, . . 4‘ ' , . a .t 4 iv -. "t i n— .; . it . -. g; - ~ ,- 5. is 3: i 2 i I); "‘ feund it diffietllt to keep tabs 0 mm, Noah. God. The texture is ornate . sublimity. has a wicked eye for little very Varied land and houses can dtSPUtmg the anthers'theery that though shot through with modern human details and so gets on down indeed be achieved in the Eighties. O’Nolan wrote detective novels possibilities; airports. driving fast. with Absurdity And Coin the The attributes required are diverse under the pen-name Stephen sbmh by failed contraception. ‘Absolute/non-friction‘ of this busy, the Showmanship of Lord Bath the Blakesly. Nor can the authors ~tce,shms on pulleys. giros and busy world. (Jenny Turner) entrepreneurial skill. of l’eter de confirm whether or not OtNolan Bombayn . . Savary the diversrfication of married a German gtrl while on a I lhhetll the Land Lawrence Rleh Lochiel the busmess acumen of visit abroad in 1939.80 he remains (Unwin Hyman £14.95) Some years Lord Beaulieu - the adaption of

an enigma, despite the many ago. Mark Girouard. in a learned ancient customs and practices on photographs which are poorly and finely produced bOOk. traced the Sark. Surely. however. the reproduced here. We must wait then history of the English Country overriding quality is the willing

for a full-scale biography to examine House. His main interest was the co-operation and cheerful

all the evidence but in the meantime buildings and the people who lived camaraderie of all concerned: Lord Mylesomaniacs must make do with there. but he touched on the wider Mount Charles and Gus Doggett; this one. And if you can’t afford it aspect of the estates which supported Peter de savary and George

console yourselves with these wise them. Inherit the Land deals with Stretfield and Howard Paton; thoughts from the man himself: how eight landowners are facing the Lochiel and Malcolm Cameron. ‘When money’s tight and is hard to Eighties. Of these. five are in Donnie McPherson and Alec get/And your horse has also England. and one each in Scotland. McDonald; Lord Hollenden and ran/When all you have is a heap of Ireland and the Channel Islands. Alfred Houghton and Roy and Colin debt/A pintofplain isyour only Their efforts make interesting Barstable; Lord Beaulieu and Bill man.’ (Alan Taylor) reading. showing how inherent. but Grindey and Brian Moase.

I The Way We Live Kathleen Jamie not always apparent. assets can be But there is something more. As (Bloodaxe Books £4.95) Ted adapted to modern requirements, Lord Mount Charles says of Slane: Hughes once said ofSylvia Plath‘s while not forgettingthe sweep Of ‘Although I do many otherthings in poetry that is was an enclosed cosmic history. It is_a timely book. my life, I actually draw most of my circus. an intricately embroidered ‘For many centuries the ownership inner strength from this place, And I mandala. This idea gives a taste of of land was not just the main. but the know that just as this estate is part the work of the Edinburgh poet '0' thet Pantheon the . only. sure basis of power.’ So wrote and parcel of me. it is part and parcel Kathleen Jamie. not because she mountains-The Way We Lm’ Comes Mark Girouard. This situation has too, Oran who live and depend on Writes like Plath. but because it gets "1 three Seet'o"? l “ltd I" are fancy long gone: but there is still a cachet in Slane,‘

acrossjust how distinct it is from that and lane'tUL lltsent'tled having as one‘s home a stately This book is essential reading for ofother poets at present on the ‘Katakmam H'ghway and tens or“ country mansion. Of the landowners anyone genuinely interested in how Central Belt circuit. It unfolds trek to Kzt the savage Nepalese here mentioned. one purchased for success has been acieved in the through form and fictions rather mountam- Thls sequettee adds a himself. the father of another was management of very varied country than voice. Relationships come in rougher: more expanswe “me the purchaser. while the others estates and houses in the Eighties, It not as personal. social or political (squatting 0" the Steps 0f the K2 inherited, often through a long line is also very well written and

entities but as tiny emblematic MOtel/aUOther wretched K2 _ of ancestors. produced. and accompanied by figures, an acrobat. a clown, a monk, cigarette?) t0 8 very lmPTeSStVe The eight examples in this book beautiful photographs by Martin

a climber. Aunt Janet. menhir. COlleCtion Whieh Shivers With show that success in administering Trelawny, (Sandy Hodge)

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