story. but they have other ideas about how they want to use the opportunity oflive TV.

I NetworkiBBCl) l l—l 1 .50pm. The monthly programme hosted by Anna Ford which covers television itself returns with an edition reporting on how TV has maintained its coverage of AIDS.

I Running Late ((4) i2.2il—l.2ilam. Donald Trelford with the second in his sporting chat shows.


I Bookmark ( BB(‘2) S. Ill—9pm. Tonight's programme examines the role ofthe screenw riter in iilmmaking.

I A Very Peculiar Practice ( BBQ)

9.25 Ill.2ilpni. New-seriesofthe university-based medical comedy starring the ubiquitous Peter Davidson.

I Tickets torthe Titantici(‘4l

“Lift -l 1.3“an New series ofblaek comedies stars Tony Robinson as a y icar wrongly the subject oiinteiligence surveillance.


I 40 Minutes: Annie Doesn't Work Here any More ( BB(‘2) UJU— lil. lilpni. -iII.‘yiinutes toltow's a British nurse to America and watches as. despite a better standard oi liy ing and the allure of the bright lightsof l.os Angeles. disillusionment sets in.

I Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago Eight ((4)9311 I 1.45pm. After Richard NiXUii used a controversial act to arrest demonstrators against the Vietnam War. there ioilowed a notorious trial that one way or another made a mockery oi'thc Anterican legal system. ()peniy contemptuous defendants. who included 'i'oin Hayden w ho is now a congressman and married to .Iaiic Fonda. reiused to cooperate with the judge» who in histurn had one of them bound and gagged. Meanwhile. as defendents threw ieily babies about the court and ieiiiale supporters bared their breasts. tiie'iV cameras caught it all and reported on the antics on the nightly news bulletins. This co-production by an American company with Zenith. recreates the eventsintercut with conteinorary newsreal. and

intery iews some of the deiendantsabout their memories of the events.

I Cabaret atthe Jongleursi BB(‘2l

it). ill Itl,4(lpni. The first light entertainment series to be commissioned from an independent company ( Reel to Reel i will its producer hopes dispel the horrorsoi labels such as “alternative (‘oiiiedy".' iiach oi the seven programmes is recorded as a continuous programme iii iront of a liye audience at the Jongieursin l.ondon. The first programme is compered by the tar front horrific Simon Faiisiiawe.


IArena ( BB('2)‘).25~lil.35pm. Television yerstoti oi Richard Learner's film proiile of the ‘beat‘ poet.Jack Kerouac.

I Friday Night Live ((4) ltl.3(l—l 1 .45pm. .‘yiore Bert lilton rapid fire street cred.

I Brighton Rockt Blit'li

il.55piii 1.30am. Richard Attenborough

l‘la} \ Pinkie in the i947 film version oi

l i

(iraham (ireene's classic novel.


I Tutti Frutti ((‘4 l I)» A Itlpni. Final part oi the repeat of.lohn By rne's influential piece ot great television.

I Red Legs— The Poor Whites otBarbados ((-1) 7.30pm. Documentary front HTV’ about the exiled Royalistsof 31K) yearsago who. shipped off to the West indies. are the ancestors of a small and poor community of ‘white trash'.


Disappointing film version of Peter Shai'fer's play with Richard Burton reasonably impressive as the psychiatrist attempting to unravel the boy 'sobsession

tyith horses.


I Gum Tree ((4) l l~—l l.i5am. Ben Keaton (after t'eaturnig on the cover of the luso Festiy al Iidition oi The List) went on to win that year’s Perrier pri/e. Since then he's been noticeable by his absence on the fringe circuit -~ at least as far as Scotland is concerned. Now. with a new one-man show dtie to open at the London's l(‘A in April. he begins a distinctly different show for children. Fach ofthese [5-minute stories are performed by Keaton iii the ramshackle (iuni Tree set. l.ook otit too this morning for a new children's show about an alien citair Helping Henry »- where the starring chair is designed by Peter Fluck oi Spitting Image.

I My Darling Clementine ( ( Lil

“.55 ll 50pm. Superb .loiiii Ford Western iront 1min with laid back perlorniance from i lenry i-onda as the tension biiildsto the gtiitiiglit at the ( )K('ori‘ai.

I South Bank Show ( Scottish)

ltl..‘stl il..‘~ilpni. Proiile oi the American artist Jackson Pollock.

I Donahue (Scottish) 1.30 2.25am. The Night-time Sery ice brings you the American chat show and tonight‘s topic. \udism.


I Bookie i Scottishl‘) lllpm. ‘Triai Rtin‘: start oi a new series see ieattire.

I Beyond The Eleventh Houriwi

12.111 lam. (‘ontinuing the repeat

showing oi some of the best lzleyenth hour programmes trom the past iiy e years. as (‘4 extends its broadcasting into the night. Tonight's is a repeat oi Women on Film.


I Splitsecond(Scottisitl~-1.3il 5pm. {lililil to be won in Panit'oia‘s high ratingqui/ show.

I Roxy - The Network Chart Show 1 Scottish) ".SU- Spin. Thames have already shunted the ailing attempt at at a networked pop show to late nights but it struggles onon Scottish in its early slot. Are its day 's nunibered'.’


I Football (Scottish) 1 3pm. Steana Bucharest ys Scotland. The coverage iront Romania w ith .iock Brow n in Romania.

ITicketsIorihe Titanicit‘ti

10.3“ li..‘\ilpiii. Second programme iii the series oi black comedies again abotit a

y icar. this time played by .lonathan Price. But the play is most notable ior containing iii her first role since Wish You ll'erellere the marvellous young actress. i'.ltiii_\' i.loyd.

I Mr Drums ((4) 1.45 2.45am. Buddy Rich arid his big band.


I Film on Four ((11 i (Ho 1 I .Zfipm. New series oi the results of the enormously successful coiaboration between ( 'hannel Four and the big screen. This season has the television premiere oi soine pretty big cinema hits including Heaven/y Pllffilllhn Lamb. .-t l’rii'ute l'toti'tion and tonight‘s iiint. Dance With a Stranger. Dance li'ithu Stranger is the spot-on recreation of the crime and iate oi Ruth laiiis. A stunning periormance by Miranda Richardson in the filth directed by Mike Neweli in 1935. I Lile is a Bed of Roses 1 ( ‘4)

12.25 2.31lam. A French iable on visions oi perfection made in 1983 by Alan Resiiais. The film parallels a wealthy man's dream of building a pleasure palace on the eye of the First World War. with a moderrt day conference on alternative education. Described by one criticas ‘magical and original'.


The first changes to R Scotland's schedules introduced by Neil Fraser. the new i lead of Radio at BBC Scotland.will be felt this week when some of the best-known programmes are revised. Most changes are in store for (‘olin Bell‘s afternoon Taking Issue programme. From Monday 29 Februrary it will be renamed Read On. moves to a morning slot. ‘)——l(l.3(lam. will tackle a wide range of topics and not current affairs. and will be co-presented with Louise Tait. The Jimmy Mack programme moves to l.-i(l—3pm and on 2‘) Feb his guests will include actress Hannah (iordon and weatherman lan MaeAskill and a new programme is introduced in the mornings. A Measure of Scots ltl.3tl- 1 am with Alaistair McDonald playing the best of non-pop Scots music.

Tcnnesse Williams said he was a born writer. Since he was eight anyway. when he fell ill and his mother said he had swallowed his tonsils. He recovered (with no damage to his tonsils). lost all his former aggression and became the introspective personality who was to make such a fine writer. His unusual family his mother changed her name from Edwina to Fdwin at the age of9~l left alasting impression on his writing (his play The Glass .I’lenagerie sprang from a picture of his sister who was madly in love with a young man from the international Shoe Company) and the impacted distress family life can generate is the subject of several of his plays. includingthe wonderful (in (m a Hot 'I't'n Roofwhich opens. in a National Theatre production. at the King‘s'I‘heatre. lidinburgh on 22 February. it will reviewed in Tuesday Review. R Scotland. 23 Feb. b.3(lpm along with A Man for A ll Seasons atA berdeen with ('liarlton Heston. A little-knownshort story by '1 'ennes‘se Williams Something by Tolstoi. written in 19308] but unpublished until 1987. can be heard on R3. Thurs 25 Feb. 9pm. It will be read by Tom Hunsinger and marks the 5th anniversary of Williams' death.

As he's often mentioned in his Observer column. the stream ofderno tapes currently trying to reach the critical earof John Peel is running at approximately 200 a week. About 195 don‘t make it onto Peel's show. but 5 or o do. and on R l . Mon 22. Tue 23 and Thurs 24. lilpm Peel will be playing the pick of these. repeated from earlier shows. Wednesday's selection includes a French group with the catchy title LesThugs.

Poor Saiieri. lf Peter Schaffer‘s brilliant play Amadeus is to be believed Mozart and his genius was a living reproach for Salieri‘s own inadequacies as a composer. However. he gets the last word in the final programme of R3‘s series Opera in Mozart's Time and he has the evening to himselfwith this first UK broadcast ofhis

opera Axur Re d'Ormus. R3. Mon 22. 8-45Pm-

Nothing like starting a series with a controversial figure. David Jenkins. Bishopof Durham. is the first guest ina new series Fringes of Faith R Scotland. Sun 21 Feb. 2pm in which Louise Batchelor asks a number ofpeopie what they think about faith and why. Future guests include journalists Neal Ascherson ofthe ()hserver and Ruth Wishart of The Scotsman. And going back to first principles on Christianity and proving controversay is as old as religion is a new nine part series of plays Whose lsthe Kingdom? specially commissioned by R3 from John Arden and his wife. Margaretta D‘Arcy. The first play. on R3. Fri 19.8pm is set at the time of the Council ofNicea which was seminal in trying to establish some kind of uniformity to what was believed and inauguarted the Creed. With Timothy West.

The race is on in Scotland. In 1986 the Scottish response to Sport Aid was awesome, and Ieit many other parts at the UK in the shade. Virtually every city North of the Border organised their own event, as thousands took part to help raise money for famine relief and rehabilitation in Africa. They helped to shame the world's leaders into action.

Now the challenge is on for Scotland once again to set the pace lor Sport Aid 88, and this time it‘s for children in

need world-wide in their fight against hunger, poverty and disease. With nearly 15 million children in AIrica, Latin America and Asia dying needlessly every year, and the renewed threat of a famine in Ethiopia, Sport Aid is up and running towards this next big Race AgainstTime.

Already 67 countries, 32 UK cities and towns, 20 top sports and a host of celebrities have said yes to the organisation's ambitious world-wide programme of sport, music and carnival and there are still seven months to go before Sun 11 Sept, 1988, when at precisely 15.00 GMT people from all parts of the globe will join together for the big race itself.

The global charity has written to sports organisations, running clubs, leisure centres and schools throughout Scotland about its programme at events so that they can get oft to an early start with their planning and preparations, and can be part at the fun and excitement, right from the start. Whatever your sport, you could stage an event of your own for Sport Aid 88.

In 1986, Sport Aid inspired nearly 20 million people in 89 nations to join its historic global 10km Race Against Time which helped raise 835 million torAtrica. In 1988, Sport Aid 88 hopes to involve all 218 countries and inhabited territories in its world-wide campaign.

In a special children’s initiative, Sport Aid 88 is also inviting schools, youth clubs, and children themselves throughout Scotland to stage their own Sport Aid 1000 a 1000 metre sponsored race between April and July for children aged 14 and under, which will highlight the key role that children will play in the year's events and automatically entitle them to their place in September’s Race Against Time.

So tar all the signs point to a massive response from Scotland, with Glasgow, Aberdeen and Elgin tirme committed to staging their own races. To find out more about Sport Aid 88 and how you can help organize your own events, send an S.A.E. to: Sport Aid 88, UK Events, 140 Battersea Park Road, London SW11.

28The List 1‘) Feb— 3 Mar 19%