\"IIIIKSEM’ at?beng

includes a visit to two typical houses '- (attheinvitationoftheirowners) a

0 Tai Chi Chuan [)imunhill Centre, 93 and ends up with a glass of wine. . llyndland Street. (ilasgow. 7.30. £3 (£1 .50). Richard Farmergiyes this D U N G

. Th. 0”" U“ u . tr“ "may, £3.50 Meet Register I louse. Princes “m to, "I “mm”, “nation”, Street (east). Edinburgh. 7.15pm for “mic” .M om" "an" m“ do not a guidedwalk to the three impressive h" I.” "I. uni: om" "m": terraces interpreted by Playfair to “"0"”. William Starks Plan. The walk

introductory lillk. Q BisexuaIGroup Lesbian and (iay Centre. SSA Broughton ' '

Street. Edinburgh. 8pm. J T I or.

o The Search For Nessie in the 19803 7.30-9.3(lpm. 'I’he topical subject for ' ' '

l,eeiiire'l‘lie;iirc, Royal Mugcumni' tonight‘s discussion is child abuse.

Scotland. Chambers Street.

Edinburgh. lllziiii-5.3llpiii. £I.'I'he 1

International Societon ' 0 Choose Cruelty-Free Campaign Bus Cryptozoology meets to discuss one Exhibition. waver“:V Bride

ofthe most famous enigmas of all Edinburgh. t)_3()am_5.3()pm_ Free. time: the Loch Ness Monster. 'l'alks

For full details write or phone now. i

Glenmore Lodge, National Outdoor Training Centre. T Organised by the British [Inion for Aviemore, Invemess-shire PHZZ lQU. (Tel: 047 986 256)

. \ x - x ) . \ . . . ,. . . . "mum Hull} B““””” l “N” the Abolition of V’iyisection with a f l

PCWCPIinn “I‘ll” LOCI] NC“ host ofstarnames(Richard Briers.

Monster' and lint l)insdale on Lem“. “end”. Barium, (‘ickmn NATIONAL OUTDOOR TRAINING CENTRE

" . I i s \. \ ~ ' x . . . l l .

A l crsonal ()dysscy .. Open to all} happening around Britain since A IlllCTCSlL‘Ll [ICTSUIIN l OIIIUIIUW lllC hunch. N0“. the Exhibition bus Society holds a symposium on big “my”. in Scotland and is in

C1115? Edinburgh today. Support comes

from the Body Shop and Ilolland and and Barret who are displaying 0 Hermitage 0t Braid: GUidEG Walk campaign material and stocking I Iermitage of Braid. Information many of the ‘cruelty free” products. Centre. Braid Road. Edinburgh Callers to the twenty four hour (buses 5. ll. 15 and In from Princes Campaign llotline(()1 700-1232) will Street). 2pm. Information 031 4-17 be sent a cruelty free product list 71-15. 'l‘oday's walk concentrates on magazine. "I'he Changing Landscape'. 0 International Refugee Day 7 0 Some Cats ot Cryptozoology Lecture Randolph Place (YWCA). Theatre. Royal Museum of Edinburgh. Information: ()31 225 Scotland. Chambers Street. 427‘) Ext (i. 10am (all day). Edinburgh. 10am-3pm. £1. The Organised by the YWCA and the International Society of Scottish Refugee Council.

Cryptozoology holds a symposium on someofthe BigCats. ()pen to all 2 g “"CMWPL‘IWHS- oCammo Estate Guided Walk Main I PLAX I‘JRS ARRII‘JD \\ I l H

(iate.Cammo Estate. Cammo

Walk. Edinburgh Buses (41. 18. 20

OScottish CampaignlorLegislationlor (mm.Bammnmundmom) ‘3 v ), n w ) s w, . . . . . « «Pm- MARKING 1 AIR I IhLIL I S

Rama." and wa R'gms ['CSh'm‘ and Free. Information from the Ranger

(iay( entre. >8 Broughton Street. Service 031 447 7145 Brim:

Edlllburgh- 7Pm- FWD MUCH”? ‘0 weatherproofclothing and wear .

set up an organising group for the

.‘t t.‘h . v , . campaign andtoconsider proposals 8 (m s 00 z\ I LTR for a Scottish Conference on Lesbian 6 1 B TRG H 11rle and (iay Rights Legislation. . Hiroshima Lantern Floating L A L b J

Ceremony Coalic Park ((‘ohurg . "\ FIJIJIJ 1)I“!\\7 VYI'YH z\'[*

T M c Street).Stockbridge.Edinburgh. 0 00 any ars33 EastClaremont 9.30pm.Free.()rganisedby ‘. ‘r 1' v w Street.Edinburgh.ll315562614. Stockbridge CNDthiseyenttakesits IJh‘xbl 8pm Free. Allwelcometothis inspiration fromtheannuallantern I regular. last \\ ednesday of the ceremonies at Iliroshima where each month meetingofthe groupthat lantern representsthe soulofone of r i‘ ' ' i " ' v 3 l 7

thinkthere aretoo many carsonthe those whodied whentheatom bomb I l [XL 1 1

roads. ’l'onight's topic is the effect of was dropped 42 years ago. V E LI F LT ' ' ¥ 4 A A A J, A o

the car on inner city decay. Information from Stockbridge

{Edinburgh NewTown Walk: Calton CNI).oCanonmills. Edinburgh. . . . . _ I . .

Hill Booking and iniummmn {mm . Edinburgh Bisexua' Group chbmn 1‘ (Hi/Ill'lllf’f zit/ommlmn and when) to /)/({)' .S/i'zrmzi‘lz run/(1d: thc Edinburgh NC“ TOW“ and Gay Centre 58A Broughton

Conservation Centre. 13A Dundas Street. Edinburgh. 8pm. &

Street. Edinburgh. tel ()31 557 5222. 7.30-9.30pm. Newcomer‘s night.

The List 2-1 July (i August 23