11131111111 2 311.1111 LI 511 \1~11111g111.11111 11.11111-1111'11111111,I’1\'.(‘11111-11' 111111111 1‘1‘1‘111111111'11111'11 ITenBobBop.111-111111111111

1111111 3.1111 511p (111.11111111111x.1111111-11 111111111111111111111 111111.1111'1‘. 1111111111'111'11 511111I.1_11'11111.11111111 ()1115111111).1111‘1‘

IWicked Sunday.11 I 111111'\ 1111111 3.1111 \‘111II1.1. ( 1111. \\'I11\I1_1 .11111 1.1};1‘1 .111 11111 .ZICO‘S II'I‘III 3.1111 1.: (311.111 It.1\1'1I1II\1‘11 \11111111\ I111I11.1I1‘I11\11II111II11'I1I.111111‘1I 311\'



IThe Amphitheatre 11111111 3.1111 1: 11.111

11111111111111-1111111 I.\]|\I)]

IBusterBrowns 111 1.1111 1.. .1111111\\11111.11111111111I1sI11'I1111'1111111 '\


“11111111511111141111111.1;11~.1I.1111111xI1111-11‘. 1111'111'\111111111111111.1111-11111:111\I11\1II11 1111\11'11111111111 {XI ICinderellasBockertellas11111111 3.1111 1.? 11111111" 11111111.: “11.1111'1 ‘111111111111x 511111.11 11.111.111 11.1111111 111111; 11‘\1.1111.111I.1|I 1111\1111111111 {\III {\ I

IDillingers 11111111 1.111~ 1.; "11111111111 1I\1111I 1111‘ 11.111111111111111 .1\I111111'\.111. 11111.1 111.111111 \I111I1‘111\'111:11111111111111LI .1111111\\11111.11111t111111111111.\ \\1-1111111111.1

IEdgarsalm 3.1111 1.3. 111111I1\.1lt11111 141111111111 IFirelsland 111 31111111 L 311.1111 LS 111‘111111'11111‘111 15111111. \I.11111.1111 1117111311 11~I1.1|1_1 ~111111I1'1111‘11I1'11I11


111111111 IbuterLimils.111'11.1\11-1\ 11131111111 3311.1111 9.111111111' 111111113

.1111‘1,I)1\1‘1~1111II1~1\111111'11I\\11II1II) [\ I]

IWorkhouse111 31111111 3 311.1111 L: .\


1111\11‘111111).I\ \‘1111.11111( 1.111:

I Zenatec 81111111 \11111I.11 $1111111/1'

11111111 3 311.1111 1-.. 1111111I.11I{;1III1- I \1111l\.1111111111111111111


11111x111.1111~11I111/w I11'1'1‘11I11111‘111‘Ix1'.111




IThe Alhambra 31 11 .111~1l111~\11111.:31

331111 \ 31111111 1111111112111 1111 1111\.11111 31's

\lIIIII\I\ (1111‘.1111111II\.1

I Chinese Night .11 D1111» 111.1

1111111 3311.1111 {.3 ( 1.11};I).1111-\11I.1\111:.1


1111‘ 1111.11 ( '111111‘\1‘ 1‘111111111111111 111111211111.1\



I ClubAlrica.1tll1~1111.-\11111.1\

1111111 z3||.1111 LI11111111111111111u111;13

I House and Garage Club .11 1111 1’1111_>\ll1-1 111111 3.1111 L1111II1I11'I11'

II11‘ 1‘11111.1111Is111111111111111u 111111\.(‘I11'.111


I Streetbeat.11111-11.11111111111-

1 11111111 1,-1 I).1111I\\.1II1*1\111I11II11‘

I.111‘\11‘11.11' .11111111‘111\11I1111I\.

IPalomino CIUb‘Ipm 3.1111 L: I)1\1‘11


IPanama Jax 11 31111111 3 311.1111 LI 511

.\I.1111I1(1.11 11114111 I)I R.1111111111I I ).1111'11


I Blue Monday.11 I 111* 111.11111

1111111 I 311.1111 11 SIIITIII1I11'I1111- 1113111111 1’11'1111111111.1I1‘11 ‘\11.111;11I' 1112111. 111111 111II1;1111-11 [)1

I Calton SIUdiOS 1111111 1111 1.111 \\1II1II11'I),1


11111111.1\11III1 I 111‘ I\1.11111\111~II 11111111 111111.

\111111I.1_1 111111

IROKKO'S \11111 3.1111 111111111111111111111\ \ 11111111.‘I'11111I1111uI1'x111‘111'x1

111x111111111‘1'1111u111x \.1_1. II 1‘1-111.1111\ I11111-

\1'1-11111111 11111111111 .11111‘1'I111 11111111111111

'R1111111111x' I1.1\I11'1'11_1;11 1‘11



I The Alhambra 3I \\.111'1I1111.\111‘1‘1.:lI 321111. 1111' SIN 111\1'1>\1111111I\


Coasters, Bermuda Triangle. Thursday nights.

llellyou—we don'thallleel bad1What a nasty reviewto write tora club when allolitwasmisplaced.To putthings straight. we have to say that the Belormatoryis shaping uptogive a qualitymix olmusictoavariety oltolk. Paul and Chris. whorunthejoint. emphasisethe cross-section otpeople they wish to attract. Edinburgh has greatditliculty with clubs which merge tastes andlashions—somethingto do with the inflated opinions we have of ourselves—and againstothers. perhaps. The Retormatoryis planning to usethe oldtactic olhumour—make 'em laugthhey are looking atthe momentlor‘tacky and alternative entertainment.'Although itmay not achievethe missing pennies inthe pound atmosphere olthe Hotel Gassed —we can‘treallyenvisagethe Hooch venue cracking a smile unless sneering atsomeone'strousers-itcouldwell become almost as popular. Live PA events are also planned although we're somewhatsceptical aboutthe boys' motivation levels. Anyway. guest bJs otter newtastes each week. giving it an unpredictabilityworth sampling. (Stuart Raiker)



1. Housegrinder: Rap Down.

2. Tackhead: Rackhead Sound System.

3. Mickey Dread: Singers and Players —Autobiography.

4. Swans: Children olGod.

5. S Express: Theme from S Express. 6. Chuck Brown and Soul Searchers: Bushn'Loose.

7. FiniTribe: Makin' 1t Eternal.

8. NiberEbb: Murderous.

9. Mark Stewart and The Matia: StrangerlThan Love). 10. Barry Manilow: Bermuda Triangle.

IBennets 1111111 3.1111 \111'11:.1I111'1111\ 11111111'\\~»I.1111‘1111‘11.1\1\11111:11lf‘.111.1l 111111‘1111111'x1111111‘111'1'11

I Chinese Night.11\1.1:111<1:.1\

1111111 3 311.1111 3.1‘1' I)1\.111111'I:II1111113 (1111:1‘\1'1111111111111111

ICIUb China .11 1111111 \l:11..1\

1111111 3 ;11.1111 2.1111-111:;:1111111111111.t3 .1111‘1

IJO-JO'S Gay ngb1.1l 111‘ I’.11: \11.'1

111 111 1.1111 ‘111‘1‘.1II1111'~.1'I. 1 .1111111111

I 11111111~.1I.11111111\111111111s1. (111.11‘ 11111114 IPalbmanCIUb‘111111 3.1:11 1‘ \1‘111111\ IStreetbeat.11 1111~\\ 11.111111»- 1111111

I )I\\3"

I 11111111 9.1 11.11111\\.1II1‘!\1‘.111:'111'

1.1t1‘\1 111.111 .11111111-.1I \1~11111I\


I BusterBrowns 3 \1.11 111111. \1111‘. 1.111' .11 1.11111‘\ 11111111.’ \111-11.1111.11111112111111111 1.111.111-1 .11111 .\1.111 \11111111'1\ 1111:1111 1111‘ 1.11111'\. I111\\11111 11111111 111111 ITuesdays.111l11-1111111111111[11.1111111- 1('11.1\11’1\1 11111111 1.1111 1.3 (11111111111. 11111-11 .1111111'11111‘ 11111'111 1111111.1I 1.111.111"! 111111 IIl*\I{(11111‘1‘I\\1‘1'11

I Bokko's S11111 3.1111 111-1111.1111111111111s \ 11111111 \1'1' \11111


IThe Alhambra 11\\.111‘111111\1;1-1-1.:.Tl

331111 \ 1.711111 1:1.

1 1.111.11111111.11111111111 ICorruption.111-:1:.‘11-.1:: 1.3 \1‘11 11111111111111111113

11 1111111 3.1111 11111111111111'.'\1.Il 1111111111\11'

ICotton Club I 111111 3.111: {.3 1\111111111;11t 11’.1111.1:1111.1111111-_‘ IHenryAlrikas 311111 1.1111 1.1 1111111: 1111111113 311.1111? 111111'1111111111111111-.1I\.11111\11.11*k\ \1iz111' 111111I1\.l11111 [\ I II\1)I IMaytairllpm 3.1111 1.: 1111\1112111

311 11111111111

\11 1.1”»

t~11 \ 1112111 1111 111 .3. \

11111 \111'.1I1.111111: 1.1111111" 11.1111111111.1111.111111111111I.1111‘1111!'I

I Northern SOUI CIUb.1l I)1\1'11\ 11.1 11111111 3.1111 1.1 IPanminoCIub111~111 3.1111 \11111111\

IPanama Jax 11111111 \I.1111I1.1-.'.1111111111

9.: 111x11\



3 311.1111

' ISCTBICh .1I 11111’1111 -\II1'1

IThe PubClub.1111111211111111 51111-1 <111111l1l1‘.1111111

.\11 11.11111'1I I‘1‘1‘.Ill\1' I1'.III1'1\ \1lII 111‘

1111111 I 111.1111 1.]. .11.11I.1I1I1‘1111111-111(11.1xu1111'x1111111' 311111111111 1‘111111\I( I111111111('I11111u.1\.1111' I 11111111511.11'I1.(II1I11111111.11111115114111111111 1111- R1111.(1.11111111.1111111111:1111111-1111111 1111 1111'1~1111.1111’1‘ 11'1‘ ('111‘.111(11111\1'I1.1111I 111-11:1I11111'11111.11\11111‘1111\.111' ()11'1‘.1II.;111 |l‘.ll1i\.111\1‘l1I1'.l

11 1111111111111. \11111.111111>1.1111|1.1/xl1111111~1111111u.11111 111'11111 ('111'.1111111II1.1.111115111111/ IStreelbeal.11("11111111111 1111111 3.311.1111 9.3111 311111111111‘111'11 I).1111I\\.1II1'1'\ "\111'1'1111‘1‘1'111111.1111\1‘1111.1111'1'111Iix11‘

I Wasp Factory .11 I 11111111111111 $1111I1m (11.111111111 11111~1\1I\ 8111111'11II)1\1'11

11111111 3.1111 1.1 111-1‘1\1.1.


IFirelsland 11 31111111 3.1111 11 31117111 111-11111-11 1*1 \\1'111'\I;11111\I11‘1111111111111" 1.11 1'11111111I111‘11111111111-

IPOIIBNOW \11111 1.1111III.111I1_1 1111111

\ 311 ‘1 3l1111111 ‘1111‘1101'111II11'xt11111~111 11'11111-\ 111111111x11‘l\.1111111111111‘I1 191.1111 .111_11.11.1I\I1'1111:11111111.II11111211 IROIKIKO‘S \11111 3.1111 11111114111111111111\ \ 11111111 \1'1' \11111 IUnderground.111111\‘1'11111- 11111111 311111. 2.1 \11191111111111111‘11 \1111111121111111111111 '1111”I 11111‘11'1111111111111111111w.111.11'1'I11.111‘ :1'1111111111111111111.11.\111111I1\1‘1'111:('I;1\I1. (1111.11111111‘11‘I1'

"V Glasgow

IThe Alhambra ll 11 .111-1111115111-1~1._‘.‘.l 1.311111 I111 I’.1111 \IuIIl

I Bennets 111111. 1.1111 1_l \1.111111 11.11. 111.111111 I 11111111311

IDISCO Viva I" Ill11111 ‘.1111 L1 111'11111‘ 1111111. 2.: .11111 111111\1'11111\11' IFuryMurrys111 31111111 3 311.1111 1’111‘1'\ 1.111 .11'1'111111111; 11114111111“ 1111'1111'1111\11' 11111111 \1'1-11111111\I11111\I111111‘I.111\ IHenryAlrikas 11111111 1 311.1111 1111111111 1111111. 1.: 511.1111‘1 "11V11111x11‘.1111111111'1>\ IHOIIYWOOdSIUdIOS11I 31111111 3.1111 13 I MardiGras 1111111 11111\11 1111'I1I

I Maylair 1 111111 3.1111 1.1 ()11-1 2&11111111

1:1111 \

3 311.1111 1.3 II1111s1‘


IOne Hundred CIUb.1I 11111111111111181111111“ 1111111 3.1111 11 \1-111‘11111 IPalominoClub‘tpm 3.1111 1__‘ 11m“ s11I1111Ix.

IPanamaJaxwpm 3.1111 2.? 111~1\\.1\ .1 51K 1112111 111111 I{.11I11\ ( '1111; 1 II 1.11 (1.111111111

I Prima Colazlone .11 11111211111111 III.3III1111 3 311.1111 11 <11111111111111.13\li 11111111111. \1‘11 11111111111411111 11111111311 1‘1111111.111;1111111 1111'.1I11.1\1( 11111' \111111.1 .11111S1‘I111t/.111'1‘I11‘.1p

IRames 111 311 3.1111 If ‘11 \1111111111.11111 1'11;11'I\11111111\ 111111111. 111111111 811111.111 \'111II1.1 31111.1 .1211 \1111

IHaw.11 11111’.111.\1|1'1 11111111 1111- \1-11 11111111111115 .\1.11 $1111111lx11111‘11'\I1111'1111111

I Reggae Club .11 1111' I 11111111111 \111l1‘.

IWarBhOUSBIIp111 1.1111 If

R1111II11ps 11131111111 3.1111 1.,7‘111 IStandUpGlasgow.11\1.11l1\11111 I 111111‘ 311111111I111u11ll1111 31111111 1.111- 9.11111 .-\1111111}11111 1111'1111'11.11111-\1111'I\ 11111111111 l'l'lIIIl\'.\lt(/II[.111'1'11’ K11'kx1111111111\1111 I{1'\1‘I S1'1‘('.III.II1’1 IStreetbeat.111111111111111 1111111 3 {3111511111111I11‘I11'II I).1\111\\.1II1‘1~



I 1.11 [hm‘dW‘ ‘1‘1‘r\11.1\111111xl‘ I 11 \1.111 1111111.

111‘1‘1'.111111_'111.1111111111111111111111v.1 11s11111111x

3 Edinburgh

IAmerican House .11 l 11.- 11111111

1131111111 _‘..311.1111 9.1 \111 .11111‘1‘111'1' 113111111. I).1\1111'111111'I11'\l 11111111111 I111111I1‘\\\.ll11'1\111 v\;111'111.1111111:1\.-:1111\1. 1111111'111111.11111‘111‘.” 11 .111~~1~111111\ 11111111111111 1111' \11111‘

IThe Amphitheatre 11111111 1.1111 1‘ 11.111 11111‘1'111'11111'1111111 11111'1111111-I111111v' tx'111 I111111.1111111.111.111.1111.11:111:I11111‘ \11‘1‘I11‘II1I

ICinderellas Rockertellasw 111111. 111 {I 5111‘1‘11111'II1‘111.1..T.1111‘1 R111.» “I 11'.11\111II11‘11111'\]1111111111:'1111111.,11111 '~ \I.III\;II111111111111111K 11111\l. 1111 1‘3. 1. 1: "1111111I11‘111'x11111111\.11111111111:E3 11.111111 111111111111 I111-1111111111. \I‘x‘ 11.11111. 1117 :‘111‘ 1111111“ IAIINI) I\ II

Ibillingers I|111111 1.111 13 \11111'111111” II11‘ 1.\\ I111 \\111:11111111~111\ I )lIIllf:'1'l\l~«

111.111.11111"1I.11\11112-111111111:.I11111~\ [\I)][_\'II[:\,'

IEdgarsI'111l1~1 111 11 \\111II1.111\11111‘.1|\1 111'1'111I1-lx11111 «

1111‘1‘111 91

/'.11'.’l.’)lLf \1'111.111w1111111111111'1 IEdgarslilp111 3.1111 1.‘ \111111‘1» 1111113411141111811111111.111-111111 \1 IFinsburyPark'sNigthlubw 111111111111 1.111211 511 \111111111-111-11‘11 11111zx 1111:111 .1. II11'\111111111‘1\1-.1\1111I11':111~\ \‘. 1111111111: [1111.111111111‘111111s11111111v1111l. 1'1. [\1 ][.\1)|

IKids LoveJelly.11 1111-\11»\1~11 11131111111 1.1111. 2.1 \f1111-111111w-111 \111111‘11'xx11‘1'1111I\I1I.11._1‘ 111.1" ‘- 1‘11‘111I

I Relormatory .11 1118111111 111 31111111 3.1111 9.7

(11111151115111 1'1'11111111-.11111m11111-11-.1111?11:1 ~11" -‘ 11111x11‘.1111111111 \1-1‘11.111-1

IROCkNIgh1.1I(3111111111r\\1'1.'111111. 511111 1.1111 (11.1111111111111'1 '1‘11311 IROkkO'Swm‘. 3.1111 1:.. 211.1111: 11 ‘1:-

5 11111111 811‘111111

ITheSlammer.11 I111~~1131 1111111'.

1111111 3 111.1111 111‘1'.11i:111~w 1; ‘1 11‘ 111111111111.1111111111.1111I.11111111 \ 1'. my .111111111\t11\1111111111111111


l’ln~l1\1.‘.‘1;\p11l 1.‘\I.1\ 1"“ 55