concert. talks about his work with illustrations providcd by thc EQ.

WEDNESDAY 9 Edinburgh

I The Pearl Fishers Playhousc. (irccnsidc Place. top of Lcith Walk. 5572590. 7.15pm. Iixtradatc: Fri ll.£3—£l5. Scottish Opcra in thcir ncw production of Bizct‘s popular opcra. Kim Bcglcy and Patrick thatlcy sing Nadir and Zurga. thc two fishcrmcn whosc fricndship is put to thc tcst through thcir low of thc high pricstcss. l.cila. sting by Rita (‘ullis.

I Cox and Box/HMS Pinafore King's Thcatrc. I.c\'cn Strcct. 22‘) 120] . 7.30pm. Extra datcs: 'I‘hurs 10. Fri ll.Sat 12 (2.30pm and 7.30pm ). £.‘*—£5.50. Scc 'I'uc 8.

I Edinburgh Ouartet ()ttccn's I Iall. ('lcrk Strcct. («is 201‘). 7.45pm. £3.25 £4.50. Bccthovcn ()p I32. Arriaga No 2 and Romance by Sullivan.

I Meetings With Artists 5 Northumbcrland Strcct. liurthcr information: 334 7414. 8pm. Simon Bainbridgc (scc Sun 13) in conycrsation with Martin Dalby about his work. Winc and chccsc.

THURSDAY 10 Glasgow

I StJohn Passion l'niycrsityChapcl. Glasgow L'nivcrsity. Frcc at door.

l 7.30pm. Liniycrsity ('horal Socicty and

l L'niycrsity(‘hambcr()rchcstrawithNcil l Mackic as thc Iiyangclist (scc also Sat 12. l Iidinburgh ). I’ctcr Morrison as (‘hristus. ) Pat MacMahon. William Joncs. Nicholas l McMillan and Simon (‘rookall Kcnncth i Iilliott dirccts.

J Edinburgh

I Symphonium (lunch of St Andrcw & St (icorgc. (icorgc Strcct. Frcc at door. lpm. Scottish ()pcra cnscmblc dircctcd by John l’rycc-Joncs.

I Cosi fan tutte l’layhousc. (irccnsidc I’Iacc. top of Lcith Walk. 557 25‘)0. 7.15pm. lixtradatc: ch l(i((ilasgow)22 Junctlidinburgh).£3415.()nc Edinburgh pcrformancc only until thc summcr of Scottish ()pcra's ncw production by Richard Joncs of Mozart‘s dclightlul comcdy of sexual manncrs.

I Cox and Box/HMS Pinafore King's 'I‘hcatrc. Lcycn Strcct. 22‘) 1201. 7.30pm. Iixtra datcs: Fri 1 l . Sat 12 (2.30pmand 7.30pm). £3—£5.50. Scc 'I’uc 8.

FRIDAY 11 Glasgow

I Strathclyde University Music Society Ilcnry Wood Hall. ('larcmont Strcct. Tickcts: at door. 8pm. £3 (£1 .50). Works for clarinct. ccllo and piano by Bccthoycn. l’oulcnc. chussy and Brahms.

I Cox and Box/HMS Pinatore King's 'I'hcatrc. I_cvcn Strcct.22‘)1201.7.30pm.


If the thought of three hours of opera sung in Russian evokes wariness and uncertainty, then think again about Scottish Opera’s current revival of David Poutney's production of Tchaikovsky's Eugene Dnegin. First seen atthe Edinburgh Festival in 1979, this is one of the most powerful in the company's repertoire, especially when the cast is as strong as this time round. Some ot the sets may be unexciting, but musically Eugene Onegin, conducted by SirAlexanderGibson, is hard to fault. In the title role, Sergei Leilerkus (the Don in Scottish Opera’s Don Giovanni in 1985 and Escamillo in their 1986 Carmen) is predictably

[ixtra datcs: Sat 12 (2.30pm and 7.30pm). £3—£5.50. Scc 'l’uc 8.


I The Pearl Fishers I’layhousc. (irccnsidc I’Iacc. top of Lcith Walk. 5572590. 7.15pm. £3—£l5. Scc ch ‘) for full dcscription.

I 8N0 l'shcr I lall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. Extra datc: Sat l2. Glasgow. £2.50—£‘).‘)0 (£2.50).

. Centre. 3‘) Elmbank Crcsccnt. Further information: 248 4567 cxts 138 and 140. 3pm. Mozart workshop with Nicholas Till. Scc also Sun 13. Edinburgh.

l ISNO City Ilall.(‘andlcriggs.227 5511.

l 7.30pm. £2.50—£‘).‘)0. Scc Frill.

i Edinburgh. for full dcscription.

i Edinburgh

I I Friends 01 Scottish Opera Roxburghc

' llotcl. (‘harlottc Squarc. llam. 50p(inc

coftcc and biscuits). llayc coffcc whilc you listcn to a gucst of Scottish ()pcratalk about thcir lilc in thc music world. I Eugene Onegin I’layhousc. (irccnsidc I’lacc. top of I.cith Walk. 557 2590. 7.15pm. Iixtradatcs: 'l'uc l5. Thurs l7.

Sat 1‘) (all (ilasgow). £3—£l5. Scc 'I‘ucS

l and pancl for full dcscription.

I Cox and Box/HMS Pinafore King‘s-

Thcatrc. Lcycn Strcct. 22‘) 1201. 2.30pm

and 7.30pm. £3—£5.50. Scc Inc 8.

I St Matthew Passion ()uccn's i la”. ('lcrk

i Strcct. 668 201‘). Part 1.5pm—6.30pm. Part 2. 8pm-- 10pm. £6.50 £7.50(£4 £5). '

5—26 March 88


A season of innovative superb as Dnegin. while the excellent contemporary composition l young Polish soprano Joanna l Kozlowska gives a telling characterisation of Tatyana. As Lensky, Onegin’s friend then enemy, tenor Anthony Roden is equally powerful. Potentially a source of much embarrassment all round, the chorus dancing, choreographed by Terry Gilbert, is one of the highlights of this production, along with some stunning chorus singing from the same forces. The story is fairly complex : it is well worth arriving in good time to read director Ceri Sherlock's clear programme synopsis in advance. (Carol Main)

Concerts 5 March, 7.30pm m i G L A S G 0 w 0 P U S i

6820 March, 7.30pm PERFORMANCE f

19 March, 7.30pm ;


26 March, 8pm ; WHISTLEBINKIES

All tickets £3/£2


March, 2.30pm £1 P U T E R S M U S I C

4&1 CO I N

Swiss Frcnch conncction to thc forc with Matthias Bamcrt conducting the Rhapsodics for clarinct and saXophonc by chussy. Duparc‘s Lenore and thc symphony of that titlc by thc Swiss composcr Raff.

SATURDAY 12 Glasgow

I Friends at Scottish Opera Scottish ()pcra

8 M

Free leaflet available Box Office: 041 332 7521 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow



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ALEX ’88 Careers Exhibition, Royal Highland Exhibition Hall, Ingliston, Edinburgh. Thursday lOth-‘Saturday 12th March. 9 a.m.-8 pm. Admission FREE.

'Saturday 12th March Courtesy Bus All Day from Waverley to ALEX via Haymarket.



'I‘hc List 4 17 March 1988 27