I Parsiial ((II) [2.15 4.3(lpm. First in a speeial season of programmes ehoseii hy ('hannel hour's outgoing and toiinding ehiel eseeutiye. .Iereiny lsaaes. Mostol the season yy ill he repeated highlights lroiii ('J's iirst the years. hut this ( )peiaon l’our presentation is seen lor the iirst time. Wagner's last opera is direeted here hy West (ierman lilm direetor. I laiislurgeii Sy'herheig and set agiiist a huge death mask of Wagner.

I Raspberry Ripple ( isticli

l). 15—-1ll.-Illpm. Based on an idea irom a spinal patient. Rupert llaselden‘s him is about the lantasy yyorld ol iasplsgn-y ripple 'eripple' John (iordoii Siiielaii. (‘onl‘ined to a hospital. he imagines tiie sey'ere matron t I'ay I)iiiiayyay l liasa anotheridentity asganglaiidleader‘M' (iordon Sinclair‘salter-ego isa 'I‘hirties-style priyate eye. ‘Sam'.

IByrne about Byrne 1 liiit‘li

9. l5 ~ I“. lilpm. A” star supporting east (\Vell. Rohhie ( ‘oltraiie. Riehard \Vilsoii. Muriel(iray. Katy Murphy and Bill Paterson) help Iii!!! I'I‘Itlll yy riter .ltillli

By rne iiiieoy er his real sell.

IThe Dresseri lilit‘li iii lilpiii 13.35am. Alhert l‘inney aiid'l'om ( ~oiiiteiiay in the film yersionl 1054 i ot Ronald l laryyood'd play ahotit an ageing aetor manager


Scottish Television‘s iirst venture into making its own programmes iorthe night-time hours are not. whatever cynics might say, an attempt to iind a cure ior insomnia.

Nevertheless. the decision to produce a three-hour programme oi contemporary Scottish poetry which doesn‘t start till twenty to one has raised eyebrows. ‘Amazement‘ was the reaction oi other ITV companies, according to series producerAlastair Mottat. ‘My ITV colleagues reacted with absolute incredulity. There are many parts oi Britain where this sort oi thing would never even be considered.‘

Scottish Television plan to broadcast ‘ln Verse' once a month, in three-hour packages. until all twenty-iive hours oi what Moiiat describes as a ‘television anthology oi Scottish poetry‘ has been seen. The programme will ieature the work oi both established and relatively unknown Scottish poets chosen by Michael Grieve to whom Moiiat insists

much oi the credit must go. Some oi the poets, Moiiat claims, Scottish Television will eiiectively ‘be publishing iorthe iirsttime‘. Each poet reads his orherpoetryioriiiteen minutes to one static camera and Moiiat only winced slightly when I described it as a video box tor poets; ‘It‘s straight irom the shoulder television with no middleman or

Wm i if.§}?i~ii mis-


I Grandstand ( BBC] ) ll. l5 5.il5piii. l-‘eaturing the ()xiord and ( ‘ainhridge Boat Raee.

I Disney at Easter: The Three Lives oi ThomasinafThe lncredibleJourney (Seottislillfi 6.35pm tyyith iiiteriiptioiis I Blood Wedding ((4) 7.50 9pm. (‘arlos Saura‘s liy pnotie llameiieo danee tragedy. shiiyy n again as part ot departingChiei

l' \eeutiy e personal seleetioii ol the hest ol (‘4.

IThe Film Club: Heaventlmt‘li

It! I 1.15pm. Miehel l’alin intioduees I)iane Keatoii's personal asseiiililage ol lilmelips and interyieyysoii the suhieetol I leay eii. Made in IVS”. this “end \entiii'e ieeeiy ed some aeelaim at hoth ( ~aiiiies and l.ondon's lilm lestiy als. and is here slioyy ii tor the iirst time on British teley sioii.

I South Bank Show Special: Ken Russel's ABC oi British Music t seuiiishi

IHQH llfiilpni. :\ll ahsolute must. l.ondon \Veekeiid hay e eommissioned the eontroy ersial iilmmake r and noted maker ol doeiimentaries on musieal themes. Ken Russel. to produee ys hat amounts toa ninety minute deteiiee oi British musie.

'l'he teehiiiques he employs. yy hieh inelude I toptensol hest Britisheomposers.

eoiiduetors and ehoral \yoi ks as \y ell speeially tiliiied ieeitals hy topartistssueh

as \igel Kennedy and layer it ( ileiinie. aie

as \ ai'ied as the iiitisie itsell. I Raging Bull (ti-ll l l.5i|pm 2. l 5am. l'olloyyiiigtlieshoyyingoi the'l \'\ersioii

interpreter. The poetry‘s presented to camera against a black backdrop and whatyou get is what you see.‘ Or what you hear.

The ‘heavyweights‘ oi the Scottish community oi poets such as Douglas Dunn. Liz Lochhead and Edwin Morgan, have. in addition, been interviewed by poet Tom Pow. Judging by the iirst interview with the cantankerous elder-statesman iigure, Norman MacCaig, these are not going to be bland aiiairs either.

In Verse is only the iirst oi a package oi programmes iorthe Night-time

service on Scottish. When the poetry

runs out it will be replaced by ‘The

j Scottish Picture Show‘, an examination ' oi titty paintings by Scottish artists.

both living and dead. This month a book programme goes into production,

as does an ambitious Gaelic magazine


l l

l l l

of Robert De Niro‘s elassie hoxing lilm. Jeremy Isaaes ehoses as part of his selection to shoyy (tor the iirst timeon British television l the It!“ einema \ersion oi Seorsese‘s lilm.

I The Hunting oi the Snarkt tint ‘Zi 0.30 7.25pm. Billy Connolly. Roger I)ilIITC} . .Iustin Ilay \yard. .Itiliaii l.elllliiil. (‘aptain Sensihle. Midge l're and Denieee Williams star in Mike ‘\\'omh|es‘ Bali's musieal adaptation ot leyyist'arroll‘s poem. IAPassagetolndiatlmi'ji“. ii 9.50pm. Beautilully liliiied adaptation hy l)ayid I.eaii oi i-...\i. I'ol'stei‘s noyel an, \yonderliil perlormaiiee irom l’eggy ANITL‘TUII. .-\lee ( itlllllless y\;l\ H I eoiiti'oy ersially east as the liidiaii iiiystie. and though it‘s an aeeomplished enough periorniaiiee. I siispeet that it's something to yy ith this that makes yy hat is still an I enioy ahle liliii edge into eomplaeeiiey rather than the danger ol the hook. I‘ll'\l slioyy ing on British teley isioiil WM ). I The Birth oi 'Brazil' t Rilt ‘3) ‘15“ lilil5pm. The story heliiiid the liliii shoyy ii as prey ieys to its the iirst 'l'\' seieeiiing toniorroyy. I The Trial 0i Sir Roger Hollis ( Seottishl 0. l5piii II. l5aiii l'olloyy ing the imaginary teley ision trials ol Rieliard Ill and ' llaiyey ()syyald a leyy years ago. the same team puts the late Sii Roger I lollis. lormer head ol the seeurity sery iee. oii ti ial aeeiised oi heiiig a douhle agent and iii the pay oi the K( ill. I Gregory's Girl ((‘4 i 0.35 ll.ltlpiii. Another oi .Iereniy lsaaes ehoiees (are you led up yy ith me telling you tliat'.’ ). Stars .lohii ( iordoii Siiielaii tyyhoeaii he seen iii the IIBCK Ray/i/wri' Ix’i/i/i/i'l iii the llill l-orsy tli tilm yy hieh \yas partly liiiaiieed hy Seottisli 'I’eley isioii and interestingly enough. eight years latei . Seottish 'I‘eley isioii are iepoi ted to he setting upa liliii arm. t’l’omoi royy . ( 31 seieeiis [\yi) other I-orsyth leatuies. Ilia/Sinking l‘t’t’lIIIL’ tliltl ( YINIIHI‘I (Hit/fin I

programme. Other projects, along with plansto show independentiilmmaker Murray Grigor‘s series on architecture in America, ‘Pride oi Place‘, include a

Gaelic music programme and an open access programme based on the ‘Scottish Assembly‘ set. ior any group or proiession who can iind 100 people iora discussion.

Up till now Scottish‘s night-time service. which was rushed on air 48 hours aiter reaching agreement with the unions. has been content to show a bought-in package oi iilms and pop programmes together with ITN news. But ratings tor the mix have been amongst the highest ior all the ITV stations running a night-time service. Replacing a successiul iormat with poetry is thereiore an even bolder initiative. The aim, says Moiiat is to make ‘ln Verse' an ‘event‘, and both ‘in Verse‘ and the ‘Scottish Picture Show‘ are intended to have a liie beyond the TV screen. Moiiat hopes the Scottish Arts Council will help iinance a book to

accompany ‘ln Verse' and there could .

be an exhibition at the Edinburgh Festival oi the works used in the Scottish Picture Show.

Moiiat is realistic about audiences: ‘We want to represent Scottish culture and we see this as an area where we can do it. It only ten thousand people watch then this will still be the biggest poetry readingin history.‘ (Nigel mile")


I In Remembrance oi Martin((‘~t) ‘).25-~ lll.2tlam. American made ! homage. to Martin Luther

i MONDAY 4 l

King yy liodied esaetly tyyenty yearsago. I Crossroads ( Seottislt ) (a. ti 7.30pm. {\l'ter tyyenty three years the (‘rossroads motel linally eliises.

I For Your Eyes Only (Scottish ) Sr- 12.25pm. WSI Bond lilm \s ith Roger Moore. (‘arole Bouquet and 'l‘opol.

I Perry Mason ( BBH is. to 9.45pm. New ease lor Raymond Burr in the feature length update of the eoiirtroom drama. IBraziltRllt‘Zi ltipm- IZQS'I'erry' (iilliam's hiilliaiit. lunny . \ ision oithe ItiItll‘L‘ made in IVS!» and starring Rohert l)e .\'iio and Jonathan l’ryee.

I In VETSBISeottisli) l2.-Itl ,‘~_-Iil;iiti. liiei'edihle Seottish poetry marathon see panel.


I Aui Wiedershen Pet ( Seottisli i 7..‘~ii— ,s'pm. Start ol a rerun ol the lirst series ol the highly siieeesslul eomedy drama ITableior FivetSeottishlh‘ lllpm..lon Voight stars in this ys‘eepie as a di\ oreed lather yy ho ieels he has iiey er done enough tor his kids. Ilis atisyser isa triponaliixury' eriiise. hut eyents take a tragie turn (as they say i. I 20/20 Vision: Ml5‘s Oiiicial Secretstul tl lil.il5piii. ()riginally .Ieremy Isaaes had his yyish to shoyy (‘athy Massiter'sespose. yy hieh ineliided allegations ol phone tapping oi journalists and trade union leaders. ol the seeret sery‘iee department she \soi'ked lor tliyyai‘ted. .»\ltliougli('-I lays y er \ appi oy ed the programme. the IRA took another y ieyy . heliey iiig that that the Authority yyoiild he in hreaeh ol the ()llieial Seei‘ets .-\et. l'iiially . a l'ortnight later alter the piogi‘aiiiiiie had heeii shoyy n to tour nalists and politieians and the issue had heeome a eause eelehre. the .-\ttoiirney (ieiieral iiidieated that there \yould he no proseeiitioiis and on 2” I‘eh. I955. the programme yy as shoys n. I FITSIIUBSUBY(Seottisltl HUS li.35pm. Report on the ieltigees still locked inside (‘anihodiaii eaiiips, I Tharis Air An Fheasgar ( Seotiisli) 2.45 3.45am \eyy‘ (iaelie monthly magazine progi amine irom Seottish

'l‘eley isioii.


I Max Headroom ((11 i s i). ltlpm. 'l'he eult helore the one heloie the last. Another ehanee to see the trieksy thi iller that esplaiiis Max‘sorigiiis.

I The Return oi Sherlock Holmes ( Seottish) ‘) lilpm .Iereiiiy Brett retiii‘nsasthe

u/u ia/imlm' l lolnies iii a new series ys hieh I‘egllis \y III] a ease ealled "Ilie I)e\ ll's



I EatThe Peach l (11)” 30 l l. 15pm. l’eter ()i'miod‘s yy ell liked and siieeessiul lilm set in the hleak midland inarsliesot Southern Ireland. deserihed as an ‘Irish HUN/I


I Stephen Hendry— Doing the Business (liilt‘l l I” lli.5ilpiii. I’iolileol the Seottislisnookei aee.


IWinners t( ll) 5 5,55pm. I'ar ery irom Skip/iv. a next seriesol outstanding liliiis made h} the .'\ustralian I‘ilni I-oundation.

I The Graduate ( Seottisltl 13.30- 2.30pm. I)iistiii l lollniaii iii the dated milestone eoiiiedy.

IThinAirlBiiCl WRIT litlilpinfl’hriller yarn set in a Ioeal radio station. Starts tonight.

I Billy Joel irom Leningrad. USSR ( BBCZ) 9.3“ 10.35. Reeorded last August. Amerieaii ioek and roller playing live in
