l—London Video Arts catalogue) available

during the week (a good opportunity toget familiar with the work) with special screenings at the weekend and evenings. Programme 2 15-16 Apr. Screeningoi tapes from London Video Arts Library. Programme 3 22 Apr. Screening of tape selection by Anna Ridley (producerof Dadarame for (‘hannel 4).

Programme 4 23 Apr. 2.30pm. Miniatures '87 - A selection oi 30 one-minute videos compiled bythe Media Centre. Bracknell as part of the National Video Festival 1987. Plus Open forum and debate.

Contact the gallery for details olother events.

WASHINGTON GALLERY 12 Washington Street. 221 6780. Mon—Fri l0am 5pszat 10am— 1 pm.

Scottish artists.


I BOURNE FINE ART 4 Dundas Street 557 4050. Mon-Fri 10am 6pm.

Charles Hodge Mackie1862—1920 16- 2s Apr. ()ils. watercolours and woodblocks. I BURBERRYS SCOTCH HOUSEThird Floor. 39,4l Princes Street. Mon Sat 9am-5 . 30pm: Thurs 9am -6pm.

The Scottish Craits Collection t.‘ mil .l uly 1988. An exhibition oi'contemporary craftwork ironi Scotland including jewellery . ceramics. glass. textiles. wood and silversmithing. organised by the Scottish Development Agency.

I CALTON GALLERY I0 Royal 'l‘errace. 556 1010. Mon- Fri 10am 6pm; Sat

l0am— I pm.

Watercolours and drawings by over 150 British and litiropean artists. [Wow-10. I CENTRAL LIBRARY ( icorge l\' Bridge. 225 5584. Mon -l"ri‘)am- 9pm. Sat

9am I pm.

369 Classworktfniil17 May. Students from the classes held at 36‘) (iallery are being shown in the Fine Art Department ofthe (‘entral Library. ('aioliiic .\ic.\'airn. one of the tutors says ‘It is alwaysexciting to see people getting high on art.‘ Students say. ‘It involves the whole pei'son.‘ liyoii are interested in taking classes contact 36‘) at the number given on these pages (towards the end of the listings).

Ancient Egypt oi the Pharaohs Staircase. Until 30 Apr. and

GOId DI the Pharaohs (‘onlerence Room. Until 28 Apr. Two exhibitions sparked oil by the Pharaohs at the (‘ity Art ( ‘entre (see below).

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 242-1 ext oo50. Mon Sat 10am 6pm. Licensed cale. [1)]

Gold at the Pharaohs t 'niil 31 Apr. Special openinghours Mon Tue Sat 10am 6pm; Wed Thurs Fri 10am i)pm;Sun

noon 6pm. £1 (65p). The golden Mask oi Psusennes l is the centrepiece oithis exhibition. ‘The I.ow er ( iround Flow is the best bit. If you‘ve only got liali an hour then it‘s best spent here amongst the gold and jewels from the tonibs.’ The crash barriers are being pill to Illll use asthe queues for the exhibition are as long as expected and parking in the area diliicult. To avoid the wait the two hours 4pm- 6pm on weekdays are the quietest.

I COLERIDGE GALLERY 47b (ieorge Street. 2201305. Mon Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Wide selection oi contemporary British glass. ()riginal prints by contemporary artistsand jewellery.

Peter Layton I'iitil 7 May. New work.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 166 I ligh Street. 2201260.

The (‘ollective has now moved alter several months absence. The first exhibition is by a young artist currently working at the new 369studios.

Pl'tll Duthie Until 23 Apr. l.argc abstracts. some swirling. some flaming.

I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 l)ounc lerraee. 225 NS”. Mon- Fri 10am—5pm. Contemporary Faroese Art 1‘) A pr-JS May. In the far north Atlantic. the climate as well as the scenery is not surprisingly cool and watery. The 18 Faroe Islands oiler a

W512ist ifs-'IEKAfiEii loss"


OF ARCHITECTURE 20 ( 'hainbers Street.

At the Collins Gallery an exhibition of portraiture puts laces to famous names f at contemporary art. The Scottish l contingent is impressive, with John Bellany punning on Bellini, Gwen Hardie symbolising hersell and Paolozzi, Wiszniewski and Lys Hanson strong among the others. Altogether, sixty-one artists were asked to commit themselves to sell-description. It is an =

Iand-Iubbcrs would tire and terrin of. This exhibition looks ill the work ol lourteen artists representing threegenerations who , have been inspiicd by their windswept home. Farocse painting has had a modern 9 tradition since the beginning of the century and today it plays a central role Ill the cultural life ol these northern people. All the work in this exhibition hasbeeii done in the past year and giyesan opportunity to compare the many styles. from abstract to woodcut. which exist in this small community.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l .auriston Place Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Three Strands IS 30 Apr. The largest exhibition oi embroidery work comesto lzdinburgh ironi the Is'ely ingioye Art (iallery and Museum. Women traditionally have been the mastersoi such arts and it is no surprise that there isonly one man among 76 women exhibiting. The title. a neat pun of their media. rclersto the joining ol three exhibiting groups in the field of textiles and embroidery from Dundee. (ilasgow and Iidinburgh. Among all the pictures of landscapes and trees. dogs and cars. bright and dark abstracts. there is but one quilt one for dreaming under. its cosy blue covered with crisp white snow crystals. Not an exhibition to miss it you have any interest in textiles.


wayol lite dominated by the sea. one most |

eclectic list including senior names like David Hockney, Tom Phillips, Peter Blake and Barry Flanagan as well as younger artists like Peter Howson, Dhruva Mistry and Laura Ford. As well as attracting enormous publicity when it lirst opened in 1987 at the Bath Festival, this exhibition shows that the sell-portrait is a living expression in the art of the eighties. (AB)

Mon Fri I). I 5am -ls'.30pm; Sat. Sun

10. l5am-2.30pm.

New Work by Sculptor and Architect Adam Zyw l'ntil 26 Apr. Work not exhibited belore which represents a new stylistic departure.

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (ieorgc Square. 667 1011. Mon-~Fri 9am 5pm.

Piecing Together the Past limit 15 Apr. lixhibition Room. An exhibition to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee ofthe l'niveisity's Department of Architecture. Warren Hastings and British India Ifntil 29 Apr. A display of related western and oriental manuscripts.

I EILMHOUSE I.othian Road. 2286382.

Mon Sat 12,30pm llpm: Suno.30-l lpm.

Licensed rest.

Grierson—A Master of Persuasion I'ntil l May. A selection iroiii the (‘ollins (iallei‘y'. (ilasgow exhibition on this pioneer of the documentary film. Videos of some of his best known films like Night Train. made for the Scottish Postal Board in the fifties will be shown throughout the exhibition.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 12(ireat King Street. 5560305. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

19th and 20th century paintings. mainly Scottish. Next exhibition Spring 88-New Acquisitions in May.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 William Street. 2256776. Tue—Fri l lam —6pm;Sat ltlam— I pm.

Spring Flowers Until 7 May. Recent

watercolours froru home and abroad.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366 Mon—Fri 9.30am»- lpin and 2pm~5.30pm. (10st 25 Mar ll Apr. Series of talks on modern art continued. Yves Bresson Until 4 May. Making astart as an industrial photographer. Bresson turned to press photography . working for two years with the Prisian agency. (iamma. As photographer at the Museum I ofArt and Industry in St litiennc. he became interested in mining and miners. He moved on then to almost abstract interpretations of landscape. A full career!

La Nouvetle Realite Wed 27 Apr. 6. 30pm. Iixpressionism. painting and sculpture WIS-193‘).

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) Market Street. 225 2383. Tue- Sat 10am 5.30pm; Sun l.30pm—5.30pm. Licensed cale. Richard Hamilton lintil I May. Richard Hamilton has been one ol Britain‘s leadiiigartists lorover thirty years. Made upoi'three rooms and .i loyci downstairs and an exhibition of prints on the theme oi .IamesJoyce‘s Ulysses. this exhibition shows this position unchanged. One room contains a portrait of the Irish hunger striker in cell. another the loy‘ei‘ of a hotel and next to that a video ol Margaiet Thatcher dispensing politics in an operating room. Though the latter was made in 1984. it still has acliilling

l l i l l

referencetotliepresent. Richard ; ; Hamilton blends his skillascommunicator withiine art.

Talk Fri l5 Apr. 6.15pm. Free. Saiat Maliaraj. lecturer at (ioldsmith‘sCollege. will give an illustrated talk entitled ‘lmitation with a Vengcnec: Aspectsot the Art of Richard llamilton‘. Tour Fri 22 Apr. 6.15pm. ()wenl)udley lidwards of lidinburgh Ifniversity . w ill give a tour oi the series of draw iiigsand prints made by Richard I lamilton in response to lilysses by Janiesloy cc.

Talk Fri 2‘) Apr. 6. l5pm. Thomas I .awson. artist and writer livingin New York.will give an illustrated talk on the Pop A ll Movement in America and Britain.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Beltoi d Road. 556 892]. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 2- 5pm. Restaurant. [D|

No special exhibitions until Izdinburgh Festival. Permanent collection on show. Some rooms may be closed due to redecoration. but worth a visit tosee Richard Long's Stone l.ine lined up w iih the fireplaces in the large central gallery. It is the first time that this 35ft rectangleoi cut slate has been shown at liellord Road. I GATEWAY GALLERY 2 «l Abbey mount. 6610982. Mon-Sat Iixliibitioiis Mon Sat 10am 5pm. Restaurant.

Beth Shadur l 'iitil 30 Apr. I his Aiiici‘ican muralist returns to Scotland lrom America with an exhibition oi draw iiigs and watercolours. She will also be wor king lit the gallery with drug groups on .i new mural.

I GALERIE MIRAGES The lane. 46a Raeburn Place. Stockbridgc. 315 2603. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. ( 'loscd Wed.

The Magic of Puppets t'niil 3n Apr. Puppets from Turkey. Nepal and South-Iiast Asia lor the collector and child alike. Iixoticaiidcolouriul.

I GLADSTONE'S LAND nmarkct 226 5856. Mon- Sat l0am 4.30pszuri 24.30pm.

A Spring Garland Paintings by lzlspeth Ilarrigan. ('aroline Rockwood. ('hristine Woodside. Jewellery by Sheana Stephen. I HANOVER FINE ART 104 Hanover Street. 225 2450. Mon Fri 10am 5.30pm: Sat 10am-4pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition t'niil 3 May. Work by over 30 artists. Wood-cary irig by Jonathan Mushliii.

I HART STREET GALLERY 21‘) l lart Street. 5567069. Mon-Iii l0am 6pm;Sat

10am—~ 1 pm.

(ieneral display of oils. watercolours and

prints. The gallery also operates a framing