Friday 13—Thursday 19

This section gives details of programmes showing at cinemas in central Scotland over the next week. Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at anytime.

Cinemas operating a tamin discount scheme allow an adult accompanying a child to ‘U' and ‘PG' certilicate programmes to gain admission tor the same price as the child up to 6pm.


I CANNON ( ~Iarkston Road. Muirend. (i37 2(i41 . £2.31)()AI’ (‘hild £1.21). FamiI} discount scheme operates. 1.Three Men andaBaby11’(i)5.35pm. 8.25pm; alsoSat 2.25pm. ! 2. Flowers in the Attic ( 15 ) 5.311pm.8.31)pm: l alsoSat 2.311pm. l 3. Dirty Dancing 1 15 ) (ipm. 8.311pm; alsoSat ] 3pm. I CANNON SauchiehallStreet.3321592. £2.81)1£1.41)). l l

1. Fatal Attraction 1 18) I.41)p111.4.51)pn1. 8.30an 2. Eddie Murphy Ram 18) 1.15pm. 3.45pm. (1.115pm. 8.411pm.

3. Flowers inthe Attic1 15) I.31)pm.4.3()pm. 8.35pm.

4. Moonstruck11’11) 1.45pm. 4.55pm. 8.25pm.

5. The Princess Bride (1’0 ) 1.10pm. 3.311pm. Death Wish 4: The Crackdown 1 18) hpm. 8.311pm.

I CANNON GRAND 18 Jamaica Street. 248 41121). £2 (£1 ).

Adult movies. Phone for details.

I CINEMA Southgate. Fast Kilbride. 113552 311)211.[1)]cinema1.£2('hi1d171141)()A1’ £1. ('Iosed Mon Tue.

Three Men and a Baby11’11).s‘. 11)pm.

I GRDSVENDR Ashton 1.;1ne.IIiIII'1ead. 33‘) 4298. [1)] with prior notification. £2 (‘hild [71341) Student ()AI’£I .211.

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 I’(i)2.1)5pm. 5.1)5prn. 8.1)5pm.

2. Moonstruck11’(}) 2.25pm. 5.25pm. 8.25pm.

See also ( ilasgo ii‘ I .0105 .

I ODEON Rentield Street. 332 87111. Bar open eve rv evening from 5.31)pm ((i. 31)pm Sun). £285: ()AI’ (‘hild £1 .115:

[51341) Student cones £1 .115 available as g advertised.

1. Three Men and Baby 1 PG) 12.20pm. 2.55pm. 5.411pm. 8.35pm.

2. Wall Street1 15) 12. 11)pm.2.41)pm. 5.15pm. 8. 15pm.

3. The Last Emperor1 15) 2.25pm. 7.25pm. 4. Broadcast News 1 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8.1)5pm. See also (ilusgo w I .1111’5.

I SALON Vinicombc Street. 33‘) 4251). [1)] with advance notification. Matinees. Adult.(‘hi1d£1.51)()AI’ 1'13411511p. Evenings. All scats£1.51).

Broadcast News 1 15) 2pm. 7.311pm.

Rose Street. 332 6535. (‘ate bar open 31) mins prior to evening perf. closes 9pm. [1)] on application to box office. [E] No smoking. Mats. £1 .8()(Student L'B41) £1 . 11)). Fri mats. £1 .3111A11 cones 75p). Evenings.£2.51)(Student 1313411£1.b()). All perfs Child. ()AI’£I . 11).


Making Mr Right 1 15) 3.311pm. 5.45pm. 8.311pm.


The New Babylon (L’) 2.3(Ipm. Making Mr Right 1 15) 5.45pm. 8.311pm.


Robocop 1 18) 5.45pm. 8.30pm. MONDAY 16:

Robocop 1 18) 3.311pm. 8.30pm. Twenty Days WithoutWar1 15)5 45pm. TUESDAY 17:

Robocop 1 18) 5.45pm. Housekeeping 1 P11) 8pm.


Metropolis 1 PG ) and Android 1 15) 2pm. Desperately Seeking Cinema The Switchboard Operator 1 1817.311pm. THURSDAY 19:

Jean De Florette (PG ) 5.45pm. 8.311pm.


I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane.

Fri 13/Sat 14:

1. Witches ol Eastwick (18) 11pm.

2. House otGames11s)11pm.

I ODEON Renfield Street.

Sat 14:

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’11) 1 1 .311pm. 2. Wall Street(15) I 1.15pm.


I CAMEO i nome Street. 228 4141 . [1)] Bar open Mon—Sat 1+ 1 1.31)pm;Sun1v~l1pm. £1 .211t‘or 1st & 2nd perfs: £2 for 3rd pert; £2.91) for 4th perf.

Bellman and True 1 15) 3.45pm (not Sun). (1.2(lpm. 8.511pm.

Sun 15:10 Kill a Mockingbird 1 15 ) 2pm.

See also Ifdfnliurg/i I .utes.

I CANNON Lothian Road. 22‘) 31131). Bar: Ham—2.30pm. 5-- 11)pm 1 Mon—Thurs). 11am—1 1pm (Fri Sat). 5— 11)pm (Sun). [1)] cinemas 2 2% 3 prior notification advisable. £2.91).£2.51)(‘hi1d £1 .61). £1 .51)()A1’£I (before (1pm). Family discount scheme operates.

1. Moonstruck11’(i)2.211pm.5.211pm. 8.211pm.

2. Flowers in the Attic 1 15) 2pm. 5pm.8pm.

3. The Unbearable Lightness 01 Being 1 18) 2.11)pm.7.11)pm.

I DOMINION Nevvbattle Terrace. 447 2660. Rest 1(lam-v2pm & (>—1 1pm (Mon-Fri). 11lam-I lprn (Sat). Bar 12—2.31)pm. (v—11)pm (Mon—Sat). (‘inema not open Sun. £2.71). £2.51);

(‘hild [71341) Students £1.51); ()AI’ £1.21). (all perfs except evng perfs in cinema 3). 1. The Last Emperor( 15) 2.211pm. 7.311pm. 2. Broadcast News 1 15) 2. 15pm. 5. 15pm. 8.15pm.

3. Hope and Glory1 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm.

I ODEON (‘Ierk Street. ()(17 7331. Bar 6—9pm. Partial wheelchair access. Tickets £2 (cones £1 .51)) for performances commencing before (1pm. Tickets £2.75 (cones £2) for perfs commencing alter (1pm.

1.Wall Street 1 15) 2. 15pm. 5. 15pm.

8. 11)pm.

2. and 3. Three Men and a Baby11’(i) Sun—Thurs 1.35pm. 3.35pm. b.115pm. 8.31lpm.

Fri/Sat 1.50pm. 4pm. (1.21Ipm. 8.45pm. See also [idinhurgh Lures.


Lothian Road. 228 21188. Bar ( Mon—Sat. noon—1 1pm. Sun (i.31)—l 1pm) Rest (Mon-Sat. noon—9pm). [Ii] Matinees

£1 .21)(concs 75p); Early evenings £2 (cones £1 .51)); Main evenings and Double Bills £2.51) bookable in advance. .\'o concessions on Sats.


1. Repentance 1 15) 2pm. 5pm.8pm.

2. Maurice ( 15) 2.30pm. 5.31lpm. 8. 11)pm. SATURDAY 14:

1. The Secret 01 NlMH 11;) 2pm. Repentance (15) 5pm. 8pm.

2. Maurice 1 l5) 2.31lpm. 5.31)pm.8. 11)pm. SUNDAY 15:

1. Black Widow 1 15) 5. 15pm. La Dolce Vita (18) 7.311pm.

2. Dona Herlinda and Her Son1 Ib')(ip111. 8.31)pm.


1. Black Widow ( 15) 2.311pm. 5. 15pm. La Dolce Vita 1 18) 7.30pm.

2. Slam Dance 1 1511s. 15pm.8.31)pm. TUESDAY 17:

1. F/X Murder By Illusion 1 15) 131)an 5.15pm. La Dolce Vita1 18) 7.311pm.

2. Slam Dance 1 I511). 15pm.8.31)pm. WEDNESDAY 18:

1. La Dolce Vita 1 la) 1.311pm. 7.311pm. F/X Murder by Illusion 1 15 ) 5. 15pm.

2. The Decameron1 18) (rpm. 8.30pm. THURSDAY 19:

1. My Lite As A Dog ( I’( 1) 3pm . h. 15pm. 8.311pm.

2. Eccentricity. Madness and Exaggeration 11' ) 3pm. Burglar1 l5)(i.45pm.8.45pm.


I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY (‘ontactz Societies ( ‘entre. The I’lcasancc. (1117 1111 1 ext 4514. A 24-houransvsering service (557114311) gives details otthe programme week by vveck. Membership is open to anyone: stude‘111sv():\l’s I'B411s pay an annual subscription of £ 11). Those in employment pay £15. The holder is entitled to admission to the \\ eekI_v diet of three double bills. (inest tickets may be purchased in Iil 'SA shops at In iot Rovs. Mandela ('entre. David 1 Iume Tovvcr. I’(iSI ' . The I’leasanee and King's Buildings Shop.

Fri 13: Witchcraft Through The Ages115) 1».45pm and Vagabonde 1 15 ) 8.211pm. I’leasance.

Sun 15: Lamb 1 15) and Children 01 a Lesser God 1 I’(i) 8.45pm. (ieorge Square Theatre.

Wed 18: The Green Ray 1 1’11) 11.45pm and Plenty1 15) 8.35pm.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 53111). Members £1.

Thurs 19: La Tragedie de Carmen11’(i)11pm. 8.31lpm.


I CAMEO Home Street.

Fri 13: Bad Timing 1 18) and Crimes 01 Passion11s) 11.15pm. Sat14zBlowUp11s);mtlll118) 11.15pm. I ODEON ('Ierk Street.

83114: The Fly1 1s) and Commando1 18) 11.15pm.


I CANNON Princess Street. I-aIkirk . 11324 238115.

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’11) 3. 11)pm1 not Sun).5.11)pni.8.11)pm.

2. The Last Emperor( 15 ) 2. 15pm 1 not Sun). 7.15pm.

3. Eddie Murphy Raw1 18)2.211pm1not

Sun). 5.20pm. 8.25pm.


I CANNON 'I‘itehfield Street. Kilmarnock. 115113 37288.

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’( 1 ) 2.45pm. 5.51)pm. 8.31lpm; Sun 5.35pm. 8pm.

2. Eddie Murphy R3W11812.511p111.(ipm. 8.45pm: Sun 5.45pm. 8pm.

3. Empire of the Sun (1’11) 2.31)p111.7.31)pm; Sun (1.311pm.

I KELBURNE (itasgovv Road. I’aislev. 889 31112. I

1. Moonstruck11’(i) 5.411pm. 8. 11)prn; Sat also 1.45pm.

2. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’1 1 ) 5.3111111). 7.45pm; Sat also 1.45pm.

I LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. ()294 63345 [1)] (‘inema 1. £1.51)

(‘hild ()Al’ 75p.

1. Three Men and a Baby 11’(i)1». 15pm. 8.11pm.

2. The Last Emperor1 15)7. 15pm.

I ODEON Burns Statue Square. A_vr. 11292 264049. [1)] £2.51):('hild 171341) ()AI’

£1 .51) 1 no concessions tor last performance Fri and Sat ).

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 PC} ) SUIT-Thurs 1.311pm. 3.511pm. (1.111pm. 8.311pm. Fri Sat 2.31)pm.4.51)pm. 7.11)pm.‘).311pm.

2. The Princess Bride (P0) 1 not Mon) 1.45pm. 4pm. (1.30pm. 8.45pm.



Legal Eagles 11’(i) 1.\1ononl} )2pm.5pm. 8pm.

3. Empire otthe Sun 11’11) 2. 15pm. 7. 15pm. I ODEON'I'ovsnhead Street. Hamilton. 111198 283 8112. [1)] cinemas 21k 3. Fri Sat £2.51)(‘hild ().-\1’ £1.41). Sun-TI‘hurs £2.31) ('hild ().-\I’£1..‘~11,.\1on Fri untilhpm ['1141) £1.

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’11) 12.55pm. 3.25pm. 5.55pm. 8.45pm.

2. Fatal Attraction 1 18) Fri ~-Sun 8.311pm; .\1on Thurs 12.45pm. 3. 15pm. 5.45pm. 8.31)]1111.

The Princess Bride 11’(i1 I-ri Sun onIv 12.55pm. 3.25pm. 5.55pm.

3. Broadcast News1 15) 1211511111. 2.45pm. 5.31)pm.8.21)pm.

I RIALTD (‘oIIege Street. Dumbarton. 113891i27o3.£21'Inld 1'114111);\I’ £1. (‘Iosed Sundays.

1. Three Men and a Baby 1 1’1 1)

2. Moonstruck1 1’11)


I I'IALDANE FILM SOCIETY Alexandria(‘onirnmunits Izducation Centre. Main Street. Alexandria. 1)unlmrtonsbire. Details available troni Stuart Rankin. Rosebank Cottage. Arthurston Road..lainesto\s 11. Alexandria 55 1 51). (iucst tickets are

as ailable in advance o1in from Alan S. Davis. 12 “The Avenue. .-\Ie.\andria 511351).

Fri 13: Clockwise 1 I’( i ) and .-tm11m/(in1¢'ru/ .Ilc'ctmg. 7pm.





BELLMAN AND TRUE (15) 3.45pm (not Sun), 6.20, 8.50pm One Week Dnty.

O gum/(1y 7) lals

Sun 15athm


Sun 22 athm


O Lalo Niglrl 1

Fri 13at11.15pm

BAD TIMING (18) & CRIMES OF PASSION (18) Sat14at11.15pm

BLOW UP(18)& IF118) Fri20at11.15pm


Sa121 at 11.15pm


From Fri 20: TRAVELLING NORTH (15) 2.30pm (not Sun). 4.35, 6.40. 9pm

The list 13-21) May 1988 27