'l'he ()ueen‘s ( ‘ollege. (ilasgow will be taking tip the imitation l'rom lildon Street Action (iroup to state its case lor the propsed use oi the listed tenement at lildon Street in the Woodlands area oi ( ilasgow at a public mectingon 31 .Ian.

'l'hc proposed deyelopments hay'e been yigoi'ously resisted by the Action ( iroup tor scyei‘al years on the grounds that it would tiepletc housing stock. l.ocal l)istrict (‘ouncillor John Ross.

\'ice—( ‘onyener ot Housing and also a ( ioyci'noi' oi the ( ‘ollege said ‘lt is intolerable that the Scottish ()itice has ignored the ( ‘ouncil‘s View on this issue. We are completely behind the lildon Street Action ( 'iroup in lighting against this act ol social yandalism.‘

the college. which denies claims that it has allowed the building to decline to strengthen the case tor demolition. has been buying property in the area tor many years. Its purpose has been to secure an adjacent area lor expansion and the area has been zoned lor educational purposes. Building and operatingon a split site would. it claims, he a much less ellicicnt tise olstat‘t'and

l’lans tor the proposed demolition and re-building are currently with (ilasgow District (‘ouncil and a


decision on planning permission is expected towards the end ot'Jan.


()yer Willi“ has been raised by the

‘( ‘onccrt tor l’aul‘ organised by opera singer .‘yiarie Slorach tor the Cancer Research (‘ampaign in memory other sixteen year-old nephew. Paul .Icnsen who died ot cancer last year. the money came from box ol‘lice takings limit the concert at the 'l‘heatre Royal (ilasgow last month. at which all the artists and stati taking part gayc their seryices tree oi charge as well as from Scottiin Ballet's sponsored ‘No Smoking Week‘ and yarious donations.


As the International Year ot’Shelter 1W,“ begins. deinburgh's l lousing (‘hairinan has warned that lidinburgh laces a housing problem as acute as any l.ord Scarman predicted in the ‘Years inaugural lecture.

‘l'he ( ‘ouncil laces a major cut in its housing budget. 'l'he Rate I‘und (‘ontribution has been cut lrom mt million in 1%‘3 to £1 .8 million in 1%‘7— is. Ibis means that the (‘ouncil

2 'l‘he list U 7* 32 January

National and International C ontemporary Art From Scotland


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will be unable to adopt a realistic programme to meet housing needs in iidinburghor help the ldtitit) people- on the council housing waiting list. Adding to the problems ol'the cut in goyerniiient subsidy is the rise in interest rates. which means an extra £45 million has to be tound iust to maintaincurrentstandards. ‘\\'cai'c running last iust to stand still‘ says Nigel ( it‘il'litlis \Vliti sees it lilt‘tliet'

irony in l lousing Minister Michael Ancram‘s support lor the housing problems ot~ his South Iidinburgh constituents while at the same time ‘withdrawing the seryices hes criticising the council lor not proy'iding.‘


Robert l)ayid .‘ylacdonald. L'U-LIITCCIUT oi the ( ilasgoyy (iii/ens~ 'l'he'atre. and lzduardo l’aoloHi. the Queen‘s Sculptor—in—()rdinai‘y loi‘ Scotland. are two ol' the the chosen to i‘eceiy'c honarary degrees lrom lleriot-\\'att I'iiiyei‘sity. l‘diiibtiigh. in July 1%“. Robert liayid Macdonald‘s nomination is in

Robert David MacDonald recognitionol' his work asoneol Britain‘sleadingtranslatorsol drama. wh1ch has included w t irks ol (ioethe. Racine tintl l_tit'c‘;t. I.eith-born I'duardo l’aolo//i. a hunter student at lidiiiburgh ( 'ollcgc ol‘ Art. has won an international acknowIedgcment lor his work as both sculptor and graphic artist.


Britain‘s lirst liisixual l’honeliiie. run by and tor bisexuals began on .Ian S’. on (I31 55” Roll l.

'I‘he line has been set up by the Edinburgh Bisexual ( iroup in response to the number of calls rccciycd by the group‘s contact person on her home phone. ‘I don‘t think I can always giy‘c callers the attention they nccd.‘ she told its. llie special line has now been set tip oileriiig inlormation. ady ice and bel‘ricnding. l’honc rental w ill be paid by the Scottish I lomosexual Rights ( iroup. 'l'hc line. open cy ci'y 'l‘htirstiay “fill W3! lpiii w ill be run by both a woman and a man each w eck

and it is mainly toi bisexuals in Scotland. although they will take calls troiii elsew liei c. especially while there is no other local sciy'icc ay‘ailablc.

’l he groups still in gently needs donations to help coy ci‘ publicity and operating e\pensesaiidwotild w elcoiiic tisclul iiiloi iiiatioii li'oiii othergroups.


Rublai. one ol lidiiibui'gh /.oo‘s snow leopards. w ho cat s his way through Littlworth ol lood cyci'y year . is to liaye his too.l bill paid by the employees ol' l l.\l ( ‘tistonis. lthis part ol lidiiibtiigh /.oo's Species Support Scheme which my itcs indiyidualsandorganisationstopay tor the lood and tipkccpol a particular animal oi their choice. last year‘s total Ltlliiiitlls lood bill amountcdto WWW}.


lwo I'diiiburgh theatres are play ing at home and away this nioiitli \\ hilc thiec stiows pi'eiiiicicd at the l'i‘ayei‘se are showing iiil oiitioii tl’iophal. Ratliie and the l lippopotaiiitis and l osiiie \ ciiicc. the latter tray elliiig on to l lotig Roiigi. lhcatrc \\ t ii'kshop \\'.ll be creating one oi itsniucli—acclaimed community pcrloiinaiicc pio ccts iii .Iaiiicstown. New York State.

(in a y isit to Iii itaiii iiienibci‘s ol .laiiicstown ( 'oniiiiuiiityt ollcge saw

oiicol -\di'iaii l laii'iss .iigei—scalc pi‘oiectstwhiclicombine pi'olcssioiialswithyoltiiitcci'sti'oiii the communityiaiidweie stillicicntly iiiipi'cssed to my itc hiiii

todooiic toi thciii. llicsix week

pioicct. lead by a. ct lteiil llie iti'e‘ \Vorkshop stall aitd liiiaiiccd by the college.willculiiiiiiateiiia pioductioii oi l>ayitll thiais Ilayu’ayy.

‘lhcy wanted soiiieth

illil‘ll and

"iiiodeiii.l challciigiiig” iciiilallls l laiiis. \ltiy it'ai y. about the le‘l.tlli ‘li\lill‘ between .\ll1el'let:tilltl l tiiopc is topical and l yltltll should cci taiiily pioy e a challt nee tt i a community so consei'y‘atiye that when the local hiin selitiol presented (tin/slitt't’i". it was pieketcd by local religious groups. llai i'ts hopes that this tiip will iiiai k asteptowai'dsbtiildiiigaii international iictwoi k: ‘l‘yc had plans hit some tiiiic toestabhsh an international ai ts :cani tiiidci the aegisol I hcatrc \\oi kshop. iziy itiiig iiitei'ii;.tioiialai'tiststocoiiie togethci and woik togethci towards a lai'ge»scalc community pioicctf Suchaiiitiltirculttiialcoiiiiiitiiiity pioicct remains a tiopc tor the tuttiic. \Icanwhilc. inl diiibuigli. the home team continue with war k towards Inc/Hitter Ilia/tine. tobc picsented in l cbi iiai y

