxrxrr



l.uey' (\xSll asks what el‘l‘eet a tnrehlit y'igil C‘nuld

hay'e nn the prnpnsed xite lnr’l‘rident.

the spring and xammer. l-inphaxix ix plaeed in imaginatiy e. highly y ixual tnrnix nl prntext. lhe lenee ix nnt nnly eut btit deenrated yy ith ballnnnx. xtt‘eattier‘x llnyyerx and teddy bear'x xpnr‘tirtg ( 'Nl)l‘adgex.l xelttl publieity yy ax ereated nn ( 'hrrxtmax l)ay yy hen three per tple brnke rntn the base and ellttthetl ntttn the (‘nntluernr‘ xubniar'ine yy ear‘ing Santa

(‘laux nutlitx. During the ( )range .-\etinn a gr‘nup yy ax arrexted lnr

lly ing a banner lrnrn the rnnl nl the Rhu Radiatinn t ~entre yy hieh read:

" l hey l.te \\ e l)te'.

()ne might be tempted tn dixniixx thexe aetx ax inelleetual gimmiekx but their irnpaet ix ennxiderably heightened by the pr‘ntextnrx‘ readinexx tn endure imprixnnment nnt nnee but again and again. lane. yy hn xpent tyyn yearx at the earnp belnre rnny ing tn the nearby y illage Ht (iny e. tttlxlttgly tleu‘tlhetl het' lll

yy eek nld baby as a xeaxnned y eteran: ‘Sani yy ax ar’rexted lnur‘ timex and iailed tyy iee belnre he yy ax e y en bnrn'.

Yet perhapx the rnnxt irnpnrtant \ynrk rny'nly ex the r'nutine gathering nl inlnrrnatinn. l’artieularly yaluable \\ ere the Llelallx enlleeted tttt the ninyement nl xeeret ennynyx earr‘ying nuelearyyarheadxthrnugh xnme nl umamx rnainr eitiex \\ ltltttttt the lxttttyy letlg'e ml the liteal emergeney xer'yieex, lxyery mnnth the enny ny nt armnured lnrr‘iex take reennditinned yy ar‘headx tn( ~nulpnr‘t and return the tmxtable nnex tn the Rny at ( )rdnanee laetnry at Burghlield near Reading lnr ny erhauling. l he eamp xet tip a plume tree' and enenur'aged ( [N l) grnupx lrnrn Sentland tn Berkxhir‘e tn phntngraph the ennyny and enmplain abnut itx lailure tn dixplay i‘adinaetiyexyrnbnlxnrtnnbxer‘y e ‘l‘eed limitx. l'he eamp ix a thnrn in the xide nt the .‘ytnl ) althnugh it yynuld ney er pu’iliely admit it'. elaimedl ex

l'he earnperx retrain lr'nm perxnnal attaekx nn the xtatt at the baxe many nl yy hnrn yynuld hay e little prnxpeet nt ernplny rnent in an area nl induxtrial deeline yy ere it nnt lnr the \lttl). ltttleetl lex yy ax eleeted tn the dixtr‘iet enuneil w ith a xi/eable mainrity ey en thnugh hix Hnnhill ennxtrtueney ineludex the \nblextnn hnuxingxeherneyyhieh yyaxxpeeially built lnr base \ynrkerx. ( )eeaxrnnally there are ugly xeenex, l.axt yyeek in the middle nl the night a earay an yy ax burnt tn the grnund, l’at l’lunkett. yyhn xperit the lir‘xt three rnnnthx at the eanip yyith her ehildrenand ixxtill an aetiy e earnpaigner‘. xaid her 13 year-nld \Ull hax been l‘tllltetl atttl ealled a “dirty enmmie at xehthl, 'anr‘ xnrne reaxnn'. xaid «lane. ‘rnany

0t the lttettlx x‘eem In be nbxexxetl with the tnilet habitx nl the earnp and talk abnut ‘enntarnrnatinn‘ l think they are xubennxeinuxly exprexxing their learx abnut that bigger xtrueture nn the nther xide nl the rnad. btit eannnt bring thetnxely ex tn say xn‘.

\nt all the pr‘exxurex nn the earnp are eyternal nnexhnyyey er. Kathleen. an e\'-rnernber nl the peaee earnp. elnduently dexer‘ibex the xtrain eauxed by the enntinual laek nl priyaey and dixeninlnrt in the bnnk l’ilyltlHt' HUI/W (it (1 l’t'tlt't' ('rmi/t: ‘l lurnble equipment. limited .xpaee. a earay an nuting multiplied by _“(15tl11_\\.Lll\1LlL‘tll‘y'dtltt/L‘ll dillerent npininnx , ;\ttynne yyhn gnex tn a peaee earnp thinking peaee ix a enmmndity in be dixlied nut like lentil xteyy yy‘ill hay e xeentttl thnughth .lean. an .-\rneriean nnyy liying at the earnp agreex that enlleetiy e deeixinn making ean be lruxtr'ating and that nnbndy ix imper'y'inuxtndixilluxinnment ‘.v\t nne xtage l lelt that l rtey er yyanted in see the plaee again, But then I realised that all 1 had needed yy ax a hnliday and it lelt great tn be baek.l dnn‘t krtnyy hnyy lnng l‘ll xtay but at the rnnrnent I think liy ing here ix the mnst uxelul thing I ean tln.'



Depth: Getting intn Faslan e .


And nut first: New bnnks.


Prints: 'l'he enlleetiye nature nl‘enmies. OUT

()1‘ lashinn‘.’ A falls lire statinn. the suburban Villa and stylish junk. IN

Nn sense abrnad. llnlland is elnser than ynu think.


()t‘the frying pan: And into the Fiat with a pizza take away.

lliel M [.1 l eb n‘ylar 4t