O Duiiin/Clark DUD Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 8.30—11pm.


0 Sophie Bancroft Trio Cafe’ Biarritz. Frederick Street. Young singer of mainly jazz standards.

0 Spirits of Rhythm Basin Street. Haymarket Terrace. Evening. Trad and New Orleans in Riverboat-style venue.

0 That Swing Thang Négociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Swing songs from America and elsewhere.

SATURDAY 5 Glasgow

0 Bobby Wishart Quartet Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 221 7704. Evening. £2. Superior modern jazz saxophonist. 0 George McGowan Orchestra Riverside Club. Fox Street. Broomielaw. 2—5pm. £1.


0 Toto’s Jazz Band Preservation Hall, Victoria Street. 2-4pm. Trad and swing.

0 Basin Street Haymarket. Evening. Bar with regular trad jazz.

0 Tam White and the Dexters Platform 1. Rutland Street. Evening. R&B and a brass section.

0 That Swing Thang Caie’ Biarritz. Frederick Street. 9.30—11/30pm. Fun swing songs and guitar/bass.

o Aiter Eight Mince Ne’gociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Funky rock/ jazz.

SUNDAY . 6 Glasgow

0 Perdido Pharoahs Bar. Great Western Road. 8.30pm. Free. Mainstream and Latin jazz.

0 Dave Wilson and The Uptown Shuttlers Bonhams Wine Bar. Byres Road. Lunchtime.

o Ricki Fernandez and Friends The Tron Bar. Tron Theatre. Parnie Street. 552 4267. Lunchtime.

0 George Penman’s Jazzmen Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 8.3(1—11pm. Traddies.


0 Liz McEwan Group Hunters Tryst,

Oxgangs. Evening, 445 3132. Soulful

and bluesy singer.

o Tam White and The Dexters

Preservation Hall. Victoria Street,

2263816. Evening. £1. Rock/Soul

band with brass.

o Basin Street Stompers Basin Street,

Haymarket Terrace. Evening. The

Trad venue.

0 Capital City Jazz Band Crest Hotel,

Queensferry Road. 332 2442.

2—4.45pm. Trad.

0 Gordon Cruikshank Quintet

Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 8.3(1—11pm. Top tenor.

MONDAY 7 Edinburgh

0 Liz McEwan Styx. George Street. Evening. With quartet. Powerful vocalist.

o Erroneous Zones Négociants, Bristo Square. Evening.

0 Sophie Bancrott Trio Malt Shovel, Cockburn Street. Evening.


‘I do like the mesmerising quality oi repetition,’ says Nicky Hind while the voices in Philip Glass piece revolve out oi the sound system, and ‘I'm really looking iorward to the concert’ (Glasgow’s Third Eye, 4 Sept) ‘it’s a really important thing to play live, but we’ll do it all in one set, not breakthe mood and the structure.’ The ‘we’ includes two string quartets co-ordinaied by Lawrence Dunn, Larry Anderson on keyboards, Dave Mach, percussion and two reedsmen, Dick Lee and Steve Kettley, who take three each oi the six parts oi Hindsight and improvise over the score. This is the iirst periormance oi the work and the oiiicial album launch. Nicky composes at the piano. ‘I write the string parts on the synth then tape them on the tour track. . . it wouldn’t sound too good it I played the violin myseli although it was my iirst instrument.‘ Both his parents are music teachers, although he had little iormal music education and simply ‘asked Dad it a problem came up’. ‘People have called the music “New Age” but I don’t agree . . . it’s not eccentric oi seIi-indulgent. . . its just modern music.’ There is a contemplative, intense, even spiritual

tone to the work and Tom McGrath, iellow associate oi New York-based teacher, artist and musician Sri Chinmoy, adds his jazz-based piano technique to the album. Dependent more on the play at rhythmic melodic motiis over changing harmony than on architectonic structure, Hindsight is the first step in ‘making a career at my music . . . I‘d like to geta regular ensemble together.’ The group will bring the concert to Edinburgh in October. (Norman Chalmers)

Youngish group. mainly song standards.

0 East CoastJazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 9922. Evening. 7-piece Dixieland band.

0 St Stephen Street Stompers Basin Street. Haymarket. Evening. Trad. o Workhorse Ne’gociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Nine-piece jazz-tinged outfit.

TUESDAY 8 Glasgow

0 Bobby Wishart Duartet Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. Evening.


0 Liz McEwan/Brian Kellogg Trio 9pm. Rutland Hotel. Rutland Street. Vocals/keyboard.

0 Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar House Hotel. Mayfield Gardens. 667 2828. Evening.

0 West End Jazz Band Basin Street. Haymarket. Evening. Solid trad band.

0 Live Jazz Handsel‘s Wine Bar. 22 Stafford Street. 225 5521. Evening. Dougie Urquart. guitar.

0 Perlstalsis Brothers with Brass Négociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Rock and roll jazz.


0 Bobby Deans Duartet Cue Bail Club. Anniesland Cross. 8.30—11pm. Straight ahead tenor playing. and brother Deans on second horn.


0 Charlie McNalr’s Band Preservation Hall, Victoria Street, 226 3816. Evening. Edinburgh‘s original jazz band.

0 Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin Street. Haymarket Terrace. Evening. New Orleans.

0 Celsius Negociants. Bristo Square. Evening. (.‘hamber jazz.

0 Melanie D’Reilly/Francis Cowan Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 830—] lpm. Hit vocalist/guitarist. O B Trains Blackfriars. Bell Street. Evening. Free. Piano. bass.


0 Liz McEwan Dragonara Hotel. Bellford Mills. With Jim Henry. pianb. 9pm—midnight in the cocktail bar.

0 Jimmy Wood Trio Le Cafe Noir. Waverley Market. Princes Street. 556 1374. 8.30pm.

0 That Swing Thang Cafe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 9.3(1—1 1.30pm. Swing songs.

0 Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel. Esplanade. Joppa. 66‘) 4264. Evening. Trad band.

0 Spirits oi Rhythm Basin Street. Haymarket'l’errace. Evening. Dixieland music.

0 led Negociants. Bristo Square. 225 6313. Evening.

FRIDAY Glasgow : 0 George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. Evening. Chirpy drummer-led band. slows down for the singer.

0 David Newton -Alone Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 8.30—11pm. Superb pianist.


0 Sophie Bancroft Trio Cafe Biarritz. Frederick Street. Young singer of


mainly jazz standards.

0 Spirits oi Rhythm Basin Street. Haymarket Terrace. Evening. Trad and New Orleans in Riverboat-style venue.

0. That Swing Thang Negociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Swing songs.

SATURDAY 1 Glasgow

0 Bobby Wishart Duartet Gilles-pies. Cheapside Street. 221 7704. Evening. £2. Best modern jazz group in town.

0 New York Jazz Gillespies. Cheapside Street. 830—] lpm. Featuring Tommy Smith.

0 George McGowan Drchestra Riverside Club. Fox Street. Broomielaw. 2—5pm. £1.


0 Basin Street 1 laymarket Terrace. Evening. Bar with regular trad jazz. 0 Tam White and The Dexters Platform 1. Rutland Street. Evening. R&B and a brass section. 0 That Swing Thang Cafe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 9.3(1—1 1.30pm. Fun swing songs and guitar/bass.

0 After Eight Mince Negociants. Bristo Square. Evening. Funky rock/ j azz.

SUNDAY Glasgow

0 Perdido Pharoahs Bar. Great Western Road. 8.30pm. Free. Mainstream and Latin jazz.

0 Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers Bonhams Wine Bar. Byres


S412 fur ale/Ms 26 Cheapside Street. Glasgow G3

The List 21 Aug— 3 Sept 29