f I Relormatory at Bartmtlm Suite. ' ltl.3tlprn -3zim. £3. I-‘orrnerly this term was

Used for an institution for reclaiming


I Rattles l5 Bennlder Street. I’artiek (from. 334 533 I. I Rooftops 93 Sauehiehztll Street. 333

delinquents. this ‘new‘ hip hop. rapeluh \ottld he called (‘HIlIUfIIlittUI”\.

I Rokko's 8pm- 3ttm. tree t I Iapp} Ilours .\ 11pm). See \ton.

I Top 0' the Walk Spin lam. Soul and chart Illt\ pulling in a younger erou d. .\'o dress restrietionx tonight. \thl he L'I()\L‘Lt lrorn l I Apr lora text \teekslor

t'enm atron and a name ehange. Sta} tuned I Zenatec 9pm till late. ‘7 Apr onl} : I-‘rnalx ol .\Il\\ I-xenine New“. I’un. lr'oliesand lIesh. u hat more do you \\ ant',’



I The Alhambra 31 Waterloo Street. 33 I _3:(dl

I Benneh “ll ( ila\\lot'tt Street. 553 53M. I Cleopatras Belmont lane. Keltrnhr'idge. 33~1tl5hti

I Cotton Club 5 Seott Street. 333W 1 3.

I Disco Viva l5 t'nton Street. 331 3%. I Follies 1% Pitt Street. 333 7332 "522. I Fury Murryswr .\ta,\\\ ell Street. 231

(\51 I

I Henry Alriltas 13 15 York Street.33l

til I I

I Hollywood Studios U Bro“ n Street . 34h (ititltt

I Joe Paparazzi 53llSaueItIeltaII Street. 331 3] II

I Louis Louis Ill"3.-\rg1)IeStr'eet.

I Mardi Gras "3 I)un|op Street. 331 3ti33. I Maytair Saueluehall Street. 333 3333. I Palomino Club St \Vext Regent Street.


I Panama Jax ( ~ustorn I Iothe ()trax . 33] 1N6

I Pzazz 33 Rm al I" \ehanee Square . 331 5.3‘_3

5583 5967.

I Savoy Savoy (‘entre. Sauehiehzill Street. 333 (I75 I.

I Shotgun 4r) \Vext (ieorge Street.

I Sub Club 33 Jamaica Street. 348-1600.

I Tin Pan Alley 3‘) Mitchell Street . 331 5375.

I Venue J34 Sauehiehttll Street. 333 3874. I Warehouse 85 I)un|op Street. 331 3033. I Zico's I"i\‘a Ingram Street. 553 (1995.


IThe Amphitheatre 31 Iotltran Road. 32‘) "it'll

I Barbados Suite in ( 'oaster'x ( ‘omplex

I Bermuda Triangle in ( 'oaxter \ ( ‘omplex I Buster Browns 35 3‘ Mar I'xL"t Street . Sin .1311.

I Calton Studios 3o ( ‘alton Road. 550 "tlhtr

I Cinderellas Rockerlellas W St Stephen Street. 55(ill3titi.

I Coasters Complex 3 \Vext 'l‘ullenm. “N

I Dillingers Videotheque is King‘s Stables Road. 33h 354".

I Edgars “(in Rose Street North lame.

I Finsbury Park 3 5 South St Andre“ Street. 550 “D”.

I Fire Island 12" I’rtttL'e\ Street. errtrrrro. I Gild8d Balloon ( ‘tm gate. 335 505“.

I Liberty‘s the Min lltlth‘. ( ii‘eenxide I’Iaee. 553380“. '

I Madisons ( ireenxide Place. 557 380".

I The Mission Victoria Street. 335 (i5ti‘). I Moray llouse t IoI_\ t‘ootl Road. 5503455. I Outer Limits in (‘oatsterx ( ‘ornplex.

I Rokko's 33 I.othi;rn Road.

I Shady Ladiest‘imgate.

I Top 0‘ the Walk :5 Si .Iarnex ( ‘entre . 557 3ti3l.

I Venue ( ‘alton Road. 55—7 3H33.

I Wilkie House ( 'ou gate.

I Zenatec 5o I‘ountainhr‘tdge. 33‘) 3733,

The Best Pizza available anywhere, made fresh daHyforyou! Come Visit us today for Pizza you wish your Mamma could make

Sun-Thurs 5pm-12 midnight Fri-Sat— 12 noon-lam

and Home Delivery



36 lliel NI 1-1 .\pr'rl It)»

I Sport is listed as diary: by sport. then by day. then by event.

Wednesday 13

I Commonwealth Title Fight: GaryJacobsv WillGentzen I\el\ III I Iall. .\r_:\ le \treet. (ilamtm . till 35" 3535 Ireler pr reexand thitilat‘lllh lol‘e arinouneed .I.|etlI‘\\I\lI‘\ the queue lor an une\peeted shot at the (‘ornrnorruealth title. olleredlyx (ierit/eri'~ \oluritau delenee .l\\llllllll}_‘ the ptotttoteh sort out their eurrent mangle .t\IU\\Itt\Ilt‘ItI\lIle

lio\er '\ eorrtr aet


lo make IIllllf.1\ \ \ en Ie\\ elear . IIIL'IL‘ \L‘e'llh [ti I‘e \tiltte LIt‘lII‘I t\\ el the date ax \\ eII t It mat lie Ittiuetl Inrelx a ueelx i. so eheek \\ rth \ enue nearer the

CUBLING Saturday 2—Friday 8

IWorld Ladies Championship Summit ('entre. \Itltena \\ a\ _ l-rnneston.

( iI;I\}_:ti\\ [H I 3‘” 33 I 5 \\ eekh lrekeh L3H; darl\ .ltlllll\\ltlll alwamrlalile ()penrneeereinom Sat 3pm. Sun \\ ed matehes at 3pm. "pm. IIllll\ tie-ltlealwal Illarri. 3.3llpni. "pm. It r Se'llll—I‘lll.lI\‘lttlll. Bron/e rnedall illprrr. I'lll.lI 5pm SL‘UtltllttIPltl§\lltt\l IUIIll\ll1.l|Ut t‘ee.l\lt'lt on the eurlrnu ealendar . and \\ III lie hoping to do \\ ell In the taee ol \onie lrir rrrrdalile oppoxtlroit

EMILE.- Friday 1—Saturday 2

I Sun Lite Europa Diving Cup Rot .rl ('onirnorrxxealth I)t\tlI. I).lII\elIIl Road. detnhtiteh I'rr Ill 3Hant t_l.3 Illprn 2.1. "..‘~llprii LI. Sat Ill Filarri t.l._‘. ,‘Ilprn LI. (rpm L3 l'nrexened \eat\ 5llp.i||\e\~rorr\ 'I rekelx a\arlal\|e Irorn name I trial \taeex ol tIll\ [‘IL‘\tlt1lUll\ Iuropean tournament. \\ hieh began on \\ ednexdax.


I Race Days 'I uexdat. I Illll\tl.l\ and Saturtlat . I’oxuler‘hall Stadium.

Beawrliall Road. l'ttllll‘tllflll Raee meetings are tor Ill raeex. \tat Illltjal

" ‘llirn L3 IIIStatitl.Ll ‘\II(irourtd G asgow

I Race Days luexdax. I litrrxdai and Satttt‘dat . Shim lreld Stadium. Rirtherelen Road. ( ilasgou Raee lllk‘k'llll_‘.!\ are tor Ill I';IL'L'\.\t;ll'IllI;1;lt 3 -l5prri t.‘


Saturday 2


I Dunlermlinevaerdeenl a\t I rid l’arlk. l)unlerrnlirie I I5 rnrnx lltitlt\l.tllt‘l1\l


I Hibsv Celtic I‘axter Road. I-dinliureh (ItthLW‘i. 5. I5. ~13. Hi 3pm .-\||-treI\et

I he ( "lianipionx eleet \erI he out tornake sure there is no \IIPPIHL' .ltl.llll\t a I lrlxxrtle \\ hielt I\ better at keeping ~goals out than scoring; them

IMolherwellvMorton I‘Ir I’atk ta\.il\ii\el 3pm.

I RangersvHearts Hum. ( ilaxuim l3rrirrrx liorn lliro\ 1 'nderzzroundi zpin

.’\|l-treI\et I IL'Ixe'h run he \Irelith e‘.t\le'l toget than usual tor lIll\ one. unlexxt eItrt

ltax e dropped some \ er \ une\peeted

l‘t‘lllh Raritzersxxrlluant tokeeptlie pressure on. but are \ureli looking tone\t I \e.l\l‘t‘. r‘ou Rattgerx lath \Iiouldelieelx out IIll\ iwaek eornpetrtron pae'e ISlMirrenvFalkirkl m e Sireet.l’ar\|e_\ rit';:1irr\l!trrri(rllrtrtitrt\l\t.illottl 3pm. FIRST DIVISION

I Clyde V Hamilton I llIllIIl.t\.tI‘t\\ ei. 3pm. l IDumbartonvAirdrie ought-ail. l)urnliar ton t Illnunx lrorrr Ilurnliar ton

I a\l \tatroni 1put IMeadowbankvEastFile\teatlmtlrank \tatlrunrldrnliuttzlitlitisex1.5.3li.«1-1l.

iprr‘. Tuesday5

I Celtic v St Mirrent e lrrt I’a' k

(II.I\:'1‘\\ lIi(|\\'\I\E li‘ HI] - :l|l\”»_

Saturday 9

I Scottish Cup Semi-Final: Celtichearts

I Iatttptlert I’al Ix. ( II.I\L'l\\\ (5 lltlll\ [rum I\lll‘_!\ I’ar .k and \Iourrt I lot Ida \lalroml ipnr \ertmtlotairiuridlit|.lllll'e\|‘eetetl lrrr tiirxelpli, \\Illell mam peopleuould

lrlxe to Il.r\ e \e'e'll rexen ed tor the rural

( eltre are not .1\ tree \et‘lllltiIIII\\L‘.I\HII. I‘lll Iia\e tightened up eorisitleralih at tlte I‘ae Ix..llttIle‘\tlIl\I1tt\ e tIeIIIHII\II.lIk'tI Iimx rirueli lieller Iialarreed lIie\ are .r\ a rexult I Iear t\ are Ill‘I‘t‘tI\ \ puxliox er \. I‘lll tlie\ \\ III Ii.r\ e to protltree .r \l‘eelal ellort toend (eltre'x doulile .ilttl‘lllr ill\ in their eerilenan \ear I lie e\ errtuaI \xrrirrer \er| meet the \tll\ nor ol the-other \erur lural rn Dundee PREMIER LEAGUE IMortoanangers< .ippreltm.tireenoek t‘ {llllh lrorirt artsdx Re \tatrorii 3pm


IAirdrievOoS lirt'trrnlreltl. \rrtlriel l5 nuns Ilt‘llt ,\rrtlrie \tallt‘lll ‘prn IClydebankaorlar lxrllnmrel I\tIL'I‘.tlIt\ l.‘. nuns lrorr‘. \rneer \tatroni iprir IHamiItoanaith I)l‘llj.'.I.I\I).lII\.

I Ialltlllr‘tl l I‘ tillll\ lrorn Iiu\\lalroril 3pm I PartickvMeadowbankl Ir IIIII,(II.I\‘.‘.U\\ Ititl\e'\ I \. .3. 3 5 '. till. “I l ipnr

ICE HOCKEY Saturday 2

IFile FlyersvSolihullBaronskrrkealth Iee Rink. Krrkealth (“503 5315] l.

" I‘pm t3ttl “5| British (’Irarnpronxlup I’|a_\ rt )ll

Sunday3 A I Murraylield Racers v Solihull Barons \turraHreId lee Rink. Rnerulale

('rewent. I‘drnliur'uh tl|3I 333N133. rt 3rer r: soulful. Plat-(m.


IMurraylield RacerstileFlyers \Itr::.r‘.lteltl Ite Rink l.r\.rl‘ti\t'| I’I.r\ (Ill Iirt \et‘llhl‘.\ltit'\\\lII\I.llI

Itr\"1lllte'\lrit‘e tite l\\«\\\ e :lll‘Ie“.

lltl.lIIII\'I\II\‘IIIIIII51IIl‘iII‘. \\ItIIeI e.t_~.!ue t Iianiprorrxtarrd\tottrxlit upliolderx) \Itrrraxtreldxxrlllie-desperatt tor another e'Il.Il‘.eettti‘e‘et'lllt‘tlle tirxt tearr; toaere\e tire tlaxnt l eaz'trearttil ‘ratrrprwrnlirp



I Knockhill lxrioelelrrll. near I)urrlernilrne t( rr.trrt()ttrtel"\i viii" i “'I‘m IIre

rreu \eawr: or rrrotw: e \e le rat on: ‘.'\'I\

irritlerxxax at tire I rleerreurt