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Monday 25th Aug 8.00pm

Stravmsky 8. Tchalkovsky pefiééfl’fiééléfim, JOHANNESBURG

. I tut"; Wednesday 27th Aug 8.00pm In the bltterly funny [:fégtgggsis by BZLah°°B§é'lfévZ’n?‘ol?0p.n Aggg‘tUAg Mart—l ' “’0 WEL'CH 8'80 30 Aug: 2300'" / :::::':.::.l::::::_az;all:r'l:'lll;:;lit: DAV”) THRELFALL TH EATR E DE LA moan HOUSED 9: C‘~ONG“E Huntlx In lhllm Tl-Jm II :\ the tltx ~

2:333?“l::::::'::.t'i.‘;.:;::.',:::;t:': JEAN MARSH SA LAMAN DR E

3‘ D€L€;E”°“s‘ Izaulmlml. \Ilwl mum mm: and the In the hllarl0us French farce

st tum S 5‘

{mitcn \hnq‘ “$1313 and who n-Llllng

" .‘t",fffti'tg‘t'i'ht : 3.; ' /\ N u. Flpidfitdnhuli ml Hm, Oxford Playhouse Company In R

II:.,.;t~:~‘,.-H.,:z PALACE Tl'|('["ll::.:xLgiigigs 343-3 funnlest. mOSt OFIg'nal new Show m , for years" L'Humanlté u: 26. 27 AU" 730m Monday to Saturday. 10 am-5 pm. (June to Sept: 10 am-6 pml Assembly Ha” g p During the Edinburgh Festival. Sundays 2 pm-5 pm. 21-23. 25-30 Aug? 7.30pm City of Edinburh District Council. Department of Recreation. V R

presented by the


Portobello Town Hall

22. 23. 25-30 Aug 730 pm Leith Theatre also 23. 30Aug 2.30pm 26-29 Aug. 7 30pm

also 30 Aug: 2.30pm BERGMAN ALSO A h pl h , E Directs the Royal Dramatic Theatre of Sun-dayZZitth :t 88503:;de Stockholm In Monday 25th at 3 00pm

' I ErICh von Strohelm's classlc Silent tllm EXHIBITION & SALE G R E E D

of also 30 Aug: 230pm With new score by Carl Dayls Fun for a” the Famfly Mm the The National Youth MUSIC Theatre In


Playhouse Theatre 22Ge203rg35835a/{e Thsegtore ° - 26 30 Aug'7 30pm also 28.30 - - Ug pm 40 PIlrIg Street, Edlnburgh Aug 3 00pm and speCIal Chlldrerl‘s also 24 Aug 2 000m and

SUNDAY 10th AUG _ performance 30 Aug" 11.00am 30 Aug 10 30am SATURDAY 30th AUG * °

For details COMJCU Pilrig Park, Pilrig Street/Balfour Street. An amazing 500 seat Leith Walk. Edinburgh. silver DOME housin a Rufus Reade 031 5541078 Full programme and tickets from Festival unique range of 9 Box Office 21 Market Street. Edinburgh popular entertainment 9.00am—600pm Monday to Saturday. throughout the 10.00am-5009m on Sundays Festival. 1% GAS

'. 6 Mon 53“

9 ) Ttt'kCICefme- I U (I y I (In ' Ill); F ‘l( I ‘( ,’II) (“SI/W” //)f L (NP 0/: Sdl “)0, M t). 0 ‘, (“Nth ( tot t “M,” tuna.“


.-__ ---._J The List 22 Aug 4 Sept 57