ART & ExrtteiTtoists Lis'r

Architects as Artists 1 tin! tit i) .Ian. \\ ork in \ arious nietlia ht Seottish aitists. l he RI.\S also hasa \llI‘SIitIlIlaI ai‘ehiteetural haokshop. the with one ol its kiiul in Seotlaiul. O ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Imet‘leith III‘II\L' (Mt-i the \\ intei period t until .-\tu‘i|l ln\ei leith I louse \x ill he open onl_\ o\ ei \seekenils l he three siiiniiiet' e\It'I‘lllittt\JOhn Hope lStheeiitui's unlit-net”aiulenliuhtenetiliuui'e. MargaretStone‘se-saiisiie \KiilylettIttlllS.t'ltIHeatherAngeLS eoloui photographs. \\ I” 'We wiitinuetl\Itirinti thistinie. O ROYALMUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (hainliei's Street. :35 TERI. \lon Sat Illaiti SpittSun.‘ 5pm.

I Iheie .iie lttillt}. interesting talks.

I Ieetuiesaiultilniseui‘i‘entlt’Iteiiiu

heltl at the museum. (See ( )iten \L'L'Ilttll l. ( ontaet the inlet ination «IL‘SIs Ittl tIL'ILtlIS.

0 ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (ha-en Stieet..‘5o S‘C I \Ion Sat lilani 5pm. Sun: 5pm. Seotlantlisantuiuitiesshaieiti'entises \KtlIt the I’oi'tiiit ( iaIIL't_\. OTHESCOTTISH ARTISTS SHOP

7 \Ion Sat

5IIti\\;tltI\lleel.55(iti3} Illain ~litnt Sun: ~Ipiii.

New EdinburghPainterstritilentt «Ian.

0 SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE Hit (‘iIIIKIIIL‘LIILflSSItNIAI‘. \Ion Sat lllani 5._‘~l|piii.

.\ permanent slit in ease tor the ei‘atts ttI SeitIIiitttI.


Street. ‘5”."5._\loii I'ii

Want 5..“ Il‘llt. Sat Waillant lpni.

n It?” IF. l.’// / t 'f' . ,/ 1 11/1;// /,//I I *' xr/ ‘I,’ "I/F' .1 I ",u r t


most galleries are tree.


24 The List I) 22 January

E .. “Hf-fl;

William Daniell 1769—1837:Voyage Round Great Britain 1813—23 Aquatints ll .Iitlt 4 I‘L‘h. \\ illiain Darnell. the most sueeesslul and skiltul aquatintei' ot his tlas . \s as to ha\ e made his tamous ‘\'o_\ age Round (ireat Britain in a Ton in}; hoat. In the e\ eitt ho\\e\et'. it \\ as itot so ntueh a \ o_\ age. more a \\ .tIIxIITL' tour \VllIt hoat e\ei:t'sioits. Its purpose. to \IxL‘IL‘It ;lIILI tIeset’lI‘e lI‘tL' L'ltllt'e eoastline ot Britain. \\as sueeesslul and the tleserigttion runs to eight \olunies. It \s as the \\ttl'I\ oi ten suniniet's li'oni ISIS 3.1.t.ntlei'taken h_\ [)aniell \s ith his friend Riehat‘tl Aston \\ ho \\ role the te\t. lihis exhihition isa i'epieseiitatne \L‘IL‘L‘IIHH HI I I HI lItL' .I‘IIN l‘ILtlL‘S. Nicola Henley Ie\ltIes. anti Simone Lyon ( etantieSeultttui'e. 13 .Ian I I‘L‘I‘.

Robert Henderson Blyth it’llt tit"1.t.‘ .lan ll I-eh. Reti'ostteetn e e\hihition. ( )ils. \\ atei‘eolours. tli'auingsantl ‘.\.’tl'\\ttt'I\\.


I alt. Vietoi'ia ( 'olliei's. Newtongrange. \IttIIttlItlalt. m1 “Slit. 'I'ue I'l'l lllam ~l._‘\ltiuii. Sat Sun \oon Spin.

Prestongrange ( Itetueett t’resronpaiis and \ItlSSL‘II‘llI'L‘IlI I ue I'l'l

IIIitltl 4pm. Sat Sun \ooti 5pm. \‘isitoi'(‘enti'e. I IistotieLoi'nish Begun Tribute and kIISI‘Iil_\\\Iltt\\IIIfJ eoal—ntinin}; through the ages

0 STILLS GALLERY IHS I Iiuh Street. 55" I HII. Itte Sat. ttooit tiptti. The Britons I 'ntil Sat llt‘lan. I)tt\1L‘t'-\l/etIltttI;tI'ttltI\I‘}\L‘ai


. r

out of our way to make art more accessible to Another is the fact that, thanks to subsidies,

And much of the real cost of theatre

Scottish Arts Council


Slax in. \\ oi‘kin}; to a eoniniission to tuke an iltI\L‘ltitlI'UIl\\L'I'IL‘SHILLI'HUI‘ portraits in Britain. SIas iii usetl a huge Instant I and ( antera to elieit


the e\ eitt aiuI ehose suhieets li'oin kICI‘S to dogs. ti'oni nighteluhs to

Remnants otthe Authentic: Contemporary Photographytrom Germany ITIitlt ll I-elt. \Vule range ot teehnuiue aiul e\pei intent ino\\ ii iii the \\ttI'I\HI loui'teen L‘itttIL'ltll‘t‘l'Ltl‘\ ( iei'niait photographers. .TALBOTRICEARTCENTRE()ILI ('olleue. thlVL'l’SlI) ol I‘tiinluii‘uh. oo‘ till I e\t IFHS. \Ioii Sat.

lllain Stun.

Five Artists Retrospective in 31 Ian. .\l;istlaii (it'as asuitist i'athei‘than \si'itei‘shoushisuoi‘k aloiiuuith .lohn ( "onnolls . ( ai‘ole ( iiI‘I‘otts. ;\lastlaii’ I ‘i_\ [or and the late .\Ian I-Ietehei. .\Iso at the Rot) ( iaIIei‘}. I-tlinhuiuh.

0 TORRANCEGALLERYJ’hHuntlas Sti'eetfiflitfiho. \ion Iii

llant opinSat lt'fitlani Iiiin. William Ferguson28ummerSeas and Autumn Fields if. Stun.

0 359 GALLERY .‘t l"( o\\ gatc . 3.35 Fill 1. \Ion Sat noon Sfllpni.

Five Artists Retrospective in Ft .I;tlt See Ialhot Riee \thIL‘ltlltfi I-tlinliui'uh.

. IS I Itt\\ e Sitt‘el, 55S 137i. .\Ion Sat ll'aiii (rsiipin aiul Suns ht appointment.

Fiona Sutherland Ille‘ 1.1 Setilptui'esaiuitlixiuiiius.

.Iaii SI eh.


Anew sectiontorspecial exhibitions held outside Glasgow and Edinburgh which are otparticularinterest. Galleries should contactAlice Bain it they are holding an important exhibition. at leasttwo weeks betore it opens. There will only be roomtorone ortwo exhibitions inthis section each issue.

0 Crawford Centre tor the Arts it} North Street. St i\lttIl'e‘\\\. I’ite (“33-1 "ojol e\t 5W1 .

Identity/Desire Representing the Body ‘I .Ian .S' I‘ieh. .-\ Seottish .-\t‘ts ( 'ouneil exhibition. (‘oiieepts ot identity and gender explored in art. the body in question.

In Between the Lines: Willie Rodger, a retrospective 0 Jam-B Felt. Despite ha\ in}; laiIeiI in his seeoiul sear lino~euttinu eout'se at ( ilasuon .SL‘ItthI HI .\t‘l. \\ tIIlL‘ RHLIL'L't'u ettl on to sueeesslulh use \sootI-eiits aiul Iitio—etits to illustrate hooks. hook eo\ei’s. platingeartlsaiul staitietl ulass. I his inator ieti'ospeetix e L‘\ItlI‘lIlttll looks a'. _‘~ll\e;ii's ol his work. i

0 SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM I )uinhartoii Roatl. Stirling. llfiSh “1‘I l a. \\ etl Sun 3 Spin; Sat lllfillarn Spin.

Norwegian Wood "tan tit-ix Wood has aluas s plat etl an inteuial role in \oi'ueuian Iile. to I‘IIIIKI in. li\e in. \Ieettott antl tlesiun \\ ith. I he e\hihition tells the stoi‘_\ lroni hark bread and the Vikings to saunas and haltitats.



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. AWN” '

.‘fx kW 4'


The Travelling Gallery is just one way we go

l l and concert tickets is paid for before you pay I

for them.

The rest is met by the Scottish Arts CounCil. local authorities and private sponsors. Arts subsidies aren’t just for artists. They/re

for everyone.

e h