Road. 9pm. l‘ree.

I Billy Forbes l.a 'l‘aniere. l‘ox Street. 3pm. 1"ree.

I Central Cats l.;t 'l'antere. l‘o\ Street. 9pm. Free. Regular Saturday residencies.


I Strategy l’t‘esci'y atioit l lall. Victoria Street. 22(t3S1tt. £1 atter‘lpm. Pro-sounding modern rock group w rtlt a good dose of lieayy guitar. ()tiite possibly

goingplaces soon.

I Soul Kitchen \egociants. l.othian Street. 22.< b313. ‘lpm. l-r'ee. l’rgltrnkers oltshoot . specialising in coy ers of some

wonderful dance classics. See them.

I Apex Beat lord l)arriley . \Vesl l’ot‘l. 2:" 4341.111pm.l-rce.

I Mind's Eye Music llos. Victor ra Street. 2211 léltS. £1 alter ‘lpm.

I The Bootsie Tootsie Blues Band t an ei n.

(‘ow gate. 22h Sty-l l.

SUNDAY 10 Glasgow

I Burden Blues Breakers t a laltlcl‘c. t-m Street. ‘lpm. l't'cc. Another residency at 1a lantere


I Les Gray's Mud Music llos. Victoria Street. 22” 1‘1 1S. Yes. that's right yotr heard right. "I iget' l'eet' and all that. lhe Sey cuties t'ey'iy al may hay e started oil as some cliqtiish l.oirdon rn- ioke. btrl it's taken on a life of its own now Sit back and wait for the 12m remry of all their finest moments. l‘ll liil\ rt ll no-one else will.

I EatThe Peach Bandwagon. Morrison Street. S3llpm. l-tce. See Strn 3.

I La Paz Soundcheck Rock ( 'lub. \‘ertue. ('alton Road. 55" 311".3 “.3tlpm £1511 ()ne of the biggest names iii the legronol hcayy tnetal gr'oitpsaround

I Gyroset l’iesetyatron llall. \‘tctoira Street. 22b 3S1tr. £1 alter ‘1..3llprtt

Sce l'll l.

IJean Mundell Music llo\. \‘tctot ra Street. 23H l"ns .\ltettioort. l'tcc

; [TERMI— Edinburgh

ITrident l’tcsctyalioit l lall. Victoria Street. 22b 3.\lb k).3llpm l'tee. lleayy rock metal.

I The Caleran .tlltl The Cretins \‘emte. (‘alton Road. 55" 31173 lot r'ccommendattori oit lhe ( 'atet an. see in l 'l'lie ( 't‘ettiis' impersonation of 'l he

Ramones is done with such an eye for detail that it‘s truly a thing ot wonder

I Dual and Guilty Party Music lloy. Victoria Street. 22“ ISHS. ‘t3ltpm. 1~tee. I Black Jacques Shellac \cgocraiils.

l.othian Stt'eet. __.‘ b313. ‘lpm l~ree.

TUESDAY 12 Glasgow

I Shy The Venue. ~1‘ltlS.tttclrtelr.ill Street 332 3V2. lit 3l|pm .-\lwaysone ot the

better. more melodic a o t -t\pe bands. who seem to ltay c beeti at'outtd lot ages without making any kritd ot breakthrough I Rankin l..l lattiete. l'o\ Sttccl ‘lptn. l-tee. Second corrsecutrye [uesday night for es-Naxareth man

I Bobby Wishart l lalt llai . \y'oodlands Road. 9pm. l'tee.



I The Fishermen Mtrsre llos. \'rctot ra Street. 2211 1"ltS‘. t).3llpm. l'ree.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Blues Trio l’rcsery‘ation l lall. Victoria Street. 220 3Slh. 9.31 lpm. l‘t‘cc.

I The Perislalsis Brothers \egociattls. l.othian Street. 225 b3 1 3. 9pm. l'rce. l'iillies sounds.

I HlCh Free Fall ( )tldlclloys s. l‘oi’t‘est Road. 2211 lS'lb. Spm. l-ree. ldunno. either.


r WEDNESDAY 13 ' Glasgow

I The Kritiks l.a 'l'aniere. l-os Street. ‘lpm. l'l'L‘L‘.

I Dnyx 'l'lre llruce l lotcl. (’ornwall Street. ltast Klll‘l'ltlc‘. 113552 29"]. ‘:\n agate lot'tttctl ol alternate llat layct‘sol chalcedony according to my dictionary. You tttay liayc gathered 1 know nothing abotrt tlte batrd ..

I Nailan l lalt Bar. \Voodlands Road. ‘lpm l'tee.


I Hawkwind I’lay house l'heatt'e. (ilc‘cltSltlc' Place. 55“ 35"“. “Millptll Ut. £5. ( 'an anyone remember the last time llayy kw trtd released a record'.’ '1 hey

oby rously rtrake enough from trekking around the country to trek around the country some tnote. l‘tll ttitetcsl outside the committed tans has waned tor many years now It nobody calls 1 law kyyind

dinosaurs it's probably because

ey etyone’s forgotten they ey en um.

I Tam While \egocrants. lotlitan Street. 3:5“.313 ‘lplli l'tee. SL'L‘ \Vc‘tlli.

I Boxing Clever \lusrc lloy. Victoria Street.22tr.3S1(r.‘lpirt lice.

I Shy Metal ( ‘lub. Venue. ( 'altnii Road. 55" .3Il"3 :\ brt geittle .rrid melodtctor

w hat is supposed to be a thr ash club. perhaps. btrt rt eyer‘yotreseiiroy trig lltetitselyes.

THURSAY 14 Glasgow

I The Caleran/The Fizzbombsfrhe Boy Hairdressers l'tlt\ Mirrrys. Ma\y\ell Street. 111. 3llpm. .-\ Scottish independents titglrt. w ith equal billing for all much along the lines of that being planned lot Maytest

I Something Blue I [all Bar. Hill

\\ oodlands Road. ‘tprn l-ree.

Starter for ten: name asmany bandsas possible w ith the word ‘lllue' in their name Shouldn't be too dilttcult.

I The Meteors Rooftops. 02 Sauehtelrall Slt'ecl

‘( )nly the Meteors are pure p\,\chobtlly' they clarrn .ltidge lot yotirsell


I Del Leppard l’lay house lheatrc. (itcensrdc Place. 55" 25"“ ".3llpm

S( )l l) ( )1 l

IThe ThieveSandVery Very Venue. (Elliott Road. 55“ 311—3. \litch-talked-abotit ( ilasgow group. w ho hay e attr acted quite a si/cable ieeriage female following in tlterr hornecrty. thanks rrt part to their appearanceon ('lrannel l‘ittlt 's l-rrmuny l‘ur l-tttt't'n .l/t/rnlex Very Very look like they cotrld reach the same heights. alter attracting 3llt|iothen yery first gig

IAnaconda \trtste llo\. Victoria Street. 22tr3S1tt.‘l 3ttpm. l'iee lleayy rock.

I Dan Blocker Experience \egoctattls. lotluan Street. 225 tr3l3. ‘lpm l-ree. (‘ounity

I Block Brothers l’resery atton l lall. Victoria Street. 22b 3Sltr ‘l.3llpm. l-rec I Critter Hill Varmints \\ illslc I louse. (‘owgate S 3Hpm midnight. £3l£15111 lickets ayarlable ttoru l-dtrrbutglt l'niyersity Settlement. 5 l llt'tstoSquatc llenelrl ior \\ ilkre ( ‘Itrb. a tacilrty lot es-ollendetsaud lorrnet psychiatric patients. to raise money tot special trips.





I Nightlife is listed as a diary first by day(in this section each of the two particular days of the lortnight are treated as one). then by city and then by venue. Special Club nights are listed undertheir club name followed by their venue.

ls'l'h‘: |S| students and guestsonly; [ND] nodenims; |\'l'| noirainers; l.»\]ayail tor priyate hire on certain nights.



IThe Alhambra 31 Watet‘looStreet.22l

32bit. .S‘pm- midnight. l‘ree. Resident 1)]

with the latest sounds.

I Bennets l lprn 3.3llam. £2. Mainly(iay

with l li-.\'R(i music.

I Cleopatras lll.3llant 2.3llpm. £3. Disco


I Cotton Club 11pm 3.3llam. £3. Special

drinks promotion night each Friday.

I Delirium at 'I'in l’ari Alley.

lll.3llpttt 3am. £2.5Uwith ticket. Wortha

y isit tonight as there are a couple ofdiseos

to choose limit.

I Disco Viva lll.3llpm- 3am. £3511. The

Disco \‘iy'a house disco in fttll swing. High

energy ftrnk witli personality 1)].

IFollies 111.3llpm 3am. £3511.

(hart-based disco sounds. [.\'I)| [N'I‘]

I Fury Murry's 1 lprti 3.3tlam. £3.50.

‘l-unk on Fridays at l'urys'. with Radio

(‘lyde 1).l Segun w ho adds a touch ot'jau.

I Hard Rock Cane at the Venue. ltlpm till

late. £3511. 1.iy e music and disco.

I Henry Atrikas ltl.3llpm 3.30am. £25“.

With 1).] llat‘yey ()kr'an from

\‘ideodi‘omc. Two for the price ol'onc

betore tttidtiight. (heap drinks. (Preceded

by trnder lSs disco witlt Ross King.)

I Hollywood Studios ltlpm 3am. £3511.

liy e acts ey ery l'riday.

IJoe Paparazzi t lpm .‘s.


I Mayfair 1 lprii 3am.

night disco.

I Mardi Gras l lpiit 3.

music night.

I Palomino Club 9pm 3am. £4. l)isco


I Panama Jax “1.45pm 3.3Ham. £3511.

Sottl and mixed chart music with resident

Dis. '1 otrrrrry Arnold or Raymond

I)a\ ten.

I Battles “13” 3am. £3. l)rscosounds

with DJ. Roddy Stewart.

I Reggae Club at the l-‘tirrctrort Suite.

Rooftops. llipm 3am. £3.

I Singles Club Vamps Mom at Disco \‘iy'a.

t).3tlpm 2am. Admission by membership contact yentic for details.

I Souled Out at lhe Warehouse.

llptii 3.3llam. £3. Sotil and Reggae music

witlt 1).] liddy Bahama.

I Sub Club 1 lprtr 3.3llam. £3.51).

Non-stop l lip l lop andSoul.

I U Club at .loe l’apat'a/lt. llaiii 3.

£3. Mryed sounds todanceto.

I ZiCO'S lllpnt 3am. £3. (‘hart based disco



IThe Amphitheatre ltlprn 4am. The l-r'tday \iglrt Spectacular. £3511. llall price belot'e l 1pm. l).l Ross Keddic til tlte controls presiding oy er the classy split

ley cl dancefloor. 1 Apr: S1 leger l’romottons l’arty Night. [.r\|[.\’l)|

I AWOL at the ( 'alion Studios. £ 1 .5”. Variety ol liye bands and disco. Sec Rock listiitg.

I Buster Browns l lprn 4am. £2.511;1ia|t price drinks aitd admission before midnight (‘lrart and dance music. :\llll\;tl oy er 2| ls atmosphere. lltrstei' Brow ns'

3ll. £3. Disco £3.511.()\'et25s

.‘stlam. £3.11ouse

31 1pm.

l'nder- 18s disco. 7.3tL—1 lprn. Very popular with the early teens. [A]

I Chaplins at Finsbury Park's Nigltt(‘1ub. l 1.3(lpm—(ram. Dance into the early hours in the only" nightclub open till bani. 1-‘ree every week with membershipobtained at liirisbury' Park.

I Cinderellas Bockerlellas 9pm-3am. £2 before 1 1pm; £3 after. Slip discount for members. All drinks blip which fora l-‘riday‘ must be the cheapest in town. [A] [ND] [NY]

I Dillingers lttpm- 4am. £2 before 1 1pm; £3 after. ‘l-‘iu' Slay'e to the Rhythm. Special night of good contemporary dance music and offers oti bottles of bubbly. IND] ml or

I Edgars lt)pm--4am. £1 before llprnz£2 before midnight: £3 after. ()uirky interior with plenty of dark corners. Also litigars has probably the most expensive air conditioning. very cool.

I Fire Island 1 lpm- 3am. £2.7t)(£1 before 11.15pm). l’opular gay disco iii the centre of town.

I Goombay Beat at Barbados Suite ((‘oastersi. lttpm~3am. £2. Well established club btti has a Sham (it) reggae pick tip atmosphere and a bland rnttsic selection.

I Madisons ltlpm 4am. £1.511bcfore 11pm. £2.511after. Madisons' 1)] Kevin escorts the crowds through an enjoyable Friday night scene. It's wortlt a visit tosee the laser.

I Outer Limits at ('oasters. ltl.3tlpni «lam £2 till 1 l .3llpm. £3 after. 1 Apr: Startol ()uter [.imits liaster weekend extrayagan/a. Amidst the jiy-e and bop there's an egg Lucky Dip with drink youchers and tokens inside. Kinder surprise? [N'l']

I Reggae Club at Shady ladies.

lll.3llpm 3am. £2. Best cony'entional reggae selection irt tow it complements a good skank atmosphere.

I Boltko‘s .S'pm 3am ( l lappy llours

S 11pm). l‘ree before 1 1pm; £3 alter. See Mott.

I Shake at The Mission. 10.30pm 3am. £2. Same crowd as the ls'angaroo('lub playing similar music bttt not as hip. l-unk. soul. hip-hop formula.

I Spanish Harlem at writ-rc- l louse.

lllpm 3am. £2. Well worth a Visit containing 2 discos y ary mg iii tempo 1.aiin. 1 lip l lop. Soul. Also there'sacate hidden sortiew here iii the y ertue.

I Top 0' the Walk ( ‘1th 25 1)rsco on l'l'l and Sat Spin lam. £1 members. £2 non-members. Membership £2. Mainly current chart music. [ND] ITwilightZone at Moray llotise.

‘lpm 2am. 511p (students arid 1'1l4tts tree ). lS’ Mar only. Sponge w liosotindlike theircrudely'psychedelicltglrtsliow will be playing liye.

IZenatec lllpm 3.3tlarti. £2 belot'c 11.3llprn; £3.31) alter. (‘omtort with lasers. Videos and the best iii the current music scene. S Apr: Radio l-‘ortli launch l’ill’ly. Don't know what they 're launching btit I)Js front 1"orth will keep the place boppin‘.

l SATURDAYS 1 Glasgow

IThe Alhambra 31 \VaterlooStrecl.221 3260. 8pm midnight. l-ree. Resident 1).] with the latest sounds.

IBennets llptn 3.3llam. £3. Mainly (iay with l li-NRU music. IBreakiastClub at Henry Ali‘ik‘a‘s. 111.3(lpm 4am.£-1.(l-‘ollowsl'nderIS l disco). with 1)](‘rary Marshall. | ._.__J

lhe list l H .-\pri| l‘lSS 33