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‘Provide yoursell with a strong roomy carriage. and havelhespringswell corded have also a

stop pole and strong chain to the chaise. Take with you lynchpmsandlour 3.lILlCl<lI:S which hold upthe braces ol the body otthe carriage. a turnscrew litlor lasteningthe nuts belonging to the shackles; a hammer and some straps. Sound advice indeed lorthe intrepidtraveller considering a sojourn North otthe Border. but something of the adventure has gone out oltravelling Scotiano by road since the lion Mrs Murray ol Kensingtonpublished'A GuidetotheBeautiesot

72 ll... l 1st .7‘I.\I111l l:\l;11 l‘)1\‘1\

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Scotland Etc' in1799. Challenging holidays ot the |980$ are by comparison rathertabricated: butonce the modern metabolism has readjustedto walking pace itis easytoseethatthereal lunaticsarethe onesracing

trom Glasgowto Fort William inthree hourswhen they couldtake eightdays. Walkingthrough wide open spacesisthe essential antitioteto cityliving. While planning yourown escape canbe immensely satistying. those who are notyetcontidentat3.000 teetorwhowantsomeone elseto dothedonkeywork willtindawiderangeot more or less organised and guidedwalking holidays on otter.

ITRANSCOTLAND. 216 Newhaven Road.


l1;1111111c1‘~tl1r11\x 111}; C(llllk‘\l\ 11ml lllL‘

seven day coastto coast walk. trom Dundeeto Fort William. via Rannoch Moor and Glencoe. Expeditions. intriendly groups ol8-10. runtrom Mayto Octoberand you can choose how much ot thedistance you wantto coverontoot. how much by bike orcanoe. Hotel accomodation. all meals andtransportareincluded inthe price (£265land luggage istransportedtor you.

I C-N-DO SCOTLAND. Howlands Cottage. Sauchieburn. Stirling. (0786) 812355. Something loreveryone here. troma week based nearCallander. ‘ambling. rambling and scrambling amongstthe hills otCentral Scotland'. to acampingtrekexploring the innermostcorries and remote heights otthe Cairngorms. The Cairngorm


l11sl11'xt \\.tll\lll‘.f 21111l1-.1\.1pullou-

trek costs £139 all inclusive: the ambling is £84 not including meals or accomodat1on. although these can be arranged lor you.

I CUlLLIN GUIDES. Stac Lee. Glenbrittle. Isle-ol-Skye. lnverness-shire. (047 842) 289. Mainlylorthe experienced. with the emphasis onlearning mountaincratt as wellas enioyingthe scenery. Described as'strenuous undertakings. the ‘courses' are based in the Cuillinsol Skye. ‘theonlytrue mountain range in Britain. Pricestoraweekarelrom £90. notincluding accomodation.

I HIKING AND BIKING SCOTLAND. Bogtur. lnverurie. Aberdeenshire. (0467)21312. Walking and cycling without blisters. on

[111,151 112:1:

Royal Deeside and Donside. Beautilulscenery. plenty olhistoricbitsand bobs. and accommodation in wonderful country hotels makethisa bitolasott option. Prices from £229 a week. orlrom {ISUityou stayin smallerhotels and guesthouses.

I HIGHLAND MOUNTAIN SERVICES. 22 Attadale Road. lnverness. (0463) 236095. Cateringtor tamiliesandwalkers olall levels olexperience. ‘even the notsolit'. thesewalks are based In lnverness.‘onlyashort drivelrom some otthe great mountainranges ol Scotland'.Accommodation isin small guesthouses and pricesrangelrom £22lora daywalkto £148allintora week's Mountain Adventure Holiday.


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W Illl’(‘l'./‘Ht'(1‘ 1"\

FRONTlERS.19West Terrace. Ullapool. Ross-shire. (0854) 2571. Walking. not mountaineering. withthe emphasis ona leisurely pace and spectacular surroundings. Holidays are based in Ullapool. Kyle ot Lochalsh orBoatotGarten. Pricestrom £150to£360 perweek. all inclusive. IWALKTHESCOTTISH WAY. Lauchope Lodge. Well Road. Mollat. Dumtriesshire. (0683) 20183.Arange olmainly low-levelwalkstorallages and experiences. based roundthe 95-mile West Highland Way andthe 212-m1le Southern Upland WayAccommodationis variouslyinB&Bs.youth hostels and tents and luggageistransported by landrover. Prices are about £125lorlivedays.