KEY: [ND]— Nodenims [N'I'] - Notrainers [A] -— Available for Private I lire on certain nights



0 Hollywood Studio 9 Brow n Street. 248 (16116. Open '7 nights. 1(1pm» 3am. £2.5ll; Fri and Sat £3.50. 12 video monitors. laser system.


0 Hollywood Studio 9 Brown Street. 248 66116. I lolly'wood Playground. fttiik and sotil. See livery Night.

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms l lottse ()uay‘. 221 (1865. 11pm 3.3(1am. £1.5(1.IIi-NR(i.

0 Savoy Savoy (‘entr-e. Sauchiehall Street.

111.3(1pm— 3am. £ 1 .50. Over 25s Disco. 611s and 711s intisic. [ND] lN'I‘I


o Bennets «)u ( ilassford Street. 552 5761. llptn 3am. 5(1p. 8 video monitors. Alternative night at otherwise mainly gay disco.

0 Tin Pan Alley 39Mitchcll Street. 22I 5275. Jo-Jo's. 111.3(1ptn- 3am. (iay Night. 5(1p. Iii-NRO. [N1]

0 Warehouse 75 Dunlop Street. 2213623. Fashair. Middle ofthe road and jazz. 111.3(lpni 4am. £4. Video screen. laser system. Strictly over 18. ()ccasional live bands. [A] [N'I’]


0 Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 333 (1712. Jeans and ’1‘-shirt night. 1lpm--3.3(1am.£2.5(1. l'pfront dance ntusic. live bands occasionally. Popular Wed night club. [A]

0 Fury Murrys t)o Maxwell Street. 221 651 1. (‘lub on Weds now called The Big Noise.

l(1.3(1pm -3.3(1am. £2.

Indie alternative street. Bands on regularly btit not every week. 0 Henry Alriltas I3 15 York Street. 221 61 l 1. Ilopingto open to the pttblie 7 nights shortly. 611s Night. 61 ls‘ tnusic and tnixed age group. l(1.3(1pm--4am. £4 (cones for groups). I'pmarkct itnage. Videos. ()ver 21. Diner open for fttll meals and snacj. s. 1(1.3(1pm~4am. [A] [ND] [N1]

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms I louse Quay. 221 (1865. 11pm—3.3(1ani. Free. Iii-NRO.


0 Bennets 9(1(i|a.ssford Street. 552 5761. 11pm—3am. £1 . 8 video tnonitors. Mainly gay. Ili-NR(i.

o Cleopatras Beltnont Lane. Kelvinbridge. Streetbeat ('lub: 1(1.3(1pm—2.3(1am. With tickets


£1 .511 before midnight. £2 after (tickets available from (‘leopatras and from t'nicorn leisure). Without tickets £4. Anything goes at this clttb night and they are looking for street performers who can do anything visttally or musically interesting. 0 The Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 332(1712.(irip.11pm~3.3(1am. £2.5(1(membcrs £2). A mixture of all the best music going.

0 Fury Murrys 9o Maxwell Street. 2216511. ‘Staticlree sounds' for a limited period only. from pirate station Radio Mercury. who will be recording part of their Sunday show at Fttry Murry“son 'l‘hursdays.

1 1pm ~ 3.3(1am. £2. See Wed.

0 Henry Atrikas 13 15 York Street. 221 61 1 l. 111.3(1pm 4am. £4. (‘hart and disco. Sec Wed. [A] [ND] [N1]

0 Joe Paparazzi 52(1Sauchicha11 Street. 331 21 1 l. llpm~3.3(1am. £3. Mixture of soul. discoand alternative. l'pmarkct club. Laser show. video screens and occasional bands.

0 Raffles l5 Benalder Street. 334 5321. 'l‘anila Motown Night. 1(1pm~- 2am. £2.51). With cheap drink: pints 5(1p. half-pints 3(1p. (AI

0 Rooftops 92 Sattchiehall Street. 332 5883 5967.

1(1pm - 3.3(1am. £3. Regularly has hands on Thurs night (see Rock listings for details). Music to suit band. Videos. Over 18s only.

0 Savoy Savoy ('entre. Sauchiehall Street.

111.3(1pm r 3am. £2. Over 25s. charts and 6(1s and 7(1s. [ND] (NT!

0 Tin Pan Alley 3‘) Mitchell Street. 221 5275. Big Bad Beat l(1.3(1pm 3am. £2.

Alternative Funk Night. Diner open. [NI]

0 Wailers Reggae Club Rooftops. 92 Sattchiehall Street. 332

5883 59(i7. 1(1pm—3.3(1am. £2. Over 18s.

0 Warehouse 75 Dunlop Street. 221 3623. Rock (‘ityz 1(1.3(1pm—3am. £3. A cltth fora Thursday night with the emphasis on Rock music rock music.


o Bennets911(ilassford Street. 552 5761. 11pm 3.3(1am. £2. 8 videos. Mainly gay. lit-NRO. O Cleopatras Bellmont Lane. Kclvinbridge.

111.3(1pm 2.3(1am. £3. ()ver 2(1s. (‘harts and funk. Videos. [ND] [NT]

0 Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 332 (1712. Prohibition Night.

1 1pm» 3.3(1am. £4 non-members; £3 members. Free membership available at present. Special Drinks Promotion Night. different drink every week. Sottl and funky. Popular.

0 Fury Murrys 96 Maxwell Street. 2216511. RAD(‘lttb.


"_. . .".~ .3, .hl. '_ 1‘ . ' n" ’1) - . p

A v 1(l.3(1pm—3.3()am. £3, Mixed [ not mttch charts. See Wed.

music hosted by Radio ('lyde DJ. Segttn. Half-price cocktails all night. See Wed.

0 Henry Alriltas 13 15 York Street. 221 61 1 1. 1(1.3(1pm—4am. £3. Spanks: a new club within a club. Transferred from Lucifers -‘ alternative and popttlar with the 'in' crowd. See Wed. [A] [ND] [NT]

0 Joe Paparazzi 52(1Sauchiehall Street. 331 21 l 1. 11pm—3.3(1am. £3.51). Revolution (‘Iub-— a complete change is a revolution. every Fri at .loc Paparazzi's. [A] 0 Luciters 22 Jamaica Street. 248 4(»(1(1. 11pm-~3.3(1am.£3. Recently taken over and being kept low-key as major ic-vamping is planned with design by The (‘loth -— unlikely to be dull.

0 Panama Jax (‘ustoms l louse ()uay . 221 (1865. 1(1pm—-3.3(1am. £3. Disco and charts.

0 Pzazz 23 Royal lixchange Square. 221 5323. Open to ptthlic Fri and Sat.

1(1.3(1pm ~3.3(1am. £4. mainly chart mttsic. Video screen. [A] O Rattles 15Bena1der Street. 334 5321 . l(1pm~3.3(1am. £3. Mainstream disco.

0 Reggae Club Rooftops. Fttnction Sttitc. 92 Sattehiehall Street. 332 5883 5967. 1(1pm'3.3(1am.£2.5(1.()ver18s. 0 Rooftops 92 Sattchiehall Street. 332 5883 5967.

1(1pm- 3.3(1am. £3. Mostly alternative. Videos. Over 18s only.

0 Savoy Savoy ( ‘entrc. Sauchiehall Street.

111.3(1pm 3am. £3. ()ver2l1s. (‘harts Pop (iolden ()Idies. [ND] [N1]

0 Tin Pan Alley 3‘) Mitchell Street. 321 5275. 111.311 4am. £4. £2.5(1with ticket. .‘vlainlychart music. Diner open. [N1]

0 Ultratheque 15(1Wc11ington Street. 1(1.3(1pm—3am. £3. Disco. ()ver 2(1s. (‘hartsand imports. Videos. [A] [ND] [NT] 0 Warehouse 75 Dunlop Street. 221 3623. 1(1pm--y3.3(1am. £3. Norman Ross ()rganisation Night ( Doctors and Nurses Nights. Bankers Nights. Lingerie Shows. etc. See 'I'ue. INTI


O Bennets 9(l(ilassford Street. 552 5761. 11pm—3.311am. £3. Mainly gay disco. lli-NRU.

0 Cleopatras Bellmont Lane. Kelvinbridge.

111.3(1pm 2.3(1am. ()ver2(1s. ('harts and fttnk. Videos. See Fri. [ND] [N1]

0 Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 332

(1712. |lpm~~3.3(1am. £4. ('harts.

disco. fttnk and soul >— upmarket club aiming at over 2(1s atmosphere. [A]

o Fury Murrys 9t» Maxwell Street. 2216511. 1(1.3(1pm—3.3(1am. £3,511. The Beat Box —~ a new hotnc for the popular club which was at Lucifers fttnk. soul and

.LJ‘V‘ oligg.‘ : r.


as. - . 3.,

0 Henry Alriltas I3 15 York Street. 221 61 1 1. 1(1.3(1pm—4am. £4. (‘hart and disco. See Wed. 1A1 1NDI INTI

0 Joe Paparazzi 5211 Sauchiehall Street. 331 21 l 1. 1 1pm—3.3(1am. £4. Mixture ofsotil. discoand alternative. L'pmarket clttb. see Thurs.

O Kes Club Function Sttite. Rooftops. 92 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5883 5967. 1(1pm—3.3(1am. £2.51). Alternative. Over 18s.

0 Lucilers 22 Jamaica Street. 248 4600. 11pm—3.3(1am.£3.See Fri. [A]

0 Panama Jax ('ustoms l louse ()uay'. 221 (1865. 1i1pm—3.3(1am. £3. Disco and charts. [A]

O Pzazz 23 Royal Iixchange Square. 221 5323. 1(1.3(1pm—3.3(1am. £4. Mainly chart music. Video screen and monitor.

0 Rattles 15 Benalder Street. 334 5321. 1(1pm—3am. £3. Mainstream disco. [A]

o Rooftops 92 Sattchiehall Street. 332 5883 5967.

lllpm- 3.3(1am. £3. Mostly discos. Videos. ()ver l8sonly. [A] [ND] [NT]

0 Savoy Savoy ('entrc. Sauchiehall Street.

l(1.3(1pm~ 3am. £3. ()ver 2(1s. ('harts. pop and (iolden ()Idies. [A] [ND] [NT]

0 Tin Pan Alley 3‘) Mitchell Street. 221 5275. See Fri.

0 Ultratheque 15(1Wellington Street. 111.3(1pm-3am. £3. Standard disco. ()ver 2(1s. (’harts and imports. Videos. [ND] [NT]

0 Warehouse 75 Dunlop Street. 221 3623. llottse Party. House tnttsie. 1(1.3(1pm--3am. £3. See 'l’ue. [N'i‘]


o Bennets 911(i1assford Street. 552 5761 . Sunday (‘lub

1 1pm- 3am. £2. Spirits 5(1p; lager. heavy etc 75p. Mainlygay disco. lli-NRU.

0 Cleopatras Bellmont Lane. Kelvinbridge. Fuddruckers: £1. 11pm 2.3(1am. New alternative dance clttb night every Sunday See Fri. [ND] [NT]

0 The Crypt Function Stiitc. Rooftops. 92 Sattchiehall Street. 332 5883 5967. 9pm-«2.3(1am. £2. (iothic(‘1ttb Night. ()ver 18s.

0 Fury Murrys 9t» Maxwell Street. 2216511. Avarice: newclttb night focusing on greed and hard dance. [(1.3(1pm—3am. £2.5(1. Sec Wed.

0 Joe Paparazzi 52(1Sauchiehall Street. 331 21 1 1. 11pme3.3(1am. £3.5(1. Fresh (‘luh Night. Mixture of soul. disco and alternative. Popular elttb night ~ though rumour has it you need a stmtan to get in. See ’l'hurs. [A] 0 Panama Jax ( ‘ustoms l louse ()ttay. 221 (1865. 11pm~3am. £2. Disco and charts. Sunday Splash: 75p pints; 7(1p spirits inc mixers. £2.

eagle"? y I! ‘3‘ sis-YE." ' " ' -‘ . ' r *3... rr. .7

O Rattles 15 Benalder Street.

334 5321. 1(1pm—2am. £2. Mainstream disco. [A]

0 Rooftops 92 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5883 59117. lllpm—2.3(1am. £2. Live Bands (sec Rock Listings for details). 0 Savoy Savoy (‘entrc. Sauchiehall Street.

111.3(1pm— 2.3(1am.£2.()ver18s. ('harts. Videos. [ND] [N1]

0 Speed 2 I Iollywood Stttdios. Brown Street. 9pm~~3amt ish). £2. ()ffshoot of London Speed club. Playing ‘beautiful music frotn 6(1s to 8(1s. from The to Sonic Youth.

0 Tin Pan Alley 39 Mitchell Street. 221 5275. 1(1.3(1pm~4am. £1 with ticket. £4 without. The Kennel (‘lttbz hosted by Radio (‘ly'de DJ. Segun.

o Ultratheque lSu Wellington Street. 111.3(1pm-2.3llam. £2. ()ver18s.(‘hartsand progressive. Videos. [ND] [NT] 0 Warehouse 75 Dttnlop Street. 221 3623. Nightshift (‘1ub. 111.3(1pm 4am. £2.5(1. Broad ntix of tnusic. 25p Spirits. 15p Mixers. 6pr Beers. See ‘I‘ue. (Nu



O Calton Studios 26 (‘alton Road. 556 7(166. Now open every night with a mixture of discos and live hands.

0 Fire Island Disco 127 Princes Street. 226 4660. Sttn. Mon and Wed 111.3(1pm— 2am; 'l‘hurs 11.3llpm —3am; Fri and Sat 1(1.3(lpm 2.45am. Long established gay disco.

0 Paris Bistro 71 (ow-gate. Free discos; y arious music each night.


0 Blue Monday Fire Island. 127 Prices Street. £1.25l75phefore 11pm). Predominantly ‘straight' night with goth pttnk favourites and compttlsory Ili-energy. ()verwhelming lighting system. 0 The Mission Victoria Street. Live hattds (see Rock Listings). 1(1.3(1pm 3am. £2.5(1(£21. Music to sttit band.


0 Alabama Shady Ladies.

(‘ow gate. 111.3(1ptn 3am. £2. Funk and soul.

0 Cinderellas Rockertellas (it) St Stephen Street. 556 (1266. 12 videoscreens. Restaurant 9pm~~1.45am. Membership £1 . Superclub 14s 18s.7.3(1-11pm. £1.25 members; £1 .511 non-members. lli-energy. [A] [ND] [NT]

0 The Mission Victoria Street. See Mon.

0 Tuesdays Hi-HRG Club

(‘oasters ( 'omplex. 3 West


'I‘ollcross. 228 3252. 1(1pm—4am.

£2 (sometimes £3 depending on

cabaret acts). Mairin gaycluh. (‘abaretand singers.
