('annd Puppets: Jilllprn Blaek Bn\ Puppet ’1 heatre:String Puppets; 4.3Hpni 1 land_\ \Vtirkx Puppet (itii(iltl\L'PUPPL'IS -

Wed 2 lllfillant l-dinhurgh Puppet ('annd Puppets; Stittpni lllaek Bux Puppet l'heatre:String Puppets: ~l..‘~tlpin 1 land\ \Vur its Puppet (it11(iltl\L‘PUPPCIS

Thurs 3 111.3tlatn l'dinhurgh Puppet (and l’llttlte'l\1:.llllplll llandt' \Vtu'lxx Ptippet ( 'ti:( ilm e Puppets: -l..‘~tlpni lllaek 111w Puppet lilieatre1String Puppets

ONATIUNAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 55h S”: 1. Xian-Sat Want—5pm. Sunjipni

Mad Hatter‘s Tea Party 3." Mai 3.311th liaditinnal lare plux presentatitrn til the pri/es 1min the Mad Hatter's Competition. 1 1111'1L‘\ will gm tin tll\[‘l;t_\ in the ( iallei} until the end til

0 Vet; eaielull} ptit an near a

eandle and hlaelxen 11 in the \lllllle', l'hen put it in \\ ater and it w ill turn \ilxerl

OROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘haniherx Street 225 “5.11 \lnn—Sat Wain-51ml. Sun 3—5pm


Paintyour own Easter Egg liggslra

speeial Ynung Museum \Vnrlxshnp. Blinkingessential. l’ree. .'\ge (S114. Concert - Ship and the Sea lit Mar 11am Free. The Senttish ( harnher ()rehestra and etunpmer l)a\ id lie‘tllinrtl tiller Lt enneert with :1 dil't'erenee whien ineludex some demands U11 the audieneel .-\ge S- 14. 0 THEATRE WORKSHOPM llainiltnn l’lttL‘L‘. 33.; “"4:

Fun Factories - The Twenties .‘wt Mar. 1 .>\pr‘2—3..‘~ttpni “5p. .‘\la.\ Flt. Bunk early. l-‘nr tnung lilappers lun with stings. games it elnthes explnring lidinhurgh :15 it w as in the 211s. .-\ l‘ew willing parents w elennie.

Singalong with Mr Boom l x .‘~ April. lffillpni t\ li\e1_\\ting withl dinhuiethkuwn \li lltmni 1 .\nd\ .\1unini.

O‘THEVILLAGE' SHOPPING STORE St .ltihn's Rnad. (‘nrstnrphine l.tt1\ til ll'L‘L‘ aeti\ ille‘x UVL‘T lllL' l'ittxlel'



Wed 26 .‘\1eetthe(‘lnwn\11am-3pm \VlllL‘ll nut tor the eltm its as the_\ eartw heel and iuggle their wa_\' rnund llie Slitip.

Sat 29 l lain-3pm .’\n nriginal hnrxe—draw n tire-engine (dated lSZJl w ill he on the \ illage litll'L‘L'lllllil. . l l»l—l lli(ietit'ge Street 23534.1(»

Easter Parade Sun $113.3le l'.;t\1el' linnnet eninpetitinn tenure as _\nur

t lax‘ourite hunk ) and deenrated egg

eninpetitinn judged 1w .\1ai\ie the Kitten. l.tilS til pri/e\ in 3 “gm groups.



MUSEUM 1h} (‘annngate Mun-Sat lit—Spin. (‘ltised Sun. 1’ree

Art, Laughterand the BrightEyes ot Childre l)elighttulexhihitinnnt histnrieal ttws.

OCITY ART CENTRE 2 Market St 325 3424 ext MN) Mun-Sat lit—5pm. (‘ltlSL‘tl SUIT. l.lCC1]SL‘kl eale. Thunderbirds are Go! Swine til the nriginal puppets and littKlL‘ls trtint (ierrt .-\nder\tin\ nieinnrahle and innmatix’ewnrldn1lnternatinnal Rexeue. 'l'liunderhirdxandlne ‘ltl. .'\l\t‘\k'L‘ lilttt


( iettt‘ge Street l7ree \hnw illg‘s til \‘idenx etunpiled lrtint the ( ierr_\' Anderson 'l'\' series. The Amazing Adventures 01 Joe 90 'l'hurx I" ".31 1pm ‘llie wnrld‘s mth \peeial \eet‘et agenl‘.

Thunderbirds in OuterSpaceS‘ai 3U “.Stlpin 'l'he lnternatitinal Reseue team dning the right \tutl in \paee.

.FlLMHOUSE SS 1 .tithian Rd 32S ItiSS

.luninr matinee under 15 yrs st 1p.

.-\dult Ll.'l'iel\et\ a\ailahletin da_\ til pert tttil_\.lt‘ttlll 1.3llpni.(inearlt. lllL‘_\ are ttlIL‘ll \tiltl Hill.

Sat 32 3pm. Suspenxet'ul adVenture

H7 Thunderbirds 5 (ill l‘th‘ t l ' i 011 lililTS.

in whieh International Reseue hattle

with the lilaelx Phanttint. Based UH IliL‘lV series.

Ghostbusters t ‘8.-\ lost t i’( ;) ltlSmins Sat I" 111111

.-\nia/ing speeial el t‘eetx ad\'etttttt'e lantasy.

a ( 'let‘lx St (itifi “3.11 3

Bambi l‘Tttllt ll \lar int 3 w eel\\. 1.45.~1.15.(i..‘~ll.S.35 SunJ. 15.1».311. 3.35. Adults L351). ehild {1.511 (ennes exeept l‘ti Sat e\el, 'l'he great Disney elassie ineludex a trul_\ nienitirahle perlnrinanee lrnni l‘huntper the rahhit plus the gripping elitnatie ltu’est lzre \L'tlllk'llk'L'. See The list ( 'nnipetitiun lnr Free Tickets and l-eature.

The Never Ending Story wed in .\ \Vedl.111.311;irit.:\ll\eat\ Ll. Fantasy adVentui e. On \\ed 3 there is LllSti a eartnnn and a li\'e aetiun shtrw.


Cat‘s Whiskers 31 \lar-s1 .-\pr Radin -l Llain A new \peeial w eeldt pmgranintet‘tirehidren under 11.;1 result 01 R4 enntrnller lizn id 1 lateh‘s thL‘iSittll tn haVe ntnie \peeeh hased radin prngranunex lni' _\'tiung people. It will inelude a speeiallt ennunissinned serial. 1)r .le‘l\'_\'l and Mr 1 lnllins. and playw riting enntpetitinns.



Colour in this picture or Bambi and his lriends and win a FREE trip to see the famous Walt Disney cartoon atthe Odeonin Edinburgh.

15 GuestTicketsto the film must be won. plus BAMBI BAGS (which include the soundtrack) and tree subscriptions to THE LISTto the three best entries.

The entries will be displayed in Edinburgh.

Closing date 2 April.

Name .................................

Address .............................. ..

l “The List 21 Mar—3 Apr


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WIT/xi ' ’iNS