()[hCFWISC opcn tor priy'atc hirc. llpm—3.3llam. L3. Fri: Spank (‘luh Night. Funk and soul. not much charts. \'idco monitors. occasionally liyc hands.dcnitns()K. Bascmcnt y'cnuc and rcnoyy ncd tor good club nights H takc glucosc licl'orc you

go. . . i

O Mardi Gras Dunlop Strcct. 248 7810. Ayailahlc tor priy atc hirc 2 days. Fri: Shatt Night with (iary Young. L3. ll).3ttpm latc. Vidco s'crccns and moying dancc floor.

0 P182123 Royal l'ixchangc Squarc. 221 5323. ()pcn to pul‘lic Fri and Sat. othcryyisc priyatc hirc. ll).3llpm~r3.3llam. L4. Mainly chart music. Vltl'c'o sL‘rL‘L'n,

0 Rattles 15 BL‘ttLtltlc‘t‘ Slt'L‘L‘l. 334 5321.MonWVcdlrccpriyatchirc. Fri: lllpm~3.3llatn. L3. Mainstrcam disco.

0 Zanzibar Silo Sauchic‘hall Sti‘cct. 332 llW2. i).3llpm~ 3am. L25ll hct'orc midnight. L35li at'tcr. \'idco s'crccns. No dcnims. no traincrs. Fri and Sat Disco Night. Strictly oy ct‘2 l . 0 Warehouse 751)tmlop Stt‘cct. 221 3023. lllpm 3.3Ham. L3. Norman Ross()rganisation Night (Doctors and Nurscs Nights. Bankct's Nights. lingct'ic Shoyy s. clL‘). Vitlco sct'ccit. lascrsystcms. l)cnims ( )K hut tto sol‘t solcs. Strictly oycr l8.

0 Fury Murrys Wt Maxyycll Sti'cct. 231 (61 l. Ncys popular \ cnuc with good cluh nights. Fri: 'l‘( ilF(‘luh. lti.3tlpm»3.3llam. L3. l.oosc Amcrican thcmc yy ith hlack Amcrican intisic and hostcd hy Radio (‘lydc l).l chun. l lall—pricc cocktailsall night.

0 Henry Atrikas 13 15 York Stt‘cct. lll.3llpm—4ant. L4. (‘hart and disco. l'pmarkct imagc. Scc also \Vcd.

0 Cardinal Folly 103 l’itt Strcct. lll.3llpin 3am. Formcr church building. ()ycr2lsonly. No icansoi' traincrs. Ay‘ailahlc l'or priyatc hirc. 0 Rooftops 92 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 332 5883 5%7. ltlpm 3.3llam. L3. Mostly altcrnatiy c. \'idcos. ()y cr 18s only. Ayailahlc priy'atc hirc.

0 Reggae Club Rool‘tops. Function Suitc. U2 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 5883 5W9. lllpmr—3.3llatn. L25ll. Scc Rooltops cntry tor othcr dctails.

o Ultratheque 15o \Vcllington Sti'cct. lll.3llpmw3am. L3. Disco. ()y‘cr 2lls. (‘harts and imports. .’\yailahlc priy'atc hirc. Vidcos. No icans or traincrs.

0 Savoy Sayoy (critic. Sauchichall Strcct. ltl.3llpm~ 3am. L3. ()y'cr 2tls. (‘harts pop (ioldcn ()ldics. No icans ortraincrs.

O Cleopatras licllmont l,anc. Kclyinhridgc. lll.3llpm-2.3llam. L3. ()ycr 2lls. (‘harts and tunic. Videos. No icans or traincrs.

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms l lousc ()uay. 221(i8o5. llipm~3.3llam. L3. Disco and charts.

0 Hollywood Studio Brown Strcct. (icncral (‘luh Night. lllpm—3amL35ll. Scc also lfiycry Night.


o Bennets an ( ilass'lord Strch. 552 5761. l lpm——3.3tiam. L3. Mainly gay disco. lli-NRU.

I 0 Cotton Club 5 Scott Strcct. 332

(l312. llpm—3.3tiam. L4. Middlc-ol-thc—road.

0 Joe Paparazzi 52H s;iticiiicli;ill Strcct.33l 21 ll. llpm~3.3llam. L4 on Sats. Mixturc olsoul. disco and altcrnatiyc. l'pmarkct cluh. scc ’l’hurs l'orycnuc dctails.

0 Hollywood Studio Broyyn Strcct. (icnct'al ( ‘lult Night. lllpma3am. L35”. SCL‘ also l‘:\ L‘t‘y .Niglil.

O Luciters 22 Jamaica Strcct. 248 4mm ()pcn to puhlic Fri and Sat. othcryyisc ay'ailahlc lor priyatc hirc. llptni 3.3llam. L3. Sat: Bcat Box (‘lu'tr Funk and soul. not tnuch

ROOM Wine Bar Open All Day

1 Restaurant


charts. Vidco monitors. occasionally EH6 682 Tel. 031-554 6767 liyc hands. l)cnims ()lx'. I~ ~:~stats»~='+:;‘%'=?W'-~"~* 8" -‘ "-8 . ' :ii‘3"‘5l*<':3~1.;322

, : «a: . . -. . , . .- daffy l nusualhascmcntycnuc and 2% .3; ' * rcnoyy ncd tor good cluh nights ~ ~ » - . » - . r ~ - . - . .. at; i ...... ..

rcquit‘ing stamina.

o Mardi Gras Danlop Stt‘cct. 24s 28lll. .\y'ailalilc lor priyatc hirc 2 days. Sat: l’cak ol‘ thc \Vcck yyith .lim Simon. L3. HALF PRICE TO ANYONE BRINGING THIS LISTING” Vidco scrccns and mowing dancc lloor.

0 Pzazz 23 Royal lixchangc Stitiarc. 221 5323. ()pcn to public Fri and Sat. othcryy isc ay ailahlc tor priyatc hirc. lll.3llpm 3.3tlam. L4. Mainlychart music. \iidco scrccn and monitor.

0 Rattles 15 lac-iialtlcr Sti‘cct. 334 5321. Mon s\\'cd lrcc priyatc hirc. Sat: lllpm 3am. L3. Mainstrcam disco.

0 Panama Jax t‘tistoms l ltitlsc‘ Quay. 22] ll8o5. lllpmw3.3llam. L3. Disco andcharts.

O Zanzibar Foo Sauchichall Strcct. 332ll‘)‘)2. l).3llpm~3am. L2.5llhclorc midnight. L35” al‘tcr. Vidco scrccns. No dcnims. no trainct's. Fri and Sat Disco Night. Strictly oy‘cr 2 l. 0 Warehouse "51)uniop Strcct. 221 3o23. Sat: llousc l’arty. llousc music. lll.3llpm—3am. L3. Vidco scrccn. lascr systcm. [)cnims ( )lx' hut Ito solit solcs. Strictly over 18. ()ccasional liyc hands.

0 Fury Murrys ‘Ni Maxyycll Stt‘cct. 22l oSl l. Ncyy. popular y'cnuc with good cluhnights. Sat: FM Soundyyaycs. lt)_3()pmv3.3llam. L3.5ll. llostcd by Paul \Vclsh. ayoids commcrcial sounds and locascs on good dancc music lrom thc carly oils onyyards.



25 Ht iwv tt‘teet.loinbtit‘gh. SUNDAY toTHURSDAY lt'g‘ it to

101' V()111'f111](‘i1.()lll\ '“ 041-221 3985 22 JAMAICA STREET, GLASGOW

'l'hc list L)? 22 January 35