0 Henry Alrikas 1.? 13 York Street. lll.3t’lptti 311111 1.71..(llLll'ldlllelSet‘. l pm ll'l'sy'l lltl.t2e' see \‘v ed lor \elttletleitlllS

o C8leh81F011y1‘131’111Slreel.

£1 loi‘mei ehureh htiiltliitg.(lver21son1y No leansor‘

lit ysllpm hill).

trainers. .\y.til.th1e lot private hire. 0 Rooftops a: Satteltteltall Street. 332 _5\\35‘lti5.1llpm 3.3llam. £3. \lttslly tllSel)\, \lltlL'HS. ( )ver lSS only .\'..‘ll tl‘le private lllle'. 0 KBSS Club 1 unetion Suite. Rooltops.‘t2 SitiehieltallStreet.


332 “S3 5W7. l‘lpm 3.3llam. .-\1_tin lll\e. See Rooltops entry lot other details.

0 Ultratheoue 1511\‘vellinglon Street. 1ll _'~llpni fam. £3. Standaiddiseo. ()ver 211s, ( hails and imports. .\v.tilaltle loi private hire. \ideos. \v leansoi trainers.

¢ Savoy Savoy ( 'entre Sauehiehall S11eel.lll.illpnl 3am. £3.1lvei'2lls. (illttllS. [Nip .llltl l itlltlell ( )lylles .‘Ntl ieansandtrainers.

0 Cleopatras liellmont l ane. l\L‘l\llll‘llylL‘e‘ 2.3llam. ()ver 21's. 1 halls and lunlt. Videos.

1“ 3llpm

No leans and trainers p

o Bennets “ll ( ‘rlassiortl Street. 553 52o1.11pm 3am. 1-1.S video monitors. .\lainly gay diseo. lli—NRti.

- Joe Paparalll5211Stttlehlehttll Street,3312111. 11pm 3311:1111. Sun: £3.51). l'reshlltlh Night. \lixttireol soul.diseo.tnd

alter ll;lll\e, l pmar1\et eluh denitns (11s. 1 aser system. videosereens and oeeasional hands. \lon \K'ed

av ailahle lot private hire l’opular eluh night thouglt rumoar has it you iteed a suntan to get in ..

o Rattles 15 lietialtler Street. 3.14 2321. \lilll

._ \\ edlreepriyate hire. Sim: lllpm

2am. £2. Mainstream tllSUl.

0 Warehouse “5 l)trnlop Street. 321 3o23. Sun: Streetheat (‘11.h. Broad mixolmusie.111.3llpm »1am.£4 (Streetheat ( luheaidliolders hallpriee). Video sereens. laser system. l)e111111\ ( 11s. hut nosol’t shoes. Strictly over 1S.

0 Fury MurryS‘ltt\laxvvellStreet.22l o5.1.Stin; liattgt‘luh Night. lll.3l'pm 3am. £2,511.l'eatuiedon

L Hit- lithe reeentlv.

356 1 he list " 22 .laitttary

0 Cardinal Folly 103 Pitt Street. 111.3llpm 2.3tlpm. £2.51). Students £3 helore midnight. l’ormerehureh huilding. No ieans or trainers. .-\yai1ahle lor private hire.

0 The Crypt l‘unetion Suite. Rooltops. ‘12 Sauehiehall Street. 332 5883 5%)". 0pm 2.3llam. £2. (iothie (‘ltth Night.

0 Ultratheque 1511\Vellington Street. 111.3llpnt-2.3llam.£2.()ver1Ss. Charts and progressive. No jeans or trainer. Videos.

0 The Savoy Savoy Centre. Sauehiehall Street.

111.3llpm 2.311am.£2.()ver1Ss. Charts. Videos. Nojeans. rto trainers.

0 Panama Jaxt‘ttstoms l louse ()tiay'. 22111805. 11pm~3am. £2. l)iseo and eharts.

0 Hollywood Studio Hrovvn Street. Sun: Virgin Sunday l’arty Night. lllpm 3am. £2.51). See also livery Night.


0 Fire Island Disco 137 l’rinees Street. 22(r4(r(rll. Sun. Mon and \Ved 111.3llpm—2am:'l‘hurs11.3tlpm 2am; Fri and Sat 1ll.3llpm~—2.45am. long estahlished gay diseo.

0 Toppo‘s ( irintllay' Street. Not open

to ptihlie at present. ()pen lor

lunetions 7day's.

0 Gallon Studiost‘alton Road. Nevvly re—opened. Plans to open ('luh Nights in the near l'uture.

0 Lazy H lhe Westenders. Morrison Street. No eluh here at present.

0 Nicky Tams \‘ietoria Street. Reopens on lilri 1(t.1an and vvill he open late at yveelx'ends.

o The Mission \‘ietoria Street. l.ive hands (see Roek listings). 111.3llpm~3am. £2.5ll( £2). Musie to suit hand playing.

0 Fire Island 137 l’rinees Street. See livery Night.


- Cinderellas Rockerlellas W St Stephen Street. 5.50 ll2tttt. 2 video sereens. also personal messages. Restaurant ‘lpmw 1 .45am. No jeans. '1'—shirts. trainers~ gents must vvear shirt vvith proper eollar. hut tie not neeessar. .‘vlemhership usually £2. hut tree during .lan. Availahle private hire on Mondays. 'l'ue: l'nder lSs. Sr 1 lprtt. £1 memhers; £1.511non—menthers.lli—energy'.

o Tuesdays Hi-NRG Club ( ‘oasters Complex. 3 West 'l'olleross. 228 3252. lllpm» 4am. £2 (sometimes £3 depertding on eaharet aets). .\lain1y' gay eluh. (‘aharet and singers.

o The Mission Victoria Street. Live hands (See Roek listings). 1l).3(|pm— 3am. £2.5l)( £2). \ltisie to stiit hand playing.

0 Alabama Shady Ladies. ('ovvgate. lll.3llpmv~3am. £2. l‘unl»; and soul. 0 Fire island 127 l’rinees Street. See livery Night.


0 Cinderellas Rockertellas W St Stephen Street. 55(tll2lilt. See 'l'ues‘day's lor venue inl'ormation. \Ved: ()y er 211s. ‘lpm' 2am. l’ree to menthers. £1.51) to non_—memhers. l)anee. lli—energy. look and eharts. 0 ROCK Club Shady l .adies. ( ‘oyv gate. L).31lpm 2.3llam. £1 helore ll'.3llpm. £1.51) al'tervy ards.l ight roelt.

0 Fire Island 12“ l’rittees Street. See livery Night.


o Cinderellas Rockerlellas W St Stephen Street. 55o ()2oo. See 'l‘uesdays lor venue inl’ormation. 'l'hurs: ( )ver 2lls. Upm r 3am. Memhers tree until 1 1pm. £1 .51) alter 1 1pm. Non—memhers £1.51) until 11pm. £2.5llalter 11pm. (ieneral mix ot‘older musie.

0 Gatsbys 3 5 South St .>\ndrevv Street. (ienerally eoelx'tttil har: tliSeo 'l‘hursr‘Sun. lhtirs: 7pm 2am. l‘iree entry. 5 video sereens.

o Madisons ( l’layhouse) ( ‘rreettsitle l’laee. 557 2tt‘l2. lllpm 73am. £2. Speeial ()llp ol‘l'er on spirits ( inelutling mixer). l)iseo andehart sounds. ahove av erage light shovy. late teens hut gradually moving tip the age hraeket.

o Buster Browns 35 3,“ .‘vlarlte: Street.22o1224. “.3llpm «1am. £2. llall priee admission and drinks helore11.3llpnt.(ienerally a regulars. almost eluh. atmosphere 1).] Ronnie Nlels'eoyvn ( hrolher o1 Bay ( ‘ity Roller. presents the musie most nights. ’l'hurs is the most unpredietahle musieally- go and state your prelerenees.


o Rumours 23 l.othi‘an Road. 32w S291. l’riv ate lunetionsonly at the moment htit. lrom end l-‘eh. 'lhurs likely to he l.ive Band Night.

0 The Amphitheatre 31 l.othian Road. 22976711. lllpm 3am. Nevv impressive nightspot yyith speetaeular speeial elleets involving lasers. dry tee aitd mirrors. '1'hurs' Kra/y‘l’arty'Nite. £2.11all'priee helore 1 lpitt. 4le‘ theme Soap Night. Roeky' l lorror.

o The Blue Club ( ‘riltletl Balloon. (‘ovvgate 11pmi 2am. £2. Nevv onee—vveekly' eluh in this heatitil'ul eavernous restaurant. Mixture ol musieineluding soul.

0 Cloud Chamber'l‘he Mission. Vietoria Street. lll.3llpm~ 3am. £2. Alternative and lunk.

0 Fire Island 127 l’rinees Street. See livery Night.

0 Cinderellas Rockerlellas w St Stephen Street. 55oll2oo. See 'l‘uesday's tor venue information. l-iri: ()ver 211s. ‘1pm -3am. .\lemhers l'ree until 11pm.£1.5llalter. l’arty party musie.

0 Top 0' the Walk 25 St James ( ‘entre.

557 2h31.(‘1uh 25 Diseo on Fri and Sat Spin 1am. £1 memhers. £2 non—memhers. .‘ylemhership £2. ()lder mix ol musie 1‘153 l‘lS‘o. l'pmarketdiseo; nodenims.

0 Gatsbys 3 5 South St .v\ndrevv Street. ('tlelxldll har \\ llll diseo lhtirs Sun. l‘ri; 2pm 2am.17ree entry. 5 video sereens.

. Outer LlltlllSlihlstel's. .3 \\ est 22>3252.1llpitt lam. £2 .\lelltl‘el\ tree helore 1 1pm. £1 lrom 11 11.3llpm aind £2 alter 1 1.3llpm. (Annual ittemheiship £3). .\lost1v ehart sounds. .‘\lllelli’;lll>\1/e\lttllee


lltlttl‘. l.;l\el‘s ( itle\l\ \ehetltlletl to appear in near ltttttre inelude 1’amela Stephenson in lieh.

o Hoochie Coochie Club < ‘oastet‘s. .2 \Vest 'l‘olleross. 22S3‘252.

lllpm ~lam. £2 £3.dependingon hand. Regularly has hantlstsee Roek listings). l’opular. long—estahlished eluh: alternative diseo. ia/x lllllls.

o Goombay Beat ( 'oasters. 3 \vest 'l'olleross. 22S 3252. lllpm ~1am. £1,511. long estahlished reggae elah. O Madisons l l’lay‘ht )tlse ) ( ireenside l’laee. 5572MB. lllpm 3am. £1.51) helore 11pm.£3al’ter.l).1Rohert .‘\sher vv ith diseo and ehart musie.

- Buster Browns 25 1“ \larket Street. 22rt4224. 111311;)» "lillll. £3. llall priee admission and drinlx's helore 1 lptn. (hart and danee musie. .-\ims at over 211s atmosphere. 0 Rumours 3.1 lotliiart Road. 22‘) S291. l’riv ate litinetions till nevv lieenee due on 1‘).1an. .-\lter. Spin 3 orJam. liree entry in .lan. llappy llourdrinlxinghetvveenSand 11pm. l)iseo arid ehart musie lor the youngeraudienee. 1).).1’rilly1ames. b The Amphitheatre ‘sl l.othian Road. 2207511. lllpm 3am. See l'hursday's l'orvenue inl'ormation. l‘ri: l'he l‘i‘iday' Nigitt Speetaetilar, £3.51). llallprieehelore 11piii.Speeial drinlss promotions night vvilh guest appearanees.

. Fire Island 125 l’rinees Street. See livery Night.

0 Zenatec 5o lotttttainliritlge. 22‘) “533. lllpm 3am. £2.l£1helore

1 1.311pm ). ( )v er 21sonly. lluge diseo. lasers ete. \lainly eltart musie. - Cat‘sPyjamastrootltime l'ltlpttl'ltlltl. (t .-\hheymotint

lllpme 3am. £2 ( £2 helore midnight). (harts. hi—energy and soul.

' Shake 'l he \lission. \iietoria Street. lll.3llpm 3am. £2. 1’tinl\ and pop, Videos.

0 Reggae Club Shatly' ladies. (’ovvgate. 111.311pm 3am. £2. Mostly



o Cinderellas Rockerlellas W St Stephen Street. 55ttll2tit). See 'l'uesdays tor venue inl‘ormation. Sat: ( )ver 211s. mer 3am. .\lemhers 5llp until 1 1pm. £1.5llal'ter. Non-memhers £ 1 .511 until 1 1pm. £3 alter. lli—energy'. lunk and eharts.

0 Top 0‘ the Walk 35 St James Centre. 55" 2(i31.('1uh 25 l)iseo on 1*ri and Sat night. Spine 1am. £1 ntemhers. £2 non—memhers. .\lemhership £2.

( )lder mix ol musie. l "pmarket tllsettl no denims.

0 Gatsbys 3 5 Sottth St .-\ndrevv