The print at the piper by Michael McVeigh is lrom a collection oi his prints and paintings at toll: and traditional musicians that hang and are lor sale in the restaurant/cafe area at the Folk Festival Club. Situated in Teviot Bow House beside the University’s McEwan Hall, the club hosts concerts, ceilidhs and iniormal sessions every day. The bars are open each day 9.30am—2.3me. There isa small shop and a restaurant open 11am—1am. A creche is available, and even showers. Admission is lree during the day, but a club membership is necessary in the evenings.

In addition to the usual sessions in all the corners, there will be a bagtul ol pipers overthe lestival's last weekend. There are lectures, workshops and concerts at piping lrom all over Europe, and an open air, Bristo Square mini-tattoo with Shotts and Dykehead, one at the world's top pipe bands. Two changes in the Festival programme are the move by Theatre Alba 3 lew hundred yards to the more suitable Pleasance Theatre, and the untortunate absence ol singer Christine Primrose lrom the Saturday night Gaelic concert.

Duality Scots song and songs lrom Northern Ireland can be heard from the Clutha and Kevin Mitchell on Saturday, and Sundays big Feed The Folk charity concert has some at the most successlul lolk-based singers and songwriters to have emerged over the last ten years. Dance workshops every day might prepare you tor the two late-night ceilidhs and the lunatic lringe are to be catered lor in the One

o Piping Festival Workshops: Meet the Pipemakers Debating l lall. Festival ("|ub. llnoon- 5pm. FRliF.

l)isp|a_v s. demonstrations and tallss. o The Temple Lectures: Boy Palmer l.ibrarv . Festival ( 'lub.

I345 l.iSpm. Ll at dooronlv. Street Balladsand the ( )ral 'lradition.

o Alloa Brewery Lunchtime Concerts: Baparigos (Galicia) 'l ev iot Bar. Festival ('lub. l -2..‘~llpm. llappv llour l-—3pm. FRlili. vaeet and eveiting musie lrom one ol’the(’e|tie heartlands. Bagpipes ( ( iaita) bass dr‘urnselul.

o Alloa Brewery Teatime Concerts: Bod Paterson and Friends Sportsman‘s Bar. Festival (lub. 5.30— 7pm. L2 available in adv anee. Singer l'rom .loek ‘l'amson's Bairns and liasv ('Iub vvith a miv ol song lrom Rabbie Burns to('ole l’orter. A remarkable voiee and guitarstvle.

0 Theatre Alba present The Warld's Wonder Venue ehanged to l’leasanee ‘l‘heatre. 'l'he l’leasanee. 7.3ll—‘l..‘~llpm. L3 ( L350) available in advance. 'l'he alchemists ol Scottish theatre. See ‘l'heatre listings.

0 Concert at Fiddle and Pipe Music: Trevor Hunter and Eileen Hunter (Shetland). Czabab Szijjarto and Zoltan Kalai ol Makvirag (Hungary), Peter Brown and Eugene Lamb (Ireland), Xan B. Silvar ot Baparigos (Galicia), Andre

Man Band competition or in the Easter Egg Bolling Eggstravaganza, with hard-boiled eggs supplied tree, in Princes Street Gardens. Children are not absolutely necessary to enjoy this Sunday lunchtime at music and comedy with among others, Magic Bob, Major Mustard and Marvin The Monkey. (Norman Chalmers)

Bicros and Jacques Lavergne (Auvergne) Bristo Street Student (’entre. 7..‘~ll—‘)..‘vllpm. L3 ( L250) available in adv anee. A great eoneert lor lovers ol traditional piping vvith bags and ehanters l'rom all over liurope and l'iddling lrom tvvo rieh traditions. Hungarv and Shetland. 0 Cajun Dance: ‘Dn the Bayou‘ Deal Heights Cajun Aces, Zydeco Ceilidh Band \Villvie l louse. (‘ovvgate ‘lpm lam. L3 l L25“) available in advanee. 'l‘vvo liomegrovvn

roots roek bands steeped in the (’aiun sound iron] the l,ousiana

svv arnps. Dance or listen and then danee.

0 Late Night Concert: ‘East Meets West‘, Makvirag (Hungary), Spirit at the West (Canada) Debating l lall. Festival (‘lub. lll.3llpm—midnight. L3 l L25”) available in advance. ‘Spirit‘ are quite a vvild buneh but Makvirag eonjure up a storm on their unitsual. tooureves. instrumentation. A eoneert of surprises and niusieal skill.

0 Late Night Ceilidh Dance: Jim Johnstone and his Band Bristo Street Student Centre. Ill.3llprii— l .3llam. L3 l L35“) available in advanee. llooehl

o Piping Festival Workshops: Meet the Pipemakers Debating l lall. Festival (‘|ub. lll.3llam— lprn. FRl'il'Z. Reeds.


‘5 I".


X (we;


4&5 ! t \ 2‘3.


1' .. p TlCKETlNFD: Tickets are available trom the Usher Hall Box Ollice; The Ticket Centre, Waverley Bridge; Canongate Music, Blacklriars Street, or by post lrom EIFF, Shillinghill, Temple, Midtothian. During the Festival they can be obtained lrom the Festival Club Box Dllice in Teviot How Student Union,

Bags. Bellovv s. ( 'hanters and ( 'hat. 0 Dance Workshop: James MacDonald Reid Bristo Street Student ( ‘entre. lll..‘~llam- l2..‘~llpm. Llfillat door onlv. l’re(‘ountrv Dame

0 Piping Tattoo: Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band Bristo Square. 13.741») . 15pm. FRlil-i. 'l‘op band.

0 Armagh thmers Festival (‘lub. 13.30 2pm. FRlil-fi. Multi Media l'olls shovv.

o Alloa Brewery Lunchtime Concerts: Tich Frier and his Guests 'l‘ev lot Bar. Festival (‘lub. l--3..‘~llpm. llappv llourl 2pm. FRlili. Singer and lunnv man.

0 Dance Workshop: Dalriada Dancers (Scotland), Foyak (Turkey) Iii-ism Street Student ('entre; 1 3pm. FRlil'Z. Roll up vvith vour daneing shoes. Free vv hiskv and rose lilavoured svvectsl

o Piping Workshop: Andre Bicros and Jacques Lavergne Sportsman's liar. Festival (‘lub. 130—3. 15pm. Ll at dooronlv. Don‘t miss thisone. ’l‘he eabrette is one ol' France’s beautil'ul bagpipes. plaved here bv one ol its l'oremost exponents and perl'ormed mainlv in duet vvith a super Freneh st_vle Aeeordion l)iatonique.

o Gaelic Ceilidh: Margaret Bennett, Martyn Bennett, Roddy Campbell. Gleus, Sileas Debating l lall. Festival (‘|ub. 2.3ll-4pm. L2 ( L1 .50) available in advanee. Song. harpng and piping. ('hristine has inst eornpleted

her long-avv aited seeond album.

0 Dance Workshop: Hans Deibel Bristo Street Student (’entre.

.‘vfstl 5 30pm. FRI-l1. (ierman tltlltL‘L‘.

0 Concert ol Piping: Peter Brown (Uillean Pipes), Eugene Lamb (Uillean Pipes), Pipe Major Robert Mathieson (Highland Bagpipe). Chris Miller (Northumbrian Pipes). Hamish Moore (Lowland Pipes). Pipers and Drummers lrom Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band Debating I lall. Festival ('Iub. 4.3“ ppm. L2 (Llfill) available in adv anee. Feast tor pipers vv ith mainlv the smaller lwllovvs-blovvn v'arietv

o Alloa Brewery Teatime Concerts: Setanta Sportsman's Bar. Festival ('lub. 5.3” 7pm. llappv l lour

5.3li— (vfillpm. L3 available in

adv anee. (ilasgovv-based group ol traditional singers and p|a_v e rs vv ho rel'leet the Irish inlluenee in the ‘l)ear(ireen Plate.

0 ‘Doon in the Wee Boom‘: The Clutha. Gordeanna McCulloch, Kevin Mitchell Sportsman's liar. Festival (tub. 7.30 lllpm. L3 available in advance. l.itng respected ( ilasgovv eombination oi traditional Seots singers and musieians vv ith the l.innet t'rom l'lster. Kevin Mitehell. traditional singer.

0 Theatre Alba: The Warld‘s Wonder \‘enue ehanged to l’leasanee 'l‘lteatre. 'l'he l’leasanee.

7.3M --l)..‘~llprn. L3 ( L3) available in advance. See previous davs.

o The Bellord Travel Concert at International Music and Dance: Baliaores del Norte, Dalriada Dancers. Foyak, Helen Henderson. Makvirag, Isobel Mieras. Baparigos, Andre Bicros and Jacques Lavergne and other guests ( ieorge Square 'l’lieatre.

S ~lll..‘~llpm ( Door-sopen 7pm). L3 (LINN available in adv anee. All that's missing is the sun. From Seotland. Spain. ‘l‘urkev . Franee and l Iungarv .

o Bridgend Printers Late Night Concert: Bob Fox and Stu Luckley. Maxie and Mitch. Debating Hall, Festival Club. 10.30pm—midnight. £3 (£2.50) available in advance. Top lavourites lrom some years back in the lolk clubs.

tzil‘Ja v? 5."fl‘_.-’ '.‘- f g \_ 7- I, '1 1.1.. ' .,' a -' ’f .~ w . M fgk’l

0 Dance Workshop: James MacDonald Reid Debating l lall. Festival ('lub. llUlhmr-13.30pm. Llfllat door onlv. 'l‘raditional lolk danees. lrom a Seottish perspeetiv e.

o Piping Festival Lecture: Hugh Cheape Sportsman’s liar. Festival ('lub. ll »ll.45ani. Ll at door onlv. 'l'he National Museums piping expert. 'l‘itle "l‘he piping tradition and its roots in Seotland and be_vond.‘

o Piping Festival Lecture: Peter Brown and Eugene Lamb Sportsman‘s Bar. Festival ('lab. llnoon- llJFpm. Ll at dooronlv. l'illean (lrish ) pipes and their inusie.

0 Easter Egg Bolling l’rinees Street (iardens. llnoon 3.3llpm. FRlilz. liggs supplied? (‘hildren's shovv . vv ith Marvin the Monkev ; slapstiek lrom 'l‘onv and Derek: Major Mtistard's l‘ravelling Shovv : Magie Bob. and

32 The List 17 30 April