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‘Festivals seem to keep grabbing me.‘ says Bill Burdett (butts. w ho started out as a theatre direetor. and beeame. one might say. more than a little side—traeked at the lfdinburgh Festival. He was the impetus behind the dey elopment of the Assembly Rooms as a eorporate \ enue. that has

beeome ov er the years and under his guidanee the most popular and sueeesstul \ enue on the Fringe. 'l‘he latest festival to grab him though is May fest. Burdett—(‘outts beeame direetorot\laylest earlier this year. replaeing l)i Robson. who resigned alter eonfliet w ith the board about the nature of her eontraet. (.-\t present he is continuing as Artistie l )ireetor of the Assembly

Roomsas w ell).

’l‘his is Mayfest's sixth year and it has grown and beeome established with extraordinary rapidity. This year it expands enor'inously again. ‘\\ev e taken a huge risk w ith May test this year in that we're expeeting to triple the box-offiee from U5 to £250. titlttf says linrdett-( ‘outts. "l‘hat‘s a fairly signifieant leap within the spaee ofa year. but at the same time the programme is twiee the si/e.'

'l‘wiee the si/e and ineorporating sev eral new elements. Started in the mood of May Day


IMaytestlntormation Centre lnloi matron and booking available from the portakabinoutside Beek‘sSpiegeltent. (ieoige Squarempen 9am~sl l Rttpm. Information number. itll 2m lotto

I Recorded Information Reeorded information is available on British 'I‘eleeom's \‘oieebank. (L11 4000251

I MaytastClub’l'he .‘vlaytest('lub runs ev erv evening in Beeks Spiegeltent from

1'). 15pm. w ith musie. eabaiet and late lieenee. Membership eosts L3 fora daily membership; Llllfoi weekly membership and £3“ for all tltiee w eeks. llalt—priee membership is available to l'riendsof .‘vlaytest. Seniort‘iti/ens. Students. 1 'lHttx and people under lo.

eelebrations. the festival has aimed at refleeting something of the multi—faeeted nature of its strong soeialist eity. its programme ineorporating international and loeal work. the highbrow and the popular. This year it hosts Britain‘s first International (‘omedy Festival at the _‘yloir l lall. l a new eabaret venue in the shape of the Beeks Spiegeltent and an adventurous programme of popular musie in (ioyatt 'l‘own llall. .'\t the same time it brings experimental danee. internatioanl eoups in the shape of British premieres from Russia‘s Maly ’l'heatre and Australia‘s Flying

Fruit Fly ( 'ireus. a host of indigenous talent and a new development to the eommunity programme: the .\laylest (‘ommunity Drama (iroup.

Mounting Joe ('orrie's ln lime of Strife. the

group has been drawn together from loeal unemployed people and its appearanee is. to

some extent. a refleetion of how mueh more the eommunity programme is orientated towards

loeal involvement this year.

Mayfest‘s strength is partly unique eharaeter as a festival. ‘Mayfest is partieular to(ilasgow.' says Burdett-(‘outts ‘11 is mueh more representative of w hat's going on in Seotland than lidinburgh. .‘vlayfest is predominantly about grassroots and has built up from the eommunity side up to the top programme .‘

This year‘s \lay fest runs from 1-21 May and ineludes drama. danee. film. eabaret. talks. kids~ events and musie from elassieal to roek. 'l‘he l.ist‘s Mayfest (iuide lists everything on a daily basis to help _vou plan your viewing: this issue w e list until 12 May . next issue we list the final week. livents are listed by day and byeategory with highlights and features on some of the most interesting shows. (Please note .‘vlayfest exhibitions are not listed here. but in the Usual Arts listings. page 59). Also ineluded is a map and venue guide and on page 71 we offer ideas on places to eat and drink. look out too for street events and happenings in pubs near you. 'l‘here should be something for everyone. l

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Where to go 1;, find your culture. A map of Glasgow and full list ofvenue addresses guide you round the City on page 14.

Flying Fruit Flies in Australia. Russia‘s Maly Theatre and Simon

Fa ns‘hawe. Page If) onwards.

Comprehensive daily diary to the first two weeks of Glasgow‘s biggest ever Mayfest (final week next issue) starts on page

17. .

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