0 Wanted tor Mission funds: used postage stamps 1 with margin). eigai'ette eoupons. trading stamps.(‘o-op stamps. tea stamps. lemonade hottles. gil'ts lot hingo pri/es. Mr William Cameron. oh“ ( ‘haneellor Street. 33411414. lloly Mass

ot'l‘ered lior all henelaetors.


0 French Tuition hy natiye speaker. 11 and ( ) grades and eonyersation U42 42S5. 0 Violin 'eello and piano tuition. all grades to l.R.-\M standard. 'l‘heory ehamher musie eoaehing1154 W12.

0 Computer and Maths tuition. all leyels and all ages (noeomputer needed). Reasonahle rates. ( ) or II grades. 334 S1115.


0 Painted Effects on walls. eeilings. liloors. Marhleising. woodgraining. murals ete.211415S2.

0 Van and Driver ayailahle for work. distanee no tiltieet. 1141 583 T2 1‘) eyes. 0 Upholstery ( ‘ane seating and other turnitui'e repairs. We will eolleet. Phone tor thltttell41 (ioS‘1S75.


0 Russian Writerseeks winter sanetuary in Seottish eounti‘yside. Miist he low rent (‘ontaet the ( ilasgow olliiee HI 'l‘he list. .332 3393. 0 Single Room wanted tor quiet male non—smoker and well hehayed eat 1141 3.32 1(i3S.


o Datelink Seotlantl‘y Computer Dating system. In 1‘1S1tr diseoyer l)atelink I-‘i'ee hroehure 1mm 4 Royal

'l‘eri'aee. ( ilasgow _t_t_ 311111



0 Old Clothes hrie—a-hrae tor Bits and l’ieees. Sue Rhyder Shop. 20 Barony Street. Iidinhurgh.

0 Community Circus requires LittltiltlttltsUllittlsleitl instruments and other equipment. (an eolleet. Ring 22‘132S'7.


0 Acting Coach ean aeeept

ptipils toraudition

preparation ete. singly or in groups. 1131 225 IVS".

48 The List 21 Mar 3 Apr

| 0 Italian Lessons (‘ontaet

Iilena 447 23331eyenings). 0 Violin Tuition (‘ontaet .Ian 'arel. o Seiennes ( iardens.


0 English Literature ll (iratle and .-\ 1.eye1. 'I’el 22h 522R alteropm.

0 German Tuition hy esperieneed teaeher £5 per hour. 1e1(ierry 33o 7043.

o Clarinettuition ( iiles

I lamilton. 1(i5 Rose Street. 15112 41S. 225 548 1.


0 Painter & Decorator Free estimates. 11-13% 1(1S3.

o The Astrology Centre 13 (‘hapel Street. Ifdinhurgh. Consultations. 'l‘uition. Books. ( tilts. (‘omputer ('aleulation. Seryiee and Adyiee. For details eontaet (131 (i1t71111t4.

0 Cakes 1 Iome haked tor all oeeasions. 'l'el Sue Finlay. (to—2 2384.

0 Garden Design 'l‘el ('laire .551) IJS‘H.

- Kelpie Carriers Worried ahout Auntie lidna's‘ portrait or l‘ather—in—‘s delieate seulpttire‘.’ Look no lurther. I’hone llamish on

(1(17 329‘).

FEEL GREAT worlds leading natural lierhal nutritional programme l'or sale weight loss (31) day money haek guarantee) lel 1131 (thT /44l



0 Albion improyements lor your home and garden. Woodwork. landseaping

ete. less (‘hi‘istian (1(i2 “HI (122

0 Maxblack reprographies. 'I'rans’lei‘ onto eopyprool' materials from line or

‘eontintious tone originals.

longor short runs at waeky

priees. 557 3251i.

0 Carte Blanche Couture

()i'iginal Designs tor

Julie Shedden447111tttt, Fiona ( iraham 22‘) 5917.

(‘oektail and I‘Ly'ening Wear.

o ZYW Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


OIIVB Oil' iii/lt’()l).\'t’r1't’f. £5

per hottle. £2.75 per 1 3 hottle. 225 1‘115or225 3213. 0 Babysitting (‘hild Adult Pet Minding Seryiee in your own home. (‘alITLC Homeminders 557 2222 weekdays; (>61 41144

Iiyenings and weekends.


0 Datelink Scotland's eomputer dating system. Apply in eont‘idenee. Free hroehure. 4S (ireat King Street. Lidinhtirgh 557 2581» and 4 Royal 'I‘erraee. (ilasgow. 332 3111o.

0 Meet People through Singles Magazine. ()rder trom newsagents. or send £1 to 23 Ahingdon Road. London WS‘ (tAl I.

o Dateline Works! Many thousands at happy couples nationwide are prool 01 our

success. Free details; Dateline Computer Dating. Dept. (351), 25 Abingdon

Road, London WB 6AH,01938



EASTER DISCO In aid otsport tor disahled people in Seotland. ’l'iekets £3. Phone 1131 332 37911 liyenings. 'l‘hursday 27 Mareh Buster Browns Market Street. lidinhut‘gh


0 Volunteers wanted tor (iorgie I)a1rygardening projeet. (‘ontaet Community Workshop. 2114 Dali’y Road. [Edinhurgli 'I‘el 341311772.

0 Volunteers needed hy I’riends ot the Ifarth. 53 (ieorge IV Bridge. ’1‘el225 (Milo.



.-\11ady ertisements must he pre—paid hy l’() (IIL‘LIUL‘ and adyertisers must supply their name and address 1 not torpuhlieation).1111'.1.1S'l' resei'y es the right to rel'use. amend. withdraw or otherwise deal with all adyei‘tisements suhmitted to us at oiii ahsoltite diseretion and without explanation. ;\ll adyet‘tiseinents iiitist eomply with the British Code o1 .-\tlyertising

AI Aeeommodation to let; Courses; For Sale; 1 lolidays l tk 'I‘rayel; Property loi' Sale; 1 Situations \aeant ; Vans is Cars.

25p per word. hold 311p.

82 Aeeommodation Wanted; .'\lilttttllteelllellIS. .lohs Wanted; lotier lleartsLMeetings; l'uition; Volunteer Work.

211 per word. hold 25p. Box Ntiiiihers1£3.511.

I’i‘aetiee and not eoiiti'ay ene any regulationsoi'proyision olthel aw l'ortlit tiiiie heing. .\ll lonely lieai ts adyeitiseiiieiitssliould he aeeompaiiied in a stamped

addressed eiiy elt ipe.


1emeol:£4.1111 4emeolz£141111 hem eol: £211.11'11 Sem eo1:£25.1111

Series diseoiint 111W


lineage Semi—ltisplay: 12 noon Friday preeetliiig puhlieation date Noeopy taken hy phone.


()nly w ritteiieaneellaiions aeeepted hy 12 noon l-ritlay

lelephone iiuinhei s are not aeeepted in this eoluniii and Box \iimhei‘s must not he used loi'sendingoriginal doeuiiients. goods or payments o1 any kind. nor lortlie disti'ihutionol eireulai‘s. No liahility is aeeepted lot the loi'w'arding til replies.


Rates ineliide \'.t\ l.

preeeding puhlieation date

I?) \,‘i\(‘m

Please print your ad helow iii B1 (1( ’l\ ( [\l’l l'.'\l S with one word iii eaeli hox. leleplioiie numhei's eotiiit as a single word. IVNIH‘RIINI". any words you want in B()l.l). Send with l’ostal ( )rdei' oi' ( 'hetiiie 1 pay ahle to 1’1 11' 1.1S'l‘ 111)) please write yoiii name and address on the haek ~ (ilassil'ied.-\d1)ept.. 1111' 1 ISI 1 1'1). 14 High Street. l‘dinhurgh 15111 111'. 1131 55S 11‘12.


l’ll().\'li 'om ini-s



\()_()1-ISSI'I'S 1‘11‘Kll‘l-11).‘y

l)lSS.»\'I'lSl’lIil)‘.’ 11151.1) MIi~ I need men women. lull part time HELP YOURSELF r outstandinghusiness opportunity in health and nutritional tiield HELP ~ to lose weight and feel great 'l'e111311t1t7 7441

'l‘()l'.-\l.t'()Sl‘ .\'11.W.-\\ll'l)

It'tiroiitiee tise only:

All ady ertisements must he pre—paid

Classified deadline for issue 13 is Friday 11 April. 1986.