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1111'.11.11111111 111' 111111131811'111‘s11111‘1.

1111'1'15111‘1 \[11111111’11111121'111111111‘gins 111 11111111111 111‘1'11811111‘\'111‘I 1111111111111" 11111151111111111‘1111H1'.

1 111111111" 1111' 1‘111111-1—1111‘1‘11 11111111: 111 \111.11\i\1'111‘1:1111‘11 111111\1‘11;11111 811‘11111111.11111\111111111'11111‘11'1ist11‘11111 11111111111111'11111[1111111111111111111111111111 1111\1-\\11 111111511111'1111'11111111111111his 1111111118, .\11111111.11‘11111s1111\11‘11'11111111 1‘1.1\\11‘\1111111111111111‘]11*1'11'1sit1 \ 1-1'111'11[1111111111111111[11'1'1‘;11111‘ “'\1111\\11151 1111 1111‘ 81C11111’trI Iit1‘h1‘111‘11 1121111 1 1111-1131111 :1 1171 0 Weird SCIBDCB1 1511.1111111111114111‘8.

I 8. 1‘1851 111111 1 1‘ 11111111. 31111111111 ‘1111'11111‘1 11.111.‘1~1111111\. 1111111121111

1111 11‘ 111.11111‘ 111-111s 11111131‘111111111- 111111 111 11111' 1111]11111‘1 111 [1111111111 1111‘

[11 7111’. 11111111111'11s11111'th1‘11 11111111111:111-1x1111111111111111111»\Iiss

1 1111111. 1‘- 1111- .111s111'1 111 1111111" [11411-18111 1.111811114111111“ 111111111111 1,-1-11.11\ 1151111111111 13111113111}; .11-11‘111111'. 1 11.1s1'1111;( ~1111:11111 '1"heWil|i Busch Reporf1.\';l1l.111\

111 11111.1. \\ 111-1111:1111. 1118111 11111 1‘11.1-11111-1.11111111111';1\I111it/. 111111113'111111111'.11‘1111111s..-\

111 1.]1.1[11‘1 [1111111'11-1111111 ;1\111;111 ‘1'7'11111111111'1‘1\x\\1‘\111111‘111‘1'111‘1‘1111'\ 11.11.1111: 1111111 111111 11111 11111111 '11- 11.11111 1:111".;1.1111111111 this 111111 [111111111111111 11111.11111:'1‘1.1111111111111111‘11111(1111111 1‘911'1/1'111838115111’1‘11‘1\‘1'1‘11.1'8.

1 "‘171111111181111111111.181‘111 '1'1.;111111v 1 12111111\. ;\_1111111}31-\1111811 211111s.11111111‘\\11111111111111'1. 1'111‘



1111 15111131111111 11‘1111\Ll1'11[)11111111I)I‘LI8II 11111111111111111111111111211111111‘

1 111111111“ 111111 1111'1‘\[11‘1‘11‘11[111111‘1‘ 111111111111111.

11.111111811111111. 1111]11‘1‘1‘11111_1'111'11‘11 111111111211111111111 .‘1111811'111‘11‘11. 1111‘ 1’1'11'1 \‘1'1‘11‘ [111111111111111\1‘111‘1'1'11111 11211111111111


111 113111511111 .1 11111111‘1'811111111 1’11111 1111-11111‘1ix 1111‘ \111st]111111( 1111\1 1111 1' 11.1.1111 111111111111‘11‘1111111this 11111111112 1 11111111111111; I)1111111111111

0 Word is Out! 151118. 111‘“) 135 111111\ 211111111.1111111111111-11111 11111181" 11.111111111111111» .1'11111111‘\;1ll11lllI1‘l‘1‘x18 1118111581111'11'Il\1‘\.lll11\\Il;tIII 111111118 1111111511.111111111111 I 11111-11111 11s ‘111111111111\1111‘11111[11‘11111u1‘1111‘11111.‘ I1.11111111111111111111111111s1‘

0 Yojimb01P1111.\1111;1 K11111s111111. 1.111.111. 1111111 1118111111 1111111111. 1111111 1111111 1111111111\ ‘111111111\t111's111111111 .1\.1\.1111111.111111111111111111111111111 111111111111‘11111111'111121111‘111111s.1111111111 111111:1111111:111‘111-\.111-\s1111.81111111111 811111s.11111 111111.111111111111\1111111111‘ 1111111'11111'xx \11'111‘1111\1‘1‘111‘;1\.v\

1 1111.11 11‘. 111111.11» 1'11-11 118111111111‘

1 11311\h\111‘11111-\.1\11111111u111‘11111111 1111111111l11‘X1'1‘111‘llI 1111111111 11111111111118 \1‘11111‘1. 81111111111. 81111111111111111' .11111 1111‘ 1111111x111‘l1111- 11.111.11111 1‘s 1 11.1s131111; (1171

0 Young Frankenstein 1 151 13111 111111111» 1 8. 111241111111: \‘1’11111‘1. (11:111:II.11‘1\111.111.1118111111\,.-\ \]111-111111111.11‘1‘1111111'1111\111'111-111 111111118111111111111111118 1‘11111'111'1111111 1111‘111111.11111-111111~11111'1s.111111‘111/1‘1‘ \1111.1111111\.1 11111111111311;1’1111'111111s1‘

1111111" 1111111

28 The 1.181 21 M111~ 21 Apr


0 Young Sherlock Holmes 1 P1 ‘11 1B11111I.1‘1‘ins11n.1'8. 10811) Ni1‘1111111s 1111111. .-\11111 (11.11. :\11t111111_1' 111221118. 111911111“ 81110111111111 111111111‘s 111111 “11181111 11111111111 1111‘ 11111st th11t1111i/11111‘ 151111111111 111112111118 1‘1111111111th1'111111111111111111‘s 111‘1111111111'1111111111111s111111 1111111111111 3111111111111111111111111111‘111f1‘111‘111t1-st 8111111111};[111‘s1‘r1t11111111is11\111t11l 1111111111 (11111111 I)111‘11‘ 1111‘1‘18 111111111111 .111111‘8. 11111111‘1'1111111 11‘11‘1111111111811‘11 111111111111. 81111.1111*1'1‘111'1‘111111111‘rits111 811[1111\111‘11111)ll.1‘1‘1‘1111111111‘\1'111‘Ix 1111111 1111‘ 11:1111s1'111111g11111111111. 111111 11 1111' 11111111111 hair—111181111; \11\[11‘ll\1‘ 811111111118 11'1111‘1111111111‘ it 1111111 sure-1111‘ 11111 11111111111 11111111111. 15.111111111113111:\B('.(11118g1111'1;\B(1 811111‘1111‘111111 8111‘1‘1. 11111111111; .1\B( '. 811‘111111‘11'111‘; .1\B(’(111*1'11111‘I1. :XBL K1111111111111‘I1

This section gives details of programmes showing atcinemas in central Scotland overthe next fortnight. Readers are advised that manycinemas inthe Strathclyde and Lothian regions are unable to provide The List with details of their programming lorboth weeks covered by each issue. as these may not be available at the time of going to press. These listings therefore provide an accurate guideto programmeslorone week only, unless further dates are specified. Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change atanytime.

Cinemas operating a family discount scheme allow an adultaccompanying a childto ‘U‘ and ‘PG‘ certificate programmesfo gain admissionforthe same price as the child up to 6pm.

All programme times are pm unless otherwise stated.

0 ABC 11111111111 11111111. 22‘) 21112111. B111:

1111111 2511;1111. 5 ~111pi11

1111111131'11111s). 111111177 1111111

1111 81111.57 11111111 1811111. [1)] L'IIIL‘III‘118 2 1k 21[111111111111111‘11111111 Lt1I\'I8ilI)IL‘.12.2.71).L2.311(1111111L1.~1II. Ll .311();\I’ L1(111‘11111‘111111111711111111 111s1‘111111t\1‘111‘1111‘11111'1'1111‘s.

1. 0utofAfrica1P1i13.311. 7 311. 81111


2. CIOCkWISBII’(11225.525.825. 81111525825.

3. Young Sherlock Holmes and the Pyramid ofFear1P1‘11331153118311. 8111152118211.

0 CLASSIC NIL‘UIMIII 81111111117 1185‘). [1)](‘1111‘111111‘11181118111111111.£2.();\I’ 1‘1. '

11111137 .1111rFIyMe1 181 13.311. 3.115. 5.4118311. We Are NoVirgins1 18) l.

1511111128 M111 Emanuelle Goes to Cannes1 181 13.411. 5. Emanuelle2 1181311511311.Emanuelle31181 21.25. 7.511. 0 NL‘WINILLIL‘ '121‘11111‘1'. 447 2111111. Rest 11111111 2111111111-1111111 (811111-111111111111- 11pi111811t). B111 12-~2..‘111pm. 11— 11111111 1 M1111— 8111 1. (‘1111'111111‘111s1‘1181111.12.511.12.211. ('111111L‘l.211();\l’ £1 111411 8t1111111ts

£1211. 11111111'1181'111‘1‘11I 1'1'1111111‘118111


1.The Black Cauldr0n11‘13.l5.5. 15. 8.15. 2. Backtothe Future1P1‘ 8.111.

3. Witness1 1513. 5.8.

O EDINBURGH FILM GUILD I‘IIIIIIIUU8L‘. 11111111111 11111111. 228 21188. .‘111‘111111'1ship 111‘11111\1111111111111‘ 12111111 I711111h1111s1‘. (1111‘st ti1‘111‘ts 1111111111111 1111'111111111111111\111111'8.

Sun 23: DerWilli Busch Report5.311. The Hill 1 181 5.311.

Sun 302 N11[11‘11'111‘11111111‘11


FILM SOCIETY 311'111111‘1'111ipt1l BrttuiriK largest 111111s111‘i1‘t1'is11111‘11 1111111' [11111111. L15 11111211111111

8111111111 1'B411.1’1188111111\1/1‘111111111 11‘1[1111‘1‘11.8ixfih11s sh1111'11 11111111. 111111111 s1‘11s11111‘111182111 \1111'. (1111‘81 1111111811111111111'11111111111‘1111111111111‘1‘8 111251111111I11‘p1111‘11gis1‘11111IiI'8.»\ sh11ps111 1111111111111.1111111111111 ('1‘11111‘. I);11'i11 11111111‘ 1111111. I’( 181' 2213111‘1'11‘111‘111’1111‘1‘511111‘1’11‘11811l11‘1‘ 111111 King‘s 1111111111115 \1111p. 111111111- 11111111'1111111111‘11111111‘ 11111111. 1511111s111‘ 11111111557114.111112.511 1.211111111117111 2411111111111111‘11111111111. 1813311111111‘552 4444.

N11 [11‘1'1111'11111111‘1‘s 1111‘1111131111111 1111* I‘1LI8IL‘F 111111111118,

0 FILMHOUSE 11111111111 11111111. 228 21188. B111‘1.\I11i1 8111.11111111 1111111. 81111 11.2111 1 1pm) 111811811111 8111. 11111111 “11111).

\11111111‘1‘s 11211. (1111113 511111. 1111111 1:153 11 81111111118 11211). .‘1111111 L‘VL‘IIIIILI8 1\' 1)11111111‘ BiIIs 122.211.7811 1'11111‘1‘88111118111181118.


Fri 21: Brazil 1 151 3.311 Fire Festival 118)I1.8.511.

Sat22: Thunderbirds 611 '1 3. Fire Festivali 18111. 8.311. Brazil 1 151 l 1. Sun 23: The Emerald Forest 1 151 8311. Mon 24: The Emerald Forest115111. 8311.

Tue 25: Ghostbusters 1 P1 ‘1 1 3.311. The Emerald Forest1 15111. 8.311.

Wed 26: The Emerald Forest1 1513.311. 11. Gerry Anderson Lecture 8.311.

Thurs 27: Ghostbusters 1 P1 ‘1 1 3.311. The Emerald Forest115111.8.311.

Fri 28: Black Narcissus1P1113311. The Purple Rose ofCairo1l’1i111.45.8.45. Sat 29: Ghostbusters 1 P1 1 1 3. The Purple Rose ofCairo1P1114. 15. 11.45.


Sun 30: The Purple Rose of Cairo 1 P1 ‘11 (1.45.845.

Mon 312The Purple Rose of Cairo 1 P1 ‘11 (1.45.845.

Tue 1: Rear Window 1 P1 1 1 3.311. The Purple Rose of Cairo 1P1 1 1 11.45. 8.45. Wed 2: The Purple Rose of Cairo 1 P1 11 2.311.845.1845.

Thurs 3: Paris Texas 1 151 3.311. Turtle Diary 1 P111 11.45. 8.45.


Fri 21: Before Stonewall 1 15111.45. 8.45.

Sat22: Before Stonewall 1 I513. 15. 8.45.

Sun 23: Oskar Fischinger Programme 3 (P1111145. 8.45.

Mon 24: Odds AgainstTomorrow1P111 111111 Raging Bul|1 18111311.

Tue 25: Odds Against Tomorrow 1 P111 and Raging Bull1l8111.311.

Wed 26: Eraserhead 1 1813.11.45. 8.45. Thurs 27: Black Narcissus 1 P1 1 1 11. 15. 8.15.

Fri 28: Black Narcissus 1 P1 ‘1 1 11. 15.


8.15. Sat29: Black Narcissus 1 P111 3.311. (1. 15.18.15

Sun 30:RearWindow1P1i111.8.311 Mon 31: RearWindow1P11111.8,311. Tuei:RearWindow1P1;111.8311. Wed2:WordisDut11515.3118.

Thurs 32ParisTexas1 1515.158

0 ODEON ( "111111 811111. 11112 ".2151. B111 11 1111111. 1’111'1111111'111‘1‘11‘111111.11‘1‘1‘ss. 12.2111).»\I’ 115111111111 L1 .511

113411 5111111411 {1.51111‘\'1‘1‘[11 11181 [11‘1111111111111‘1‘11111111181111. 1.Bambi11'1145.415.11.311835. 811114.15.11.,111.8.55.

2. Commando1 18121511158411. 8111111158411.

3. RockylV1P1‘11 1.45. 11. 8.311. 8111111. 83311,

26 MarchandZAprilzThe Neverending SIDWI 1‘1 111211111111. .‘\11\1‘111\ L1.

0 PLAYHOUSE 1.111111 \‘1'11111. 557 25011. [1)] {2111111 5111111111 (111111IL1.();\I) 111p.

81'1‘ 1,111.18 811111111.

0 ABC(‘1111'11\1111111111111.\11111'1'1111. 1152121141. 12.11111 );\1’ 11. 1711111111 111811111111\1‘111'1111-11111111118

2.45. 8111111811245.

1. CIOCKWISB (1’11) 545. 8.45. 8111 111m 2.45.

.RDCk‘y’ IV 1 1’1 1 ‘1 11. 111. 8.55. 8111 11181)

.Backtothe Future 1 P111535. 8.35. 811t111s11255.

0 ABC 811111'1111‘111111811111.552 15112. 122.5111‘11111111. 111().v\1’ LI.

1. Clockwise1P111 145.445.8311. 2. Young Sherlock Holmes 1 P111 1.45. 445.8411.

3. 0ut0fAfrica1P1‘11 1.45. 7.45. 4.Teenwolf1P1‘111.454.311.855.

5. Spies Like US1I’( 8.45.

From Fri 28: Back To The Future 1 P111 0 CLASSIC GRAND18.1111111111‘11811C1‘t. 2484h2H.L21LI1


2. Weird Science 1 151

From Fri 28:TheBlackCauldron11‘1 0 FRENCH CINE-CLUB ( )1111111181‘11 [11111111 111' 1111‘ 11111111 11181111111‘ 111 81‘11111111111111111111‘ .-\11111111‘1* 1511111111181: 111* (1111\141111‘11118111‘11 11111-111111 s1‘11'1‘11s 1111118 11111151111111 11111111111 iIl1‘\Itl11111 1 1‘1111‘1111111111118111111811 (‘1111111‘11 11111.1111111111111111 '111‘1‘111111111g1.fi4 \111‘1111‘111(‘11‘81‘1‘111 11111111. [)1111'111111111.(111isg1111'1112. Fri 21: La Guerre Est Finie1 181 7.311. O GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12111111: 811111. 5.12 115215. ( "1111‘ 11111 11111'11 511 11111111111111 1111*1 1111111311111.1‘111s1'8 911111. [1)] 1111 111111111‘11111111 11111111 11111211‘1‘. [1.] 51118171111111; \11111111‘1‘8. {1.8118111111‘1111'B411L1.Ii11‘11111gs. {22118111111111 11141111511. .\11 [11118. (1111111 ();\1’ L1.

Fri 21: Death in a French Garden 1 18111, 8.2111.

Sat 22: Some LIKBIIHDIII’11111111I La Cage aux Folle31 151 3. Death in a French Garden 1 18111. 8.311.

Sun 23: Diner1 151111111 The Breakfast Club115111.45.

Mon 24: Taxi Driver1 181 3.311. Diner 1151111111 The Breakfast Club1 15 1 11.45. Tue 25: Lord of the Flies 1 1514.311. The Chosen 1P1 11 111111 Hamsin 1 151 5

Wed 26: Rear Window 1 P1 ‘1 1 111111 Vertigo1P1113.11.311.

Thurs 27: The Emerald Forest115111.