Stephen Hendry


\Vith .xtieh xiieeexx ‘itlI'L‘Ltth hehind him. :11 .xe\'enteen. Stephen l lendri' eoiild he well on hix \\'11_\' to heeoniin}; Snookei'x riehext plain ittltl that “th1% heeoinine n iiiillioiinii‘e SL‘VCt‘Hl Ilttk‘x HVL‘I'. lit Llit [lint llL‘iS hound to ho e to iioteh tip :1 lew w inx over Snookei”x etii‘i'ent i'iehext player. the 'ho_\” li‘om Ronitoi‘d. SIL‘VC l);t\le‘x.

l5oi‘ xt;ii'tei'x. Stephen w ill h;i\ e xix eoiixeetiti\‘e niehtx to pot hliiekx zieziinxt Stei'e next w Cle ;ix he undei'tnkex n xpeeigil xet'iex t ll exhihition :iintehex ;it home in Seotlnnd. ()l eoiirxe. Stephen h;ix n

good ehnnee todzi} il'i'id;i_\ ) ot ;1 little : ptcllttlltldt‘} \‘ietoi‘t neninxt Ste\ e ;ix l the .\lei’e;iiitile ( ‘lnxxie i‘e;iehex the SL‘Itll-llIlLtl xtneei \Ve w ei'e diie to .xpeiik' to Stephen ;iltei hix inthei'. loi' him. nerx _\‘ w in «wet l);inn_\' l-‘ow lei‘ when ex erything depended on the 1an hlnek. l'ndei‘xtnnduhh perhnpx.

pi'netiee L‘LtlttL‘ lii'xt Ltlltl w hen w e did xpenk to ltl'tl he lind elinehed liix \L‘Ittl-lllldl plziee with :i ei‘iixhine ll\ e nil win UVL‘I' SilVino l5i';inei.xeo. Stephen dixiiiixxed Li:i_\‘ iden llldl without the l‘\‘ e;iiiiei'.ix the eziiiiex in Seotlniid would he lexxer :il'lLiirx ‘1 think they will he inxt LtS exeitine to pl;i_\' ltlltl \‘ei'y dillei'ent li'oni the l)illlll_\' l-‘owlei‘ ninteh ~ that w 11S ;i ,xei'tipp} nllnii'. 'l'he xtzindni'd ol

xiiookei' ix :Loiiie to he iiiiieli hieliei‘ iii the Ste\ e l);i\ iex totii'. lt’x eoiiie to he \ei‘t e‘itiitpelili\ e itlltl l‘ll he eoine in to w in eieit iiielit, lwoii‘t he x;i_\'ine well tliei‘e :ii'e ;inotliei‘ ll‘. e. ill loxe the lii'xt I‘m not hotliei‘ed.~ Stephen lleiidi'} i‘epiexeiitxexneth the inieetioii ol p.iee lllLtl the eniiie ll'dx {L‘tlllll‘L'Lli :\llllittl_\_1ll l);i\ iex li;ix xhown hiiiixell to he xoiiiew liiit lexx than in\ iiieihle ol l;ite liix ieeoi'dil eonxixteiie} liiix tip to now oVei'xhndow ed _\‘oiin}_'ei‘ pliiiei'x~ proei'exx. \ow thei'e ix the iiioxt inipoi'tnnt ehiilleneei‘ loi'_\e;ii‘x. ‘( )hx'iotixly. I admire l‘iini.‘ x;i_\x Stephen ol l);i\ iex‘ ‘l lek the iiiiii‘ihei' one the (Hit tit lk‘nt Littd lle ix ti‘eiiieiidoiix,‘ llnt l);i\iex ixn‘t going to l'ind hixtonneeoinpetitoi~ o\'ei';iw ed. :ilthoiieh Stephen ix p;ii‘tl}' looking l'oi'w iii‘d to the week heentixe ol w h;it he ix going; to lezii'n. 'lleeziiixe he ix xiieh ;i eient pl;i_\‘ei‘ I'm going to eiiiii ;i lot ol expei'ieiieee‘ Stepheii.wlioxeown l;i\'oiii‘ite pl;i_\ei‘ ix .lllllllt}. \‘x'liite. ix lookiiie loi' iiioi'e thiiii iiixt expei'ieiiee. ‘I think it lpl;i_\ LtS well ;ix 1 t'Lttl pliit lxtiind it great eliiiiiee ol eoiiiinu out on top~ lhe e\liihitioii llldlellL‘S heeiii ;it the ( ii'oxVenoi‘ l lotele ltdinhiii‘elioii l‘).l;iii. ()n Jilin he will he ;it the l5oi'iiiii .-\i'en;i. l .i\ inextoii; on ll km 111 the \oi'itiniiV l lotel. Renli'ew ; on 33 Jan ;it the lideii ( ~t iiii‘t 'lhenti'e. ltiVei‘iiexx; on 23 .liiii iii the BL‘llLllltttlxlittl Spoi‘tx ( ‘enti‘e. (ilnxgow niid on 24 lgiii ;it the Mneniiiii ('eiiti‘e. ll'\1lle. l :ieli night the} will pl;i_\' nine li‘niiiex LtIlLl the llt‘SI ltl‘dlell w ill xtiii't ill ".Ktlpiii.


Nigel l’lzinei'. Rik \lnynll Lind .-\di'i;in lzdiiioiidxoii; l-ilth_\~ Rnlph. Rieliie Rieh Litltl l-ddie ( .Ltlllitp lljdttl pi'el’ei‘. ditehed Hie l} [mu ( Him l‘e‘e‘ittlxe‘ ‘lt gt)! l‘itt‘ltt}; like e\ erythineelxe Illatl

goextttt liii ioolone.‘

\ow tlioxe oi jiittl lo‘, edi iiiped ;iiid lenmed the woi'k ol Nigel. Rik ;ind Adrinn; \eil. Rik :ind \'t'\_\';iii il _\oti wixh. w ill lt;t\ e to iiinke dow ith .xoniethine new. \lnwill L'XPlLtlIlS than

The l'oiuie (Him w ;ix hnxed on {t We

RikMayallwho appears BBCZ'snewseries Filthy Rich and Camap (begins Wed 14Jan)


lie ttlltl lleii l‘lll‘ll liiid known it xtiideiitx iii \lnneliextei‘.

‘\\‘e tlioiielit it might he ;i hit elitixt xo ihe_\ iie\ei went to leettiiex. l'hen it \\;t\ iiixt loiii‘ people li\ in}; in .i lioiixe. lt i'e;ill_\ didn‘t iii.ittei' th;it iliei w ei'e xtiideiitx. hiit w e iii;ide tlieiiixtiideiitxhee;iiixe w edidii‘t \\\ll‘.l to t;ike the pixx oiit ol people wliowei‘eoii tliedole

‘.\iid now tliix new xei'iex ix ;ihotit the woi'ld w e\ e ;ill heeii iiii\iii_~; in loi the p;ixt loiii' _\e;ii'x. l xiippoxe it'x ‘itllittll lllL' \kitt‘ltl itl tele\ l\littl iiiideelehi'itt. l’iii n xiii;ill tiiiie liiix heen t\ ;iii:ioiineei‘. lxldiex iii_\' iiiindei‘ lind l-iltlw R;ilpli ix Itl\' neent, lleii didn‘t \\;t1ll to innke it too in xo itx not eoiiipletel\ ;ihoiit \\ll;tl it‘x like to he on the \Voeiin Show hiit it ix tligiiwoi-ldit‘xxei iii,‘

Rik eontiiiiiex tiiiite xei‘ioiixh . ~'l lie whole thine ixoii l'ex it/im'xm linex l'L‘Llll_\i \Vliieli ix w h_\ we ennie to do it 111 the RIM '. l'hei. Ltl\\;t_\\ eoiiie tip with xiieli hiilli;iiit pi‘oei'.iiiiiiiex like l'ex ,l/lli‘M/i'l'Ltlltl /o the Manor Hum. l‘hey't'e the kind ol pi’oei‘niiiiiiex we i'e;ill_\ ;idniii'e i i . Renll‘. it‘x thnt xt_\lixli kind ol xliow ln liiet \ieel l l;iw thoi'iie w :ix iip loi' nit piii'i hiit lie eotildiit iiiiie :i l;iit emf; i 7

\Heel l’lzinei' :iiid ;\tltl;tll lidinondxoii nodd iii giei'eeiiint. ()hx'ioiixli‘ thex ;ii‘e p;ixt liiiiehine ;it \liiinll‘xdi‘t lihx‘

‘lliit tliix ix dillei'eiit .‘ nddx .-\di‘i;iii. with the look of ll Itldll who hnx olwioiixlt li;id iiieii lollowiiie liiiii i'oiiiid the \tllk'l'lllitl'lxe‘l wnitine lot it hendhiitt oi'ntiieede;ii‘i'ottodel. '\\'e wnnted to set iiwiii li'oni itixt doing logidxol elleetx like Hie lit/me ()HM. lt‘xxoiiiethine new loi';ill ol iix ineliidiiie llenf

Isl/lit /\’1'<'/ii1/iu"( till/tip would tend toheni‘tliixoiit lliei'e Ltl'L‘ no exploxioiixnndnoxiihliiiiinnl ll.ixli li‘;iiiiex. iiixt tlii'ee xlielitli woi'iied tonneiiieiinndiiiioddeol.eetioiiol eiiextx like (\llllC l)litlllttlltl. llni'hni‘n \Viiidxoi . .\lel Sniitli~ iiiid lt \ei'i. lLtttlHlepttPSIdl'lLlellltLlllL' \lielinel oiit ol liiiiixell. getting on with the ei‘tiei;il tiixk ol tiiiiinH ;i lgii‘t ene. Rik


on the w ;i_\' htiek to l'e‘llL'dlSLtlS heeinx telling me Ltl‘tttil ;i xei‘ipt hiixed :ii‘oiind ;i lietioiinl tllll/x’ xlii iw enlled ‘( )h lfi‘Sotindxzi llit Riide litl\;1_\ \ieel l lnw tlioi‘iie w;ix w elloiit ol it. (lithit \lelx’enth),



DUNDEE 39:9 Tiekelolfsr it};

l‘he l.ixt ‘) 33 .l;iiiii;ir_\'1