i—tmiy'erse. httt is at home with hluesjazz.

elaxxieal. Latin or ragtime. A rare talent. I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l.a Taverna. t,&lllLt\(t()\\ ne ( ‘reseent . 33‘) 7027. S 11pm. I The Big Bands Rite-rude ( 'luh. r-tix Street. 248 3144. 2 5pm. £1. .\'tiyy tyytihig hands in the atterrititin. (retirge .\le( itiyyan ()reheSIrtt and Bill l‘anning's Big Band. SCOTL‘SUt mlISiL‘litrtS. tl'ielttlSiilltt enthusiasts.

IJimmy Feighan Quartetwith Shelagh Buchanan(ilasgmt Stieiety ()t’Sluxieianx. Berkeley Street. 221 (it l2. 2.15-4.45pm. 5Hri. Bar.

I Resident Quartet t ilttxgti“ Stieiely ()t \ltlSIetttIIS. Berkeley Street. 22l (it 12. S3” ll.3llpm. 5llp. Bar.


I Melanie O'Reilly and Francis Cowan. .-\y e Bar . Nl()tleell Street. 221! 1283. ‘).3tlpm. ('ley er. \lltUUtlt guitar haelted \UL‘iltS. IJimmy Wood Trio t )tltllL'liti\\\. i‘tirreSI Rtiad. t‘.\L‘lllll}_‘.

I Alex Shaw Trio l’latltirtn l.Rutlaritl Street. 225 2433. lunehtime. 'l’he ptariti

I Alex Shaw Trio ( tippers. ( ~tielithtirn Street. 225 I441 lyenirig.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons l’reSery atitin l lall. \‘iettiria Street. 22h 3Stti. 2 4pm. I Shore Jazz Shtire Bat . the Shore. letth. 553 5lNl, luriehtime. Varititix. .\ttl\leln the hat.

I Peristalsis Brothers ( ale Biat‘r‘itl. l'redertek Street. 225 5244 l()pm till late. l‘tltte\.

I Yella Dug Jazz Band “thin Street. llayrtiat'litet . 33" lllhti. layening. 'l'r‘atl

SUNDAY 10 Glasgow

I Melanie O'Reilly and Francis Cowan l’aixley .'\rt\.la//. Parsley .>\r't\('entre. New Street. SS" llllll. 12.3” 2.3llrim. Bar. l-ree. lrlSti lady . ltdtrihtir'gh hitSL‘tl pet'ttit‘itiing ran stings trtim eyery era. ttia eley er guitar aeetimpantmerit.

I Perdido .ltihn Street .lam. John Street 12.3” 2 3llpnt. Mamxtt‘eartiandl.atin.

I Frank Bolan Quintet the Bar. 'l‘rtm 'l'heatr'e. l’arme Street. 552 420". it .5“ (Ll l. 1.3tl-5pm. 'l’rtin'x yyeekly lax/seene. I SO What (litilt‘titilh Bar. (iltthtiyy (TUSS. 552414‘), txyerirng. ResideritStiriday hand.


I Jan Engine the littgtne Rtitim. ()tieensterry Street Lane. 225 2142. triening.

IJam Jazz 1 .':\ttaehe. Rutlantl l ltitel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 3ll42. 2.3” (\Plll. With \lllfie‘l Stiphie Banertilt and lrtends.

I Mike Hart Society Syncopators Mount Rtiyal l ltitel. l’ririeex Street. 225 "ltil.

1 3pm.

I Waverley Jazz Band Rat-hum Bar. Raehurri l’laee. 332 fi345. 12.3“ 2.31 lpm.

Rectum MUSIC mesons

28'i‘he rm l 14 April 1088

I Capital City Jazz Band t ‘rext Htitel. ()ueensl'erry Rtiatl. 332 2442.

2.3” 5.3Upm.

I Ronnie Rae Trio r’latttirm I.Rutl;rntl Street. 225 2433. tunehtime.

I Knights OtJazz \Virie ( ilaxx. \eyy ingttin Rtizttl. (iti'~ (itStih. t'.\ enlttg.

I That Swing Thang ( "ate Biat'rttl. l‘r‘etler‘ielit Street. 225 5244. l'.\ eriittg. Six pieee lump |I\ e \ tieal\ and m ing grtiuti. I Jazz Machine Mtiitti l ltitel. lti \lrritti Street. lib" I534. S llpm.

I Basin Street Stompers Baxtrt Street. llayrriar'ket 'l er'raee. 33" liltiti, t'.\L'tlll112'. 'l'ratl arid l)i\ieland \ eiiue.

I Waverley Jazz Band \lariua I ititel. lnyerleith Rtiyy . 552 25ti3. W ll.3Htim. 'l'rtttldieS.

MONDAY 11 Glasgow I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers

lltitixtinS. 5T5 Sutletilehdll Street. l'.\ ening. light . enter taitiing tiltilllSIIL’tllll ran.


I Edinburthazz Quartett‘tipperx. (‘tiekliurn Street. 225 l-14l layeiitrig.

I East CoastJazz Band liltte ragtrtm. Anglel’arlit'lei‘taee.331‘)‘)22.l~yentrig, 9 12pm. ReSItiellt l'r'adhand.

I Brian Johns Rtitlaiid l ltitel. Rutlarid Street. 22‘) 3H42. lzyerirrig.


Glasgow I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. \VtititllarttlS

Road. 332 12]“. ltyenitig. leading Setittixli \a\mau. l'eSItlL'ltt hand.

I Zeke's Jazz Company I)e ()trineey ‘x. Retilield Street. 333 tlti33. 0pm.


I Swing '88 Hall Slitiy el. ( ‘tiekhurn Street. (iS43. lzyerittig. l‘titirpreee 1)];tngti \\ ith reeds.

I Andy Thorburn Slime Bat . the Shure. l.ettli. liyeiirrig, Stilti titartti. Stride. lititigie. Standards and ttielit and roll.

I Criterion Jazz Band l‘at Sam'x. l'tiuntairihridge. lxyenirig.

I Knights Of Jazz larigtne Rtitim. (.)tieert\ler'i‘y Street lane. 11y ertiiig.

I Peristalsis Brothers \egtieigintS. BI'ISIU Square. t'.\elilll}_'. t’til'tlL'Stllltl titties ptiptilar \yy trig stings and hraxx.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Nay attr r {time lititel. \ttty tleltt ( itlrtletlS. (tti—V 2525. layeriing.

I West End Jazz Band Btmn Street.

lta}marl\et l erraee. 33" liltlti. lzyeiittig tl'iltl.



I ‘Ain‘t Nobody's Business' 'rhrrtr Icy e (‘eritr'e. Sauehiehall Street. ",3llpm. £3


(£2). The Lite And Music 01 Billie Holiday. A tine \y timan \hU“ featuring Billie lhidun. Btirrt in Britain tit Nigerian parents. Billie ht'ingx her liillllL‘Silke tti harrtiyy ing lite in a \et til tli‘amatie mtintiltigues. interspersed with lady l)ay '\ \titlgS, This Billie ean \ing. and kt]()\\,\ her httxinexx.

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo t ilHSgti“ Stieiety ()t Slusieianx. Berkeley Street. SE31 lpm. 5UP. Bar. I


I Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin Street. llaymarlitet ‘l err'aee. 337 With. tiyertiriie'. 'l'he trad \ eritie.

I Tam White \egtieiantx. BrlSIU Square. 225 ti3l3 0pm. Stiul hluex. \y'ith axmall hand.

I Alex Shaw Trio ( tippers. ( ‘tiekhurn Street. 225 l44l. l‘.\eliiltg,

I Charlie McNair‘s Band l’t'eSery atrtrn llall. Viettiria Street. 22h 3Slti. t'.\k'l1llt}_'. I BrianJohns Rutlantl lltitel. Rutlarid Street 22‘) .‘sti42. layening.

I Eat Sam‘s Jazz band t-‘at Sarn'S. l‘titiritairihridge. l'yerimg,



I That Swing Thang Pitt Street. 33: l l 1 I. liyetiirig. lztlinhtirgh'x\mtitith \\\lll_L' singerS. l‘tlt‘lltUUS 41K and 5llx‘ ly l’lt'S

Sery ed up in htiyt ties.

I Blues Night Riy erxitle ( 'luh. l-ti\ Street. 2483144. Izyening. £2. With Bti\\'eeyil. I Spike Bayne And The Jazz Organics Blaelitlr'tarx. Bell Street. Merehant (try. 552 5924. liyeriiiig.


I Bill Kyle‘s Jazz Pool l.':\ttaehe. Rtltttllltl Street. 22‘) 3042. 9pm midnight. l'ree. t'etitttring the liest til ltiegil Igu/ rule-rd

I Waverley Jazz Band Raehtirri Bar. Raehurri l’laee. 332 0345. ltyerittig.

I Russian Roulette ( ‘ate Biarritz. t‘reder'ielt Street. 225 5244. lzy enrrig. t‘l\ e piet‘e \yy tnget’S.

I Graham Blamire Jazzers Basin Street. llaymarket 'l’err'aee. 33" littlti. l'.\L'ltllt_L’. I Texas Breaklast ( 'ale Biat'i'itI. l~retleriek Street. 225 5244. liyening.

I Criterion Jan Band r-‘trt Sam's. l~titititainhritlge. lay'eriirig.

I Jazz Machine .‘ytintti l ltitel. lti .\lrntti Street. (i(i7 1.5.54. (S 11pm.

I Shore Jazz Slitire Bar. the Shure. letth. 553 5tlh'll. tiyening. Sax and rhythm SL‘CtlUlt in har restaurant.

I BCTDDB Swing Maxres BiStt‘ti. Nietilxtin Street. or»? “845. I-.y eriing 'l‘lireextime yyith \‘ltilllt. guitar and \‘UGIIS. Barantl Restaurant.

I Templehall Stompers 'remple r ltitel. [iSplitllilttkfi.itippil.(Thu-1:04. tiy ening. had and ttixie residents.

IJimmy Gilmour Group Bandyyagtin. Mtirristin Street. liyenirig.

I Gordon FYTTB TflO :\tttin l ltitel.

(irtisyentir(’reseerit. 225 (itl33. liyening.

.yTgickers" on Sale now from Virgin; The Other Record Shop and Used! Places.)

all. But they did the tint time 1 Sit“ them.

; tiltay '.’ t'rtim there they ‘y e gtirie theirtiyy n

\ay 1’ 'l he (ateran are ahtitit the llTUSt tittiSlly etitiirielliiig hand in lidinhurgh right ntiyy . a surge til eleett'ieity sustained

theiesus andmarychcrinfa


RIDAY 1 Glasgow

I Glasgow the Venue. 4"“Sauehieliall Street. ll|.3l)piii. Perhaps the wily ltieal lieayy metal hand north the time tit day. ttilSiSItlell tll’St gig ttit‘ a while. l laying already r‘eleaxetl ati alhtttn and a gtititl \lligle‘. Seer‘et\ In the Dark. they plan In teetird a next single in the near tutttre.

I SO Rtititttit“. 9.: Sauehiehall Street. 5.“: 5SS‘3, lll.3llpm. Reeeiyiriga htgriushlrtint their reetird etimriaiiy . l' .\ll. Sti hay e the I per teet \Utlltti ltir martii \ueeexs. 'l heir dehtit \ingle. .-\ie YOU Sitie. teaelietl the i .'\rilerle;lll ttip titty . ax \y ell as gainiiiga rexpeetahle ariititrnt til \a|e\ and airplay in tltlSL‘Utllltl'y. Despite their quality . l lititl it hard tti imagine them heing In the tastetil l the l'rtday ttiglit Rtitilttiriautltent'e.\yhti are not ntitetl hit their taxte in lilttSIe.

I Swamptrash .-\yr l’ay ilititi. .-\y i . ".3llpm. (‘tintirttiitig \\ tlh \UlltL' mtire Setittrxh dates tti prtimtite their dehut allium. It Makes .\'ti \ey er Mind.

I Bruised Arcade Btiuley artl lltitel. I711) (it. \Vextet‘ri Rtiad. 37." 238 l 0pm. .-\ legendary yenue-hut yy ltat ahtiut the haritl'.’

I The Other Side .‘ylar‘y hill Stieial ( 'ltih. Maryhill. 9pm.


IAIice Cooper l’lay litiuxe'l‘lieatre. (ireettSitte l’laee. 55" 25‘)“. ".3llptn. £9.50. LS5“. l‘ll'St til t\\t) nights. llardly seems any time at all Sitiee the \ehltielit-htirrtir liting til til i'tiek did hix last stint here. 'I hat the set lr'tim his last ttiur matehed ittlllUSt exaetly a tleeade-tild liy e Set dtieSIi't \eem tti hay e deterred the tans. :\ltee has rust turned the \tilume up. put a little meat tin the “HS and tirade the \peeltiele a hit mtire ayy L'SUITTL‘. 'l‘hiStine

\y ill rim and ttiii.

I The Cateran. Ree-Haw and Therapy (‘alttirr Sttitlttix. (‘alttin Rtiad. 55(i5'lltiti. Upm late. L3 (£21. All right. I lee-l layy tltin't \(itll‘ltt like that l’etrtil limtititin atter‘

\y ay thtiugh it here that leads \\ litiean

thrtiughtiut a ptiyyerltil set. and therapy are tin the titt'L'Stttltiltt tit releasing their dehutlil’ leattiringtliextitin-tti-he- elaxxie ‘Sean(‘tinnery Was My .‘ylilktnan‘. I Close Lobsters anti orthooks \‘enue. ('alttiri Rtiad. 55“ 3H73. ()ne til the WeSt ('tirrxt'x hi rghtext htipex tinee ttptin a time. things hay e heen mtiy ing a shade mtire \ltmly ltir ( ~ltise l.tih\ter\ than expeeted.

be I’ "o

