I Art is listed by city first then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not later than todays before publication date.


I ANNAN GALLERY 130 West ('ampbcll Street. 221 5087 8. Mon l‘ri‘)artt--5pm: Sat ‘).3ilattt~ 12.30pm.

I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 3573929. Mon-Sat 10ant-—5pm; Sun 1—5pm. (ate. [1)] Voluntary guides are available free of cltarge to conduct parties or individuals round tlte ntairt galleries. ('ontact the enquiry desk.

Some British Bird Artists and their Inspiration I not 28 l‘eb. A rare stuffed (ireat Auk takes pride of place iit this exltibition of natural history rtteetstltc artist. lidward 1.ear. Joseph (‘rawhall and ('l’l'unnicliffe are among the artists included. wlto took a special interest in birds arid their illustration. lixamples frortt the museum's bird collectiort are

displayed alongside contplementary ltookplates.

Protect Your PayphonezPoster Competition L'ttti131Jatt.

Wally Beasties13Jan—21 l-‘eb. ('eramic animals front the permanent collectiort. I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 203 Bath Street. 226 5413. Mort—l-‘ri lilam—5pszat 10ant—1pm.

Mixed exhibition of Scottislt art.

I BLYTRSWOOO GALLERY 161 West (ieorge Street. 226 552‘). Monvlt‘ri 10am-—5.30pm: Sat lilant—lpnt.

Glasgow Boys L'ntil end Jan. Work frottt the (ilasgow Boys period as well as contemporary paintings by artists including John Cunningham arid Barbara Rae.

I THE BURRELL COLLECTION Polloksltaws Road. 649 7151 . Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm. Rest. [1)]

The glittering prizes of one man‘swealth shown under one roof. The surrounding park offers a taste of the country.

Chinese Bronzes—Art and Ritual Until 7

Feb. Anything wltich has survived nearly three thousand years irtstils a special awe attd fascination. These bronzes front the British Museum are no exception. Vessels for wine artd food offerings. weapons aitd chariot fittings front the Sltang (c 1700B(‘) and Zhou (c 1050 B(') dynasties. Iixamples frottt the Burrcll (‘ollection will complement the display.

I COLLINS GALLERY l'ttivcrsity of Stratltclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4400ext 2682 2416. Mon—Fri l0am~5pm; Sat 12—4pm.

A Portfolio of Posters 12 Jan— 12 Feb. The name Ii. McKnight Kauffer is riot so well-known. but his posters are. He istlte artist behind the stylish London Underground posters of the 'l‘wentics. still distinctive images today. In total ~18 posters will be exhibited itt tltisexltibition organised by the John Judkyn Memorial foundation.

I COMPASS GALLERY 178 West Regent Street. 221 6370..\1ott»-Sat Illam- 5.30pm. Christmas Show I 'ntil mid—Jan. The (‘orttpass hold probably the best -known (‘hrislmas show itt (ilasgow. the first being held 20 years ago. Iiverything frottt affordable jewellery arid ceramics to prints by artists like l-‘rank Auerbach and Ken Currie.

I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 148 West Regent Street. 221 30‘)5..\1on~l“ri 9.30am—5.30pm; Sat ‘).30ant— 12.30pm.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 134 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mort~l5ri 9.30ant—-5.30prtt; Sat 10am— 1pm.

I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 221 4526. Mon—l-‘ri 10am—5pm; Sat Ill—5pm.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUOIO 25 King Street. 5520704. Mon—Sat l0artt-5.30prtt.

Annual Show L'ntil 30Jan. First sltow for the newly sited studio. All activities will be centred in these temporary premises until May 1988. when the wltole operation will


Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow

It was meant to be an exhibition of John Gould illustration from the Natural History Museum in London. Butthe tour was cancelled and the ‘Audabon? of Britain grounded in the south.

With a space to fill, the Natural History Department at Kelvingrove decided on fitting the same bill with their own collection of illustrated books and stuffed birds. The result is a modest but colourful display, interesting in particular because of the juxtaposition of the real featherwith the painted one.

Plates illustrated by Gould and Edward Lear, who worked in uneasy partnership for some years before Lear created his famous Book of Nonsense in 1846, describe the stuffed version nearby. A Great Auk stuffs its beak with fish in the picture, but at silent attention, the museum ‘skin', one of the 75 examples of the bird left on earth, serve as a sad reminder of the finality of extinction. Its beautiful egg, like a Miro painting, is museum-made.

Across the room a perky white cockatoo

faces its cousin in a stunning watercolour by the adopted ‘Glasgow Boy' Joseph Crawhall. So suited to captivity, cockatoos are not in danger. But a pair of fluffy snowy owls looking sharp despite their glass eyes are now rare birds.

80 is the Ptarmigan. When the skiing facilities improve and expand, this little mountain bird suffers. The Bird of Paradise is at least now protected and

its glorious feathers sensibly not allowed to enter this country. There is more behind a museum glass case than you might imagine. Quite apart from seeing the beauty of birds at close quarters, the collection is essential for research and the survival of species. People bring in hundreds of dead birds every year which are examined and studied. Only a handful reach the glass case. Geoffrey Hancock, Keeper of Natural History at Kelvingrove is as much concerned with conservation in the field as he is with the preservation of ‘skins‘. ‘We look for reasons why they have died and can then devise conservation strategies as a result. Habitat conservation is crucial the availability of nesting sights, food

without pesticides. taking land out of intensive agricultural use. Farmers must be encouraged to go back to a more sympathetic management of the land. Leisure development must be controlled.‘

With this very much in mind the permanent collection of stuffed birds and animals is currently being completely overhauled with habitat very much a part of the glass case display. Mice tumble about bales of hay, badgers rustle in dry leaves and taxes are set in theirden. By 1990 it will be possible to see the collection as part of the life chain rather than a line-up of species. Let us hope that in the year of culture there will be no Great Auk disaster to add to man's catalogue of destruction. (Alice Bain)

move to 22 King Street. King Street is round the corner front the Trort Theatre. I HAGGS CASTLE 100 St Andrews Drive. Mon—Sat 10ant—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. (ilasgow‘s museum for cltildrctt.

Making Faces:For Children tintil 22 Feb.

I RILLREAO LIBRARY 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. Mon—Fri 9.30am—lpm. 2—8pm: Sat 9.30am— 1 pm arid 2--5pnt. (‘losed Wed. Glasgow Photography Group l'ntil end Feb. first showing of a group of pltotograplters based iii the (ilasgow area.

Visual Artists Register Glasgow An index of slides arid artists' details to help you find work you like attd presumably would like to see ntore ofor buy.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY liniversity of (ilasgow . llillhead Street. 3305431. Morr-l-‘ri 9.30am-5pm; Sat 9.30ant—1pnt. The Mackintosh House Gallery: ()pett as above but closed for lunch 12.30-1.30pm. 50p admission on weekday afternoonsand Saturdays. A rec: itstruction oftlte architect's home IILIC'I with original furniture.

Mackintosh Graphizs t'ntil I)ec. ()riginal designs artd printh grapltics for posters. invitations. rttertu.s . advertising labels etc. arid representative examples by Mackintosh‘s cont rtttporaries. Margaret attd Francis Macl): inald arid James Herbert Mac.\'airn

ADecade otAcquisitons1977-1987t7nul16 Jart. Scotland's best-off university gallery shows off its newest purchases. Stuhhs shares space with 1 lockrtey artdde Kooning.

Old Master Drawings from the University of Leiden 23 Jan --31 Ma ‘ch. The first British arid only Scottiin slto y ittg of a major exhibition of Dutch a td l-‘lentish drawings frortt the 16th to the 1 )th centuries. Work by (ios‘saerl. Avercar tp and Willem van de Velde.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM The liniversityof (ilasgow. 33‘) 8855. Mort—Fri 9.30am-‘5pm; Sat 9.30 im— 1 pm. Twice ttattted Museum of the Year. the llttrtteriart (‘ollection includes objects ranging frottt (‘aptain ('ook‘s Pacific treasures to the Bears'len Shark.

I IMAGES GALLERY 7-1 1 lyrtdland Road. 33-1 5311. NIUtT-I'TI‘).3Ilztttt—5.3tlpttl.

19th attd 20th century watercolours and etchings.

I J. D. KELLY GALLERY 1181)ouglas Street. .VItm-I‘Ti 10.30am—2pm and 2.30—5.30pm; Sat lilartt--2.30pm.

first exhibition of the year opens 23 Jart. I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngavie. 956 2351 . Tue-Fri 11am~5pm attd 7—9pm; Sat and Sun 2-- 5pm. (iallery closed until 9Jan.

The Early Years 9 Jan~6 Feb. A South West (ialleries Association exhibition.

Scottish Photographic Circle Annual Exhibition9--31J;ttt.

I MAIN FINE ARTThe Studio (iallery. 16 (iibson Street. 33-1 8858. Tue—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

I METRO GALLERY 713 (ireat Western Road. 339 0737 (opp Botanic (iardens). Tue—Sat 1 lam—5pm.

Winter Exhibition L'ntil end Jan. Paintings. prints artd ceramics by Scottish artists.

I MITCHELL LIBRARY Kent Road. Mon-~Fri 9.30am—9pm. Sat 9.30am—5pm. Virginia Woolf: Life and London tintil Sat 16 Jan. Marking the publication of a new Woolf biograplty of the sartte title. this exhibition includes rare early 1 logarth Press publications. sonte hand-printed by the Woolfs and Bloomsbury memorabilia. I 908 GALLERY 12 ()tago Street. 3393158. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

Animals 23 Jan—18 Feb. A (ilasgow bestiary byinvited artists. '

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow Green. 5540223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 1-5pm. Glasgow‘s museum of working life.

I POLLOK HOUSE 2060 Pollokshaws Road, 632 0274. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun l—Spm.

Neighbour to the Burrell Collection, this 18th century house contains the Stirling

34 The List 8 ~ 21 January 1988