



"38'. 47w



IAlienl lhl l thlle-y Seuii. L's. ll)"\)l Slutiurne} \Veax er. lan lliilrii. .liihn l lllll. llti [Tllll\. Agatha ( 'hi l\llL‘ iii outerxpaee as a freighter lands Hit a in}\teritiusplanet and is iiigeiiitiuxh lll\ aded li_\ a nu ennus

intruder \\ hieh priieeedx tti ehiimp ll\\\ a} thriiuigh the east llNl. lzdinhureh: ( 'ainen I Aliens t 1M l.lame\ (lune-run. l '8. limit Sigtiurne} \Veax er. \liehael Biehii. 13“ mins. Rm ix ed lTUlll a siteaf‘ \lltltl/L' in deep \paee. Warrant ()ttieer Weaver l\ eaiiiled intti turning a marine rexeue llll\\l(lll tn the planet that is liiiine lt‘l the

I This section aims to provide a review of every film to be seen in central Scotlandover the next fortnight. Forprogramme times see individual cinema listings.

(Ul— Universal. suitable torall ages.

(PG) Parental Guidance suggested as some scenes may be unsuitable foryounger cthren.

(15)— No one underthe age of 15admitted. (18)— No one under the age of tBadmitted. ~.‘-—New Release.

tillL‘lllitl alien liea\lie. l 'nrelentinul} paeed with a tei‘rilieall} guts}

per lurmariee liiiiii \Veaxei . Illl\

nerx e-shredding sequel riiit tiril} lllitlL‘llC\


Making MrRight(15) (Susan Seidelman. US. 1987)John Malkovich. Ann Magnuson. Glenne Headly. 98 mins. Following a distinctly chilly reception in America. Susan Seidelman'sfirstfilm since Desperately Seeking Susan has taken an inordinatetimeto reach ourshores and consequently appears with little fanfare and low expectations. Fortunately. thefilm happilylaysto rest its inauspicious reputation. A smart. amusing and likeable mixtures of comedy. romance and a kind of sly feminist Frankenstein storyline, it has the recognisablelizz of Desperately Seeking but offers enough fresh and funny ideasto succeed in its own right. Ann Magnuson stars as the daffy but shrewd public relations consultant Frankie Stone. A bit of a klutz with a garish wardrobe chosen by the colour blind. she is a whizz at her job but less successfulwiththe men in herlife. Decidingto drop herclientand boyfriend. congressional candidate Steve Marcus. she finds a perfect new assignment: she is to promote a highly sophisticated android called Ulysses who is aboutto spend seven years in

deep space. His creator and alter ego Dr. Peters is completely involved with his work and socially retarded whilst Ulysses is a robot. so romantic entanglements are unlikely to cloud her professional objectivity. However. aftershortcircuiting overhisfirstclose encounterwith a woman. the child-like Ulysses becomes increasingly prone to human emotions and falls hopelessly

; in love with her. Trying to cope with his affection, hersister's impending wedding. herfriend‘s estrangement

ll\ prCLlL‘CC\\UT' hut eaniiil} \lll’pgl\\e\ it, :\n ()xeai' \\ inner lUl \peeial etleetx. lidinhui'eh: ( )LlL'Ull

I Altered States t m l Ken Rll\\ell. l ‘5. l‘lh’lll \Villiani l lui'l. Blair Bitmn. litili Balalian. lll: llllllN. Hurt made lll\ liliii dehut in this etiiilliet-ridden priiduetitin lriini a kllMl\\llel Paddy (‘liasetxlxi \ei ipl almut an inquisitix e \ele'lllhl dalililin: iii things lie\t lett alone. :\ll interesting iuinhle Ul inind-lieiidine speeial etteetx and lllLllL‘lUlh iiari am e de\ Cltlpllle‘lll\ a\ l lurt le'tll'e'\\e'\ tti an ape-like state under the iiillueiiee til hisdangaeriiusl} \elt-dextruetix e experiments. ()uite etiiiventitinal hy Russell's\tandaids lidinliurgh: (‘arneti

IThe Amazing MrBlundenit'iil itinel Jellriex. l'K. 19"-) Laurenee \lelllllll. l._\l1llL‘ l‘r‘ederiek. Diana Drirs ‘l‘liiiiiix Antithersuperitii lillllll} entertainment tr‘iiiii the aettir-direetiii til Hie Rut/ii (H (Vii/(Inn. Set in l)iel\en.\ian lllllL‘\ it spins

an CllflleHIlll iarn alitiut a friendly elitist

\xhti persuades tun ehildren tti ll.l\ el liaek

in lime tti assist tvm maltreated _\Hllllg\lel‘\. (imid \upptirtin};ehaiaetei \xiiik ll'Ulll I)tll\ as a \ltllle‘llll} htiusekeeper. lzdiiihureh: l‘llllllltlllVe‘ I American Graffiti l l5 l l( ietii ue l.uea\. 18. Ni?) Rieliard l)i'e‘}lii\~. ( and} Clark. 1 larriwn l‘iird. llll llllllN. \Vheie \\ ere _\tlll in 'fil" Superini llthillgllJ tiilltming a da} and night in the ll\L‘\tll \tllllc aimless high—\ehtitil graduates

from a TV star husband and the frantic pleas of her ex—boytriend turn her life intoa shambolicfarce.

A bright and breezy concoction about ‘the difficulty of falling in love in the Eighties', Making Mr Right benefits enormously from the assured playing ofthe lead actors. Magnuson. in her

first starring role. is delightful, evoking

memories of the young Shirley MacLaine whilst Malkovich displays an unexpectedly adroif comic touch in a dual characterisation as the bumbling. soulless scientistand the sensitive. goofy droid who views the world through wonderously ingenuous eyes. Togetherwith his recent accomplished work in The Glass Menagerie. this film must confirm his status as one of the most skilled and versatile actors of his generation.

The film itself mayjusf run outof steam but the ending more than compensatesforany reservations about its relaxed unfurling. Otherwise. this is a diverting romp that may not unduly challenge the brain cells but certainly offers nothing to insultthem.

A surprising and engaging winner.

(Allan Hunter)

L _

28_l ii; iiafiiixpi-ii— ii stigms


eniiiine til age in a small ( ~aliltii iiia ttm ll

liier'atiatiiig and entertaining \\ itli a east til

futureluniinaiiexdixplaiineeailx l‘l'tllllhe‘. l‘dinliureh. ( )detiii I AHQEIDUSll15lll'dtiuaid\ieiinam. l‘raiiee. WM“) Bernard ( iiiaudeau. l'aiiii_\ li;t\lle'll. l'anm (titteiietin ‘lel llllll\. l )l\l1llell\ e ( iallie thriller in u hieh the unkempt lll\[k‘e’llll lllmunt. destilated li\ liixuite’ \depaitui‘e. lieeiiiiiexiiiitihed \\ itli a my \IL‘l llilh and allui lllL' _L‘lll \NlL‘tllklllL' ll.f\ me tin thme respiiiixilile tor the lung ilL't‘ death tit her pitixtitute iiititliei

l'xehe“ lllL‘ the ll.l\l‘ile‘l \tx ll\lle\fll ieeeiit l ieiieh ptilieieix. \ierriiaiix el'e.tle\ lll\ rm n elaustitiphtiliie \eiise til reprewed \iiileneeaiidall-pei\adineetiiiuptitin \xhilst le‘lilllllll}; a eertaiii \\l\ huiiitiurand is adiiiii'ahli .l\\l\lCtl li\ the e'iill\ ineiiie red-rimmed peeperx and \lraiiilile til \l (irratideau l'dinliuitzh. l llllllltllhk‘ lAngel Heartt l-\llx\lali Parke-its. l‘lfifil \lle'heh Rtllll he. Rill‘ell l)e \llti. ('hailtitteRariipliiie. ll ‘ininx \erutlt. llll\ll.l\ell pri\ ate e_\e l lam .-\nuel l\ liii

li_\ the mister it‘ll\l tilll\ ( '_\phie ltl ti .iek dim n a llll\\lll}.I l'tllllL‘\ eiiiiiner \\ llflll.l\ reiieeed Hit a lile—i ii ~death deal lll‘~ lll\’e‘\llL'.lllllll\ lead him tiia \eedx \eu ()rleaiix tltiii‘aiialed lit \titidtui eultx and e\lieiiiel_\ dead l‘lltlle’\ in llll\

uneiiiiilni talile irialiiiev til \ heel al ~mire and

iiitiiidx lilni iiuir. l'tlllll‘lleJll. l'iliiihiiihe. I Autumn Sonata t 1* l t lniziiiai lleieiiiaii. Sweden. l‘lflhi Ingrid lleieriiaiid l\ l'llniann.l ena \\ iiiaii ll.“ llllll\ .\ kind t‘l Swedish / rule /)a\ ‘\./ii1u'lie‘. Iii/i» Vie/i! as \xtii l\l ieiiim iied etiiieeit [‘l;llll\l llereiiiaii\ixitxestrangeddaughter

l ‘llinanii \\ ht» has ieeentlx liixt her \llll in an aeeidenl Pam and aiiuuisn ell\tle ;l\ llie_\ an e \eiit in their peiit lll‘llll\llttlltlll\ and past eiiillx. e\eellent phtitiipiaph} hi Sxen \'il.\i\l. e\eliiiatiiieeiiiiilitinal diariiaaiid [‘t‘e‘lle\\pe'llilllllalle'eN Beieiiian's tiiial liliii .iiid tine tit her llltl\l ile‘L‘tlllllellL‘tl l'diiiliuieh, l llllllltllhe' lBabette'sFeastit‘iit‘llelc\\’el. l)eniiiai k. l‘lV‘ l Stepliaiie .'\ll\ll.lll. .leaii-l’hilippe l .illllll. lill‘l .'\lltlL‘l\\tlll. lll.‘ llllll\. l he ,lutlaiid peninsula tlllllllg the late I‘llh eeiitii: \ l‘ \iled l'ierieh lltHhL‘hCCpe'l .-\udi‘an \klll\ llllllllllranesin a ltlllL'l\ and ll\e'\ the iiiniiei ll) prepare a \lllllplllillh lianeiuet :iiai lull}! the eeiitenari Hi the l‘ll tli k‘l a lutherandean \thtixe \lll\l\ lllL’ \lllll\le‘f daughters earry tin lllx L'tltitl \xtii ks .lllltlllfl the ptitir and lteed\ l ltm e\ ei u hen a slit ippiiig l|\[ (it quail. turtle. e'llillllp.t}_'lle and \ intafae \\ ine .lrlHe'x [he \l\lL‘l\ lieein ltl \ktindei' it \ugh plgaulle'l\e’tlllll‘.tlll‘lC \Hlll their piet_\

,-\ delieitiuseastitiiitiiiiieexperieneeand ;lllL‘\tllll\llL‘\lleL'ill e‘lllL‘lllilllell.tll.lll\e' ilm l\ a l‘tll\lL'ltlll\. exemplar} literar} adaptatiiin lull til pleasurable surprise-x and real lCe'llllL’ .\ mirth} ()xear \HllllL‘l’. ldiiiliuiuh. l'llllllltllINC I Baby Boom l’( i l l ( ‘liailex Sliter. l 'S. l\)\“l l)iaiie lx'eatiii‘n Sam Shepard. llai'iild Rillllh ll 1 mm. l'.t\lll\lllll. \iiigle—iiiinded eareer \xtiiiian Keaton l\ \ttipped in liei ti‘aekx li_\ the inheritaneeiit a litiuneiiie liali} thitiuuh theunttirturiate


l l l