‘l mtixt xa_\ . l like the axxneiatinn hetween lilm antl xmnketl xalmnn.‘ l’layu right and nnx elixt \liehael l5i'a.\n piekx tip the tixh kmte at a (tin kit/Xe pi‘exx ltineh. .ippai'enth nnne the \xni'xe tni~ hix tiixt litl';t\ min the eelltilnitl itinele. I (i/(H'A H‘IH‘ \taix .lnhti ( ileexe ax a ptinetilintix heatlmaxtei'. Stimpxnn. \Vlttl lllttl\ the giltlx tll enineitlenee agaian him at \xhat xhniiltl he the ernwnine nt hix eai'eei' ehaii‘in}; a lleatlmaxteik('nnteienee \VlizitLW et‘ lie tlt‘e\. lie\ tIt‘lllL' tn he late. l5i'a_\ n himxelt ix a lateenmet‘ tn lilm htit xn lat' heine a xei'eenpla_\ \Vt‘llel' antl making a lilm lli:\ pin\ etl ‘alarmineh eaij \Vhile nthei i'eeent Bi‘itixh lilmx xeem in he all .ihniit hat'tl htixinexx tleeixinnx. l'i'a_\ n hlithel_\ tlexei‘ihex the l‘ltte‘e‘xxttl lilm making ax ‘illtixinnine‘ ltlxe\\ here he hax talketl ahniit ll making ‘a niee tla} ntit' hit a \VlllL‘l' nt xtaee plaix. (v/(lt'klt[>\t’\\Ll\LllliCelL'tl lt\ (‘ht'ixtnphei' Mni‘ahtin. .ieeiaiiiietl in theatre and annthet‘ li'ientlnt l‘l;l\ n. nntahl_\ xennpinu a\\.iitlx tlii‘eetine l5i'a_\'n‘x(‘hekhnx atlaptatinn ll it'll" [In/lei at the Natinnal llieatie. het’nt‘e gnine nn tn enaliieet antl prntltiee Hie/en e/ in flat n m It. Mni‘ahan xeex ( 'i'nt‘k iwt' ax e\ itlenee that "nnt nnl\ at'e xmall llllt‘.\ heatitiltil. htit it ix pet‘teeth pnxxihle tn make a lllL‘tlltllll xi/e llllll \& hieh ix exti‘emeh happy antl ei'eatzx e antl linaneetl nnt hx tele\ ixinn. htit h_\ a maint' lilm eninpam t l’hnt'n I‘ ,‘\ll if ‘\\'hate\ei' happenx llt m . it hax heen a eieat pleaxtii‘e .ititl hax enne \ei'_\ xti'aieht -lni'\\ .ii'tllt‘. xaix Main. l le xeex thix ax ‘ltieki' t'atliei than inex itahle. ax intleetl lie xeex Stimpxnn‘x late in ( ll wk ii iii ax heme llttltlL‘lx_\ the tinieetl; nl a man \xhn makex nne \\ l'tltt}; hunting. 1 atenexx ix \ntttethiti}; l‘it'a_\ It ktiimx a lnl ahntit. l le hax hail mni'e pi'nhlemx than hix tlii'e ‘tnt' \x hn atlmifx tn heine ‘li\ e mintitex late tni' \ei'} impni tant neeaxinnx.~ '\ll\\\L'l‘lll}; the attextinn '\\'hal elxe ixt lite/t H {\t' ahntit ." l'l';l_\ll i'epliex 'lt ix ahniit l‘e‘llt! late antl then heine latei antl then heine latet tel. liliat latenexx ll‘.i\ 'xtixtainetl‘ hix nu n lite. he intlieatex xhntiltl mean it‘x a hi}; enniieh theme in hnltl a lilm. lleatllinex prt ~\ itletl the innit}; l-i‘ax n w ith xe\ ei'e ehzilleneex htit nnu he‘x ‘tixtiall_\ ( )lx” ahntit heine nn time. althntieh ‘nnl_\ at the e\penxe nl enni'mntix aii\iet_\ _‘

'l'he ( ‘leexe eharaetet' nl eniii‘xe pat x



Stephanie Billen hax a lix‘hy luneh with Miehael l‘i'ayn. the pla_\‘\\'i‘ight. \t'hn t‘ii‘x‘t lilm. (‘lnekwix'ex .x'tai‘i‘inglnhn (‘leexenpenxnn Mai‘eh 31.

a mtieh liiehei' pi'iee than that, ‘lt ix painltil hem}; l'aie lni almnxt iiii\tliiii~.1.htit p.ii'tieiilai'l_\ lni xniiielhini: nn \xhieh minke piiinetl a lnt nt linpex' l’tzilh inxpitetl hi. .i xiieeexxltil xniitl1eaxt l tllltlttll heatlniaxtei‘xxhnhaxxtampetlntit htilh in: h\ . .imnni'xt nthei lliiii::x. min-tinehixplatei‘niintl\xith hinnetilai'x. Stimpxnn ix pt‘ett\ miieh a xtieeexx, ‘l le tiinx hix xehnnl tn the xplit xeenntl ai‘tlnii hix « i\\ ll lei mx. it l\ a Litttttl xelinn.. l ll\ eaieei. llil\ ath aneetl tn the pi tlltl nl l‘elttt‘ lll\ itetl tnehaii' the l le.itlniaxtei”x t'nnlei'enee.xnit‘xpat'tieiilaih gallint: that he tailx iii thix. expeeialh. ax it !\ the \ ei'_\ thing he ix enntl at \\ hieh ix letting him tln\\ n,' ln « tltl'e‘l tn .iitn e at the ( 'nnletenee. Stimpxnnenmmitxallxnitxnl ei'imex lttl'\\lllell he l\tltll_\ ptinixhetl. l taxn tlelentlx the entline nl the lilm. tinennxeintixh xtieitextini' paiallelx hemeen the plight nl Stimpxnn antl that nl the \x i‘itei‘ eleai in: the tleekx at the elttl nl hix plat: ~l le‘xenl tn eel nll that xtaee antl he tlnex xtieeeetl in xnmc kintl nt eta/i \\.l‘. . Ln e\ti'ieatinehimxell \xithxnme tlie'tiity l xee it ax a entla lnllial. that he hax tn laee the ennxetitieneex. l'l';t_\ n \\ i‘itex lneiealh and Il ix xtt'tiettit'euhiehhaxenen hinixnme nt hix \\ttl'\l ei‘e.:ti\ e xtitieelex. \nixex (W. the .m ill'tl'W innini'. \Vext

Cleese and unwilling accomplices in 'Clockwlse'.

'Tliin. bespectacled Frayn'.

l'llkl antl lfii'nathxai hit. a paxtiehe nl the l‘ nelixh xe\ fai'ee. \\.l\ 'like hi‘eakinuxtnne. liexa_\x.

l hen thei‘e ix the tlilemma nt him in heuin. \\ ith hix xeeniitl itn\el. l/ie Kiln/(m litter/ireiel' t /‘)Ntl he xa\x he \ktttle the lll’\l ll|,llllll\\tit‘tlx t\\el\e timex ‘itixt ll_\lll_t{ tn lintl ntit lltl\\ in get xtai‘tetl.‘ ( )thei' timex nn\ elx antl plaix ha\ e enme eaxil_\ (tine/t nne

\\ ax nne nt then: ) anti pai'ttj, heeatixe nl that. la\ntii'itex .-l//>/ti1/ti'/it‘ii/()rit’erantl the lin\ el ex ei'_\ intiinalixt hax i‘eatl htit ean‘t t‘eeall lllL‘ llllL‘tli. litlti1/'t/\ !}1('/'./lt/ltll I/ie .llnrmrte.

l’i'ai n‘x l'ii‘xt lilm t he hax \Vl'lllt‘ll tinlilmetl xei'eenplai x in the paxt ) hax nh\ intixl_\ en en t'ixe tn enmpat‘ixnnx \\ ith pla_\\\ tight :\lan Bennett. \\ hnxe cl Hittite l'imi tin/i pi‘n\ etl a l(l\\ l‘tltlL‘L‘l hn\'-nlliee xtieeexx lll llll\

ate nnu xnitte nl hix pla_\x li’e/ie/iitim-x aiitl

eniinti't antl ahinatl. ‘lt ix nne nl the mnxt hi'illiant itleax l‘\ e e\ ei‘ xeen the entiple \\ hnxe pie ix hnth

ilexti‘nt in}; their li\ ex and their nne hnpe nl making theii‘ li\ ex‘. xatx l‘t'ai'n. \\ hn enneeixetl ( lite/nine and then \x ax eheei'etl nn ht xeeine .‘l l’t'ii'iite l‘llHt'lltI/l, ‘Seeing a tinntl lilm makex _\.ttlll' nptimixm enme haek . .. _\nti think it‘x pnxxihle altei‘all antl _\nti lnne tneet haek tn the t_\pe\\i'itei'.‘

l le xeemx xiii'pi‘ixetl at hixnu n nieenexx tilttl lllitl the \tlL‘L‘e‘\\ ill nthei'x xhntiltl he eneniit'aeine. tint ilepi‘exxine. lt‘x itixt ax \tell; he li\ex nppnxite .-\lan Bennett. 1 he} ha\ e

heen li‘ientlx xinee hix tun \eai'x nl \atinnal Sen iee at ( amhi‘itlue l‘nnet‘xin nnaRiixxian i lllle‘l‘t‘l'e‘lel"\ t‘ttlll'\e‘. \VL‘ tl\etl lit tltt plat x tngethei' iii the tlai x u hen \x e \Vet'e hnth \\ i‘itei‘x .intl pei‘lnt'mei'x.

l nnkine haek nn it. m\ xtiill \\ ax t'athei‘ tei‘i'ihle. htit hix \\ ax i'athei ltlltll\ \ei‘xinn nt hix xanetimnmntix li’einzii/ t/ie I'rmeeelet'e} man a minni ilean in a pi‘nx metal eathetli al. takin}; ai'mi pai‘atlef

he tixetl tn tln an eai'h

()l theii‘ t‘elatinnxhip tntlat he xa_\x '\\eie xliehth eatitiniix .ihntit eaeh nthei‘. l he atmnxphei‘e that tle\elnpetl nn the Rtixxian eniii'xe. \xax xn i'iithlexxh mnekine . . . l xiippnxe \\ e xlill leel xn aii\intl\ tint tn appeai'pi'etentiniixineaelinthei‘x e_\ex. that \\ e xeai‘eelx tlaie npen niii' mntithx.‘

l’t‘etentintix he ix tint. htit \\ hat \\ ith hixtentlenet tn ii‘anxlatet'liekhnx antl tiiake tele\ixiniitlnetimentai'iex nn ( ltl‘a. the llllll. hexpeetaeletl l’i'afin. ix nlten lahelletl aeatlemit” ni 'tlnnnixh‘. ‘l teel tlattei'etl. htit xatllil tlnn‘t think it‘xatlexetiptinn lean i'eall_\ axpii‘e tn. l eniiltl tie\ ei' ha\ e xiii'\ l\L'tl in the aeatlemie \tni ltl. \nti ean't make thinex tip antl l hint that eaxiei‘ than lia\ in: in iexeareh thinex.~

ll he‘x nnt litetall_\ ‘aeatleiiiit’. l5i‘a_\n ne\ eithelexx appeai'x tn exehewthepiaetieal leaxineaetine antl tilm~making tn ntheix, l le hax a tlim i‘eenlleetinn nl aetin}; in hix aiiii_\ _\e.'ll'x. l le i‘eeallx a Rtixxian prntltietinn nl the hix/minr ( {elit'm/ in \\ hieh hix eenti'al pinhlem t xhatlex nl Stimpxnn)\xaxeettinenll the \la};e alter a et'tieial tlnni‘ ent xtiiek. l Pttlle‘k litt' ( i/rtt‘AltlH'Wih lH fill thi'ntieh the xet'ipt line h_\ line \\ ith the pi‘ntliieei'. tlLi'eetni'antllnhn (ileexe illlLl tit t‘eheai'xe a ll“. l‘elitle lilmine. ‘( )nee thei '\ e xtai fetl lilmine. the \\ i'itei ix itixt a xpeetatni atitl that‘x nattii‘al. lt ix an entei'taininepi‘neexxtnxeeantlnl L‘HlllNL‘lllettlliltlettllttllt'QllL‘l'lltLih \ei'\ enntl. htit l think ll l xtai‘tetl ehanein}; linex. e\ etyme \Ktttlltl he itinxt intlienant.‘ .\ntl in the theatie'.’ ‘Ynti en in i‘eheai'xal \\ hen illt‘l'e“\ a the tlii‘eetni'x l'\ e \knt‘ketl \\ itll lelttl tn he \el'x Lfttntl at

new ltll It) \e‘e ..

\tni'kinennxei'iptx_expeeialh. \liehael l‘llakettint‘e me tn tln a lnt nl l'L‘-\\ l itine.‘

\liehael l l;t\lt ixetii'tenth \xiitine a new xei'eenplin . \\ hieh. linm

xnmenne \\ hnennxitleix liimxelt


‘tipheat‘ antl l’iennett 'hle.i.x.ei '. ix 'haxieall_\ xei'intix. htit \\ Ill! lntxnt l'iinm thinex in it'. \lni'e than that. lie pnltlel}. tleelitiex tn xa\.

(int-lee ix n\et'. l he tlal'k xtllletl intelleettial \\ ith the xenxe nl htimntit‘. pi‘eparex tn elitle nll the ennxei'xatinnal xtaee. l ime ix getting nn and the \Ulltl pi'neexxni ix ptii'i'ini: (int A H /\t' H i// he i went/i: H it/ei'i Minute/ii )l([ the (ii/mew in twill lit/in/ilt/e/i I‘t'einrix Hunt 3/ Him /1. .St'el't/m/ixii. /'/ii'nrieiriiti' \t‘l't't‘ll/l/ifl. .( /l't Altl\t"{\ it".i1//it'/;’llt' m [taper/wt A t lfi'i/iiie/i 1/ 75/

.lltirii/i./itrt {\ heel/ix it in :1. w'i " lite/irnertmmim n/i /\)t1t/lt"1l‘ilw't/MH 'l/ie/me/ l'l't1\ /i\ i‘n/imi/ix lni' /lit' (Hum/11m (I’lt/ Hie ( )hxt'ri er in w: {fie i'itl'i'i‘n/lx, n/i_‘-J.lli1/'t/i. /_‘._7fi/im.

'Ihe List 21 Mar a 3 Apr 5