Naughton. ('inde rs has a little more spirit

than the Usual welt} . while the Prince is E

not quite the catch he was. l)ireeted h} Rosemary Goring meets the Lyceum‘s Andi Ross ot'l'heatre Workshop. it

involv ‘sox'er si\t\ loe'il i 'o l' ""88 wncnes: . Sinbad“t‘he Sana} ' l“ p “‘ Theirpublicity managerushers me into (‘hurehhill 'l‘heatre. Morningside Road. me room a_nd sFumes a “St reveal“ lidinhurgh. wean s..i:.i.m.7pm. ’I’m Crackiaw. says one alarming Matinees 3.3iipm till 2h. 2s Dee a 2 Jan. figure lolling across a sin-black £2.5iii£2.25 lor partiesol'ten ormorel. armchair; ‘Crabhook,’ says another, The Edinburgh People's 'l'heatre present ‘And rm Banshee; puns the third_ their traditional pantomime. Then they up and switch places taster

Sleeping Beauty , k Brunton 'l‘heatre. Musselhurgh. (Bl (>65 than you can “St a curse’ am“ m has

2240. Wed l(i1)ee— Sat lolan. 7.30pm. at pentangle on‘e' ‘wmcn Is,‘,vmcn? Malinees3.3tlpmon l7. 1819.21.23.24. 33", contusfid- we 3.” atev 'Sllte 9"" 3h. 2s 23. 3o Dee. 2. (i. 9. 13, 1mm“ reply. Possmlythe wickedesttrio ever (£3). Brunton 'l‘heatre mount their first to have swept across Edinburgh, these home-grown pantomime this year. with a bewitching sisters are currently at the specially commissioned script from John Lyceum Theatre in response to their Bett (See Interview). featuring the return employment agent's can, and next "“hr‘ "WM - - - week will be holding the city

sleeping???” . . . H , . spellbound as Stuart Paterson’s ~ astlehrae Sehool Studio. (lfLLllLi\ lus , t Rum (-mmnmm t.” tickets PM“. adaptation of Beauty And The Beast Banshee, And a very closed shop. . . eontaet ('raiuriiillar (‘ominunitvCentre. takes to the boards- Taking "‘8 him I thank them '07 the” Ben' She s sucn a passwe hemme- (fixiddrieStains-lettuce.U3]6615877 Ileanforward. There’s somethinga time(‘that’s OK. We haven’tbeen here l'VetriedtO give hera bitmore Spuntt.' ext. iii. 'i‘ues sin 12 DCL‘. 7.3llprn.£l littlefamiliarabouttheirdeceptively atall’)and scrapea humble exit, Just how he willachieve this when (5”Pl- (‘rait’mitlar ticslh'at Stretch} pleasant features. Hasn’t Banshee wondering whoever said the magic has Site spends mush ot the time asleep is \crsltillntll tliepz‘:|l};kltitl“11:11“ 1* wt 1” the been in ‘Tutti Frutti’? Haven’t I seen gone out of Christmas? (Rosemary tantalistng. But Bett tocusses most on ZitllVVl itllCt) C CT (ms ‘. - t - - , r i - . . The-Swanwnh me Golden wings Crabhook. . . But a secretive glint Goring) the euro? life. I m very interesting in Theatre Workshop. 34 Hamilton l’laee. hardens craCklaw S eyes an.“ mus' A R B e no ' lcs 0' the casue and “ma (m 33, 5435 51,, 19-11,,”531 I)“, have flown past you some night is all royalty means to us nowadays. In “up”, am my; twp", ,m 33 ,e 33 she’ll say. This year, for the first time in many a llama people are Gite" tlUlte anarchic Dee;7.3(lpm3(3-3lll)ee. finish). A It’s clearwhorulesthe coven. Giving Yule, Brunton Theatre’s pantomime is -m“°h more thaninreal lite. Here the brave venture by Theatre Workshop her siblings a good two hundred years a home-grown production. In place of titling Classes are Stunning in their Paula Macscc's ncu (‘hrisimris shim is (but still in her prime, of course), the usual incoming pantomime, new incompetence-' adapted “9'” “i”*“"“?"“’ '“d'f'n Crackjaw is quick to inform me that she Artistic director Charles Nowosielski His Dante Will swell the ranks of the wields immense influence. She does decided to commission the theatre’s court, the". to l"¢9t00rate various and‘K‘an‘ with, mar-m”; m‘lmd [m admit, though, to needing a bit of . own this Christmas. He put the idea to ""deatraltles amt thdescrlhables and, marriage of“ “mm, Indian prim. and malicious assustance of late. ‘l’m going Scottish actor John Bett, who, most mtrlgumglll at all. apltdrtock. Two prtnccss. A “the, {tittmm hm hm, but through something of a mid-life crisrs. unbeknown to some perhaps, is no Years ago Charles NOWOSIelskI's Paula Maegee works in plent} (ii A slight waning of power,’ and two novice pantowright, having once Theatre Alba had a tremendous hit with traditional panto elements. Adrian more sorcerous tamiliars couldn’t have co-st;tipted a radio panto along with ‘The Puddok an‘ the Princess’, David lizhri'is‘s‘ production. is \ehi'y stripipzilmf I been conjured side of Stonehenge. AIex Norton. Pumas, comedy about an au lenee artiei ation. as at e ii: it u r ' r r - r - . , feckles‘s kiiit: in .Eiidrew Barr anddelieate see pos‘a' Strolke? says BanShee’ The s'eepmg Bgauw WI“ be the upplty’ hm adorabie DUGUOCK (mat 8 Indian music from Joe .\1e(iinle\' (though examining her "alis’ That was 98' . .resun’ a ne.w versmn 0' the tale "09’ m sassanaChs)‘ The play may be the cast “mm fulh comm”, {um i, it} Could have put a bit more effort into it, I incorporating plenty of traditional gone but the puddoeh has returned, the beginning of hush”, ,. “unnugc Singt. suppose, but we are planning a few elements along with a few renovations making his debut in panto, where, Kalirai's‘ Kali could he more odious ziswe more strikes - electricity, airports, that starting at the top: We tried to make uppity as ever, he will doubtless make —smzillfearless' horrors weresidingwith sort ofthing—before Christmas.’ Beautya bitmore interesting,‘ says his presence felt. . . (S.H.) himwhcn t was there. This is, they all agree, a particularly ' ~ g t , busy spell. ‘Notas bad as Hallowe’en’ 0.- . _, . " ' Crabhook remindsthem. ‘Put itlhis ' H ' way. Whatwe earn over Hallowe’en VICTOR AND BARRY and the Festive Season sees us nicely ‘Not so much a panto, as the beginning Botanical Gardens, where they tangle through the rest of the year.‘ of a theatrical epoch’ is how Victor and with a mad scientist called Vivien ‘Ouragent rings us up,’ says. Barry, stars of the Kelvmside Young Section. snoummey suwivethts Cracktaw, picking what looks like frog People s Amateur Dramatic Society, unpleasant encountermey wt“ also be gristle hem between two venerame describe theirnew show. The two will appearing in Scottish Television's teeth, ‘And says how about this here be castan astde their 3"" . Hogmanay Show and presenting their job, and we’llsay‘well, there’safew monogrammed dressmg-QOWNS m own review otthe year's Scottish things we wittdo, "he he cruetto favourofsailorsuits this month when { Teteviston programmes M18 children, andtrightenthem they appearas Victorand Barry Junior December. dreadfully] in ‘The Babes in the Wood’, a my yes, we |ove children; says self-penned new panto at the Tron Banshee, and at the thought at the Theatre, Glasgow. The Victor and Barry

stans flooding with juicy innocents, the version takes certain liberties with the l three convulse in a cackling frenzy oi original storii— here the Babes (Victor anticipation. and Barry) run away to Glasgow’s i Standing firm by union rules (‘No comment' says Crabhook when l enquire about the recipe for Baby Bird and Worm Pie) they nevertheless dispel a few mortal myths. ‘Broomsticks?’ Crackiaw almost spits. ‘We only do that for the punters,’ while spellbooks are distinctly passe. Supernaturally, everything’s on disc these days.

So how does a nice girl get to be like them? ‘She’s got no idea, has she?‘ they sigh. Crabhook is clearly bored. ’Look, you've either got it or you haven’t.’ ‘lt’s a vocation,’ adds


