
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

A large pile of smooth white mushrooms is a tasty sight. Whether fried up for breakfast or sliced in a salad, their soft flesh is now common fodder. Butsupermarkets and mass-production have blinkered our vision on the mushroom front— fungi is much more than a handful of buttons.

At the Botanic Gardens all is

revealed. A feast of drawings and paintings by dedicated mycologists show the beast in all its strange and wonderful forms. Roger Philips photographs red gills and fluted stems as elegant as a Victorian vase. Mary Bensfead's immaculate paintings on grey illustrate fungi like futuristic design. New looks for organic furniture perhaps. After all pixies have been sitting on toadstools foryears. i

(‘o-operatiye Women‘s (iuild in Edinburgh will complement the exhibition. 20th Century Drawings and i Watercolours Until Sat 24 ()CI. The i (‘in displays its collection. which includes well-known painters like i (iillies. I’hilipson and Eardley. The ! work of younger artists will also be l shown. 1 Hook atthe Landscape L'ntil Sat 24 : ()ct. Another selection from the permanent collection will locus on rural landscapes from 18th century to the present. ; O COLERIDGE GALLERY 47b George Street. 220 1305. Mon—Sat l lllam—5.3()pm. O COLLECTIVE GALLERY 52—5-1lligh i Street 556 2600. Tue—Fri 12.3(l—5.3(lpm: Sat 10am—5pm. Closed Sttn and Mon.

AYear in the Life Until Tue 13 ()ct. Painting and sculpture made by Tom Barlow since moving to Edinburgh a year ago.

0 COMMONWEALTH GALLERY 8 Rutland Square. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat ltlam—Noon.

Artists Sat 3—Fri 16 ()ct. Welded steel

sculpture by Les Drummond. nude

ACROSS THE BOUNDARIES An Exhibition of Contemporary Applied Arts

JAMES MILLER, RSA, RSW (1893—1987) Retrospective Exhibition


5 28 October

94 George Street Edinburgh 03] 225 5955 “I‘ll F.


Mon Fri 9am 5.30pm Sat 9.30am—5pm


Beatrix Potter gets in on the act too. Holidaying in Perfhshire, she made friends with a postman, Charles McIntosh of lnver, also a keen fungi-fancier. He would collect specimens and deliverthem to her door, fresh and identified. Several hundred drawings came out of this relationship, a handful of which are seen here. Two big mushrooms cosy up

together in one and though

University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge. Tel: 031 667 1011 ext 4308

NAUM CABO MONOPRINTS 26 September 24 October


Mon Sat 10am 3pm

scientifically accurate they have been impressed with the Pottermagic for ; attaching human characteristics to 1 nature. They are plump and content. For centuries fungi have been respected as medicine, poison and food. This exhibition also shows ; through artists from the 18th century to the present, that the fungus is a 1 beautiful thing. (Alice Bain)

studies and rockscapes by Bernie O‘Donnell. paintings by James Gavin and Walter Miller. who l showed last year with the (‘ollectiye (iallery. O DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 i Doune 'l‘errace 225 718‘). Mon—l’ri 10am—5pm.

Two From Denmark l-‘ri 3—Sat 31 ()ct. Work by two of the country‘s

foremost photographers. Saul

Shapiro takes city. land and people into his yiew West of the (heat Belt. I.eil' Madesen looks at lilel‘orms. SeminarSat 1(l()ct.

l().3l)am—o.3(lpm. £1. Spend a Saturday looking at the work of the two photographers showing at the institute. The seminar includes talks by them. 'l‘homas Joshua (‘ooper

and Rob Powell of Stills.

0 RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackl'riars ('hurch. Blacklriars

Street (oil I Iigh Street). 557(l7ll7. Jerzy NOWOISlelSkiMon 5—Sat 24 ()ct. Paintings by one of Poland's

foremost artists from the collection

of Wroclaw and (‘racowz

Exploring the Road to Meikle Seggie Mon 5—Sat 24 ()ct. Watercolours by Mary Mclyer. A teacher for 38 l

'l’iiesday-Saturtlny lll- 5. it)

II'L' ' .l'l

i ()etober» l 5 Noyember



'l'lie l'ruitmnrket (.nllery 2‘) Market Street, lidinbttrglt l‘l ll ll)l

l'elephone l) l 1-125 l W 3 Sunday bill—5. ll) (.losetl Mondays

f"¢' Spot! a." A'ts C(Jtfln.’


The List 3‘ 15 October 37