I Music is listed as diary: by day. then by city. then by event.




I An Evening with Jonathan Miller and John WellsConcert llall. ( ilasgoyy l'niyersity. Tickets: 331 1234 ll heatre Royal l. b'ptu. £2. Anything could happen ys ith these tyyo co-directors ol (.tllltlltit' i see l'eatut‘e). described as ‘tyyo or the truest raconteurs this side ol the Atlantic.‘


I Focus on New Music Reid Concert I lall. BristoSquarc. 'l’ickets; on“ ml 1 ext 4.577. 7.45pm. £.3.5t|(£2.5lll. Recital olspecially commissioned computer music created in (ilasgoyy l'nrycrsrly 'selectro-acoustic mUsic studio lor last year 's Musica \oya Worksby many or the composers til the foreground ol neyy music Ill Scotland with Bill Syy eeney‘ tclarinet ). l)iek (Saxophones). .ltilttl Kenny (trombone) and James l)urrant (y Iola t. See Saturday 14 lordetailsolyyoikshop.

SATURDAY 14 Glasgow

I La Boheme lheatre Royal. llope Street. 33l 1234. 2. l5pm. lzstra dates: Wed 25. 27 May . 2S.lune. 3ll.lune. 2 .luly ((ilasgoyy ); 2l June and 25 .lune t ladinburgh ). £3—-£2 1. Scottish Opera in their neyy production of Puccini‘s classic yy eepre. \Vondertul stull.


I Scotland's Golden Voice - Saturday School l)ept ol- l'..\tr'a-.\lural Studies. Buccleuch Place. l-urther inlormation: 0875 53351 (M 'l'urnbulll. ‘).3llam 3pm. Study day on Joseph llislopl 1884 l‘)77). Who some say yy as Britain‘s greatest operatic tenor. And it you yy ant tosec what he looked like. the Scottish National Portrait (iallery hay e recently acquired his head (in bronze l.

I New Music Workshop Reid Concert l lall. BristoSquare. lllam l2.3llpin and 2pm-~4.3llpm. l-‘ree. .-\ yyorkshop to demonstrate and disctiss the production methods ol the yyorks in last night‘s concert. See l-ri I3.

I Edinburgh Royal Choral Union L'sher llall. l.othian Road. 228 l 155. 7.3llpin. £3.5(l—£7. llaydn‘s I‘lreSeaynny ysith the S(‘() and soloists laiddyy'en llarrhy . Mark Tucker and Michael (ieorge. Nicholas Kraemer conducts.

SUNDAY 15 Glasgow

IVan LeerTrio l lenry yy'ood l lall. (‘laremont Street. Tickets; 227 551 1 (Ticket Centre) or 032 “5 l 7'. 7.3tlpm. £3.5()(£2.5lll. 'l‘rioin (i by Haydn. Variations on a Hebrew .llelmly' by Ben llaim and Schubert's'l'rio .\‘o 2 in L flat major. See also’l‘ue l7 and Thurs 19.


I St Giles“ at Six St (iiles' Cathedral. High Street. (rpm. Free at door. The Aberdeen

l l l

()rpheus Choir yyith conductor l .eslic lrmess performs Vaughan Williams Dona _\'u/ny l’ar'em.

MONDAY 16 Glasgow

I Culture City Preview Burrell ( 'otleeiion. l’ollok Park. l-urther inlormation: 332 "244 (S.\'( H. (y3llpm— lllpm. lzytradate: Inc l". U“. What's in store in dance. rnusic and costume in aid ol andorganised by l~'r'iendsol the S.\'()and Scottish Ballet yyith(i|asgoyy ;\il (iallery and Museums .-\ssoeiation.


I lolanthe King‘s 'l‘heatre. l.ey en Street. 22‘) 12M. 7.3llpin. lzytra dates: 'l'uc l". \\ ed lSt2.3tlpm ant ".3llpml.

£45” £125“. l'he l)'()yle Carte()pera Company y rsits Scotland yy ith their brand ol ( iilbert and Sulliyan.

TUESDAY 17 Glasgow

I Van LeerTrio RSAMl). ltltl Renlreyy Street. 332 5ll5". lpm. Programme to include Beethoy en Piano 'l'rio()p 7“ .\’o l. The Ghost. See also Sunday 17 and'l'hurs ll).

I Culture City Preview Burrell Collection. Pollok Park. l-‘urther inlormation: 332 7244 (SNOl. (y.3tlpm- ltlpm. £ltl. See Mon It» for lull description.


I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. l.lllprn. l-‘ree at door. Michael 'l‘urnbull conducts the choir's end of term concert. .llarlrt'cals' ul'lxn‘eaml War.

I lolanthe King's'l'heatre. l.eyen Street. 22‘) 1201. 7.30pm. lixtra date: Wed l8 (2.30pm and 7.30pm ). £4.5tl- £12.50. See Mon In for full description.

WEDNESDAY 18 ' Glasgow

I Glasgow Festival Strings 'l‘rades l lall. (ilasslord Street. 'l‘ickets: at door. 12.45pm. £2 l U ). .\'eyy seriesol lunchtime concerts by top students ol’ music starts

\y ith llolst‘s .St l’aal'y State and \'iy aldr's I'uar Seasons. Director is.lames Durrant. I Glasgow Youth Choir ( 'ity llall. Candleriggs. 227 55! l. ".3llpm. lixtra date: Fri 2t). £1 .50 £2. SprrngConccrt Conducted by Agnes l-‘. l loey .

I Glasgow Parks Orchestra ( iilrdetl l‘estiyal. Day-time. Further inl'orination l’r'om Paul Miller 554 0204.


I lolanthe King‘s'l’heatr'e. l_.eyen Street. 22‘) 12M. 2.30pm ant 7.30pm.

£45” £12.50. See Mon lolorlull description.

THURSDAY 19 Glasgow

I Candide Theatre Royal. l lope Street. 33l 1234. 7. 15pm. lixtra dates: l‘ri2ll. Saturday 21 .Tue 24. 28 May. 2 June. 2‘) June. l .luly ((ilasgoyy ); 23 June and 24 June ( lzdinburgh). £3~£21. \eyyly rey ised opera y'ersion oi Bernstein's ot the longest running on Broadyyay.

Co-directed by .lonathan Miller and .lohn Wells (see feature).

I Chamber Music Recital Guinness Room. RSAMD. ltltl Renlreyy' Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 (£2.50). Soprano Margaret Marshall. with John Cushingtclarinel) and .lack Keaney (piano). perlurm music by Mozart. Schubert. Debussy. Ray'el. liaure. Bernstein and John McCabe.

I Glasgow Harpsichord Society McLellan (ialleries. Sauchiehall Street. Further inlormation: 882 til 27. 7.30pm. Club night and social evening with theme of Animal. Vegetable. .llttir'rrtl. lloyy that appliesto harpsichords is any one‘s guess. but all are yyeleome to find out. /\(i.\l to lolloyy.

I Van Leer Trio l lenry “(and l lall. Claremont Street. Tickets: 227 5511 (Ticket Centre) or (‘32 WW. 7.3llpm. £3.5tl(£2.5tl). Not trios. but quartets. as the Van Leer is joined by y iolist .lames Durrant. Mozart .\'o l in (i minor. Fantasy

Quartet by lidys ard McGuire and No 3 in C

minor by Brahms. See also Sunday l5and Tue 17.


I Yeomen ol the Guard King's'lheatre. l.ey en Street.22‘) l2tll. 7.3tlpm. lzxtra dates: l‘ri 2“. Saturday 2l (2.3tlpm and 7.30pm). £4.5ll» £12.50. More (iilbert and Sulliy an lrom the l)'()yle Car'te ( )pera Company on a Visit to Scotland.

I Student Concert Reid Concert l lall. Bristo Square. Tickets: at door. 7.3tlpin. £ l .50 i U l. Students ot the Dept olMilsic ol’.\'apiei Polytechnicplay Mozart's Clarinet Quintet. l)iyertiinento tor trumpet. trombone and piano by Boris Blacher. Brahms' Piano Quintet ()p 25 and Spanish guitar music.



I Candide 'l‘heatre Royal. Hope Street. 33] 1234. 7.15pm. liytradates: Saturday 21 . 'l‘ue 24. 28 May . 2 .lune. 2‘) .lune. l July ((ilasgoyy ); 23 June and 24June (lidinburgh). £3—£2l. See ‘l‘hurs l‘) lorlull description.

I Glasgow Youth ChOerity l lall. Candleriggs. 227 55l 1. 7.30pm. U .50 £2. See Wed IS for lull description.


I Yeomen ot the Guard King's'l‘heatre. l.ey'en Street. 22‘) DH] . 7.30pm. lixtra date: Saturday 2l (2.30pm and7.3tlpm). £4.5tl—£l2.5ll. See ‘l‘hurs ll) lorl‘ull description.

I Hariprasad Chaurasia Queen's l in”. Clerk Street. 668 201‘). 8pm. £5. Indian classical niusic lor llute.

SATURDAY 21 Glasgow

I Recorder Recital Pollok House. Potlok Park. 2pm. l‘ree at door. lnlor'mal recital by .\'a Ceilearaich.

I Candide Theatre Royal. llopeStreet. 33l 1234. 7'. l5pm. l'.\tl'a dates: Tue 24. 2S May . 2Junc. 2‘).lune. l .luly ((ilasgoyy l;23 .lune and 24 .lune ( l2dinhurgh l. £3 -£2 I. See Thurs l‘) tor lulldescription.


I Yeomen ol the Guard King‘s l'heatre. l.ey'en Street. 22‘) 12M. 2.3llprn and 7.30pm. £4.5lL£l2.5tl. See 'l‘hurs l‘) tor lull description.

I Piano Recital ()ueen's l lall . Clerk Street. ()in 2019. 7.45pm. £3.5(lt £l.‘)5). l-rank l’uy'ese play s sonatas by Beethoy en. Schumann and Bartok. ( ‘hopin‘s l’ minor Ballade. l’a/ye Nob/es" et SenItmenta/es by Raw] and Barber‘s Homage lulu/in I'relrl. I Edinburgh Chamber Singers St Mary 's Cathedral. Palmerston Place. Admission programmes; at door. 8pm. £2 (£1.50). .lohn 'l‘ay‘erner's Mass ( ‘orona Spinea and the Requiem by l lerbert lloyyells. conducted by Peter Backhouse.

I Edinburgh Competition Festival Finals Brunton l lall. Musselburgh. 'l'icketsat

door. String Classes. 2pm; l’ianoClasses 3.30pm: Concerto 8.45pm. 40p per session or £1 for the day. The Concerto l'inal ( tyyU pianists and tyyo instrumentalists play mg with orchestral brings to an end oy er a yyeek ol~ Festiy'al aetiy ities.

SUNDAY 22 Glasgow

I Good Shepherd Chorus I lcnry \y‘ooa llall. Clarernont Street. l'ickets; 227551 l. 8pm. £3 (£2). In their last concert ol the season. Robert Burns conducts theCrood Shepherds in Verdi's Requiem Soloists are Maria Moll. .»\merrl ( iunson ( iordon Christie and Jonathan I lays kins.


I Sl Giles' at St (illesi (-illllk‘tll .tl. l llgll Street. (rpm. Free at door. Chou ol Rhodes College. Memphis y'isits [idinburgh yyith l'll't’ .Sptrttaa/y by l‘ippett and a Mass by Persichetti

MONDAY 23 Glasgow

I Sbl ) Centre. lilK 2. Queen Margaret l)riye. l'ickcts; Room 2ll‘mt‘ Reception. Broadcasting l louse. Queen Margaret l)riye. (il2 SIX 3 (send s a.e. it by post). 7.30pm. l-ree, Norman del Mar conducts lots ot music by ‘l'hea Musgraye I’estt'i‘a/()rertare. .\'or'tarney A" shit“ and Concerto for ()rr'ltestra in this year ol her hilth birthday . See also'l'hurs2b

I Glasgow Parks Orchestra \y‘mier (iardens. l2.3tlpm l 3|lpn: l’urthei inlormation lrom Paul Miller 55~1tl2tl4


I National Choral Competition ()ueetrs

l lall. Clerk Street. nos 2M” 12 noon l'ree at door. 12 choirs sing tor a place til the linal at the Royal l'e\ll\ al l lall rnluly

TUESDAY 24 - ° Glasgow

I Candide 'l heatie Royal. l lope Street. 33l I234. 7.15pm. l'.\lldylillL‘\L 2.\ May .2 .lurre. 2‘).lune. l .luly ((ilasgoyy l. 23lune and 24.|une(ltdinburghl £3 £2! See ‘l‘hurs l‘) lor lull description

I Glasgow Parks Orchestra I my elcn Parish Church. 2.3”pm. l‘urthei inlormation lrom Paul Miller. 554ll2tl4.

WEDNESDAY 25 Glasgow

I Ecossaise llutcheson's l lall. lngi am Street. 'l’lckets. 22" 55l ! t‘l lckct ( 'cntre l. l2.45plll. l Ll l. SLtll i‘l tieyy sc‘tlc‘SUl three lunchtime concerts by ncyy groupol the rather unusual combination or llute. yiola. recorder and guitar \liyltlreol classical and model it lllllSIy

I L3 Boheme l lleatre Royal. l lope Street. 331 I234. 2. l5pm. l- \lla dates 2“ May . 2S .lune. 3ll.lunc. 2 July ((ilasgoyy )1 2| June and 25 June t l'drnbur gh t. See Saturday 14 lorlulldescrrplioii

ISCOCity llal|.( andleriggs. 22"55l l 73le. Lchhildrcn £2 lanuly Lllll Ita/tan Serenade is the title ol tonight's stop on the S( ()‘s nursical yyor ld tout presented liy Sheena \lel )Utlald

I Glasgow Parks Orchestra ( ia! an: Pestiyal. Day-time. l’llllllel llllt‘l matron from Paul Miller . 55.1”.‘ll1


I Lunchtime Prom Royal \cyilltsll Academy. loot ot Mound lly kels at door. l.ll5pin 1.55pm. £2 5W1! l lhe Mistry ()uartet yyhose progiarnnu includes l)yorak's ()uartet \o .\( )p lll.‘.

I Lamp Ol Lothian St .\laiy‘s( hutch. Haddington. liast l.othian. Spot 22\ i 1.55 ll'sller l lall l or (it): “52 3"3M l laddltigton llousel. Piano recital by Shula ('herkassky including yyor ks by Schumann. Bartok. Rachmaninoy. Shostakoy'ich and l rs/t.

The list 13 it; May 1‘le 37