I Chris Thompson St James ()y ster Bar. (liltoti Road. opposite St .Iames(‘entre. I‘yening. Roeltahilly blues.

I Mirua linsign Izyy art. laiys'nmarket. top ol the 1 1|in Street. Iiy'ening. Aeoustie eeltie musie.

I Blue Blazer Bread Street. I'iy'ening. (iiiitaiist singers. .Iim Knight. (iraham .\te( iii 1s. Sheila .\Ie\\‘hirter and Alan .lUllllSltIlI.

I Kenny Grier Royal ( )ak. Inlirmary Street. 55“ 297». (irritarist singer. I.ate l‘ill'. \

I Colin Ramage and Wally Alleneoppers. (‘oekliurn Street. 225 I441. lzy‘ening. Singer guitarists.

I Kevin Tait Kitty ()'Sheas. 5I1(ieiirge IV Bridge. 225 Inst. ltyening.

WEDNESDAY 18 Glasgow

See Mayiest Diary.

I Anton Kirkpatrick Blue Note. Briggait ('entie I'\eltlll}_‘. L3. Amazingguitarist. plays |a// lolk. tor a \yhileyyrth (apeieaillie.

I Nailan I IaIt Bar. \Voodlands Road. 552 12111. l‘\e‘lilll_'.1 Instrumental musieon Itdille arid aeeordion

I John Flannigan and Friendslolmny Seoliies. .‘h I .oiidoii Road. ( ilasgoyy (’ioss. 552nm.“ Iltpin Iam.('oektail l‘llIeS

I Honest Sam And The Dealers Ri\L'l'\lLIL‘ (‘Iiilx I-oy Street. 24S 5144. 9pm. £2. Bar trII latet ountry night.


I Songwriting Competition Izdinhurgh l-‘olk (Iiin ( )slmiiriie Ilolel. York l’laee. 550 55"" Spm L25IIILI5III

I Rod Paterson St James ( )y ster Bar. (Litton Road. opposite St .IariiesCentre. Iyening Resideney lor the Iiasy ('Iuh‘s singer . more or less solo.

I Trilogy Batinertttarts Bar. ('oyygate. 550 3254. 11y ening.

I Happy Daze Mali Slim e1. (‘oekhuin Street. 225 (iS45 12y enirig. I’lll‘ guitar lolk tluo.

I Folk Band Kitty ()'Sheas. 5I1(ieorgel\' Bridge. 225 MS]. Ityening.



See Maytest Diary.

ISetanta Star l-olls' ('1ii13.(ilasgoyy Soeiety ()1 \Iiisieians. Berkeley Street. Spin. £15”. (ilasgoyy 'soyyn. Irish songs and times. Some Seots musie. l'illean pipes and hammered duleimei in the line up.

I Jiveass .Iohriny Seohies. 2o 1 .ondon Road. ( ilasgoyy (toss. 552 (i363.

IIIPm lain. Boogie and hliies from Alan .Ionesand Inyerarey (irant Maelay ish.


I Green Tree (‘oyy gate. Izy‘ening. I-‘olk seene session. l.ate liar.

I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Iinsign Iiyyart. I.ayy'nmarket. liyening. 'I'hree singerguitaristsentertain.

I Graham McGirli Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2‘)7(i._1iyeningtill 1.30am.

FRIDAY 20 Glasgow

See Maytest Diary.

I Tonight At Noon Seott‘s ( ‘orner. Derby Street. 334 4891. Iiy enirig. lileetromusietherapy Ior I’iets.

I Open Circle Basement (lite. l4 ( )tago Street. 8pm. £1 .5tl(£1 ). Poetry and musie. Tonight. poets (‘hris SIeKinneII. Valerie ’I’hornton. Maureen Sangster and Robert ('alder. Aeeordeon player Alistair Russell.

I Ceilidh Blue Note. Briggait Centre. Iiyening. £3.

I Eric Cuthbertson Johnny Seohies. 2r» London Road. (ilasgoyy Cross. 552 (1863.


Enshrined in their name Awatinas is the concept at being custodians at their heritage. This these Bolivians mangage to convey with love and mystery. or all the South American bands to have visited Scotland, Awatinas transmit an immediate touching primitiveness within their exceedingly varied and well played music. On their last Edinburgh visit, halt the audience processed round the theatre led by pan-pipe and the deep rolling drums, the wankara and bombo de italaque.

The group gives a two-part concert, the lirst leaiuring the music, instruments and costume oi the Quechua Indians, southern valley dwellers, and the second part reveals their own, Aymara Indian culture in costume, music and dance. This is the

music oi the ‘altiplano’, the high plateau beneath the Andes, a desolate terrain where survive the descendants ol the ore-Spanish Inca civilisation which had expanded trom Peru to cover most oi central South America. The group also throw themselves into the easily enjoyed melodies ot the townships, where the old torms collided with the white man’s music to produce the tunctional tunes tor today’s holidays, lairs and weddings. And probablytrips ‘doon the watter'. . . Have you seen iilm ol the old Scottish built paddle steamerthat still plies back and iorth, 12,500tt above sea level on that stretch oi water behind them in the photo, Lake Titicaca? Awatinas are at Maytest (19th) and Edinburgh 24th.

Iilpni 1am.

I Folk Session Royyaiitree Inn. I‘ddingston. Izyening. :\II yieleoine to play orsing.

I Ceilidh Dance Riyer'side ( ~liili. l'o\ Street. 24x31“. lllpm L2.5l1.BaiiiI| late.


I North Sea Gas I’latloi'm 1.Riit|arid Street. 1-yening. Seottish musie tor tourists.

I Royal Oak lnlirmary Street. 55" 2‘)"o Iiy'ening 1111 1.30am. I ate night basement har ys ith inlornial songs and rnusie.

I MUCNIB AOO Kitty ()‘Slieas. 511(ieorge IV Bridge. 225 IoSI. Izy'eriing.

SATURDAY 21 Glasgow

See Maylest Diary.

I Naiian Blaels‘ltlars. Bell Street. Merehant (‘ity . 552 5024 .'\tternoon. ’I‘raditional tunes and session yy ith liildles. aeeordionsete.

I Ceilidh/Dance Riyeiside ( ‘Iuli. I‘oy Street. 2483144. lllpm. £2.50. Bartill late.

I Limited Edition .lohnny Seohies. 2o London Road. ( ilasgoyy (‘ross, 553 may Iiyening. Bluegrass.

I Kells Seott‘s ( ‘oriier. Derby Street. 554 4301. Evening.


I Denny Swanson Kitty ()‘Slieas. SH (ieorge IV Bridge. 225 1081. liy'ening. I Royal Oak Iniirmary Street. 552292!» Iiyeningtill l..‘sllarn.1.;itenightsinging and drink.

SUNDAY 22 Glasgow

I Paisley Folk Club BrahIoeh l Iotel. Renireyy- Road. Paisley. S'pm.

I Session with Pat McNulty Riy ei'side ( 'Iiih. I-‘ox Street. 2483144. l‘rom 1pm. 1-ree..-\ll yy‘eleome. Regular session. I’at plays the Irish pipes.

I Park Bar Argy 1e Street. in Kely in Park. Is eniiig. 'I he ( iaels pith. hig session in the haek room eyery yyeek. Irish andSeots


I Steam Jenny Seott's ('orner.1)erhy Street. 5344801. Izyening.

I Buddies \Vintersgills. (ireat \\ estern Road. l'.\CIIII1f_'. ( )Id time Ameriean stings and Iiddle tunes. In the haek room. \eiy popular.


I Old Rope String Band ( iIeneIg \Iiisie.

\ oiirigs l Ioiel. learnington 'I erraee. “pm midnight. liree. .\liisieand high rinks.

I Raeburn Ranters Milnes Bar. l lzitriiyel Street. liyening.

I Seannachie ( ireen ‘I't'ee. ( ~oyy gate. liyening. Resident Seots hand.

' I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing

Iirisigiilzysart.1.;iyyriiiiar'ket. I-yening. ‘I'hree singer guitaristsentertain.

I North Sea Gas Riitland l Iotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 31142. I'yening.

MONDAY 23 Glasgow

I Merchant City Folk Blzieklt‘iars. 45 Albion Street. 552 5924. S’pm. .\'eys \\e‘el\1y lolk night in the bar. 'I'onight Ouadrille. Izmeiging as one ol the best rteyy hands around.

I Irish Session Stage Door Bar. ( iorlials Street. 42911922. liyening. Best ( ilasgoyy Irish players.


IJanet Russell I.inlitltgiiyy rolli- (‘lutx Blaek Biteh '1 ayern. West Port. I.irilitligoyy . Spm. l’ure yoieed

singer guitarist noyy resident in I.ondon. I Nobody's Business. Bannermans Bar. (‘oyygate Iiyening. MaeBartok.

I Fiddlers Arms ( ‘rrassmarket. liy'eriing. Long running Seottish musie session. Bar elosesat 11pm.

I Happy Daze .\Ialt Shoy e1. ( ‘oekliurn Street. 225 (ix-13. I'.\ ening. l’uh guitar lolk iltio.

I Miro 'I‘he (ireeri Tree. (‘oyy'gate. liy'ening. Bar till 1am. Mainly Irish aeoustie musie.

I Gill Hewitt Royal Oak. lnlirmaryStreet. 557 2970. Singer with banjo.

I Dougie MCO Kitty ()‘Sheas. 5tl(}eorge I\' Bridge. 225 loh’l. Evening.

TUESDAY 24 Glasgow

I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley Artsfentre. .\'e\y Street. 887 Hill). Spin. Free. Live groups.

I Blackeyed Biddy I’olmont I-‘olk (‘Iiih. l’arkhill I louse. I’olmont. Falkirk. 8.30pm. Stormi'aising songs and times Irom pith lay oiirites.


I Bolivian Music Assemth Rooms. (ieorge Street. 225 3M4. 8pm. £4( £3). Return of the si\ man Awatinas Presented by Ileart Beat World .\tusie. See panel. I Barrie Band ( ~oyy'gate. 556 3254. l’.\etiittg. \'oeals. I'iddle. l‘Iute andstrings. I Chris Thompson St James ( )y ster Bar. ("alton Road. opposite St James ( ~entre. Iiyening. Roekahilly blues.

I Colin Ramage and Wally Allen Coppers. ('oekhiirri Street.225 1441. liy'ening. Singer guitarists.

I Blue Blazer Bread Street. lzyeniiig. (iiiitarist singers. .Iim Knight.(iraham .‘er( iirk. Sheila .\le\\'hirter and Alan .Iohnston.

I Mirua Iznsign liyyart. 1.;iyyririiarket. top oi the I Iigh Street. Iiyening. I-‘urious tunes I Royal Oak Inlir'mary Street. 557 29%. Ityeningtill1.30am.lnlormalmiisieinthe basement bar.

I Kevin Tait Kitty ()‘Sheas. 5U ( ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 MS]. Izyening.

WEDNESDAY 25 Glasgow

I Honest Sam And The Dealers Riy L‘rSiilL‘ (‘Iulx I‘oy Street. 24S3144. 9pm. £2. Bar till late. ('oiintry night.

I Naiian I lalt Bar. \Voodlands Road. 352 12111. layeriirig. \aitan play Irish andSeots sesshin.

I Johnny Scobies 2o Iondon Road. (ilasgoyy (‘ross. 552 (N8. Illpm lam.

I.iy e niiisie.


I Dave Walters I1dinhui gh l'olly ( ‘Iuli. ()shourrie llotel. York I’Iaee. 55o5577. Spin. £2..‘~11i£l.5111.SongyyriterIromthe South sets his (M n \yords. and sometimes \Villiam Blake's. on thegiiitai.

I Rod Paterson St James ( )ysiei- Bar. ('aItori Road. opposite St .Iamest‘entre. Izyenirig. Srnger guitarist

I iaditional popular sell-penned.

I Happy Daze .\l;i1t Slime-I. ( 'oektmi n Street. 225 (MS-43. Izyeiring. I’lll‘ guitar lolk duo.

I Trilogy Banner mans Bar. (‘oyygato 55o 3254. Izyening. Seots and Irish.

I Folk Band Kitty ()‘Sheas. 5ll ( ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 Inst. Iiyening.

THURSDAY 26 Glasgow

I Janet Russell Star lolly (‘liilx ( iIasgoyy Soeiety ()l .\Iusieiaris. Berkeley Street. S511pm Bar. H.511. :\ tertiarkalileyoiee Iizis .lattel. sailly Iieatil less rtr these parts sinee her nioy e to loiidon.

I Johnny Scobies 20 London Road. (ilasgoyy ('ioss. 552liSo3. Itlprii 1am. I.iy e musie.


I Green Tree (‘oyy gate. l'.\ enitig. I'iolls seette session. Late liar.

I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing linsign Izyy art. lays iimarket. 12y eiiing. 'I'hree singer guitarists entertain.

I Royal Oak Intirmaiy Street. 557 2*)?!» Izy'eriirigtill 1.3Ilam. lnlormalhasemerit

The List 13 26 May 1988 39