children from Handiworks Puppet Company.

Tower of Babble Wed 20Jan. 7.30pm. Free. A poetry reading in the bar from local writers.

I PALACE THEATRE 9 (ireen Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 23590. Box Office Mon-Sat 10am-5pm. Cafe 'Bar Mon-Sat 10am-5pm. [D] [E].

Cartoon Cavalcade Sat 9 Jim. 2.30pm. £1. A show for children by (ilen Michael. with cartoons. games and prizes.

Scottish Comedians Sat to Jan. 7.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50) A Scottish variety show with Mr Abie. Billy Davidson. Neil Owen and Flinnie.

I PAVILION THEATRE 121 Renfield Street. 332 1846. Box Office Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. Bar.

Mother Goose L'niil Sat 30Jan 1988. 7.30pm. Matinees 2.30pm (9. 13. lo. 20. 23. 27. 30Jan). £5.25 (Children £3.25). £3.25 (Children £2.25). Johnnie Beattie and Andy Cameron star in this year's Pavilion Panto.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521 . Cafe open Ham-2.30pm Tue-Fri and during evening performances.

Talk by Andrew Naim Fri 15 Jan. 1. 15pm. See Open List.

Dance Residency and New Moves Sec Dance Page.

I TRON THEATRE (13 'l‘rongate. 552 4267 8. Box Office Tue-Sat Noon-8pm; Sun 12.30-11pm. Closed Mondays.

Babes inthe Wood L'ntil Sun 10Jan. 7.30pm. Mats Fri 8; Sat 2.30pm. Prices: £4.50 members. £5 non-members. members in conc groups and under 18s £2.50. Matinees: Members £2. non-members £2.50. The Tron‘s Christmas panto comes from Victor and Barry this year and shows us the two glam-am-dram stars in their precocious youth. Frustrated by life in their one-parent family in Kelvinside living with an absent-minded scientific father who can‘t remember which is which - they run away to the Botanical (iardens and become caught up in a battle against an evil scientist bent on ruling the world. At the opening of the run audience participation could have been better used and there was sometimes a strain between the ‘Victor and Barry" personac and the story. Otherwise. however. this is a funny and well-crafted panto. even almost bridging the gap between the trad panto and the Christmas fairy tale. with its strong storyline and satirical use oftrad panto gags: a reluctant dame (an excellent Finlay Welsh) and tongue-in-cheek slapstick scenes. (‘atch it quick before it finishes.

Five Past Eleven Show Sec Cabaret.


I ASSEMBLY ROOMS 54 George Street. Le Discours aux Animaux Thurs 21 Jan.



7.30pm. French actor Andre Marcon gives a performance of a monolgue about a solitary man in a graveyard. written by French artist. director and playwright Valere Novarina. The performance won acclaim at last year's Avignon Festival and is presented by the French Institute.

I BEOLAM THEATRE 2 Forrest Road. Box Office 225 9893. Mon-Sat l0am-latc. Cafe.

The Dumb Waiter Wed 21) Jan 1.30pm. Thurs21 Jan. 8pm. £1 .50(I'iL'TC members£1). lidinburgh l'niversity Theatre Company in Pintcr‘s classic play. I BRUNTON THEATRE Musselburgh. (165 2240. Box Office Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. Bar. [1)]

The Sleeping Beauty limit Sat Ifijilll. 7.30pm. mats 2.30pm on 9. 13. “Jan. £4 (£3) Mon eve & matinees all seats £2.75. The Brunton Theatre‘s Christmas Show . a new panto by John Bell: a whimsical retellingofthe old fairy-tale. with a surprise guest appearance by The l’uddok. I KINGS THEATRE 2 Leven Street. 2291201. Box Office Mon-Sat 10am—8pm. Bar. [0]. [E].

Jack and the Beanstalk timil Sat 21) Feb. 7pm. Mats 2.15pm. £4.50-£o.50. ('oncs £2.50-£3.50. Jimmy Logan is 1)ame in his own panto a version of the old talc featuring the excellent [711a McLean as \V'ondernan. The sets are spectacular.

I MANOELA THEATRE (iateway Iixchangc. 2—4 Abbeymount. ool 0982. (‘afe and bar facilities during performances.

Elsie Inglis: A Celebration \vcd 271.111. 7.30pm. Preparations start this month for a community performance project later in the year celebrating the life and limcsof Elsie Inglis. Anybody interested in any aspect of getting involved design. acting. production etc. »- is very welcome tocome alon i.

I PORTOBELLO TOWN HALL. Portobello High Street.

Mother Goose Until Sat 9 Jan. 7.30pm. Matinees 2.30pm. Ron (‘ockburn Productions in the well-know n panto.

I ROYAL LYCEUM (irindlay Street. 229 9697. Box Office Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. 10am—8pm on perf. evgs. Bar. Rest Cafe. [D]. [E]. ('I‘heatrcSaver Concession Cards cost £1 . last all year. give £1 off thefull price each time you come for you and a friend available to ()APs. L'B40s, Students. Disabled. Under-24 raileard holders. YTS scheme and young people under 18).

Charley's Aunt Fri 15Dec— Sat olieb. 7.45pm. FREE l’RliVlliW'l'hurs 14Jan £2.70-£6. 'l'heatreSaver holders £1 off. Brandon 'l'homas‘s popular Victorian farce. in which Charlie is forced to don th guise of his aunt. Recently a West [ind hi with Ciriff Rhys Jones. this production is guest directed by Ian Brown and has a fin cast. including Edith Macarthur as Donn Lucia d‘Alvadorez and Andrew Dallmeyer as Stephen Spettigue.

I, 'r, .1

The Babes in the Wood, alias the precocious Victor and Barry, at the Tron, Glasgow.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 226 5425. Box Office Mon—Sat 9.30am—5.30pm. Bar. Cafe. [E]. Evening Classes Mon 11 Jan 28 March. Theatre Workshop‘s popular evening classes start up again this month. so you could make this the year you learn or improve a skill. Classes are as follows: Introduction to Photography Mondays 7-9pm. £111 waged; £1 1 students; £8 unwaged. ()Al’s. For those with little or no experience of processing and printing. The class w ill cover many aspects of photography . from journalism to fashion Bring a camera if poss.

Adult Drama Mondays. 7-9pm. £1 1 waged. £8 students. £5 unwaged. ()APs. No experience necessary —- the aim is to teach through enjoyment. Wearcomfortable clothing.

Monster Machine Mondays. S-(i.311p1n. 50p a week. For 5-9 year olds ~~ a development of the highly popular ‘l-‘un Factories.‘ Film Animation (Adult) Mondays. 7-9pm. £14. .\'o previous experience necessary -a practical introduction to animation film-making with students encouraged to make their own films. eithercollectivelv iii individually. ' Film Animation (Junior) Mondays and 'l'uesdays. 4-(ipm. £7.50. Introductory class for younger film-makers - students are encouraged to make their own films. Playwrights‘ Workshops Tuesdays 7-9pm.. £1 1 waged. £8 students. £5 unwaged. ()APs. Building on last autumn'spopular course ofworkshops v— a seriesof workshops for those interesting in writing drama. led by the respected Scottish playwright. Tom Mc(irath.

Arts and Special Needs 'I’hursdays. 7-9pm. £15 waged. £7.50 unwaged. Maximum number 12. A scriesofsessionsin performance including mime. movement. improvisation. slide projection. costume and sets - primarin

Tel: 031-665 2240 designed for workersin adult training


2 LEVEN STREET (031) 229 1201 Mon 7 Dec 1987 - S v I988



Script by John Ben Directed by Charles Nowosielski VVednesday 16 December 1987 Saturday 16 January 1988 Evenings: 7.30 pm Matinees: 2.30 pm Tickets:

Full Price £4.00 Concessionary Price: £3.00 Mondays & Matinees: ALL tickets only £2.75

Full details from Box Ofiice:


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Nightly at 7pm Matinees at 2.15pm Tickets: £4.50 to £6.50 Generous Concessions Available for Children. Parties. OAP's, Disabled and Benefit Claimants. Box Office open Mon—Sat l0am-8pm

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The List 8 21 January 1988 23

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