0 Kid: aims to provide into. about ovum: In and around Edinburgh and Glasgow tor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 day: boioro publication.


Activities and Fun 0 HAGGS CASTLE llllISI .'\IILII'L‘\\\

I)I'I\L'. I’llllllkxlliclllx.-l3"3_35. Saturday Activities 1. lem. l-lL-la \ll I‘lltll'xlllfl. ( l;llllL‘\ llli Illll \\IIIl till lllll~l;l\IllllllL'll illclllc. SatiO:l-.lll\l‘ llll.

Sat17: I)i;l\\lllu ll ill.

0 BURRELLCOLLECTION 3llilll I)LIII\II‘\\IIL1\\I{\IIILI.(l-IHHISI. Curious Curiosl lllll 1>.i.lll..\ UHIII‘L'IIIIHII llli .lII IIlL‘ IllllIlI\ I lwI\ lllll lill lIlL-l'llllxllllux Im\\\ IIL'illlIIIi‘ \ .ll lllll\ lIL‘lll\ lll IIIL‘ llllle-ulll tlIILI ullcxx lIlL‘ Illllllilll ill pllipllw lit lIlg llINlL-L'l. I’l'lXLN Ilill w llilu‘Il ll ll unguitu‘i ;1\ [ill illluuilllllilllli I llIl\ Illilm lilllll IIIL' I‘llL]llll'_\ I)k'\l\

0 SECC I illlllL-xlllll. 315 it it ill Carnival I'lliil I I .I.tll, I)tliI\

INT Ill.3~i|plli.~lllp;il iIu-lilmi IIIL' illllllltll ( ‘llilm ;;I lllilllu'li ;ll lIu- Ix'uh ill I IllII \\ ilIl \ulc \Ilil\\\. iulcx LIIILII‘IIIL'U.

Dance 0 THEATRE ROYAL l Illpc Slit-cl. .131

I354 iLIL‘tIII ('glitlxi 553 "I Hill. MA llllicc Nlllll —S;;l Ill (ipllllfi5lll‘lli [TL'l‘legxl

Cinderella I um I“ .l;lll. P 15pm and Sgll lllLiI\3. 15pm. L13. L”. L". L5.5il. L4. L35“. (VIIIILII'L‘II llp Iii Ill litill piiL‘L'. Sclltlhll lillllcl ill ;l I.l\ l\Il PI'ULILIL'IIUII til Rmxiili‘xlmllcl. L'IllliclluiupIu-u In I’clci I )llilL-II.


Asthe name implies. SoltPIayissolt. brightand colourlul play equipment made olhighdensityloam. Covered in non-llammableplastic materials it comesingiant-sized building blocks. balls. cylinders. a slide and a maze. Designedlorchildren 21/2—10years and also lorthose with special needs. it can be used by children while parents are usingthelacilities ath‘leadowbankon Tuesdays and Thursdays. loam—noon. The charge isincludedwithinthe current rate olihe creche lacility. ie 60piinc|udes bothlacilities). The equipmentis also availablelorbooking by groups (£3 per hour. lree lor disabled). For group bookings tel 661 5351. Book 14 days in advance. Other enquiriesto Recreation Oliicer (Women in Sport). 17 Waterloo Place. 5571265 ext218.

Exhibitions 0 BURRELL COLLECTION junil

I’mllwlwlynn Rmul. ill” 515 I Children‘s Projects atthe Burrell l 'lllll l3_l.ul. ( "IliIlIlL-ll l 5 I l i Il;l\ c lllle‘ll pull lll 4i lllllllI‘L'l' l‘l pilliu‘ix ullll \\lll'I\\Ilill‘\;lI IIIL' Ilulirllliu'illlc I;l\l3 \L'LiI\tIIltIIIII\L'\III"IIIUII Ill‘.IIIIl_‘3IlI‘~\lllllL'ill lIlL‘iiullik

. IIIIISI .'\lltIlL‘\\\ I)l'l'.t'. I’illlllI\\IIIL‘ILI\,~IJT3T35. Hull 8.11 Illulll 5plll;\ull3 5pm. From Cauldronto Cooker l 'lllil lsllm. .\ \ l‘IllplpL'lIL' ;lllll llll L';ll'l_\ I'\' L'UIIIL‘ \\ llllill lIu‘ Ill\li'l'lL‘tll \\\L‘L'l‘ill illl\ \'\Ilil‘lll\'ll ill IIiIII\L'IIiIlkl lllliu‘lx ll‘lllll IIIL' I‘ll\l. .\ \pu'ltll L‘AlllL‘ tulIIL'tI ‘( )Ill tlllkl \m' Illl\ .ll\i IlL-L‘ll L‘lL‘tllul In .lpt'lllllpulli IITL'L"\IIII‘IIIHII

Mary Queen olScots \jllll-lk'l‘llltlllL‘lll L'\Illl‘lllilll.( Illltll'L‘ll LlL'L'\ \ I3 icuix lull lIl'L'\\ up tl\Ll lt‘u ill the IllIIl L‘L‘ll'.lll_\ llgulmllulu \I.ll'i‘\ l.l‘IilllIlIIl IllllL‘S,

SollSculpture Siltlkw. lllll\lll'lllilll\ ;IIIlI\\tIII IltlllLilrlux', .\ \lllllII Iiut 'llllll\ll.llL'\IllI‘lIlilllill I\lllllL‘LI \L'IIIITIIIIL‘ltIILI l‘u‘llll'cx.

Theatre Glasgow 0 ClTlZENS' THEATRE ( till-lulu. .ljw


RedRiding HoodandtheWolll Hill in .IllII ‘l .I;lll. 3pll‘. :lllll Tl‘lll‘. llllllll 3. 5 tillLISplll.L3.5l.LF.L1.L~15H lRL-llugul piu‘cx I'l'l Illtll i. \quh «IL'L'IQIIIIIL'LI lll;t_L'lL‘;lI I‘Iiltlllk'llilll ll'lllu IIIL' \llL'L‘L'\\lllI lulllll ill ( iIIk.’\

I I;l\ L'IL'tlI (lliicl‘liuu l ;llllI .\I_\ ch Ix’ulluu i Mi ipl l \\ ilIl IlIII\IL' Iii I)L'I'L'I\ \\.i'.\llllt


0 KING‘S Built Sll‘ccl. I3th ()IIIL‘L‘ .\lllll Slit lllmn ppm. I’Illlnc Illlllkillgs I’iclxct (Muir. (lilltllciiggx \lllll Sui

Ill..‘~l);llll hpm.553 59M. Aladdin I "mil 5 I‘L‘Il illlll Suns) "pm LlllLl Sui llltii 3. 15pm. Ll. L375. L475. L555. L035. ('Ililllicll ;lilll ().-\I’illlll8:11cVL‘llillgxllilllulx). LI. L175. L3.5il. L355. L3. IIlL' cllciu} IIIILI\I\IIIUI Slunlci Ii;l\lciL‘lllllillucx ill plll up“ Iilc illlll lIlu IIILI \lllii.

0 PAVILION l3l RL'IIIIL'IKI Sll'ccl. 333 IS-Iil. Illl\ lllliL'L‘ \Ilill Slit

Illlull *l‘lll.

DickWhittingtonl mil Skit Kl Jim.

T..“Illilll. \I;ll\ _.3\llpill L'u'ii Rut L535 l L335 l. L535 l L335 1. I Ilgllli I'L‘L'HIIIIIIL‘IILIL'LIl‘l'lltlllL'IlilllLIII'L‘L'IL'LI In .Illlllm I HLLIII ;llltl luII «ll IllL'llI L‘lllllui.

0 TRON THEATRE ii} I ll illuillc. 553 >13iifi \. Iii“ HIIIL‘L' lllL‘ SLII

llllllll Illplll.

Sleeping Beauty 1 mil 1 lv‘cl». I'.\L‘I'_\ ll;l_\ L'u‘cpl \IHII\. T..“lll‘lll l \plll Sulxl. .\I;lI\ 3pm L'u'ii I Illll‘\. 5pm moi} Sui, L5 gucxlx. L4 lllL‘lllI‘L'l\. I'Iluis lllul L'llllL'x L335 i ;1I\ll

;l\ tllltlI‘IL‘ Ill illlll~lllClllIlClN I’Ilc I illll lipicll llli ( 'lul}; I'L‘iguxllll ( lelci kllmx ll ;l\ Hill}; I IllIL‘i) ;lllll I’L'lci (llpullli ;l\ \xiilL-ix lll lIlL‘lT IIl\I plilllll. I lie \\ l'llL‘l\ llplul llli ;l \IUI'L‘L‘illlII‘L' ;llllI \Vixu ( 'lliixllllm Slum l_\pc ill Lil‘l‘l'illlL'Il. I'Iu- l'L'\llII ix \L‘T_\ \llllilzli IHUIIL‘ ill I‘l'lllL“\ pl;l_\\ {IIILI is L-xlllwlulll. lll\L‘lllI\L‘. \\ itl\ ;lllll Iliullli L'llilliuIWIL'.


Activities and Fun

0 EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FRINGE POSTER DESIGN COMPETITION 1987 The tum Lil I-iilluc l\ ;1I\\;l_\\ llLI\L‘I'lI\L‘tI In pllxlci'. L‘Illlwll In L'lllllpcllllllll lilllll L'liliicx Il_\ \L‘Illml L’IIIILIIL‘II ill Scullulul. ;\ll-\ pupil mus L‘IllL‘i', .'\ll_\ LIC\ILIII clllllll \\ ill, l'IlL- L‘lllllpclilillll l\ IIL‘IL'L' ( luxl _\L‘.ll lIlL'iL‘ \wic Mci 35llilclllilcx l Inll IIIL‘IL‘ mic «HUT L3llllllwlilll HI pii/L‘x ill lip will. Splillvilml I“ lIlL‘ I IIL' .'\\\llL'l;illtill Hi Scllllullll. (‘Illxillg lI.llL~ 3T I‘L‘I‘. I llli\

lill'lll\ illlLl llcluilx ll'lllll I IlL‘ I'L‘\li\ ill I’l‘illuc Stimuli. 151' I Il}_'Il Sllpul. I‘llillluliull I' I I I 108.335 535" 535‘). 0 EDINBURGH ZOO(‘lli\ll‘ilelllc

Raul. .131 “IHI. ( )pcll ext-ii tip «it

.. "A

32 The list 9 W 33 lellllui}

the _\'c;li. "um 4.3Mle i Suns upcn i)..‘~il;lml. L35” i L l .35). The 3illl llci‘cs ill I IILIITIJITLI \Villllil; I);ll‘I\ llL‘itl' .-\\ icmnic \\ .l\ l’L‘L‘L‘llII} artilliiul Iii lltc I{ll§;ll /lllilll§;u‘.ll Slwicu til Swilnllll. \\ IllL'II .llw ill;lll;i‘3L‘\ I'IlIilllilll'uIl /.t ll. It i\ L‘lliicillIV writing [IL'\\ lllcllll‘l'lx. \\ flicllgiws licc L'llll‘i ill I 'llllllruigll /.UU (llpcll L-xcii lint ill IIIL‘ _\L'.II l llllll IIlC

I IiuIlIullll \Vlllllllc PM I\ lllpcll IiiiL‘ \Illl‘L‘Il cull} \m ). \lL‘lllIwixllipis upon in m L'iillllc lilllll 3 imix

llpix ;lilI\T L~l ;l 3 mi L'Illlllicll ;lllll \iIILIL'III\. L13 .ILIIIII\ (‘IliIlIiL‘ll Lulu ;llw will the Gannet Club \\ IIIL'IT lTlL‘L‘IS icguluih llli ;l \\ItIL‘ \ ;liiL‘l\ lll /HU llIlLI \\ IILIIIIL' iclulcll um lIlL‘\ lluiillu lcillllilllc.('lllllul‘l Illlllll\ll 3 \IQIL'.'\IILII'L‘\\ . \luikcliluz .\\\I\I;llll iii alimc IL‘IL'I‘IIUIIL‘ lillllll‘t‘l'.

O MEADOWBANK SPORTS CENTRE I.HIILIUIII{U;1LI. lellluiiicx: RL‘L‘I'L‘LIIIHH ( )Eliccl' l \Vlllllt'll lll Spill‘ll IT \Vulcl‘llw I’IuL‘L‘. 5.5T l3ii5 L‘XI3I5.

SollPlay I‘Ilix llL‘V. pl;l\ L‘Llllll‘lllL'lll ls illm ;l\';lil;lIiIL' llli I‘HIIT pinup lilill L';l\ll;ll use. Su- pullcl.

O ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘Il;lmlwix Street and ()IIL'L‘IT Sticcl. 335 “53-1.

Young Museum(‘ll.lml»L-l\ Sllccl. .‘\Cll\'IIIL'\ L‘lllltllluc ill lIlL‘ lllll\L‘lllll «in Sat lilill'lllllL'S llli \ H \L‘lii-lllllx. .'\Lillil\\lilll ix liL‘L'. lull il ix ;lll\ [\tlI‘IL‘ ill Imllk Ill ilLlMlllL'L‘. I’lllui;lllllllc\ Llllkl Illlllkill}; llll'lll\ lllllll IITL‘ Illlllilllillillll I)L'\I\ :il IIIL‘ lllll\L‘lllIl, IITL‘ L‘uiiclll \L‘l‘lw Im ll\\ ;ll loin lllx lilllll ;llI M oi the \xllilll

Celebrate Carnival Illlilll

IIILHTI I35llplll.

Be An Archaeologist Sail .11 .ltlll. Ifillllkilluxluilx ITILIIT.


Design a Board Game: A Child's Play Competition ( 'IliIlI‘x I’Iui ix lIlc lILIITTL‘ lll till L'\IIII‘IIIl‘lI L'lllllillu Ill lIlL‘ ( iii .-\il (L‘llIlL'.IllI_\ Supt ILLS“. I L‘LIKIIIILL up ill lIlix. ( lull I‘ll_\ \ ;ilL‘ \pllllwl ill}; Ll l'lllllpclllillll lll llL‘\l_‘3ll ;llul llltlIxL‘ ;l luII\ \xllilxillt: IIL'\\ lilmill ( itlllIL‘ l llli llll_\ llll'ilI‘L‘l' ill pI;l\L~i\ l. ( iillllpx (II illlli\ ILIIIL1I\ lll;l_\ L‘IIIL‘I (use uiuupx. under 13. I3 I.\. moi 1M. I’il/L-xllll illui «M ii L'Illllm'l lilllll IIIL‘ ( l;lIl Lullulllguc ill IIIL' \ LlIllL‘ ill L5l I. L3H ;lllll L3H ill mull gillup. I‘llll'lL‘\ IN the

\Itl\L‘lllll «ll ('Ililtlllllllll. I3 I IILIIl

Sllccl. I .tlllll‘lllL’Il Ii_\ .il \IliIL'II I‘IST. 0THINS SATURDAY CLUD55 5".\llulll ItiilluL: 55llrl”.l,‘~. Ill liltllll II..5Il;tlll, (i;llllL‘\. t'Iuw .ullI lllll IUI L lllIilIk'Il lll I\\il .le :jillupx. IIIILIL'I \ \L‘tll5 llIILI .\ \L‘Llh lllllN I'lL‘L‘.


\\ L'\l I’iIlllll. 3.13 US“

Open Drama Sessions l’lllllxll.-._\\ ii..‘\llplll Spill.

(I;le \IllluIlI l‘L' \ltlll I5 Illll. ( ~Ilu‘k \\ lIIl \L‘lllua ( )pcll lliulllu \xliikxllllpx llli \L'L‘lllllltli} \L'Illllll .luu L'Ililllicll ill milk illl tli.llll;i ;lllll \iIIL'L' \I\lII\ llli lull. I III\ \L'\\IUII l\ llll I‘L‘LllllllL'H I‘lll IIlL'l'L' l\ .i L'IItlllL'L‘ in mm c lill in llu‘ llllxullu'llgillupllllll\xllllxllllxpcl‘lliu pillicclx. \llL‘IlllluL'.

Exhibitions - ROYAL MUSEUM OF soon/mo

('Ilullllu'ix SllL'l'l . 335 "51-1 Entrieslromthe Christmas Art Competition I'llil'iL'\ lilull IIll\

L'lllllpcllllllll in LII;i\\ ill p;ulll

__ .l