Johnston and friends.

I Mirua Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarkel. lop ofthe High Street. Evening. Eurious tunes.

I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Eveninglill 1.30am. Informal musicinthe basement bar.



I Honest Sam And The Dealers Riverside (‘lub. on Street. 248 3144. ‘)pm. £2. Bar till late. (‘ountry night.

I Nailan l lall Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. Evening. Naifan play Irish and Scots fiddle and box. Always a big session.


I Amos And Rocks Edinburgh 1-‘olk (‘lub. ()sbourne l lotel. York Place. 5565577. 8pm. £2.30 (£1 .50). Scottish duo. Very popular at home and abroad with a mix of self penned. contemporary and traditional songs.

I Shore Bar'l‘he Shore. l.cith. Evening. Acoustic music. fiddle. concerlina. guitar. piano. accordion in variouscombinations. I Happy Daze Mall Shovel. (‘ockburn Street. 2256843. Evening. Pub guitarfolk duo.

I Trilogy Bannermans Bar. ('owgate. 556 3254. Evening.

I Muckle Ado Kitty ()‘Shea's. 50 ( ieorge 1V Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.

THURSDAY 4 Glasgow

I Oyster Band Fury Murrys. Maxwell Street. 10.30pm. Music after‘)pm. £3. Top English Roots Rockers. See panel.

I John Hunter Star Folk Club. (ilasgow Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 8.30pm. 50p. Bar. Dry humour from File. Songs too.

I Red NECK Mothers ’l‘tilbootlt Bar. Glasgow Gross. 552 414‘). Evening.


I Christine Kydd and Andy Thorburn Kitty ()‘Shea's. (ieorgc 1V Bridge. 225 1681. Evening. Vocals and keyboard.

I Jim Knight Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. Evening. Songs guitar.

I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Eveningtill 1.30am. Basement singaround bar.

JAZZ ues



I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. Evening. Resident band. lady singer.


I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. 553 5080. Evening. Piano and bass. Rob Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis.

I Alter Eight Mince Negociants. Bristo Square. 225 6313. ‘)pm. Punk rock jazzin the basement.

I Satstull (are Biarritz.15redcrick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Swingers.



I The Big Bands Riverside Club. i’ox Street. 248 3144. 2—5pm. £1. Now twobig


Plattorm’s New Year opens with a Januar’ blast lrom the new Tommy Smith Quartet (29th). This marks the Edinburgh tenor saxophonist’s move into the top level ot professional, international jazz performance, the admired Forward Motion having been very much a grouping of his peers lrom Boston‘s Berklee Jazz College. He learned lrom his spell in the Gary Burton group the tradecralt of keeping a band on the road and working, and achieves the ambition of leading his own, and signing with a major record company, belore his 21st birthday. Not that he‘s the chicken in the basket. Jason Robello is a very talented pianist and at 17, this precocious Londoner deflects the ‘wunderkind‘ label from Tommy Smith. The two lully time-served stokers in the engine room are Chris Laurence, bass, a favourite of John Surman, and from the bands of

bands in the afternoon. (ieorge McGowan Orchestra and Bill Eannings Big Band. Scores of musicians. friendsand enthusiasts.

I Jimmy Feighan Quartet with Shelagh Buchanan (ilasgow Society ()1 Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 2. 15-<4.45pm. 50p. Bar.

I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l.a'1‘averna. Lansdowne (’rescent. 33‘) 7128. 8 11pm. I Resident Quartet (ilasgow Society ()1 Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 8.30--11.30pm. 50p. Bar.


I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. l.cith. 553 5080. Lunchtime. Various. Musicin the bar restaurant.

I Alex Shaw Trio Platform l.Rulland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime. Pianist.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 2263816. 2- 4pm. I Peristalsis Brothers (are Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Fifties faves.

I Yella Dug Jazz Band Basin Street. llaymarkel Terrace. 337 1006. Evening. 'I'rad band.

SUNDAY 24 Glasgow

I The Gordon Cruickshank Quartet Paisley Arls('entre. New Street. 887 1010. 12.30~2.30pm. Bar. Eree. ()ne ofthe stars of the tenor saxophone. Presented by Platform Jazz.

I Frank Bolan Quintet The Bar. 'I'ron Theatre. Parnie Street. 552 4267. Lunchtime. 'I'ron‘s weekly jazz scene.

I Trilogy Diva Wine Bar. Park Terrace. 1-3pm. (‘ool cocktail jazz.

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shulllers Bonhams Wine Bar. Byres Road. 357 3424. Lunchtime.

I Harry Hope And The Hot Shots Baby (irand. (‘haring Cross. Evening. Piano bar.

Freddie Hubbard, Pharoah Sanders, and George Coleman comes drummer ldris Mohammed.

Congratulations to another Edinburgh reedsman on his winning a major jazz competition. His small big band Dick Lee's Chamber Jazz took the top place in the UK BBC Jazz Band competition pertorming his own compositions and he also won the separate award for Best Arrangement. The group or about a dozen musicians, mixing classical and jazz players, give concerts in London‘s Hippodrome and Edinburgh's Queens Hall next month and will

broadcast on Radio Scotland and Radio

2. Dick is happily beavering away at writing commissions, but can be heard in some other modes in the hot club Swing'88 (27th) or the ethnic extemporisations ol Nobody’s Business (3d), both in Edinburgh Music Box's Jazz 88 series

I SO What 'l'olbooth Bar. (ilasgow (‘ross. 552414‘). Evening. Resident Sunday band.


I That Swing Thang (‘al‘e Biarrilz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Six piece jump jive vocals and swing group. I Jazz Machine Mintollolel.16 Minto Street. 667 1534. 11pm.

I Ronnie Rae Trio Platform LRutlanti Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.

I Basin Street Stampers Basin Street. llaymarkel Terrace. 337 1066. Evening. 'l‘rad and Dixieland venue.

I Capital City Jam Band (‘rest 1 lotel. Queensferry Road. 332 2442. 2.30—5.30an

MONDAY 25 Edinburgh

I Jazz 88 Music Box. ‘)c Victoria Street. 220 1708. ‘)pm»-midnighl. bar till 2am. Free. New twice weekly jazz venue. Melanie ()‘Reilly artd l-‘rancis ( ‘owan. vocals and guitar. do the honours again tonight.

I Bossanovas Negociants. Bristo Square. 225 6313. ‘)pm.

I Suave Maxies Bistro, Nicolson Street 6670845. Clarinet. sax and guitar.

I East CoastJazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 ‘)‘)22. Evening. Resident 'I’rad band.

I Brian Johns Rulland Hotel. Rulland Street. 22‘) 3042. Evening.

I Zeke's Jazz Company l)e ()uincey‘s,

Renfield Street. 333 0633. ‘)pm.

I Bobby Wisharl 1 tall Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. Evening. (ireat band led by saxophone and flute master.


I Swing '88 Mail Shovel. (‘ockburn Street. Evening. The Hot (‘Iub()f


I That Swing Thang ()ddfellows 1 tall. Forrest Road. Evening. Swing jive songs and bow lies.

I Melanie D'Reilly and Francis Cowan llandsels Wine Bar. Stafford Street . 225 5521. Evening. Vocal guitar duo of distinction.

I Peristalsis Brothers Negoeiants. Bristo Square. Evening. .lazz skiflTe.

I Alter Eight Twosome Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 667 0845. Evening. Blues for twos.

I Sophie Bancrolt Group Rulland i lotel. Rulland Street. 22‘) 3042. Evening. Young mainstream enthusiasts.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar l louse llotel. Mayfield (iardens. 667 2828. Evening.

I West End Jan Band Basin Street. llaymarket Terrace. 337 1006. Evening. 'l'rad.

WEDNESDAY 27 Glasgow

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo (ilasgow Society ()1 Mtisicians. Berkeley Street. 8.30pm. 50p. Bar.


I Jan 88 Music Box. ‘)c Victoria Street. 220 1708. ‘)- 12 midnight. bar till 2am. l-‘ree. New twice weekly jazz venue. Dick l.ce. award-winning reedsmith. this week. VarioUs groups lined up for the weeks ahead.

I Tam While Negociants. Bristo Square. 2256313. ‘)pm. With friends.

I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. I Brian Johns Rulland llolel. Rulland Street. 22‘) 3042. Evening.

I Take Three Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 6670845. Evening. Bassand rhythm guitar with sax or cornet.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin Street. 1laymarket'l‘errace. 337 1066. Evening.

THURSDAY 28 Glasgow

I Blacktriars Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity. 552 5‘)24. Evening. .liveass bluesand boogie.


I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. l.cith. 553 5080. Evening. Sax and rhythm section in bar restaurant.

I Alter Eight Mince Negociants, Bristo Square. 2256313. ‘)pm.

I Jazz Machine Minlo 1 lolcl. 16 Minto Street. 667 1534.8-—11pm.

I Beroda Swing Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 667 0845. Evening.

I Templehall Slompers Temple 1 lotel. Esplanade. Joppa. 66‘) 4264. Evening. Resident trad band.

I Graham Blamire Jazz Band Basin Street. llaymarkel Terrace. 337 1066. Evening.



I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5‘)24. Evening. Resident band with singer and guest soloists.


I Tommy Smith Quartet ()ueens 1 lall. ('1erk Street. 668 201‘). ‘).30pm. £4(£3). Bar. Presented by Platform Jazz. East rising tenor star with his world class new band. See panel.

I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. l.cith. 5535080. Evening. Piano and bass. Rob Peltigrew and Kenny Ellis.

I Satstull (‘afe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Swing.

I Spirits 01 Rhythm Basin Street. llaymarkct Terrace. 337 1066. Evening. Riverboat decor and jazz posters on the stairs. The 'I‘rad venue.

"ratio 22 Jan 4 Feb 1988 21