0 Saturday Review (88(2) Including a feature on Edinburgh‘s 'l‘raverse production. ‘l-osing \’enice'.


0 Christmas Present ((4) 8.15—9.4(lpm Well received when it was shown first last (‘hristmas this is an updating of the (‘hristmas (‘arol 'I’heme. Starring Peter (‘hesolm and Bill Fraser.


0 Soap Aid ((‘4) sari—(mm All your favourite soap stars get together to help raise money for the Band Aid appeal. A recording of the event which took place in .July. (SOAP? Save Our African People. of course.)


o The Tube: Infected ((‘4;

1050—] 1.40pm What they call a ‘video album‘ bringing together all the show's videos to date.

mm- 0 Sir Harry—A Celebration (BBC‘I) 10.35—1 1.15pm. A little pre-(‘hristmas barn. The usual curtain call ofshowbiz ‘friends‘ to celebrate at London's (irosvenor Hotel that the goon is still going strong. 0 Mud and Gutsl(‘4) 7.3ti—s.3tipitt An unlikely David and (ioliath confrontation when the Musselburgb Magnums take on the Hunley \V‘olverinesof Dittsburgh. L'SA. This documentary shows the .‘ylusselburgh team of American football players at home as they battle to establish the LS game as leading lights ofthe British American Football Leagues lilite division. and then follows them through their perilous encounter with the American Dream.

i . v

0 Day to Hememhertmi

9.45” llHSpm first in a series of comedy plays made by 'l'\'S in partnership with the West find Theatre of Comedy. This starts (ieorge (‘ole as a man who has lost his memory and needs a ('hristmas miracle to get it back. Written bv Jack Rosenthal. it ought to be very funny. '


o Brookside ((4) s—s.3t)pttt A little (‘hristmas cheer in the easily gloorniest of'lV soaps Sheila comes to terms with her rape.


Harry Langdon, genius of the silent screen. See Christmas Eve.

0 The Golden Oldie Christmas Show (BBCI ) lime to take the cotton wool snow offthe tree and shove it in your ears as the execrable Dave Lee 'l'ravis plays a selection of ( ‘hristmas hit songs —- and these didn‘t even raise money for charity.

0 The Oldest Goose in the Business (BBCZ) ‘).3(L-1(l.3llpm. This play started as a radio play based on the author’s real life experience of. when new to show business. being sent to find a Mother ( ioose (‘ostume. In Jimmy .lewel the newcomer finds not just an owner of a goose skin but an old pro who begins the lads initiation into the world ofshowbiz. Produced by Norman Mc(‘andlish for BBC Scotland.

W- 0 Comedians Do It On Stage ((4)

l 1.15pm-124llam In aid ofcancer research and organised by Rob Buckman with a titter of funny people including French and Saunders. Victoria \Vood. Mel Smith and (iriff Rhys Jones. Jerry Jones. Michael Palin. etc.

o Herrag. The Herring Gull (1313(2) 8—9pm. Father and son film makers. John and Simon King present this dramatic viewof the life of a Herring (iull.

0 In Sickness and in Health ( 1313(1) 9.30— lllpm. The perfect antidote to Christmas. sortie seasonal bile from All (iarnett who proves to be a

disastrous Father Christmas in a local store.


o The Gentle Giant (Scottish)

3.45—4. 15pm When a five year-old boy fell into the gorilla pit at Jersy Zoo it was Jambo. a huge male Silverback lowland gorilla. that came to his rescue. Amazing true story captured on film which at the time made the world headlines.

o Season's Greetings ( BBt‘Z) ‘)—l().5()pm. Geoffrey Palmer and Nicky Henson are two ofthe players in this Ayckbourn comedy and near domestic tragedy.

0 Service of Communion (Scottish)

1 l.45pm—12.3(lam Joint service from St (‘uthbert‘s and St John‘s in Edinburgh.

0 Dame Peggy (C4) 9—10.45pm Michael Billington. theatre critic of the Guardian. wrote and presents this tribute to the actress whose appearance in TIM’JUH'C/(Hltl 'I‘lte ('rown and Passage to India brought her new acclaim. The film is both an assessment of a long career which has included landmark stage roles such as her 1935 Juliet to ()livier's Romeo and a rare interview with Dame Peggy Ashcroft herself.

o The Strong Man ((‘4) 3.3(l—5pm Thames'I’elevision‘s Hollywood series has proved to be the starting point for an ambitious programme of restoration work on some of Hollywood‘s greatest neglected silent films. The Strong .llan stars Harry Langdon forgotten genius of

silent comedy as a tough soldier in the first world war who teams tip with a (ierman muscle man in a vaudeville act that takes them to the L'S after the war. 'l'here l.angdon comes to the aid of his romantic pen pal's father whose church has been converted into a beer hall. l.ovingly restored to its original amber tint the new print has a new accompanying score by(‘arl Davies.

0 Woganllilfl‘ll lll ltlJSpm. l.arry llagman and Linda (iray are 'l‘erry’s special guests and with all the complications ol the Dallas plot at the moment they ought to have a lot to talk about.


o Hallaig ((4)0.30- ijnpm. (‘hannel 4 catches up with Scots genius with words. Sorley Maclean. with this documentary made by 'l'he Island I louse lt'ilm \‘l'ot'ksbop.

o The Importance of Being Earnest ((4) ‘)--l l . lllpm You‘re a stronger person than I if you can stomach \N'ildean wit on ('hristmas night after all that pudding. nuts and port. 'l'his is a televised version of the Michael Attenborough directed stage production which reopened the Watford Palace 'l'heatre in 1981, \Vendy l liller has the tliflictilt task of finding a post—livans interpretation of the ‘handbag‘ line.

0 Eric Clapton and Friends t ( ‘4)

l lpm— 12. Want A lube special with the master guitarist and Phil ("ollins on drums. Nathan liast on bass and (ireg Philliganes on keyboards.

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'lfhe List 1: Dec HJan 19