'I‘lic Listguidc to Glasgow and lidin iurgh nightclu is.


0 Hollywood Studio L) Brown Stt'cct. 348 (itillo. ()pcn 7 nights. ltlpm 3am £3.50. .‘ylon H llollyyyootl l’laygrountl. tunk and soul. 13 yitlco monitors. l.ascrsystcm. l-‘unction suitc ayailahlc.

-0 Connexions so .‘ylillcr soc-ct. Not opcn at prcscnt.

0 Viva l'nion Str'cct. l loping to rc-opcn on l‘llan. suliicct to liccncc rc ncyyal.

0 Maytair Disco 4‘)“ Sauchichall Strcct. Shut till .lunc.

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms l lousc ()uay.

“i tl8oS. ’l‘ucstlays Ltlltl 'l‘hurstlays priyatc functions only.

Mon: llpm-:‘xStlam. £1 .Sll. Iii-NRC}. \Vctl: llpm~--3.3tlam. Frcc. lli—NRU. liri: ltlpiit—-3.3tltirit. £3. Disco and charts. Sat: ltlprtt—3.3(l;1itt. £3. Discoantl charts. Sun: llpm—3am. £3. Disco and charts.

'rL JL

34 The List 9 33—ianuary

0 Savoy Sayoy (critic. Sauchichall Strcct. ltl..3~tlpm~3am. £1.5ll. ()yct' 35s Disco. (ills antl Wis music. No jcans. traincrs ctc.

0 Hollywood Studio ‘) liroyy n Sti'cct. Scc liycry .‘ngllt.

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms l lotisc ()uay. 331tl8o5. llpm 3.3llam. £1.51). lli—NR(i.

0 Bennetstllltilassl‘ortlslim-1.552 57M. llpm~~3ant Slip. 8 yitlco monitors. Altcrnatiyc night at othcryyisc mainly gay tlisco ( Scc 'l‘hurs-Sun).

0 Warehouse 75 l)unlop Strcct. 33] 3023. 'l‘uc: l-‘ashair. .‘ylitltllc olthc roatl lllfwtlpm 4am. £4. Vitlco scrccn. lascr systcltl. l)cnims ()K but no sot‘t solcs. Strictly oycr l8. ()ccasional liyc liantls. .-\\ ailalilc priyatc hirc LlllLl charity nights.

0 Hollywood Studio ll Brim-n Stt'cct. Scc liycry Night.


. Cotton ClUb 5 Scott Strcct. 333 “713. .lcans antl l—sliirt night.

l lplll~3.3ll;lltl. £3.5tl. l’pt‘ront tlancc tnusic. ('luh also ayailahlc tor priyatc hirc Sun. Mon. luc. l’ri spccial ratcs tluringlan. l.iyc l‘Lllltl\ occasionally. Popular \‘y'ctl night cluh.

0 Mardi Gras l)unlop Strch 348 78W. Ayailaltlc tor priyatc hirc 7 days. \Vctl: (ioltlcn ( )ltlics Night. lll3tlpltt~ltttcfi £l .Sll. \ilthU scrccns antl moying tlancc floor.

0 Zanzibarsni‘u sauchlc-liall Stt‘cct. 333 0993. \Vctl: Ballroom Dancing 7—1 1.3tlpm: oils and 7tls music 11.3tlpm— 3am. £ l .50 cntry all night. V'itlco scrccns. No tlcnims. no traincrs.


0 Warehouse l)tinlop Sti‘cct. 221 M33. \Vctl: litmlt and Soul.

lllfltlpin 3.3tlam. £3. Vitlcoscrccn. lascr systcm. l-‘or ycntic tlctails ,scc 'l‘ucs.

0 Fury Murrys 0o .‘ylaxxwll Stt‘cct. 221 oil 1. Ncyy. popular ycnuc \yith gootl club nights and rcccntly lcattirctl on Hit' 'l'idn'. l.i\ c liantls on llltlt‘s. \‘y'ctl: Moiooluh. ltlfitlpin 3am. £3. \lostlylilucs and soul.

0 Henry Atrikas 13 15 York Sim-i. Hoping to opcn to thc pultlic " nights shortly. ayailalilc tor ttinctions 7 nights at prcscnt. \Vctl: oils Night. (ills’ \ltisic antl llllXL‘Ll agc groap. ltlJtlpm 4am. £4tconcs tor groups). l'pmarlxct imagc 7 no traincrs or jcans. Vitlcos. ()ycr 3 l. l)incr opcn tor tull mcals and snacks. ltl.3~tlpm Jrlllil.

0 Hollywood Studio ‘) liroyy n Strcct. 8cc liycry Night.

0 Panama Jax ( 'tlstoms l lotlsc Quay. 33] U805. llpm 3 .‘wtlam. l’rcc cntry. llir-NRU.


o Bennets «in ( illiNsltlt'tl Strch 55: 57M. llpm 3am. £1. 8 yitlco monitors. .\lainlygay. lli—NR(}.

0 Joe Paparazzi Sillsaucliiclmll 81rcct.3313lll. llpm 3.3tlam. £3 cntry on 'l‘hurs. \lixturc olsoul. disco and altcrnatiyc. l 'pmarlx'ct cluh tlcnimst)l\' l.ascrshoyy. yiclco scrccns and occasional nantls. Mon \Vccl ayailaltlc lor priyatc hirc. l’opularcluh nights.

0 Mardi Gras Dunlop Sti‘cct. 24s 78lll. .-\yailahlc tor Priyatc hirc 7 days 'l'hurs: (‘ltili Night yyith(iary Young. lllfstlpm latc. £3.5tl. Vitlco scrccns antl moying LlLlllCC floor.

0 Rattles l5 licnaltlcr Stt‘cct. 334 5331. .‘VlonWVctl trcc priyatchirc. ’l‘hurs: 'l'amla Motown Night.

ltlpm 3am. £3.

0 Rooftops .s‘aucliicliall Strcct. 333 5883. ltlpnt .‘sfitlam. £3. chgac.

o Zanzibar Silo Saucliicliall Strcct. 333 (lW3. l).3~tlpmn3~am. £3.5tl hct'orc midnight. £3.5tl attcr. \‘itlco scrccns. No tlcnims. no traincrs.

0 Warehouse 75 Dttltlop Strcct. 221 3(i33. 'l‘hurs: Strcctlicat ('luh. Broad mix otinusic. ltl.3llpmr 4am. £4 (Strccthcat (‘ltllt L‘tirtlhttltlcrs hall pricc). Vitlco scrcclts. lascr systcm.

l I

0 Bennets tltl ( ilasslortl Strcct. 553

o Fury Murrys .\la.\'\ycll Stt‘cct. 221 (51 l.’l'hurs: liyc l‘Lllltl8.

lll.3(lpm 3am. £3 l'cttttll'cs local groups who arc on thcir \y ay tip (scc Rock listings lor tlctailsl. \ltisic to suit liantl playing. 8cc also WM.

0 Henry Atrikas 13 15 York Strcct. ltl.3tlpm- 4am. £4 ('hart antltlisco. l‘pmarkct imagc. no jcans or trttillc‘t‘s. SL‘C Ltlstt \Vc‘tl.

0 Cardinal Folly it)?» l’in sir-m. lll.3tlpm 3.3(lam. £3.5ll. 8tutlcnts £l licl'orc mitlnight. l-‘ormci church liniltling. ( )ycr 3 ls only . No icansor traincrs. .»\yailalilc tor priy atc hirc. 0 Savoy 'l'lic- Sayoy (critic. Sauchichall8trcct. ltlfillpm 3am. £3. ()ycr 35s. charts and (ile and "’tls. Noicansor traincrs.

o Rooftops t>2 Saucliicliall Strcct. 333 5883 5%". ltlpm .‘xfxllam. £3. chularly has liantls on llltllN night (scc Rock listings tor tlctails). Mtisic to suit liantl. \itlcos. ()ycr l8s only. Ayailahlc priyatc hirc.

0 Reggae Club liunction Suitc. Root‘tops. U3 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 5883 NW. ltlpm 3.3tlam. £3. Scc Roottops cntry lorothcrtlctails.

0 Hollywood Studio Bum n Str‘cct. Scc l'iycry Night.


5701. llpm~3x3llam. £3. 8 yitlcos Mainly gay. l li—NRU.

0 COllOfl ClUb 5 Scott Str‘cct. 333 U713. l’rohihition Night.

llpm, .‘wfltlam. £4 non—mcmlicrs. £3 mcmhcrs. l’rcc mcmlicrship ayailahlc a: prcscnt. Spccial tlrinks promotion night. tlitl'crcnt tlrink cycry \ycck. Soul and funky. Popular.

0 J08 Paparazzi 53H Sauchichall Strcct.33l3111. llpm .‘x3llam. l‘ri: cntry £3.5tl: lntcrnational ( ‘luh Night. Mixturc olsotll. tlisco Ltlltl altcrnz'ttiyc. l'pmarkct cluh scc 'l'hurs tor ycnuc tlctails. l’opular l‘ri night cluh.

0 Luciters 33 Jamaica Stt‘cct. 348

4mm. ()pcn to puhlic l‘ri am” Sat