i l


Homeopathy l)ctatls.llt\‘“l :llJ":

0 Glasgow Print Studio 13s lngram Street. ( rlasgow ( ll ll"..l.lt~115<jil“tl; in e week classes. waged L 15. tiriwaged LZ‘. \1emhers L ; S Sill-cscrcert. ltresday l'yeitings. (‘oirimericeslart Ill; l’hotography luesday

\L'\s set lesttl

l'ycrrritgs. commences .‘ll lart. lztclting \Vedrtesday l‘\L'll1llt_’\. commences fl ,l.tll'. lithography. llllllsttay

l \eriings. commences J: lair l’litc‘cslllllllc'tl

0 Glasgow University Department otAdultand Continuing Education Newt orirses liegm lll|\lliillilll \lost ot the tollowing are new coiirseslastiitgtettweelss \omc areciriitirtttattitiisotpieyiwiis courses hut will accept new \llltlc ntsat this st rgc l till intorrttatiori tron: l'he l'itrolmerit Secretary.

l lepar tmerit ot .v\dult and (oiitiituingl citieatton. “V (talstrcld ,\\eiitic . t rlasgow lelephoneli-ll WWW.“


ie‘ttensroirl‘s‘tii 0 English Literature, Drama. Scottish Literature: lysiatlies;

'l hiir'sdays trom i5.l.lll. L3H. lhe

(treat \‘iciorian l’oets. l huts trom l‘laii. lit/geiaidarid llcmmgway . .\loris tiom lllan. Llo; Scottish \\ ritiiig \ow l-its




0 ‘The Complete Guideto AlDS' l:\k‘l_\tlllk'i\Lllllll‘l\ ahout recognising managing. ayordirtg.\ll).\ answered. Your medical solution. Ll.5ll .\1l:l)ll*.>\('ll’()l§o\33l l)epl(l.)(ilasgow(Ml-1R0

40'l‘he list l)» 23 .lanuary

tromlan lo. tht.

oArt, Architecture and Photography: l’aitit \ our( )wit l’iettires. lties trom 1? lat]. L lo: l lie ( it‘ltlc'll :\L’c' (‘l l )tltc‘ll ltllti l lcmish .-\rt. ltlc‘sll'ttltll_1.lall. \tasierpieeesoi Scottish l’airttirtg. \Ved trom ll .lan. Llo; Roirtantiersrii. Realism. lmptcssionism. \\ eds tiom l»1

lair, L lo; MI in l’aiis. l'uestrom

l‘lari (also \loris trom lllaiti. \rt \liisieot the l"tll ('erittiiy \\eds trom Lilari.


th~;(‘liarlesRennie \laclsirrtoslt iiidltis (orilt-rripor..ries. lltiiis trom l; l.ill. L l.‘.. .\ Recordl )t ( ilasgow llitizs tiom l‘ .lait. L.‘*,(ircat

( lllt"s l reasiiies ot liiitain, \‘s'eds Horn 3 Hart. L1,? \lt. llit l‘.l\lc‘lll \leditcrraiiean\‘sorldl Roman ls’tilc.

0 Politics. Economics and lnternationalRelations \larsisniaitdthe International

.l ris lli‘llt lrtlan, thv;


lries lioin i.:.l.tll.

( ‘risisot ( ai‘italism. l ties ttom l Vlan. Lift. llie l hird

\\ t‘Iltl liehtlltl lllc‘ l letttllllies. lacs tioiit l 1 Ian. Llo. l’eisonal '\\lt;il isiite

l inincial l irries l 'setal l oi ‘.

Vs ed trom l»1.l.in_ Ll'i. \lariseting easesttidics.\loris titrm l3. lati. Ls



0 Serious drinks \sallietl \iiyllriiig

siTUArious VACANT.

0 Full-time Volunteers Wanted l.i\'e and work w ith ex-homeless people. in small group homes. l’ull hoard.


plus L l 5.35 per w eels. Minimum commitment six




0 Psychology and Society: lrttroductior‘ to Psychology. l'ties trom l ‘xlari; l’syehological l’rohlems in l'yeryday l ltc‘.

\\ eds tiom 1-1 .lart. Lin

0 Physical Science. Mathematics and Technology; weather Science ttllcl l't‘lc‘enstlltfl. \\lc‘\l\ trout l~1.l;tll.t.ltt.

0 Geology: lrttroductiort to (ieology. luestromlan1.1.Llo. [l he ( rc'itlitglc'al l llbtttl‘y til ll llc‘ British Isles. l'ueslrom13lan. thi. l'i‘\\1l\ arid l'aith l lrstory.

l huts trom l5 .lan. L lo; I he l)ce.ins l arth‘s lnrtcr‘Space. l'llsllt‘lll lrt.l.iii.Llh.

o BiologicalSciences: Scotland's Bi itariical l lerilagc. .\torts tr'om :ti.ltlll.tl.‘..\ll1:\lllllt;ll\ we use them. 'l’hurs trom lilan. tht:



0 Drop intorFun (ileiiogle Swimming('eittre.(ilenogle Road. l‘dinl‘uigh. llFl tilifi 7311 tRoyal(’ommonwealth l’ooli. .\lter' \L‘llttttl Ltc‘ti\ltlesttit'.< l: year olds i any time up toopm. Moriday to l'r‘ida} l.( ‘i'eattye play sessions. arts andcralts. swimmingaiid lunoutdoors

0 Edinburgh Theosophical Centre 5 ( ircat lsmg Street. l~diitlitirglrtifsl 55(5355.

months. l’hone (‘hris lytton. llsll 332 3448



0 Victorian Hip Bath and Matching l'oot Bath tor L'lsiifle‘ttl.‘~155ts‘154‘).

0 Writers wanted now tor new (ilasgow hased current alt-airs magazine to he

NAME Pll( )Nlfi




N(). ()F 1581 1'18 TO’I‘AI. (‘( )S'l’

Varioustallssaitticotuses throughout the year. l’hone tor turther'detatls

0 Centre Stage H ( )rw ell 'l er‘race. l'dirihurgh tifsl (PW, ( 'oiitemporary liaricc ('lasseswtthl _\ll l)enton. l'om \artg. ( 'aroly rt ( 1m in. Raymond Raye. liegirmeers \\ edriesdaystxfill Pa‘illpm tLlU5 l. Intermediate (Ll Sill l'ai ( .hr with lom Yang. \loridays l lam noon tLZi.

0 Open Drama Sessions 1 ):am.i sessions [or local children riiri hy the \'\\'( ‘.~\ I ll:tl1_L'lL‘:\lt\ (‘entre m \\ est l’tltori l1;llll\'. lzdinluirgh. H3] 333th“. New children welcomed. l hursdays. tifitl Hpm tree.

0 Gallerylfsit’owgaie.

l diiihurgh lal ll .ll31 3353MB.

Practical and academic classes


in :\rt luesdays: Drawingand l’aintingClass, lllam noon. .-\r't lltstory Vi or'lsshop.

“fill “.31 lpm; Wednesday: Scottish .-\t‘chitecture.

llam noon. ( ialler'y (ittides lopportunity toyisitwith e\pet‘tstett ldirihiiigh (iallerres). 3.7M 3 Filme

llitirsdaFL-Xr'tistsl.ile(‘1asses 3 3H 1 3Hpm.l ite l)rawingand l’arnting" Saturday 3o” .-\rt ( 'luh ( h l:

yearsl ll|._‘\ll noon l‘r'ieeslrom


launched February 1987. l'inquiries to (‘l'l'Ylll’D l’.(). BOX 267. GLASGOW3330(1. PERSONAL

0 Actors actresses. musicians. writers. directors. All thespians interested in getting together t‘ornew ideas with established company. Drama classes also available

»— all ages. (V and s.a.e. to

Box No l3tl.


For office use only:

Llll Ill. concessions tor I 'lHtl. Students. Seitror‘Citi/ens. Single Parents. etc,

0 Traditional Shiatsu Massage Randolph ( ‘entre. Randolph

w eek courses gry en hy registered practitioner. Patrick (iilloii. New \l\ week course liegari on .lari. l)etails trom \lc‘l'lc' l )(l\ It‘s. l '3 l 3:.‘ 1“").

0 Dance Classes :\ssemltly Rooms. l‘dinhurgh. the highly popular and sticcesslul contemporar y dance classes started hy l‘tllltl‘lll'gll l)isti ict ('ouricil last year recommence on Monday s and Wednesday s on Mon l‘llari. Beginners

w L'lL‘ttlilL‘. t. l .5“ l “lit l. (‘ontact U31 325_1iil»1tiir'ttirtltc‘i details. Workingin Meditation! isier

l lall. 3o l aur'iston l’lace. lidiiilturgh 'l'hirrslllan. “Stiprn. l-ree. .\ slide show on meditation to raise tuitds tor \airalolsa Retreat ( ~eiitre. North Wales.

See Ticket Dtierior

, Crocodile Dundee p5

o Singerrequires

(PUh"BttSl-(). Contact Kim (556 4709).

l’ree Introductory 'l'alk. First \‘i'ednesday each month. 8pm. 4 West

0 Small slim independent

leiiiale teacher . young lor

c'rtl'l\ li‘l’llc'\. \L'elss lll.tle

companionshiploi theatre.

concerts and holidays.

\oii~srriol.er preleired.

l’lace. lidmhuigh. ( )rganised hy the \ oting \Vornens' ( ‘hristiatt .-\sstts‘l;tllt1llttt(il'L‘tlll1i'ltttlll.SlX

accompanist For Jazz Blues

0 Transcendental Meditation

New ington l’lace. tioh' low.

i liit\ l l

o Dateline Works! Many . thousands of happy couples nationwide are proototour success. Free details; Dateline Computer Dating, Dept. (351), 25 Abingdon Road, London we BAH, 01 938


0 Meet People through Singles Magazine. Order

trom new'sagents. or send L1 to 23 Ahingdon Road. l.ondon “’5' (Mi l.

t o Wellspring itc‘lllc'\‘c‘\

psychotherapy without drugs hut sadly not w itliotit lurids. Volunteer lurid

iraisers required. 'l‘eam leaders to dogshodies ring

(Bl 553 (iholl.
