Scrcnhtlt- ltir iilll'tL‘k'll \\ lllti Instruments ti} Stitiiixmiiiti i)ttll\k‘ Mauilii'c ti} S;ii:ita\'.it‘n\ inalxt: tip the first liiill \\ itli ltiiiiitiiii\ ltlllt‘ltli :llti Siniplitinx .lliL'l tlic llliL'l\ili (‘tiiitltit‘ttii'init- titultintzli.

0 Neil Beaumontt liltlt-it tailliiiiii

l Rt'statiixiiit l. ( Mk gait: l’w\ tiltit‘t‘

:35 5M!) \iiiii. f lt'L' ilL'ill inti\it‘ lttl


SUNDAYS l Edinburgh

0 Giles Hamilton Neil Beaumont (iiltlt'tl iidiit‘i‘llli{l-‘\l.1tll.lliil. ('tmuatt'. tti\.tif‘.itq..‘_“_‘li*ll \iiiin ipni. l lt‘L‘ ( iiiiint-t ililti lliitt- make- tilt .in .ittigtxililt' t‘iiiiiiiinatiiin'tiiiit‘uinj. \lllltiil‘v liiii.'li

MONDAY 31 Edinburgh

0 International Lunchtime Concert .‘\\\L‘llli‘i\ Ri‘tllll‘u ( it‘tii'vt‘ \tit't't. lttixiillit't‘lf :tl‘t\llli.i\t'|l. lpin. l3. llit- ( illill iit'ii il'ltl pl;i\ i\\tl

ptiptil;ii'\xtiil~\\ li'r.t-i\ imgnlumiucll with the liint‘litiint' liillmxinj.‘ .il iilL‘ .'\\\k'illili\i‘1\‘lllll\ i{HHdHilHiAHLi)M iniiitii.iiit';twltlit~ i)tllili\_\.

ll.i\tlii'\t iipxt ~i.i'.~.\iiil

Edinburgh 0 Cofiee evening and cabaret Si _i.llllt'\

(iltlltilii.lii.,it‘!lil* i)i.l\('.i ~1fi§ll a. Winn. 9-! ..‘ll iilL' \li\t‘l'


Ht‘llxt'tint‘t'it l’ tit; [‘IL‘\L'lll :in t‘u‘nintikt‘iiititiiniiivnt lll.lltilli iilL' .-\lil\:\lit‘lill \iiiil‘iiit'lt .‘Mit‘it‘th Silxt‘t .liiliilct' .\ptit'.ii. l T I


0 London WelshMale Voice

Choir'PedwarYn Y Bar (_)tlL'L'll a. l l.ill. tlcrlSHrct it'xlit-i ll.illi " (illllx‘L‘l'i tt-.itiii'i'ieg ii


liiiiiii. ififliitjfiili

Lthilflcdflndt \iiit't' t‘litiii' illti :i twp \\ t‘i\il ltilk

gi'titiptit-iltiiiiiimi' \L‘I‘illlltL‘ih tlit-ii ltlllllllt! triut‘llit-i liii lilt‘ lintilt'.


0 SCUl \lit'i' l l.ill. l titlii.iii lx’tmtl itii\t~llit‘t‘.:_\ 'L 1“ >1<tllll l\li.i titliL‘\ili 1_(iitl\:!i“»\..’_;.\l- LS5“ (int-«ii ilit- liiygli ialiiwt ilit- \( 't i'\ \iiiitin Rmtlt' t'tiiittiittintzl-lt‘t'tliiixt-iik‘ltli.tiit‘liixt


llit:\tt~tti\li l’iiilliai‘niiiiiit’ \nyt'ix. the St .t )\

tiint'ltii liiiii.

it'giilai' t'litii .il [xii lllt‘l. min lilt‘ iii‘tiic'xtii .‘i\ii|“l‘iilll\i\ \liwii ll.ii~;;in. .\l:it-tl.i f il‘tiL'V‘ll. Knit “(Dirk .ittti \\ tHLit'tt \\ itilc'. :\l\ii till the pi'iitzianiint- \\ ill in: ltt-t‘tlimciH (ht'i'tiiic lt‘tintiiii \ii * lllii Mahler’s l ittll Suntw llttlll l)t'\ Known \\tllltiClilillll.

o Mondrian Triotiiit‘t-ii'xll.ill.t'lt-il\ Stimi Him tiltit‘t' .75 l l“ it \lit-r litilll, -15iiiii s:filli-_1.5ll.('.iit'liil priitzi ;llllllllll;‘ l\ ltl\t tint~ nil tilL' li;illiii.ti’l\\til till\ tiiit' f. loss l.iiiiili:ir ill 'lll ( i iiiini>i in ('li;iti\\tin i\\.ti‘iit\.\it‘lit~tl tit-moon H.i_\tln\ in t ' .inti Seliiiik‘i'tk iii it . potluiiw Yilk‘ ltlt i\l xxtgll kiiiiun tit ‘.illpi.intiti'iii\

15'I'hc List 2! Mairi— 3 Apr

«inn: llltl. Hit:


The Edinburgh Folk Festival runslrom 28 March until 6April. All Folk Festival events are listed below. Glasgow and Edinburgh folk events outsidethe Festival are listed under‘Folk’ as usuaL

Firstfestival oftheyearisthe Edinburgh Folk Festival. 28 March to 6 April. Here isawarning—The Festival ClutheviotRowUnionlwith its complex ofbars. restaurant. creche. crattfair. record shops. concert halls and informal sessions. is open from Qamto 3amlAs you can see—fraught withdanger. Amembershipcard is necessaryto avail oneselfofthe facilities after7pm. This is available at the door. forone nightorweekends or the whole ten days. Buy tickets for concertin advance oryou will be unlucky. Canongate Music in Blackfriars Street. sellthemandthey are also offeringtDO/o reductions on instruments and records. The fat Festival programme can be picked up therefree. The UsherHall box office alsohastickets and programmes. The first weekend incorporates the

All events atFestival Club. House. Bristo Square. Edinburgh. 667 2091. Except where otherwise stated.

- Ditte Anderson. Marianne Palm and Martin Ringmar.Wine Bar5.30—7pm. {1.50. hot .intitlit-i' i‘t-ttii'n liii‘ ixtlii‘iltiii‘gli‘x l;i\.tiiti'iti_' Sxtt‘tlcx.

o Harp Festival Concert: Kristen Nogues. Wat-Man Tam and Katie Harrigan & Hamish Moore. thinning Hall. "fill lllpin. L‘fill t.)

HarpingOn. Seelntro.

Teviot Row

FRIDAY 28 -. ; ,Au¢fi.yw 'Pu'

harp Festival. a feast of concerts. recitals and instruction onthe clarsach and the Irish Harp. Makers have a room where one can have ‘hands on‘ experience ofthe instrumentand classes are organisedfordifferent abilities including absolute beginners. Sileas (see picture). is in concert with the startling Breton harpisf Kristen Nogues on Sunday afternoon. Sileas‘ new albumfiresthe Scottishmetal and gut-string harpsin quicksilverdance tunes and some less common slower songs and airs. Kristen‘s playing is imaginative. expressive and improvisatory. Grainne Yeats. a great Irish harpisf. Wendy Stewart. and Katie Harrigantwith Hamish Moore on bellowspipes) havetheirown concerts and the superb players Savourna Stevenson and Rhona McKay will be

Mesmerising harpistonthe cheng (horizontal harpzither)and Hamish on bellows-blown. lowland and small pipes with clarsach piano and vocals from Katie.

0 Bogannach l )L'iitillll}; l l;ill. lll..‘~llpni l.iin. l’i’t‘t‘ trit‘liili iiit'iiilit-i'» [ilL' tzi‘tiiip Wilit tllliltllltli JilL‘li‘tll'llL'l.

o Harp Festival Workshop: Wendy Stewartl li‘l'illN. l iitlll niiiiii. Ll ;it


appearing. A pick of some ofthe vast array ofthe week‘s events includes Blowzabella. a firsttime in Scotland for a group that has breathed new life into English music. The line up is an instrumental delightand theyare equally at home in a concert or a dance with their English bagpipes. shawms. flutes and hurdy gurdies. Tuesday and Wednesday hasthem in each incarnation.

Thursday‘s lecture on Scotland and the Potato is a must as is the troupe from Galicia. the Celtic corner of Spain. Castro Floxo take a lot oftrouble researching costume. dance steps. style and music and have the Gaita. the sweetest sounding bagpipe of them all.

Friday‘s guitarconcert and Saturday‘s piping recital shouldn'tbe missed. On Saturday the Moscow Balalaika Orchestra with Singers is at the Usher Hall, and THE concert of the festival will be lateron Saturday night with some of Ireland‘s great musicians. Cran—a trio from the North mix song with fiery flute and pipes. there is a pair of brilliant fiddlers. and two of the very best singers in Dolores Keane and John Faulkner.

Eventhe Festival Organiseradmits that he can‘t staythe pace for the whole ten days. so what chance lessers mortals or Mortons?

tltitir. ftt'iii}; _\titii‘ tm n harp. I (lik‘lllk'ti niiilti»iii\ti'tiiiicntnlixl tin lit-r ill\l hHC.

0 Dance Workshop: Castro Floxo and Dalriada Dancersih‘i‘iltlllgiidii. ll;iin lpin. truth [on titlilk'L‘ glitiiipx li‘tini tltc ( ‘t-ltit' ii'iiiut's; ( ~;i\ti‘ii l'liiXti li‘tiin .\'\\' Spiiin,

o Harp Festival Recital: Kristen Nogues and Sileas [)c‘lmtin}: l l;ill. 2.3— 3.31lpin.Ll;ittltiiii'. .-\t't'tiiiipli\iictl:intl iiitli\‘itlii;ili\tit' pt‘rliii‘inci' ll'tllll Brittany shares the stage \Vltil iiiii' no it Marx \lt'Nltistt‘r and Patsy St‘tltltin. Set: [ltlllL'i

0 Dance Workshop: Dennis Belford i)L‘ilLttlll}_1H; 5._illttlll. i'iliL'k‘. ;\ii titiilitii‘itt lrtiin tilt St’tittisli ( ~iiiint‘il MHW>HHUC

o Seannachie \\ inc léiii; L15”. St‘tittixli iiiiisit~ illlti \l in}; lrtini ittillli‘tll‘tlit. \th .‘\iillllll,

SSH “fillpm.

o Harp Festival Concert: Grainne Yeats and Aberiaberlx-liiiiiiiu l ittii.

“53H lllpin. LISH L3. Bi‘illiiint Irish Harpist ;intl cxtitit‘ \Vtilcx lmwtl \‘ir‘ttitmi tin piticx. harp anti itiirtly—gttrtlv

0 Foundry Bar Band and Annie Watkins Debating l tiiil. lllfilliiiii l;iiii. £35” £2. l.c§;ciitl;ir_\ i‘tlllk‘il li‘tiiii tlic illllllL‘ til .ltitt'. .l;ini Llllti .ltitii‘iiulixiii \K'ltil tilt tilNllllctH L‘ infill \ i tlL’L' til .-\nnic \N'Litkinx.

0 Harp Festival Workshop: Grainne Yeats [ .ilir‘;ii‘_\. ll;iiii lltltlll L l. l he st} iL‘.\ itllki tct‘linittttt‘\ pt‘t‘iiliar it‘ playing; tlic iniixit~ til lrcltintl «in tilL' liiii'p.

0 Dance Worksh0p: Roger Malton and Tyneside Rapper DulXitiii}; ll;ill.

; 11am lpin. lit-c.