Heartburn (15) (Mike Nichols. US. 1986) Meryl Streep. JackNicholson. JeffDaniels. Stockard Channing. 110 mins. When Nora Ephron divorced famedWatergatejournalistCarl Bernstein shedidn'tjust rungrievingto the nearestshrinkbutchosethe more lucrativetherapy ofwriting a bestselling bookthatairedalltheir dirty linen. Now. Hollywood has filmed Heartburn withJackNicholson following in Dustin Hoffman's footsteps and Meryl Streep. who appeared in Ephron s Silkwood script. as the wronged party. One suspects that it is a lartrom impartial accountoftheir liaisonbutitisstillverypleasurable viewing.

Understandablywaryoflegal recriminations. Heartburn fictionalises events and bills itselfasa ‘modern portraitol marriage. We are told that 500/ooffirstmarriagesand4UO/o of secondmarriages end indivorce. However. when New York cookery writerRachel Samstatand Washington columnistMark Forman meetandlall in lovetheydecidethatthey are strong enoughto buckthetrend. Theymarry. renovate a dream house in Georgetown. have a baby and are blissfully contentwiththeir happy-ever-afterlile together. Then. when Rachel is seven months pregnant with their second child she discovers that Mark has been having an affair withanotherwoman. The idyll is over.

tIearIt . (I he \ lII;l_L‘e \katehes then i'tiani li'tiiii \ ilIaee tti \ illaee. litiiii lete tti lete a ei‘titestitte pair. I'iiiaIIjt.hisxtile.\shtihasieiiiained silent ltir_\eai's. tears that his atleetitin ltii’ \Iai'ea \\ i]! win Illlll. Sihjlet‘UlI\IlhtlIH Hie pttlee‘witu etiiiie and arrest him as the tinpei‘ttii'lieddatiehtei‘Ititikstin. (iIasgtixx : ( iei'iiian ( 'iiie—t 'ItiI‘ OJUdeXtI’tilt(ietireesI-raiiitt. I-ianee. I‘ltifil‘).< iiiiiis .-\lleetitinate remake til Ititiis I-etiillade‘seailt I-i'eiieh silent thriller serials. I he etiiiiiesti'ipeeni'e\xiihetitidie stipei‘hei'tix liaddie stiiiei'\il|;tiii l\ mm d etiiiiiiitiiiplate htit the I i'eneh dtithisstii'ttil thineuiihstiiiitteh nitii'e \ istial inspiratitin. ( TItI\‘._‘ti\\. (iI-I 0 King ofComedytt’t‘iitXlaiiiii SCUT\C\C.I‘S. WIHJII{tdieTII)C \irti. .Ieri'_\ I.e\\i.\. Sandra Bernhard Ill‘l iiiins. Aspirin}; etiiiiedian and htipeltil pi‘iiiietinie star I )e \ii'ti \\ lII sttip at iitithiiit: tti elaini his tilteen niiiititestit eeleliiit}.ineltidintt kidnapping aItihiim ('arstin—sule the” \htHkIlU\l_ - V StiperIishtmIii/IiIaeIt etinied\ \\lIIi stiperlati\eI_\ etintrasted \itii'I. I'I'UIII I)e \ii‘ti as the ei'eept Rtipei‘t I’tipixiii and an anestiiiielj. iestiainedI L‘\\l\ asthe('arstin ligtir‘e\xhtiisdelinitelx ntit aiiitised. ( ‘i'iniiiiiiIh tiiidei\ allied tin its initial ielease Iit-IIIII‘III'SIIL f-‘t'l's‘ 0 Labyrintht I Illl‘. I Iell\t‘ll. I Is; i‘l\tii.Ieitiii!ei ( tiiiiitiIIi I ).;i. lt'i \ll:'\'. iidt‘eii

It'Iiiiiiis .. IttdldSt'UlH.:\h\IIh‘(twidtH\'t‘T:Re


_t\\.i\ hei 'i.tli\ Iiitithei Ihe ( it‘I‘Iilt\

12 The List ‘) -- 23 .ILtltUttT}


The basic material of Heartburn is somewhat shop~soiled but what gives it class and distinction is the powerful cast. Carly Simon's fetching music and the spritely satirical touch of director Mike Nichols who remains a master of the acid jibe at a certain smug. bourgeois American world.

There are able supporting performances from the likes of Jeff Daniels and Maureen Stapleton but the dominating central duo of Nicholson and Streep are the ones to watch as they give consumate displays of how charisma and talent can transform rather ordinary roles into unmissable


iiii‘ \IleItasseetittd TiltiLILiItls and makes hei \.\.i\ thititizth I)eiiitiiiIiiixe'siii\steiititisI.iii\iinth ' .litile‘ii..i ixielt

‘. lll\e'llIl\\-‘tlltI I.tlII\ ItlliIII Iiiiti (iI.t\_t‘t‘\‘...\Ii(i(>I.1lI\\ItiliRtidti.

( )detiii, I diiiIiiiiiiii: ( )detiii \tiaihelxde: ( )dettn l Iaiiiihtin. RIaI‘iti

0 The LastBattlet l5llI tie Hesstin. It)tHet‘.I"\3l Plelik‘Itdl\Ld..IC;Hl IitiIiise. I i'it/ \Veppei'. ".3 min» In HieliH\lleIueKHtsismetelk “Itere Hie ptm er il speeeh Il.l\ disappeaied. a stittnexiai'i'itii'eiiiereesttilight the etititItttlht axiaitistaltiein gatieleader \xhti nitiiitiptihses the \satei stippli. IIll'IlI_\ iiiiaeinatne. lai‘ee—sei'een seienee tietitiii diaiiia ti'tiiii the llldeLTI til Nit/mitt IndiiiIitireh;


0 The LastWaltz l’t i l \ln iiii

\_ i"\i Ihe Iiiiitl.


I)i.‘i:ii \.tll\Ii‘lil\t‘ll.\IlltItI\ \\.;'.-i iIHll‘llA I Iei'aieitie’it t‘tieiiigitti t_;ptiiiiii;'thqlaieueil tt‘ll.tl"tiiIII.‘I'i.tlItI.1i\i.lII

I i,;iitistti\ \\ i'iteiIaiidtiii lllt'I).‘. tl\lq.:IIillttlll.tlle'\li‘lllIIlt‘lll IIixhhz'htsai.I.ide.thinh i‘xIeINIIIZI \.ii \It‘lllvillitl‘itittlllt'lilt‘ldI‘IL‘ e'llei‘le'tli I )\ Ian’s ‘I \Ii.ilI He Ix’eigaset‘f I diiiliiiieh; I ihiihtitise

o LastYear in Marienbad I’( ‘i ll \I.tlll I\’e\ll.:ls. I I.lII\\'. I‘M? I )tIphine \.-\.:i;'.(iitii:'tti \II‘eita/Xt htife'I

IIi.-.iii.st_'i‘-. \ l‘Vti \htisttil


Iiiaias', \\t~iii.:iiiiieetsaiiiaii

\tlitiiii.:i. tiiiii.i\iitit hait'tiiite

iieq'i hei Itii.ei (eIeIirtted

eiiieiiiitn feast dtiiie '.i.itI the IllL'Il

dez't it ele:'aiiee and st\ Ie \\ hteh


thespian fireworks. Maternal Meryl suffers mightily. travelling the gamut of euphoria to resentment. as she learns that no one is exempt from the epidemic oladultery and divorce that is rampant among their friends. Nicholson. as the predatory celebrity. is given less to do but still has the wickedest eyebrows in the West and one glorious moment when he breaks into a Broadway melody in salute to the announcement of his impending fatherhood. With company as good as theirs who cares if Heartburn is ultimately rather lightweight and superficial. (Allan Hunter)

has Iieet iiiie the tiadeiiiai'k til its diieettii. .\ iiiiist ltii etiniitiissetiistil theI tiitipeaii .\it \Iti\ie. I diiiIitiiijh I lIlll ( itllItI

0 Legal Eagles t I’( i l t I\an Reitiiian. I‘S. VIN“)I{tdiellI{ethHtI.I)eIH11 \Vineez'. llti iiiins. ( )\ er—pltitted and \tillIL‘\\Ii;lI Iilaiid itiiiiantie etiiiietl\'—thi‘illereiiiIirtiilinedish} assistant I):\ Retlltii'd in a ease til art li'atid. deiiiIitii'gh: I)tiiiiinitiii

- The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum

t \l.ii :‘.ll\‘IIlk‘ \ tin I lt'i'..t .iiid

\ tilkei \ei‘iltiiidtii‘lt. \\ e\t ( iei iii;iii\. I‘V‘i \llz'eiit \\ iiiIdei . \Iai iti

\dtiil \ \t‘llll‘.‘\\t‘lll.tll takes a iiiaii hti'iie sht- iiieets .it a IllltI\ hei


Illtilltlll\ p.iit\.htit tlieiie\t lilt‘lltlli‘J lI.it stiiititiiided .l\ ptihee seaieh ltii .i stispeeted teiitii ist. 5m in die 'lieetiiiies ie\iled .isa teiiti'ist \shtiie lll .idailx se.tiid.il sheet

IIttitlthlIIllItIl\\eeI|t‘lit‘I[‘le\\ 'lieedtiiii‘aiiditsitiiiiittiiis\ietiiiis Piu' I ditiI‘tiiehd ihiihtitise

o ALove Bewitched i l’( il tt‘ai-lm Satira. Spain. I‘).\5l ;\nttiiiiti ( iades. ('i‘tstiana I I(I_\ti\_ I.atira I)eI Stil. Ill? niins. 'I'he third til the Satti'a-.-\iittiniti(iadesdaneeti‘iltie\ isaIesslIatiiIitisant. lesslaiiiiliai'aiid

til .1 \ tiii I ititta seastiii

Iess tiIiVititislt \Ilf'l'lllt! \xtit‘lt that either li’t’titit/ Hit/din: tii'( invite/i. It tIties IIU\\ e\'ei‘ represent a etininiendaIiIestrain til experientatitin as the dtitiatteiiipt tti use their e\pei tise and past triumphs in interest atitiienees in a .ess ptiptilist pieee.

Set in a )4} ps\ shants ttm n tin the Ull'.\I'\lI'I\ til Madrid the liliii has .i eIassieal siiiiphettit in its sttii't til .i

tragic IUVL‘ at‘lair \s'htis‘e reperetissitins extend Iieytind the grave. 'I'he shti\\'-sttipping danees are as dazzling as ever. the phtittigraphy striking and the eaiiierantirk fluid It is tin|_\' really a disapptiiiitiiient Ii_\' the preVititis Iiiin standards that the series has set. Iidinhtii‘eh; (‘aiiieti

o The Mission t i> l l tttilantl .ItiIIL‘. lit. I‘Nil Ix’tilieit l)e \ii'ti. .lereim' Ii'tins. Rat .\Ie.-\n.i|l\. 125 mins. In l.\th ee‘llltlH Stittth .\iiieiie.i a I’apal I’i'elate t \Ie.\:i.ill_\ l tseal'ed in tti \(ilI titit .i tei'i'ittii ial disptite hemeen Spain and I’tii'ttieal. I Its deeisitin is dietated lit the ptihtieal eIiniate in I’tii'tipe and its his harsh ianiilieatitins itii a 1mm e niissitin i'tin lit lestiit piiests t I )e \irtiand Iitiiis aiiitinest theiiil.

.t\t tinee a sttid\ til iiiale liiendship and an e\pltii';ititin til iiian‘s eapaeitt Itii' the ntililest alti‘tiisiii and the iiitist ti‘eaehei‘titissellishness. l/iei/ixxiti/i is llaii lessIt aeted skilltills made and linth titiite alleetine. .-\n tipei'atie liliii tit depth and ltii‘ee. it remains essential \ iexs ine. ( ilasetiw: .-\It( ' Nitiehiehall Street. deinlitireh; .\It(.

0 Mona Lisat I\l t \eil .It‘ItItlIl. t 't\'_ I‘)\lil Huh I Iti\I\lll\. ( ~ath_\ Itstin. \Iiehael ( aine, Ittl iiiins. I he e\eeIIent I Itis‘sins l\ a iiai‘t e e\'—etin ehaieine thititieh seeds Siihti tti resetie a damsel in tIl\IlL'\\.

Iirilhanth aeted I’ii itiin ptietit~ i'e;:lisiii \\ ith a \llllellLi eiiitititinal pttiieh.Stiatheltde; \Iit‘ KlIlllitl'lltie'h. ( )detin .'\\l o The Muppets Take Manhattan t t ') (I‘raiik ( )/. I'S. IVSJ l ( itiest stars ineItide ( iregtirs‘ I Iines. I.i/,a Minnelli and Joan Rivers. W. iiiins. Brisk. aniiaIile. getid-htiiiititii'ed Muppet feature in \\ hieh the ltii'i‘i‘ tines take tin Iii‘tiadxt a_\ and eiiiei'ee tritiiiiphant. Iidinhtti‘eh; I-iliiihtitise o Nightofthe Hunter t l’( i i t t ‘liarlex Iatiehttiii. I '5. 1‘55) Rtihei’t \Iitehtaii. Shellm \Vinters. I.iIIi;in (iish. ll} iiiins. \Iitehtiiiis deranged preaehei' searehes ltir stinie hidden gtiItI. the \L‘L‘t‘el tiI \VItieIt l\ IIL'ikI Ii\‘ txsti ehildi‘eii .\ tIisttirIiiiie liltirrine til \ itileiiee and l_\'rieisiii pei‘\ ades this iiieiiitii‘ahle sliee til ;\iiieriean (itithiewhtise expressitinist iiiiaees Il;t\ e the true titialitt til IlltlIlIlTldle‘. 'I’he atiittisphere is quite ttnitpte. (ilasgtm '. ( iI-‘I 0 Nightmare on Elm Street Part ll: Freddy‘s Revenge t is l I,I.t§i\ slitiltiei. IN. W“ l \Iilih I’aittiii. Isiiii \I\eis. Ix’tilieit I ii_:_'I.:nd \* llllll\ \\e_i’s setitieI tti \\ es( 'i.i\ eii's :fIlt ttlIl\IiI\. \I\Il\Il tit ieiiiaI has Iitieew 'ii.iii I-i'edd‘t . tiiiee iiitiie \\.iIt/iii:' t‘tlI tit .isstii ted teeiiat'eis' Ixid dieaiiis .iiid L‘Ilttl‘l‘llltf theiii tip iiitt i Iit'Ie pieees

I \IlllI‘lllt‘Il. Him,”

0 Nostalgiat I‘ll \l‘itIIt'l t.iiit..~\st\\. It.i|\. I‘Wlil l e: Iilliistt\\I\\. I iIaiitI ItisephstiiiIitiiiii/iaiiatiitiidiiiw \t‘\‘.. IIIt peiitiltiiiiate liliii "i\ 'Ilt'1'le'.iI


\tttII\_ Rtissiaii thietttii \thtidied ieteiiili. thisisaseiiii .iiittiiiiticiai‘hit.iI tleetllllli .i \Itisttiix .ttadeiitit \ htiiiiesitixiiessttii the ii1tithyil ilitf \\IllI\I le'\t'.ileIllll;‘lll I'..tI'.

\tit that the iitllI‘. lll1;‘\"lt 'i : it. ll.tIl.lIl\el\IIlt'IIl!ll:' t

\\lIIl .lII I.llI\i'\\i\‘. '.Ill\ l\.