

Back issues of some magazines have beenindemandlormany years. As potentially valuable collectors items. comics could also now have a serious luture.

It is a ti'liism lllal smmethillg lsmillv vvmi'lh vv hat smmemile is vv illlilg lm pa_v tmr it .tllvl the emtllilieieial v .illie ml a emmiemi iilaga/ine is e\pla:netl hv mmre than mile laetmi'. lt has tm he raie. hlll ilmt lmm raie ml at least nml sm rare that it is .iiiitllie. ( )ilee a mile—mll item is hmllghl. tlle lavvsml slipva .lllvl tlemanll vv hieh keep this market hmliv aiit are e‘vhallstetl. .-\ staggel iilg lffiltl l \v as the slliii paill lmi' a tirsl ellilimil ml .\etimii ( ‘mimes l.|liile I‘ll-S) iii vvhleh Sliperiilan appeai'ell lmr lhe lirsl liille. lilil the print rim vv as lllllllll l ~ ml vvhieh millv l5 are kilmvv il lm have slirv ivell. l he mlhei ‘l‘lfllSF is .:ll pmteiltial tm av lkl emlleelmis 7 eaeh hmplilg he llllLlS mile l‘L‘llllC lllemlllel l“)."i\-1llll.

Interest in emmies is iiiereasiiig espeeiallv in .\meriea vv lieie haek isslles are hmlight as a vlelihqi .lle investment. l’ail ml the reasmil is a gi'mvv liig appi‘eeialimil ml the vvmrk ml llle ilhisllatmrs. .-\iiimilgst the mmsl smlighl aller is the ereatmi' ml l)esparate l)ail lemilsllmerml '( ‘« ivv l’ies' antl herm ml ‘l )aiitlv l. I )lilllev l)e\lel' \Vatkllls l le alvt tlt‘evv l mttl Silmmtv lmi ' l he Heailm‘ alsm plihlishell h_\ llle Semllish lii'm l ).( '. lhmmsmii. \lmre mmllesl than their maehm .-\iiierie;;il emlliilei'parts. a ‘lllg l ggm~ lleanm lii’sl ellilimn lllilv WES) \\illllvl ei tsl Milli l vv illi mi iginal \\ hmmpee Mask l. ahmilt L31 lll vvilhmlil \thmpee; the \ml l)ailtl_v mtieh less.

Seieiieel ietimil maga/ines. llmmmatetl h_v the .-\iilerieail Marv els and l ).( '.s. allraet hmtll a great lmllmvv mg and smile v er_v aeemlilplishetl artists, 1 he highlv pmplilar .\ rmeii iliaga/ine inav leatllre gialnilmlisvillaiils Llllkl teenage mlitaiits. hlil lhev are gratllitmlls mlllaiits tli avv il Im a v el'_\ highstaiitlai'tl. l ihei'atmie,erealmi-lvi Rank \eim\ ailtl Mmehilis. vv hm alsm vvmi'ketl mn the lilm .\lieil are pliplllal . iimlahle tmr their vvmi k mil Metal l llii‘lailt .‘lltl l leavv Metal.

l ilei'aiv and line art plihlieatlmns ean he ver_v pmplllar il lllev have tlle right emimeelimiis. ' l he \ellmvv llmmk. ‘lleeatlent pilhlieatimn ml the lS‘Jlls. llllllll‘eletl ,-\llhrev Bearllslev. l lemv .lames. \\ H Yeah and l l ( i \Vellsammngsl its emiitiihliimi's— slittieienl klltlms tm make a set vvmrth .lhmlil L5H, Stiantl Maga/lne. lirsl tm sei ialise Shei'lmek l lmlmes and l’ t i \Vilvlelllllhe vvmlllll alvv av s he v el_\ emlleelahle. as vvmliltl llle (lllel'li‘ll. lii‘st plihlisherml l S l‘limt‘s lhe \\ ;t\lk‘litllll. Mlleh sliell.l’riv ate l'_ve is pmplilai' allll earlv isslies haitl lm lllltl l);t\ allxl \lglll.v‘tt-evlllevl h_v (iraham ( il'eene hall legal llillietlltles ml a similar kmll. iii this ease lel millal. ( lillv iil plihlieatimii lmi s:\ mmiiths. a set is vvmrtll ahmlil L4llll

44 lhe list ll l‘eh ti Mar



lhe market ler haek issliesml nevvspapers is ralhei tllllL'lL'lll. Death and tlisaslei is pmplilar sm lmng as its a healllliie I here is a vvailing list lttl a 'Siilkmg ml tlle l'llaille' isslie l ltlth .'\}‘Ill. llllll vvmi'th lelllll\l;lrl eheekiiiglhealtlel. ll vvmllltl hav e tm he mile mt llle tahlmitls ~ the Miri'mi . Sketeh ml (iraphie vv hieh all llsetl heallliiies lrmm an eai‘lv llala‘. vv heleas l he limes kepl llle pei smilal emlllmlls l in tlle Ilmilt page lliitil Mav hurt».

I he l'llinhliigh shmp l mmlhall (‘i'a/v mmvetl lasl ,llme limm allie lm shmp-lrmiilellpremises— i’alllei ilei'vmlislv al tlle lime. lil lael. tllev eaimmt hllv enmligh tm ilieel the llemailll. ( )l smitle lllll.|lllll1leiils iii slmek, “55 are printed material ml vv hiell pl‘mgi'aiiliiles sell hesl. lhev are larger inexpensive anti a respeelahleemlleetimll istlliltevvilhiil reaeh.

('mlleellvelv all lllL'Se llllllgW k leltl ll mineml mlmi'iiiatimn.mll assmeialimils; lmheahle tmreereale llle mi'igmal pleasllie iii i'e—ieatliiig a lavmlli'ite isslie makes their: a smll ml lartlfiiiipi'mt.

Shops Glasgow

0 Future Shock :iill \v'liiilllanlls Rllatl. 333 llESl Neil ( 'raig prmp. an Sal lllfillam tipm. Haek issllesml maga/iiles antl emmies. Sel—l‘i l‘mmks. lll.lltlllin stmek and a llli'lher .ilH lllll mn mall mrtlei. ()ltlest iilaga/iiles lrmm WES ll hill mmst lrmm earlv sixties. Mmstlv .‘\lllel'le‘;tll hilt smme Hrllish. l)( ' l Sllpei'mail ele. l and Marvel. Illlstieel eaglie ml x\ITlL‘l lea‘ an £57. tales mlSllpeilse‘ nm. .1“ lealllriilg llI'Sl appearanee ml lrmn Man at tall. British maga/ines lellll .-\l) nm‘s l tk 3 at U“.

0 Obelist BOOKS \irgmia ( iallei'ies. 31 Virginia Street. 55: Still). Rll\\e'll :\lll\ell prmp. Mmil Sat. lllam 5pm. (‘mmies anti maga/iiies. Speeialises iii erime antl Sei—l-i. ;\lsm has British maga/ines slleh as l lmlsplli'. Magnet. (iem. \Vi/arll ele. Smme emmies gm haek tm l‘llh eeilllli‘v . hill mmsl are l‘Mll Fll‘s. .v\v‘erage emsl per maga/iiie. Flip lmrslmekilig verv expensive maga/iiles,

o AKA Books & Comics :\tltlress and pltlttlelltt.Lt\()hel1\l. l’eteis pl‘mpt‘lelmt'. Mmil Sal lllam 5pm. Mmsllv .Xmer‘iean Set—ll (llll’i l Marvel and l)( '. .‘vlmst lrmm earlv till's. Mmst expensive ‘;\ma/ing l-ailtasv'lim. 15 F5. lll.lHHliii stmek. ;\l_sm sells mrigitlal artvvmrk tmr :lH lll ;\l)vv'hieh l'elehes apprmximatelv £35 L45. llas maga/mes leatllrmg lirst appeal'anee mtSpitleriilan l .-\.l*. nm 13 l and alsm Daredevil. .r\v'engers. X Men ele.

0 Arthurs De ( ‘mtlree'vs :\shtmil lane (Behinll Hv res Rmatl l. .-\ small shmp selling mmsllv Marv el and l)('

Sei—l’i Sliperherm mags. Mmst eai'lv

L3. l)tie\ Illil gm ltl

(ills hilt ,smme mltler. :\lsm tlmes strange mags stleh as Bmh llmpe. .lerrv levv'is anvl ( ‘harltmn l lestmn ( 'lassies. .-\lsm jllllll Al). l lmrrmr eminies. le'lL‘Cll\ e and hmxiiig maga/ines. \mt verv expensiv e; priee range similar tm ( )helisl.


0 The Nostalgia Shop 3ft ellh vv alk‘ 553(12—‘5..Mmtl l’ri

lll..‘~tlam 5..‘~tlpill. Sat lllam tvpm. \ei'v vv'ell stmekell sllmp vv ith lilm. telev'isimn anll emmie iilemmrahilia, Marvel and l)( emmies lrmm l‘ltvlls mnvvaitls. Illtlll Al). 'l’V 2 l . l)l' \th. Slarlmg, Slarhllst. “US l lmrrmr maga/ines phls lV. lilili aiill pmp annuals and a v'erv vv ille seleetimn ml mmv‘ie star pmsters. prints and phmtms. l‘llllilllei'hirllgamesantl mmllels l lrmm apprmx {S L35 l gm vvell

CL. ssrcs


0 Science Fiction Bookshop 4H 43 \Vesl (‘rmsseallsevvav (ill—‘ll-lzll. an Sat lllam 5..‘~llpm lllllll’Stllllll (ell lpm) Blisv Llll'vl vv ell slipplietl slltlp. tllmt'e lill' etlt'l‘etll issues than mltl miles. Baek isslles ml Marvel and l)( emmies l l lillk‘. Spitleriiian. X-meii. Stiperiiiail. Batman. va'amp lhillgl. .‘llllll ;\l). .llltlge Dre-till.

l leavv Metal. '1 iiitiil. .'\l.sm iiitlepeiitleilt emilipailies eg lielipse. lirst. (‘mmiem. \‘v'arp. liagle anll Kilehin Sink (sie). l’riees lmi' haek issllesv‘arv vv'lllelv lrmm lep Ht).

0 Football Crazy l3 Spittal Sli'eet. 23S Stiff» Mmii l’ri Vain 5pm. ( l'hlii's lilsmlrfdl H.3lliirlll. Sat ‘lam 2pm. (immtl slipva ml prmgramiiles espeeiallv; alsm stmek iilaga/iiles amt hmmks. Izarlv empies ml ‘erhl Smeeer' maga/iile SSp Ll in gmmtl emntlitimn.

o McNaughton's All l llltltlinglim l’laee. 55h FS‘V. primarilv a v er_v gmmll seemntl haiill hmmkshmp. it alsm stmeks a iilimhei ml all aiill iteiaiv magazines vv‘hen availahle.


o The Lyle Guide to Collectibles '1 mm ('lirtis. Smmething ml a tlelllllllVL' sllrvev ml the sllhieel. iii sempe at least. lhe emntents are listetl in smme 11S eategmries lrmm Seells l’aekets (Aster. ( 'mmet Mixell til lp ) thrmllgh Maps. Natllrism antl ( illlllL‘ Hmmks tm ()eean liner Meillls anll l’ersmnal l)me;llileills. ll vv as a rare serap ml paper that tlitlil't gm thrmligh the

presses it' it moves. print it. .-\ntl then emlleet ll. .-\ hlihhlegllm vv'ral‘l‘er. ‘Mal's .>\ltaeks'l ll)th Btlhhle lnel mnee vv rappell rmlintl a stie‘kv' pink ehevv‘ vvmrth a levv penee vv'ill leleh Llllll [he tlesign vvas

vv ithtlravv ii alter mnlv a levv vveeks mil the market alter emmplaiiits lrmm parents that the gl eell—heatlell mmnster it leatllrell li'ighteiietl ehilvlren. Smme ellevv.

0 Book and Magazine Collectorlfi Sl Mares Rmatl. l’aliilg. l milllmri \VS 5R0. Llltl mmiilhlv lrmm nevvsageills. .\ lisellil ailll emmprehensiv e maga/ille

0 The Comic Guide :\l;tll :\ll\llll. (immvl aiill vvellallllstratell.

0 British Comics and Story Paper Price Guide Dennis ( illlUl‘tl. Slightlv mllt ml llate. hlit reemmmeiilletl.

- Women and the Comics ll‘ltlll Rmhhiiis anll ( 'atllerine Yrmnvv mlle. NUS

0 The Penguin Book ol Comics .-\ slight histmrv tlev'isetl h_v (iemrge l’errv' ailll

x\l;lll .‘\ltll'ltl§lL‘, NEWSPAPERS

o BememberWhen Evils lirighlmil Rmatl. S ( ‘rmv llmn. Slirrev. ( ‘RZ (ll-\/.. lll (llSlStifCS‘. Slmeks lhe limes. 'l’elegraph. ( illartliail lmeeasimilallv ). Mail. lgv‘press. \evvs (‘hrmnielex Hailv l leraltl (.siilee 1‘)th aka lhe Still). Semtsman l lStv“ 1W3. inemmplete l. \m ( ilasgmvv lleraltl. I’riees inel. pmstage lvv‘ith a levv exeeptimiis): 1%? A; l‘lSli. £2.5llper isstie; l‘lSZ S3 S1 L5; l‘MS NM £12.“) lmltlell. L135“ lit a ttihe. Siiikiilg ml the 'l ilanie. livi'lll l nmne iii .stmek ). ltv .r\pril l" l 2. Heath ml Marilvn anrme. L5H Llill. h .-\tig 1W») Rllll Airshipt‘rash. L4H. lli ()et 1‘8“. 0 Glasgow Herald 1% :\ll‘lllll Street. (ilasgmvv . ll-ll 553 (£55. Baek isslies availahle lmr past I: mmiiths. 25p eaeh. o The Scotsman and The Evening News Nmrth Bridge. livlinhlirgh. URI :35 34ml‘s‘. Baek isstles av allahle lmr past 12 mmiiths. 0 Yesterday‘s News 43 l)llnilmnaltl Rmatl. ('mlvv _v ii Bav . ( ‘lvv‘vtl. ll .3” fiRli. Semtsmalllmtil l‘l331Mai1 v‘erv' levv : ( illartlian nineteenth CL‘Il-lllfl antl l‘li‘s‘ WES; limes liiitil April NSF; ( ilasgmvv l leraltl liiitll 1933.£13.5llliiispeeiliellav';3lmr £213lmrtfill,l’linellmaga/ine: lS’tvlls mill l‘Fils, Ll.‘...‘~lleaeh.


0 Comic Mart Mel L‘llttll ( iallelle'S. :F‘llSltllv‘llle‘llttll\Il’eel. \mmn 5pm Illpenee atlmissimii. lahles LS eaell. lmr llllll. \etltl sae till )hell\'. l‘tllllx\. Virginia(iallei‘ies.31Virginia Street. ( il;t\g’ll\V. (i l l l l ' mt‘ [llllltle “72 WT (lipm \pm ).

o Albacon Ill—The 37th British Annual Science Fiction Conventiont‘eiiri~;il Hmtel. ( ilit'tlmll Street. ( ilasgi ivv lrmm lllam. lri IS Mai lllpm. Mmll 31 Mar. .‘vlemhership L‘l helmre Mar 1 . £1: alter Mai l L5 lmr mile llav l'lll’lllel‘ inlm. lrmm .'\lll;teltll Ill. eare ml Vmee l)mehertv . Ill l lillmgtmil (iarllens. ( ilasgmvv (i5: Ill U33 ll7S4 tlziv . SS2 .lllllh ev e l.