High Street. Edinburgh. ()31 556 include Paul Haig, Goodbye Mr 9579. 10.30am—5pm. £2.50. A day M6K0n2i0~ Wildcat Theatre Con conference givingan introduction to The Pmdaimm- The MCClu-‘RCY [he use Ordancc and puppetry in Bros. Merry Mac Fun Co and Wee church drama. Sundav Schools and Free Kingsr A“ PmCCCdS 1" musc- Youth Fellowships. ' O The Club Westender. Morrison 1 Street. Edinburgh. 9pm—3am. 75p. - - SwampTrashappear. disco. raffles. 0 Astrological Association Scotland food. drink promos. Donations. The Theosophical Society. 28 (ireat 0 After Show Party Fire Island Disco. King Street. Edinburgh. 7.30pm. £1 Princes Street. Edinburgh. non-members. Information from the 11.30pm—3am. All proceeds. Secretary. 031 225 1571. Michael 0 Fury Murrays Maxwell Street. _ Litherland talks on Cycles ofTime Glasgow. 041 221 (.511. ' D . ' since the Renaissance. 10.30 m—3am. £3. Hosted by Bin w 0 To! all." U81 '3 3 if" Ilstlnos SCfiCS Oflalk$W1th 1‘ t0pm” “mound 0 Murray Grigor Films Filmhouse. Hitler? those appearing include 5 "Nico lo! I" WNW“. Odllfllllmll. oftravel by air. Lothian Road. Edinburgh. Details Sadie Bagwash and Cowpoke. The political and our," event: that do not 0 The First Eden: Waterstone S from Dorothy Stewart. Scottish Beat Poets. The Shangrilads and tall Into The List 3 other listings Bookshop 114-116 George Street. MuseumS Councii 031 339 7465 Crack “Morin Edinburgl1~()3l 225 343(2- 3—6-30Pm' 8pm. Two (irigor films will be 0 Mona Lisa (ilasgow Film Theatre. Frcc. DilVld Atlcnbl’rf’ugh tall“ shown. Charles Rennie Mackintosh Rose Street. Glasgow. 041 332 6535. . Radical scouand 50 Years Of abom hls late“ rV scrlcsand Signs and The Architecture ()fFran/t' Lloyd 6_&' 8.300m_

. . .co iesoftheaccom anving book. w,-,/ ‘,, W‘ ,- Struggle 1787—1837. Mitchell p p ' ’5 1" Orly r I” 5"“ “n

- . . a . . . ‘7 , - introduction.'1'he films _ ' Library.(rlasgow. i.-. Information v rcpcmcm_’i_l: am” April”! 3pm 0 Platform Jazz Concert Queen sllall‘

and booking from Scottish Labour Clerk Strum Edinburgh.

“ism”. Sod-my. pcmnmcm (,fd :nEddiCletlfg:2:3:ngllggggulfiigglan and 2. 15pm rcspcc‘tlv-oly. _ 9.“)pmfimdmght- as”

.‘t'. ".").z ‘. ~~‘ ~ . il?£2f.i.§i§‘.‘.‘..iifiE. 33.21.3233“ THURSDAY 2 g<;l.:;;g;og-.:,g;at;5:33;... Street. (ilasgow. Full dav OUT 13 the S“bled Olmnightis ' Edinburgh Bisexual Group lac-51mm and‘ (shiékl W” l t conference on Scotland‘s radical meeting. and (iayCentre. 58a Broughton . . French ceit'ic M’usic French history. . . . Street. Edinburgh. 8pm. Lonight s Institute. 13 Rundulph (.rcsc‘

° “"10"”: Chum" and 31319 ( hutch "‘“lm‘c’ '5 NWWmL” 'gm' Edinburgh. 7.30—10.30pm. £2. All Hall. King‘s Stables Road. 0 Arts Therapy Conference Western proceeds. Food and wine avail. Edinburgh. 1 1am. Free. A public General Hospital Conference . Hoochie Commie Club‘ (bus-{cm 3 ICC‘UW 81"CI‘I’F'LW‘1ME‘CK‘WOT ('Cnlft (‘FCWC ROML Edinburgh West Tollcross. Edinburgh. 031 228 Clashfern. Information and application details 3253. puccniagc ()ftakinus_

' central Ame'ica week: Presente from “10 Mandala A“ 'I‘hcri‘l’." A I Goodbye Mr MacKenzieand Quadrangle. Edinburgh City Project, Edinburgh University Botany 50“ impairing

Chambers. High Street. Edinburgh. Scitlcmcni~ 5/1 Bristo Square. . Shake The Mission Victoria

Info: Kevin Dunion. ()XFAM. 36 Edinburgh. 031 6670222. Art. music

- . , Street. Edinburgh. 10.30pm—3am. Palmerston Place. Edinburgh. (T31 and dance how it can he used in Collection. 225 9330. A commemoration event ihcnipy, An introduction to the . Mona Lisa (3H: Rose Street. for civilians klllL‘ti in Nicaragua. subject organised by [he Mandala Glasgow. (MI 33: 653“ 3.3()‘ h &

Art Therapy Project with

y _ _ 8.30pm. Collection. representatives from the Assocration . concen Queen Margaret Uninn‘ o Dressed torthe Journey Royal W Dim“ MQVCIT‘C'" Therapy 1“? Glasgow. £4. Museum of Scotland. Chambers Bm'Sh ASSOCWUOn MA” “WWI”Sis o Disco Sirgiihclydc University

3”?“ Edinburgh 2P"? and.t-Ij?‘fifsi)ciiiti.on 0f mecwonul April 3 is International Aids Day and Smdcms Unlom (“it“gl’“. [nmimummz (m .22) 7534 CM 206‘ Mus“ I Udpms' Scottish Aids Action runs around (mm—21m" L2 ,Kmrlmmi11‘1Cll$‘\'csthleilcsttalk thisdate: a series ofevents organised l.” “"5 SCH“ 0” Immim” m by Scottish Aids Monitor. Regular 0 Texas Club (basich 3 we“ Smilimd- o‘oan We‘Eduoate‘lor Peace? James Music and The (flu magazine. Many Tollcross. Edinburgh. 031 228 3252. Limdcmalc special events are beingorganised. in A“ takings 10 cause: . . - e - - . other cases clubs. Cinemas. theatres o The Kangaroo c|ub [he Mmmm O Airways in Scotland Roval Museum gum-imlml' A daY'l‘mg 59mm“ and pubs are either donating their Victoria Street. Edinbtiruh. of Scotland. Chambers Street. organised by the SCQWSh w‘mfmtl takings or allowing a collection to (‘ouccijon c Edinburgh. 2pm. Information: 031 Party 0“ PSYCh03‘0CWI IS_SUCS "1 [he take place on their premises. Money a 5”, Club The Vcnuc, (‘almn Road, 225 7534 ext 206. Ian Bunyan Medical (‘ampillgn AgmnSl NUCIC‘” raised will go towards the Edinburgh. (‘ollcciimi continues the Transport in Scotland Wt‘i‘POn-‘i- LunCh and rCfTCSthmS counselling work ofScottish Aids 0 Giant (EFL Rose sircci‘ Glasgow, ’3. i i * iiVilllilth “TUSI hook in ZldVilnCC Monitor" and [()“'ards Opening a (‘OHCCIRHL F With Dr SUI“ WOW“ the R0)“ hospice in the Lothian Region for 0 Fashion Show and Disco Kelvin Hospital for SiCk Children AIDS SUifCTCfS- MOFC CVCnIS and Centre. Argyle Street. Glasgow. £5.

' The social causes 0' m "93"“ Cit." collections have yet to be confirmed Those appearing include Wet. Wet,

Chambers.High Street.Edinburgh. w. ; 1w. ' ,. Free. Aconferencc including 1(mlL

workshops and speakers on social 0 Piaf Citizens Theatre. Crorbals. reasons behind ill-health: work. Glasgow 04] 4290022. Collection. ' Slonewall cale Bmughlon SIFCCL redundancv. noise. housing. Edinburgh. 7.30 int-midnight. ()rganisedby Edinburgh I-iealth 2 £1.50. A Countri' and Western Council. Booking forms from 0 Gala Concert Usher I fall. Lothian evening with Annie Foy and Alan Edinburgh Health Counci. 21 Road, Edinburgh. ()31 228, 1155, McDowall from the hand So You Torphicen Street. (BI 23‘) 6605. 7.30pm. £1()/£8_"1‘ickcts avail, Usher Think You're A Cowboy. RaflICS. 0 Sponsored Lift Craiglockhart Han‘ Virgin. Ripping Records, Broad Bean Bake and Corned Beef r' Sports Centre. 177 Colinton Road. Regular Music‘ p() Box 77, “cad Hash and a free blade ofgrass to Edinburgh. 12noon—6pm. Free. Post Office. Edinburgh (Sena 5A5). chew. Information: U3] 010]. In aid Of Those appearing include g “1151‘”; funds ll" it (3129" H Communards. The Waterbovs. Love Isokinetic Dynomometer— a joint and Money. 11w proclaimch The 0 She‘s Gotta Have It Cameo Cinema. testing and rehabilitation unit Merry Ma'c Fun (‘0 and Bing “mgr. Home Street. Edinburgh. 031 228 featured on 'l‘onrornm-‘s World. All Hosted by (“[2er (hogan A“ 41-11. 11.15pm. Scottish premiere of are welcome to come along and lift proceeds'tl) musc- the film. All takings to cause. what you can. and all donations or 0 Party Assembly Romm‘ 09an 0 The Blue Club (iilded Balloon. sponsorship gratefully received. Sircci‘ Edinburgh. 11_3()pm_3am (‘owgate. Edinburgh. 031 225 5650. Jimmy Somemue ("The Communams (Aids 0 Moving Parts The Churches Drama £3_ Tickets from same outlets as All takings to cause. (iroup oaia ounce"). Federation at The Netherbow. 43 (33k, Conccm ThoSC appearing appearing is Bopshebam.

40 The List 20 March 2 April