0 Theatre is listed by city first. then by venue. running in alphabetical order. except for touring shows which are listed by the name of the show. Please send details not later than 10 days before publication date. Cabaret is listed separately.

0 ( itit'l‘ttIS Street. 4:"

Hill: SIT“. litw ( )i'ltt‘e \ititt Sat lllam Spm. liar, [1)].

Red Riding HoodandtheWolft'ntit Sat llllan. lpntlS. ll. llllan l: “pm (Slllant: Spin t lttlant. t;l.5ll t_~l.5ll depentlmetin tla_\ anti etines. i’lease eltt'eix \\ tilt theatre. I'ttl' tlte Seetilltl _\e;tl l'ttltltlltfl tlte ( ‘it/” ( 'hristmas Shtiix is \Klllle‘ll h\ _\I_\les Rttdee.

I he resttit is a laseinattne tltialilt-tteredsttiri.etimhinine l;ll‘:l;t\_\ and ps_\ L'Iltlltlfellk'ili anal_\ sis til the latritale'sstthtext. In this\ersitin til tlte tale. Red Riding; l ltitid lintls hersell in tlte lantasi \xtirid tltat where

dreams are made til aettttatntant‘es and let-line's asstttne larger tltatt lite prtiptirtttins. It‘s met inxtih eti lll plaees. httt tremendtinsh llt\ e‘llli\ e and with (iiies I la\ ei‘eals im'tematix e prtidttetitin is .t mi\tttte til ltm and a etititl tilti lashttinetl mtiral tale. Death ofa Salesman l-‘ri lt‘ .latt Sat " l‘eli Tillpttl. L5. Sltttieltls LI . ( );\I’s and Ille'llll‘lt‘he‘tl Ll iit ad\ anee. I‘iree ttl lite tltittl'. lite ('iti/ens' ttpen titeir sltt'ilt}; seastin \\ ith .>\rthttr \iiller's masterpieee ahtittt the empti'liletil \Vili} I.tl[]];1n_;1 trai elline salesman. in he reviewed ne\t lsstle.

0 DRAMA CENTRE llti Ingram Street. HI. 55358”. CabaretNights t'ttttts Spin, ( 'aharet lt'tim Rtitteheast lheatre ( ‘ti \\ hti are alsti mtitmtine a l‘t‘titittetttin tit .lames lselman‘s t/tt’ Hits/tt‘r‘ at I‘dtnl‘tlrelt's lra\ erse in a Ie‘\‘. ti;t_\\~ time.

. littlll Sll'eL‘l. Ilii‘t’ ( )lliee \itin Sat 11 ntitin (ipm. J hats. [D] [l:. l’htine lititiltines. l'ieket ( entre. (‘andleriees \Itin Sat

lttfillattt ti..‘illpitt. 552 5‘ltil.

Aladdin Lllltl Sat T leh l‘ltST. “pm. \Iats 2.15pmtin ill. 1731.31 .lan; T I'el‘. Ll LSTS l Ll LZTSI. (ititte‘S lttt' parties. Stanle_\ Baxter. [‘rtilessitinai tti his lineertips. as \Vitltm lit attitei iii a return til the ptipttlat pantti seen in Izdinhttreh last sear.

0 MITCHELL ( irani ille Street. :21 .‘il‘ltS. litiXtitliee \Itin Sat. ll

ntitin tipm. liar. (ale, [1)] 'l ielsets alsti a\ ailaliie lrtim 'l ieltet (entre. (lmdleriges. 553 5‘ltil. .‘\Itin Sat ill.3ll;tttt ti..‘iltpitt.

The Slab Boys Trilogy I‘ll tt» Sat :4 Jan. “willpm. £3 t L:.5l|t. .‘\ll three plais Lti, Lllll ( )ne 'l'heatre (timpam present the \\ htile til .ltihn

Sat 24 .lan.

Birne's \\ idelj.‘ aeelaimed and \ e r_\ lttnni .S/tt/i li’tti s [rt/tier .-.htittt life in a paint tirm: li/It'.S'/t1/’/),I)_'.\ tl‘ri

lti Sat lat; ( ‘tttliri' .-I Rite ( \ltin

16 The List 9 7- 22 January

l‘l \Vetl ll ) and .Stt/t' lilt't I httrs

3: Sat Ill. 0 ljl Renlield Street. 5.5: lS4ti. Rtn‘ ( )lliee \itin Sat

lllam tSpm. liar.

DICK Whittington i hit] Sat .11 .latt. "Hillpm. \iatsat Z .‘illpm eietjt Sat. {5.15%}.35). H.25t L3 25 t. I\\tt lree seats in eiei'i l\\e'lll_\ lititiltetl. is the l.tird \Iaitir lt‘r tttrnine'.’ .limm\ ltiean'sprtitlttetitintil the i uell—knmx n pantti. the Radtti ( hde lfil ()rehestra prtii‘ides the mttsie. .\ gtitidgallttspanttietimhininetlte etimie talents til :\nd\ (antertin. Rttssell l lttnter. Rtin Dale and .-\nne l)ti\\nie.

O SCOTTISH EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE CENTRE l'tnntesttin. 24S .illllll. l I’asiest \\a_\ tti art it e leiel train lrtim ( ‘entral Statttin t. Christmas Carnival t 'ntil t t .lan tits". ()pen 1.311 lllfillpm dailx. .'\Llllli\SItlll 5t lp. ()ls. sti it's ntit theatre. httt the testtlts til partteipatine in an_\ til the rides etittltl he dramatie. l'he annttal ( ~arnix .tl. ltirttterh at the Keh in l iall. \iitlt sitit Sittt\\'\. rides and hineti.

0 THEATRE ROYAL l itipe Street. 3.11

l33-l. 332 W H Ill l eredit eards t. liti\


tiltiee. \Itin Sat lllamwtipm (ifiltpm tin perle\es). Bar. littllet. [I7]. Cinderella t‘ntit Sat lTIan.

T. 15pm and 2. 15pm Sat mat PCTIUI'ITIQIIIL‘L‘S. £3.5li £15. l’eter I)arre|l‘s prtidttetitin with mttsie h\‘ Rtissini arranged h_\‘ liranwell I 'l‘tiiei . 'l‘ltis spellhinding fairytale is ltilti ill dattee It} Settllisit Ballet. It i.\' a tale til' IUVL‘ anti maeie and dreams etime trtte ill a IttVisIt prtiduetitin l'tir all trees.

0 THIRD EYE CENTRE.i5llSattehiehall Street..‘i.‘il "521.

Cabaret: The Rutkowski Sisters and The Painted WONTSPHT..'\lle\ellillt1 til ('aharet re\til\ in}; rtittnd the etillisittn tit tttts‘ ‘etieittail htittt” mttsie attdS‘lts~ ptip.

0 TRON THEATRE ti} lrtineate. 553 lltifi S. liti\ ( )lliee ltte Sat

\titin Spm; Stttt llfill Spin.

(‘ale Rest. liar ltte l'httrs

\titin llpm; Ill and Sat

\titin midnight: Sttn llfill llpm. Sleeping Beauty 1 intil .s‘tttt t t‘titi. “willpm. .\iats 2pm e'\e'l'_\ lhttrs. 5 and Spin e\'er_\ Sat. 'i ieitets: 3.5 fattests: L4 memhers ( memhers‘ etines L3 ). llittrs tttat etines L325 (alsti

ax ailalile tti ntin—memherst ilte l‘rtin‘s lirst pantti. \‘i'ritten hi (rat: I‘erettstin l aka Bin}; l litlert and I’L‘lL'I'EtlleItli. See I{e'\ ie\\.


0 ADAM HOUSE THEATRE ( ‘hamhers Street.

Five Beckett Plays ltte 13 'l lttas 15 .Ian. T.~l5pttt. .'\ISU \Vetl 14 at


Theatre Royal, Glasgow Now at Playhouse, Edinburgh Fiddleronthe Roofisthefirst production bythelledgling Scottish Singers Company underthe leadership of Bill McCue and. iffirst impressions are anything to go by, their relationship with Scottish audiences looks set to be a long and fruitful one. Choosing such a well known musical as Fiddler has its drawbacks as well as advantages: you start off with some great songs and a gem of a set, but the audience knows it so well you have to work pretty damn hard to create much of an impression. That Scottish Singers performed so admirably, even were itnottheirlirst production. is testimony enough to theirabilities.

Bill McCue has improved his performance ofTevye sincethe acclaimed shows of 1979 and the ever wonderful Una McLean justifies the


faith McCue has placed in her by choosing a primarily comedy actress as co-star. Fiddler is blessed also with a chorus who clearly revel in being involved rather more than they might in othermusicals—performing well in both their roles as scene-shifters and bottle-dancers. Amongstthe other principals, Linda Ormiston is a convincing Matchmaker and Tom Irvine a fine, off-the-wall Rabbi‘s son. The superb set is enhanced by inspired lighting particularly during The Tailor, Motel Kamzoil.

With so many pantomimes around at thistime ofyear, Fiddler on the Roof is awelcome alternative. The programme describes itasthe “great family musical‘. Iwould suggest, however. that it is well worth the baby-sitter‘sfee; why shouldthe kids have allthefun? (Graham Caldwell)

l..‘illpm. £3. £1.5llletinesl. ti lmemherstillil "let. .»\\'aila'file Mandela Centre. Rristti Sttttare.

DI I’I‘l‘asement .shtipand tltitirtin night. lidinhttreh l'nii'ersiti' l‘heatre (itimpany in a Samttel lieekett retrtispeetive tti eelehrate the great play“ right‘s eightteth hirthdai; live til his shtirter plays. \\ rittett at. \‘ttrititts stages thrtittghtittt itis lite. .-lt't Hit/tutti ll’tir't/s‘; li’rt'tttlt; ('ttttts‘trti/i/tt'; lt’titte/z liir Htt'ttrr't’l and lt’titte/tliir Theatre 3.

O BEDLAM THEATRE 2 I‘iUl‘l‘L‘Sl Rtiad. 2:5 W893.

lite Bedlam 'I‘heatre l'e—ttpetts alter (‘hristmastin Zilan with \Iarltiwe‘s [)2' [(110110 .

0 BRUNTON THEATRE .‘\Ittsselhttruh. (itiS 331i). liti\ tiiiiee \Itin Sa'. Illam ts'pm. liar. [1)] Hi]

Robinson Crusoe t'ntil Sat titan. 7..‘illpm. Mats 2.3llpm. LITHHL‘R); £3.51).(‘tinesaistit'tirparties. Rtin

(ittlTlll‘ll l’rtidttetitins hrine their annual pantti tn the thtnttin \\ ith (‘tihttrn himsell pla_\ me the eltildrens laitittrite. liammi Sammy. \Vlltl this time linds ltitnsell eattght tip with Rtihinstin ('rttstie. .\Ian l'iridaj. Hal.


\Itirnineside Rtiatl. 'l'ielt'ets ttsttalh availahle l'rtim ( 'rttilt'shanlt‘s the \eii'sagents. tipp the Theatre.

The MurderofMaria Masters orthe Red Barn \Ved :l Sat 2-1 .Ian. ifillpm. £3.5ll. ()nstage titi is a etintie mttsieal meltidrama hi Brian .l. littrttin ahtittt the l‘lth eentttri murder.

0 KING'S THEATRE 3 in en Street. 22‘? lllll. liti\ tilliee \Itin Sat

lllam Spm. liar. |I)l

Cinderella l 'ntil Sat 2i l‘eh. “pm. .\Iats at 2. 15pm. Lti. l.5.5ll. L5. ( 'tint‘s ltir().-\I’s. Children. I'lillls. I)isahled. l‘lS. hall priee tin stime da_\s'. parties til ten tir mtire Ill“ tIiSetttllll. (‘heelt ltil‘ LIL'ILIIIS. Rikix‘. l‘ttlttin and Walter ( ‘arr lttild the stage as ( ‘inderella‘s ttnetimeh sihlines iit this \ arieti «shtm st} ie ptipttlar pantti \\ itlt the inside sttiti tin htm prinees ehtitise their sptittses. O NETHERBOW ~13 l iieh Street. 55h 957‘). littx tilliee‘ .\Ittlt Sttl

lllam Jtpm. "7 ‘lpm pert eyes.


I'iteatre eltiseti ltir relttrhtshment I{L'*tlllL‘llllllj ill l7ehrttar_\.

0 ODEON FILM CENTRE( 'lerlt Street. ltit—V T331.

Robert Halpern I'\L‘l'\ Sat main.

1 1.45pm. [)titirstipen l lpitt. Lifitl llaipern lll his late-nts'ht hi pntitism sittm.

0 PLAYHOUSE lS 3: ( iteensttie PILIL'L'. SSW”. I5H\ I liltee

\Ititi Sat l'lam tipm. Hat Fiddleron the Roof t ltlll Sat .11 tan T. illpmtfi ill. ii i“. Ill jllant. 2..‘illpitt (S. ill. 15. la. 33. 3.1 lant 1-1.5“. L5 5“. lti5ll. (tines; Li till

I tte litttrs; \lats: I\\t‘ ltit the pi it".- til tine; l’atttes: tine titltet tree lll e\er_\ tett htitteht. Hill .\ie( ties nev- etitnpani . the St‘titttsh Stittzet s. lll asstit'tatttin \\ llit St'titttslt ( )peta. lit the nttteh—lmed mttsteal. star I me [ha \iei .e.ttt .titittusttle \it( tie himselt. See l<e\ le\\

0 ROYAL LYCEUM ( irttitllai. Street. ljitiittii" I$H\Hiilet'\Ittlt Sal lllant tiptn lllam \pnttin pt'tt e\.:s