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True Stories (PG) (David Byrne. US. 1986) David Byrne. John Goodman. Annie McEnroe. 89 mins. The genesis ofTalking Heads kingpin David Byrne's directorial debutcan betraced backto theband's Stop Making Sensetour when he became increasingly fascinated by local tabloids‘ ‘human interest' stories. which he eventually fashioned intoascreenplaywith quirkily kaleidoscopicresults.

Byrne himself is the Narrator. clad in the mostimprobably cowboyhear. our guidetothe mythical smallTexastown ofVirgiI. All human life is here: Louis Fyne (John Goodman). the plumply avuncularbachelorwho offershimself formatrimonythrough TV advertising: The Lazy Woman (Swoozie Kurtz) who hasn‘tleftherbed inyears:a Fellini-esquefashion parade atthe shopping mallzdinnerwitha Respected Civic Leader(Spalding Gray): and. finally. The TalentShow UnderThe Stars. a huge concert of local musicians where Louis eventuallygrasps hisfive minutes of fame.

lfall this sounds ratherdisparate. if notarbitrary. then that‘s because Byrne

is attempting to create a new sort of film format. a non~narrative fiction that uses lots ofstrangelittledetailsto sketchafullerpicture ofatime and place—it'ssimilarto Altman's Nashville inthisrespect: resembling a cinematictranslation oforne'shymn tothe American landscape 'The Big Country' 100 perhaps. Andwithits cross-fertilisation ofelementslrom pop video. notably several Talking Heads numbers seamlessly woven in. itshows Byrne expanding the barriers ofourfilm language, and impressively leadingthewayintoa multi-media future where the boundaries between film. music and video will become increasinglyblurred.

Having said all that, Byrne‘s strategy of much ‘tangential activity' providing the body ofthefilmdoesrequirethe agile viewertopiecetogetherthe jigsawforhim orherself. Some will find ‘True Stories' 3 little too passive. a littletounderwhelmingforits own good. Butforall that. it remains as intelligent. charming. and smile-provoking a piece as the American cinema has produced in a while. (TrevorJohnston)

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