0 Art is listed by city first then by venue, running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not later than 10 days before publication date.


O ANNAN GALLERY 130 West Campbell Street. 221 5087 8. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm Sat 9.30am—12.30pm.

General selection of mainly Scottish



KELVINGROVE 357 3929. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 1—5pm. Restaurant. [D] Voluntary guides are available free ofcharge to conduct parties or individuals round the main galleries.

Contact the enquiry desk.

Landseer‘s Monarch 0n View Until late July. The Monarch oft/1e (ilt'n. that myth-making stag. moves from the Guinness boardroom to a more public place. It‘s tour will continue to the National Gallery in Edinburgh and then Perth before finally resting privately again. this time at Distillers House. Edinburgh. After so many reproductions the real thing is bound to draw even the most cynical like a magnet. A touch ofthe Mona l.isas.

Recent Colour Etchings by North

Bavarian Artists (Niirnberg exhibition) Until Stilt 12 July. A large selection by 28 Niirnberg artists in the balcony

exhibition area. Prints by Max

Sooner and Gregor l liltncr who are showing at the Compass Gallery and Glasgow Arts Centre respectively. are amongst the best. Organised by

the Ntirnberg Local History

Museums for the visit of this twin city

to Glasgow.

DiirerA-Z (Niirnberg exhibition) Until

Sun 12 July. The 16th century

Northern Renaissance man Albrecht Diircr. born in Nitrnberg. is saluted in this exhibition by artists from 13 countries. His work is reproduced with grey mounts around them. for easy identification. Salvador Dali thins out his Adatn and Eve but

retains their sensuality; Toni

Burghart gives D'Lirer‘s dainty hare psychedelic fur and the rhino which Dtirer drew but had never seen in

life. is etched by Artmut Berlinicke

as a faithful copy but with the

addition of bull‘s eye and tank. A

fascinating exhibition.

A Present trom Mauchline Until Wed 19 Aug. Beautifully finished wooden souvenirs named after the village of Mauchline in Ayrshire. where it was produced between the 1820s and 1939. A craft which grew with the

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Etching by Allons Bytautus at the Glasgow Print Studio.

tourist trade and the rise of rail


Incorporation of Glasgow Hammermen

Until Sun 30 Aug. Modern Scottish Prints Fri l7 July—Sun 20 Sept.

Three Italian Etchers Fri 21 July—Sun

311 Aug.

0 BLYTHSWOOO GALLERY 161 West George Street. 246 5529. Mon—Fri 10am—~5.30pm. : Sat 10am— 1 pm. Opening Exhibition 'l'hroughout July. Scottish Landscapes and Flower paintings by I lunter. .‘vlac’l‘aggart. Park and others. Also modern studio



Street. Mon—Sat 9._‘s0am—5.30pm:

Sun 11am-5pm; Closed Tues. 0 THE BURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road. 6497151.

Mott—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 1—5pm.

Rest. [1)]

The glittering prizes ofone man’s wealth shown under one roof. The surrounding park offers a taste of the


Burrell Niirnberg Display (Niirnberg

exhibition) Until Sun 12 July.

Coinciding with the recent twinning celebrations. the Burrell pullout their copy of the Nurnberg World

Chronicle. printed in 1493 and

bought up by Sir William Burrell himself. long before twin towns were all the rage. ()ther itemsofsitnilar period relating to the German town will be brought up frotn the stores and gathered frotn the museum‘s

regular displays.

0 COLLINS GALLERY Liniversity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4400ext 2682 2416. Mon—Fri

l0am—5pm. Sat 12—4pm.

o The Unpainted Landscape Until Sat 8 Aug (closed 17—20July inclusive).

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An alternative approach to landscape with photography. text. sculpture and some paintings by artists including Herman de Vries. Doug Coeker. Chris Drury. Thomas Joshua Cooper and Ian Hamilton Finlay.

O CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 148 West Regent Street. 221 3095.

Mon—Fri 9.30am—5.30pm. Sat 9.30am—12.30pm.

The Gallery is closed from Fri 17 July to Mon 3 Aug.

Selected British Paintings and Drawings 1900—1950 Recent acquisitions including Gillies. Eardley. Redpath and Crosbie.

O COMPASS GALLERY 178 West Regent Street. 221 6370. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm.

The Gallery is closed from Fri 17 July to'I‘ue 11 Aug.

New Generation Artists Until Fri 17 July. The Compass selection of this year‘s graduates from the four Scottish art colleges.

0 FILMWORLD De Courcy‘s Arcade. 5 Cresswell Lane. 339 8555.

The 007 File Until end Aug. A 25th anniversary exhibition ofJames Bond film posters and stills.

O FINE ART SOCIETY 134 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5.30pm. Sat 10am—1pm. Contemporary Scottish Paintings Until end Jttly.


Washington Street. 221 4526.

Mon—Fri 10am—9pm. Sat 10—5pm.

Summer Exhibition Until Wed 26 Aug. An exhibition ofclasswork from various visual arts activities at the Arts Centre Drawings and painting. weaving. knitwear and photography.

0 GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 128 lngratn Street. 552 0704. Mon—Sat “lam—5.30pm.

Landmarks by Allons Bytautas Sat 1 l July—Sat 1 Aug. Etchings. paintings and drawings made after spending six months in ()rkney where the standing stones exerted great influence. Bytautas has been working as artist/technician at the Studiosince 1979.

Scottish Print Open Show Entries for this show must be submitted by 15 Aug. Contact Print Studio for details and entry forms.

0 GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 167 Renfrew Street.

Craig Advertising Awards Fri 11 July until further notice. This is the first

year of these awards. The aim is to highlight the work ofdesign students in Scottish art colleges.

0 GLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Hillhead. Mon—Fri 9. 15am-9. 15pm: Sat 9. 15am—12. 15pm.

The European Emblem Mon 27 July—Mon 24 Aug. Glasgow University has the world‘s best single collectioin of these small pictures with motto and verse. a great craze during the Victorian period. Their display is part of a conference on the subject organised jointly by Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities.

0 HAGGS CASTLE 1111) St Andrews Drive. Mon—Sat l0am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. Glasgow's museum for children.

A Box Of Surprises Until Mon 24 Aug. See Kids page.

0 "ALT BAR 160 Woodlands Road (open during bar hours).

Jazz Caricatures Until Sat 1 1 July. Carol Kidd. Herbie Hancock and Bobby Wishart at the hands of Morton.

O HILLHEAD LIBRARY 348 Byres Road. 339 7223. Mon—Fri

9.30am— 1 pm. 2—8pm; Sat 9.30am—lpm and 2—5pm. Closed Wed.

Ken Palmer Sat 11July—Sat 29 Aug. Paintings by this founding member ofthe artists‘ group ()pen Circle.

0 HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY University ofGlasgow. llillhead Street. 330 5431. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm. Sat 9.30— 1 pm.

The Northern Renaissance Print Until Tue 16July. Frotn their fathomless collection ofprints. the l lunterian's latest theme looks at the etchings. engravings and woodcuts of northern artists from Germany. Holland and Flanders during the fertile period between the late 15th and 16th centuries. Dtirer is highlighted to coincide with the Niirnberg Festival. Others include Lucas van Leyden. Altdorfer. Cranach and Bruegel.

The Mackintosh House Gallery:

Open as above but closed for lunch 12.30—1 .30pm. 50p admission on weekday afternoons and Saturdays. A reconstruction ofthe architect’s home fitted with original furniture. Graphics at the Art Nouveau Era Until summer. A style of line par excellence. the art nottveau movement is represented by the work ofE. A.'1'ay1or. Aubrey Beardsley. Jan Toorop and others. Printmaking in Britain Sat 25 July—Sat 24 ()ct (closed 25-28 Sept). Woodcuts from the ‘golden age‘ of the Twenties and the Thirties by Paul and John Nash. and David Jones. etching by Graham Sutherland and work by Henry Moore. Ben Nicholson and lvon Hitchens.

0 HUNTERIAN MUSEUM The University of Glasgow. 339 8855. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm. Sat 9.30am—1pm. Twice named Museum ofthe Year. the Hunterian Collection includes objects ranging from Captain Cook's Pacific treasures to the Bearsden Shark. Museums at Work Until 29 Sept. Find out what museums do for their collections and their visitors. Scottish Museums with good working practices will be highlighted.

The List 10— 23 July 33