I Contemporary Stained Glass from Blue Sun Stained ( ilass Studio. Design. construction and installation. 'l‘i'aditional st} les and restoration vvork also carried otit. 'l'el: ll-ll b3: 'i’lqb'. I Architectural design and drawing services. PM a last. economical. experienced and qualified pt‘olessiiitial service . for all types of building vvork. I alterationsandextensions. | PlioncllSl 32‘) 3.“)!ildav loi' tissu‘siriifssievei. I Studio theatre available for conferences. lectures. recitals. ()ne-offor regular basis. l-‘rom £31) per session. Reductions for registered charities. 3 )9 (iallerv. ( ‘ovv gate. ltdinburgh. 1|3l32531113. I Decorating \cvv iiigtoii Decorators l.td. Professional tradesmen and specialists in hanging line papers. stripping and vsaxing doors etc. Ringll.‘~l 44llllll‘)~l.


I Women‘s Sailing Holidays on 351'! _vaeltt. learn. improv c. enjov sailing on siinnv South (‘oast. (‘lianncl Islands. Brittanv. long and short breaks. Please phone for brochure: llfil l3 3(1-74‘).

I Karakoram Himalaya t ‘nique trekking expedition exploring remote vallcvs and glaciers in the vvorld‘s greatest mountain range. l‘ourvveeksllilune 24 .lulv H; l 385 inclusiv e. Plionell-ll 95-168.“ (es es ).


I Send your poems and sltot'l stories of lost lov e and loneliness for publication in small (ilasgovv -based magazine Suicide [.01‘1’. Accompanied bv a SAP. please. Box \otvlh‘.

I AnotherBoring Weekend?

.-\ttractive graduate ( ilasgovv



.ONLY £3


SERVICES/TRAVEL 25 words maximum

30 words maximum. Rate inc Box No which must be used.


£2 per col cm. Min 3cm (£6). (Phone 031 5581191 for details)

male feels the same vvav. lnto talking. books. music. pubs'.’ lntellectual and not-so-intellectual piii'stiits'.' (Sliml’ l “in don't vve meet siiiin'.’ Box Nob: l

I Single male graduate (27) good looking. li'icndlv . seeks attractive easv -goiiig female to eniov ia/z. cinema. cabaret etc vvith: lidinburgli area. (ieniiine replies vv ith photo please to Box \(if): i\

THE LIST PERSONAL ADS are designed tor indiv idualsto meet other indiv iduals tor l.l relationships. We reserve the

right to refuse an} adv ei tiscincnt vs ithoiit explanation. Circulars. promotional literature and offensive material are not for“ al‘detl \\ licre Lllscov cred. ll voii recciv e such material vs ith vour Box replies please let its knovs. \Vrite. enclosing the material. to. (‘lassified .-\ds l)cpt at I/ii'lvvt.

I I‘m in Texas. help! l'entale (34l.51t5in..\‘st. l.ikespla_ving cards. Silk (tit. Izcho And 'l‘he Biinnv men. tilins. l‘lovveis. cabaret and Scottish lcllovv s. Dislikes earlv mornings. and most other Americans. Hope to be in Scotland soon. vvoiild like to meet up vs itlt a friend toshare a couple ot pints vv ith vv hen lget there. Absoluter all replies ansvv cred. “ill send mv photoin exchange tor _voiirs. Replies to “(ix \iifi: 1-1..

I Male oyster(32) pt'olessiottal. tall. sport) . manv v aried interests. seeks woman (24 o )ol liistre. vs isdom and culture to be liispearl. Box Non: 1‘).

I Male (39) lidinbiirgh. unemplovcd. intelligent. articulate. eager to devote m).\ell to dominant vvomaii vv ho will control and discipline me




completely. lean be very useful I outings in Edinburgh area.

i \vill _vou take charge please'.’

3 BOX Nob: 3:.

l I Adventurous. good looking


vvicked ladv . preferablv bi. for

friendship. fun and romantic times. Recent divorcee. interests include social ev cnts. sports. music and mov ies. Box

Noh3 l.

I Thoughttul. sincere male (32)

seeks genuine female friend to

I share varied interests. Please

I vvrite soon. All replies promptly ansvv ered. Photo and phone number appreciated. Replv to

Box No (33 2.

' I Stirlingshire. anywhere [.onelv romantic male (25 ). (ift. average looking. slightlv ov ervv eight. securer employed. ovv it home. various interests. seeks cuddlv. understanding. genuine female to love. All lettersansvv cred.

Replies to Box Nob} .1. I Is it I am asking too much? llandsome. intelligent. romantic. Scorpio. Asian male (33). ( ilasgovv area. seeks attractiv e female for outings and caring. sharing relationship. Interests: reading. vsine dine. keep fit. voga. pli_vsologv etc. Replies to Box Nob} 4.

I lnlormal mixed group invite others in single 21) 41) age group for v aried nights out. 'l'heatre. concerts. eating otit. sports. leisure pursuits. vv eekends avva} . etc. (ilasgovv area. SAP. to Box Nob} 5.

I Cheertul. adventurous. intelligent vvoman (3m lidinbiirgh. likes music. mountains and mo\ ies. is looking for a caring. sharing male companion vs ith sense of humour and similar interests. Box \ob3 (t.

I Quiet. caring single male. various interests. seeks vs arm. sincere. educated feriiale ( 2'? ~ ) for friendship and or social



(ieniiine replies onl_v please. All replies aiisvv'ercd. Send to Box Nob} ‘.

I Gay male (25) lniei-esis include music. theatre. cinema. photograph) . people. vvould like to meet similar non-ctlemina‘te guv toshare humour. friendship and fun. lidinbtirgh (ilasgovs area. l’lttilo please. Box N003 .‘s'.

I Recent supernova has released good looking male (4| 1. Likes: bluegrass. folk. blues. vv alking. talking. kids. llopes tointcract vs ith attractive. caring \soman. Permanent pair bond is desired outcome. Please rcplv to Box .\'o ()3 i),

I Gay male (21) tall. slim. attractiv e. irregular. cheerful. needs voting masculine gu_v to pamper. Varied interests include nightclubs and unconventional tashion. ('iirious‘.’ Sale relationship guaranteed. Photo please. .-\l.:\. Box Nob.i 111.

I Vegetarian male (35) Left green anarchist sv mpathies. interested eouiitrvside. music. rambling. pliilosophv . books. sociologv . arts. civ‘ilizing 'l‘hatchei”s Britain and finding vv arm. tun. liberating ( hetero) relationship to brighten bleak vvorld. Box Nob} 1].

I Slim blonde/Cinderella (28) iinsiicccsslullv attempting to reioin voting. free and single scenario. seeks tall Prince (‘hai'ming for social guidance. balls. etc. Box Nob} l3.

Somebody out there vvantsto knovv vou. \Vritc tothe l’liRSUNAI.columnof I'lii'lasl and liiid out vvhof

I Professional male (36) vs tslles to meet petite viiiiiiget' ladv for cinema. theatre. outdoors. l.othian area. Box Nob} l.‘~.

Tel No Message category

Messa e - note: tel nos count as 1 word

No of issues

Classilied deadline for Issue 64 is Fri 8 April.


Payment encl.



IArticulate. mellow male (22) with a positive. relaxed outlook on life \sould like to meet a compatible lidinbiirgh temale wanting to share good times ahead (hopefullv T ). Box .\'o

I Gay protessional (young)37 l

Interests include sport. \sining.

; dining. travelling. looking tor

friendship and fun vv ith non-etfeminatc giiv (II 35 i. ALA. Photo. Box \oo3 l5. I Older lesbian social group mm forming for cinema visits. meals

out. etc. Alternative topub

scene. Box .\'o(i.‘~ lo.

I Tall. dark. handsome post-grad (earl) Rlls). Lascivious quodlibetarian \vitlt

latitudinarian outlook. seeks similar-minded chick to share Porsche and shovv him the bi iglit lights. . . and perhaps the places the} never shine'.’ Photo imperative? Box Nob} l"


1. Print Name, Address 1 and Message in BLOCK i CAPITALS. l 2. All ads must be ! prepaid - enclose I cheque/P0 with torm. - I Chegues/POs to be made payable to The List Ltd. 3. Replies to Box Nos will : be torwarded once per fortnight. : 4. The List reserves the right to refuse any ad. l 5. No liability can be 1 accepted tor mistakes or i tortorwarding replies. l 6. Replies to Box Nos ' must be clearly marked ‘BOX N0 XXX' in top left-hand corner of envelope. 7. All correspondence to: L Classified Ads The List Ltd 14 High Street

Edinburgh EH1 1TE Tel:_031 5581191.


The List 1— I4 April 1%‘8 55