. Glasgow

See MaytestDiary.

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher ItIaL klr r.rr\. Bell Street. \Ierelt.rril( Il\.

“I \‘l‘1 I \enmu Drummer \I‘.llltl.l.ltl_\

: Edinburgh

I Joe Henderson Quartet ()treen'x I ran.

(Ierk Street. ‘I ‘rllrrm IR 5“ IIeIxetslrurII Utreert \ I I.tIl. I \her Hall. and \'Irern

I Reewrttx I’llIILL‘S Street Stantlln (Lil

IIL Keh .I\ .lIIIII‘IL' at the (It‘tII ,‘rllrrrrnxlreltrre

I [‘e I lur rIr.IIIt e ttr SltItIentx. ( ):\I’\. under I\\ and I 'II III) I’resentetl Irv I’Iatttirm I.t// I \reptrnnal tenor saviphunrst lrnm the St.Ire\ I I.tItI Imp. I‘Itle‘S. larIrI .IntI

!IIr‘IL‘ \ III‘IIIIII [‘Ie'llt} See [\lllel I Melanie Q‘Reilly and Francis Cowan. \Ie- It.” \lII_)rIeerr Street. 3:" ILSi ‘I .‘IIr‘m

\I.irrr\le.rrtr I.I// singer and guitarist

I Alex Shaw Trio ( (IPI‘L'IS. ( ‘trekIrur II

_ Street. 3..“ I III Iwentng

I Ken Ramage Quartet ( illlItIIUItI .\I mix.

\\e~t Reerxter Street (I Ilpm .Irmrm

SIItrrrreetI.elarmettrxt I I 80 Weevrl I’lL'SL‘HJIItIII IIalI. \ IettIIIa

Stre~et.33h.‘~.\llr I'.\enrng_' I{II\IIIIII;IIIII I‘IIIL'SI‘JIIII

I Peristalsis Brothers .v\_\e rt.” . \tremee I! Street. 33" If.“ ‘I ,‘Ilpm I‘ree I‘lltle\ elassr [mp iax/ Mules .tlItI I‘l.t\\

I ISpirits DIRhythm IIaunStreet.

II.i\'tl.I!l\eI IelrJee'. ‘3“ Illllh I'\ettlltL' Iratl Ixtntl

SATURDAY 14 Glasgow

See MaytestDiary.

; I The Big Bands Rn ersrtle ( ‘IttIr. I'U\ Street. .‘. IS II 11 2 *pm Ll. \tm rmIIug Irantlx III the alter ntmn (Ienrge .\Ie( Itman the Item .I .IIILI IIIII I‘;tlttlltt§_‘\ Big Band

Senrextrt Irtrr\r.‘r.Irt\. lIientlsantI

; \‘lttllll\l;r\I\.

I I Rive Gauche ( iI;r\gri\\ Snereu ()l

I \Itrsrerans. Iterkete) Street. 33] (II I:

.3 3” 15pm liar. .Iit/ltIIISIIIILL'S.

f I Blacktriars Bell Street. Merehant ( It}. i 5*: “II-1 I'xemne 'ItrnrelrtBDWeeVil.

l ItIInlrtIIeheleetrreIrltreshantt

. IRon Moore. Rikki Fernandeztn I;t\erlt;t

I I .rlt\ttti\\rle‘( lL'SL‘L‘lII. ““‘I all?“ \ Ilpltl.



l | l l

I Resident Quartet Glasgow Societ) 0r \IllSlL‘lillh. Berkeley Street. 22I ()I II. S 30 11.30pm. 50p. Bar. MUSIC and dancing


I Melanie O‘Reilly and Francis Cowan. Aye Bar. St) Queen Street. 330 I383. 9.30pm. lad} singe I. hrtrad repertoire. guitar aeeompaniment.

I Alex Shaw Trio ('trppers. (‘uekhurn Srreet.225 I441. Evening.

I Yetta Dug Jazz Band Basin Street.

“It market 'I’err'aee. 337 Ilitlh. herring. I rad hand

I Geort Byrne Trio Shore Bar. The Shore. I erth. 553 Silh’ll lunehtime V'arium. \Itrxre III the Ivar restaurant,

I Alex Shaw Trio I’Iatt’trrm I. Rutland Street. 235 2433. Lunehtime. Pianist.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons I’reser'x ztIItilt Hall. Vtettrria Street. 220 3816. 3- 4pm I Ken Ramage Quartet (iuildltird Arms. \\ est Register Street. W 1 3pm. Jimmy SIItrI treetl. eIarinettist.

I That Swing Thang ( 'ale Biar‘r itz. I~IetIeI Iek Street. 225 53-14. Iivening.

I'Ittiex' s“ In}; «Inge

SUNDAY 15 Glasgow

See MaytestDiary.

I Paisley Arts Jazz Paisley Artseentre. New Street. .S’S'? IllIll. II..‘sll-2.3IIpItt. Bar. I ree. I.t\ e hands.

I Perdido .Inhn Street .Iam. John Street. I33“ 2 30pm. MainstreamantlLatin.

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers BIIIIhanIs Wine Bar. I3) res Road. 35" 342.1, lunehtime.

I Frank Bolan Quintet the Bar. Tron

‘I heatre. I’arnie Street. 552 4307. £1.50 (LI l. I fill-5pm. 'I'rtm's weekly litllSL'L‘ItL‘. I Harry Hope BIIIe \trte. Briggait ( ~etIt re. (lute Street. 9pm. (‘ahar'et jazz pIanII and songs

I Harpin/Barr BIaeklriars. Bell Street. .\terehartt ( it) . 553 502-1. Iixening. Guitar and piano (tilt).


I Capital City Jazz Banderest llntel. ()ueeristern Kmart. 333 34-13.


I Ronnie Rae Trio Platform l.Rutr;Intl Street. 325 2433. Lunchtime.

I Jazz Machine Mirttn Hotel. It'rMinttI Street.(I(I7 1534. S- I Ipm.

I Basin Street Stompers Basin Street. IIa_\ market 'I'er'raee. 337 1060. [ixening had and Dixieland venue.

I Waverley Jazz Band Marina l ItrteI. Imerleitlr Rim . 55: 35030-1 l_3tlpm. I‘radttres

I Knights DtJazz'l‘he [Engine Room. ()ueenxterr} Street lane. 335 ZI-IZ. szening.



l l l

\ _ . _-~i


amen '85"




TICKETS £7.00 a £6.00


l l I

Jon. rm r3 Erin—III; ruse

MONDAY 16 Glasgow

See Maytest Diary.

I Don Menzer'Martin Taylort ILMI m Stieieh ()t \III\I\I.III\ IIeIkeIev Street III M l.‘. Spin t_ I S‘lt t. :l liar I II\ .It guitar ttlL’ltI \lw \lt ~ \I v I. .II It \IltI\ .\I;ie(II.I\|I.Itr

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers IItIINim ‘UH‘\.tlle III. Ir I” St'. gt I'\ertrrt;t I |‘.’I!I eel. lI_'tt‘.lt‘:' rr‘, Ire-slit .tIII Ian Stinexttm


IEdinburgh Jazz Quartetr “W. l\ (‘tiekIrtrrn Street. .‘.5 I I Ii I \. l‘llI‘.‘

I Suave \I.I\re\ Iirxtrtr \h rrlwrr \tteel (IIFIISI‘~ ( l.IIIner. \.t\ .Irnlernt n IEastCoastJazz Band inn. r .tt‘i‘ m. Angle I).tlI\ Ier:.t. 1‘I I’.‘ ‘I Ilprrr Remterrt II.tlll‘.II‘.\l IDannyand EIIiet .IrrrlrrIIIet IIII IIIISIIL Street I \eIItIre (.tI‘JIe‘I I‘Itlr \ I.I// I\\I\

I \. rrIr'g

\tie.tIr\t\. tine r‘IarIu



See Maytest Diary. IBobbyWishart II In it.” \\ Ir-‘III.ll‘tI\ Ruatl. 13.? I.‘III I \errrru: I e.tllII‘\_‘ \avrplrunrxt

IZeke'sJazz Companyliv‘rinmtex \ RL‘IIIIL‘III\IICL'I. ;::III‘:


I Swing '88 \I.III\I1“\\'I,("e ki‘trr r= Street. .‘_‘*"\I: LIUIII‘IL' Ira“ .IIIII eI.Ir Irret t‘I \.t\

IPeristalsis Brothers \er'r‘eiarrlx Hiram Square I‘\eltllt§.! IIIItIe\.IIIrIlIlrIe\


I\eIIIIM_' luvetrrrIrx .I

ptiptrlar \mne stings .Irrtl I‘I.I‘~\

I Criterion Jazz Band r .tI \Iw . I'Utrnlarrrl‘rrrlt‘e I \eIIIIIe

I Louisiana Ragtime Band \ my ll ‘IIM IIUIeI. \I.I\ lleItI I r tlth ire Irir' Iixenme

I West End Jazz Band Hum \tt.~.~t


Ilavmarket Ierraee. 33 IIIIIII I'-\emng_l Il.ttI

I Festival City Jazz Band .\teI Iin. \It‘IIIIIILY‘ILIC Ruatl I'xenrng.



See MaytestDiary.

I Spike Bayne and the Jazz Organics

IIIJe kit I.tIS. Hell Sllee‘l. \Ierelrant (ill). “.7 “L‘I I \enmu. I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( iltrxgti“ Sm let\ I )l \IIISIL'IJIIS. Iierkelex Street. .‘.‘.I “l l.‘. S ‘Ilrrm Slip It.”


I Sixteen Strings Shore liar. I he SIItrre. Iertlr I \enme .'\L'Ull\lle\\\llll..' Ian

I Alex Shaw Trio I uppers. I ~trektrurn Street 3.“ NH I \eIIIne

I Tam White \eturetantx. Iii ISIU Square. Twill; ‘Ir‘rtt I’Iluexantlxtrul

I Charlie McNair's Band I’rexer \ .Ilrtrn

I I.Il| \ rerur I.t Street. 33h .‘MSIh I'xenrnu. I Louisiana Ragtime Band 1mm Street.

II.t\lIl.tII\L‘I Ierraee. 33 7 Ilrhtr Inning


See Maytest Diary.

I Hariprasad Chaurasia I{I\e‘r\rtle ( ‘Iuh.

I II\ .\Iteel tilt (lute Slreel. 3-15 Slit \pnr L" Irekeh IIUIII IIekeH etrtre. (.Intllerreex .32" S‘I I . and Virgin. I'nrnn Street. 1% In") tStaIItllrt treketxt‘. .I\.III.II\Ie .tt tIIettImr ‘lIIrIrrrslreltire

r‘er ltrr manee In Students. I ).v\I’\. under I\\.III\II IIrIIII I’lL‘SerlletlIH I’I.Itlt)l'ttt I.I// I lie L'Ieatext IntIIan llure pl.t\er Ina enneert til e laxsreal tratlrrrtrnal

Imprm |\.tIIHIl\ \\ ItII taIrIa I hand tIrrIml [‘Iaxer .'\llllltlll( IrateIIee See(IIIe\r|r\t I Blues Night I{I\er\ItIe I tub. I |‘\ Street ‘Irrm L? I I\eI\.IntI\

I SOCIEIV Max Itiaelxlrrarx. I‘IeII Street. \Iert Il.tlll ( ’rrr . “I “III I'm-rune (ierxim IIIL'SIIIIC tr IU


Plattorm has the superb tenor saxophonistJoe Henderson in Edinburgh (13th). and the unique genius of Hariprasad Chaurasia on the wooden llute, Edinburgh (20th), Glasgow (19th). see Guestlist. but outside the majorconcert halls, good quality jazz oriented music can be enjoyed in quite a tew Glasgow bars. especially during Maytest.

The tremendous protessionat skill or guitarist Martin Taylor, see photo. was seen last week when he accompanied Grappelli, and he will be up tront at the Glasgow Jazz Festival in July. but it you want a more intimate venue. he'll be at the Society or Musicians on'the 16th.

Anton Kirkpatrick is a tormidable talent on the guitar. Not easily detinable, he slips between classical, jazz and talk in his approach and style. writing his own material in a sometimes dense, intricate rhythmic tingerstyle. The Blue Note. down at the Briggait, has this increasingly tamed Scotsman booked tor the 18th.

Btacktriars. again in the centre or town, has a regularjazz night every Friday. and consult the listings tor a good spread ol interesting music over the tortnight. or note is the really tine harmonica playing or Fraser Spiers with Duncan Finlay on guitar (26th), covering a wide spectrum of bluesljazz.