
I Bill Kyle's Jazz POOll '.~\tt;rehe. l‘;t\L‘lilL'lll ol Riitlaiid l lotel. \\ est lxiid. Princes Street ‘lpiii l'iee. .-\ ;:iotip lioiii .r large pool ol \ounersh iiiiisit'iaiisplais

each “cult. tisti.il|} piano he} hoards. l‘;t\\.

Bill l\\ le on di lllll\. f;llli.tl . and brass

and oi reeds \l.iiiil\ iiiodeiii. Winsome iiiainslieaiii. l‘lllL‘\ Reetilai t‘ioxt d l‘lllltllllL‘ up. l.r\t week .i thiee-xnophone lioiit line. including loniim Smith.

I That Swing Thangt .ile lliai r li/. l-iedeiit'k Street. 33.5 52-1-1. l'\L'lllllj.j.

I Graham Blamire Jazzers li.t\lll sneer. ll.l_\lll;lll\L‘l lL’llJL'L'. 33“ lllllo l'\L'lllli_L'. I Criterion Jazz Band i .ll sam's. l‘llllllldllll‘lltltle I'm-nine

ITemplehalI Stompers temple l lotel. l‘splatlirde. .loppa, oh‘l Dir-1 l‘\L‘lllllL‘ litrd .iiid di\ie it‘sidt'iils

IGordon Fytte Trio Minn I lolel. (iltr\\L‘lltll( reset-iii. 33" MR.“ l‘\L‘lllllf~'. IJimmyGilmourGroup the ll.llitl\\.r;_'t>ll. .\loiii\oii.\tieel l\L'lllllL'

FRIDAY 20 Glasgow

See MaytestDiary.

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher lilaclxli l.tl\. llell Street. \ieit‘hant ( ‘il\. 553 5"}! l \L‘Illlltj. Resident l‘;tlltl\\lill

\rneei and uric-st \Ultil\l\.


I Hariprasad Chaurasia ()ueen's l lall. (lei L Street. ‘l ,illplll L5 l iekelslioiii ()tieen‘s l l.rl|.l \llL‘l ll.ill. and \'ii gin Records. l’i iiit'es Slieel Sitindl‘} t Lil llL'le‘l\.i\.ill.il‘lL‘ .tl lllL' \llN‘l .illlllllh l‘L‘lUlL‘ pei'loi runner to Students. ( ).'\l’s. tindei l\\.iiitll llllll l’ieseiited hi l’ltilloiiit .l.i//. Indian lltile Ill the hands ol .igeiiius. .\ eoiieeit ol L’l.l\\le.tl ti .iditioiial

inipim l\.lilllli\ \\ itli l.il\l.r t hand di iinil [‘i.l\L‘l x\lillltill ( hater tee. See ( illL'\lll\l. I Melanie Q‘Reilly and Francis Cowan. Axe llai . \li(_)tieeii Street. .32” l_‘.\3 ‘lfillpni (‘oiiilr ii lahle lounge iiiiisit‘ li'oiii leading; \ot‘al :riitai duo

IAlex Shaw Trio ( ~oppeis. ( 'oekhtii'n Street. 315 llll l~\eiiin§;

I Peristalsis Brothers Mt- lm. summon Street. I)“ l_‘.\3. ‘lfillpiii. l'iee, l‘lliIL‘\ songs and l‘l'.t\\.

I Ken Ramage Quartet ( itllltliirl‘tl .\i‘nis. \Vesl Register Street ‘) llpni. .liiiiiii_\ Slilil'llccll.L‘l.lllllL‘lll\l.

I Spirits Di Rhythm li.t\lll street. llil}lll;tll\cl 'l erraee. 33" liltrh. [awning The Trad \ enue.

SATURDAY 21 Glasgow

See MaytestDiary.

I Rive Gauche ( il.t\§_'ti\\ sot-ten ()l .\lll\lL‘l.lll\. Berke-let Stieel. Ill til 13. 2.3“ 4,45pin Bat .l.i//oiistiings

I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l .r 'l .n ei na. l.;tl1tl\tlo\\ite(lewcnl. 33‘) ‘1'“. \ 11pm. I The Big Bands Rn L‘l'\ltlL‘ ( ‘ltili. l-o\ SlieetQJhfilJJ. 2 5pm Ll .\'o\\ txxohie hands iii the alter noon. (ieoi'ue .\ie( iouan ()rehestra .iiid liill l-;inniii_u\ lire Band. Seoresol musicians. lllL‘litl\ and L‘lllllll\l;t\l\

I 80 WBBVli lilile‘lxll‘lith. Bell Slt‘eel. Merchant (its . 55: W34, [in-nine. Blues hand.

I Resident Quartet ( ilii\_l_'tl\\ snot-ix ( )l Mirsieians. Bei‘kele} Street. 321 ol ll. 8.3” llfillpm. Slip. Bait


I Melanie O'Reilly and Francis Cowan. .>\_\e Baixh’llOtieenStreet.33H1383.9.3llpin. .\iitlll\lL‘;tlll rtw singer and guitarist,

I Alex Shaw Trio l’ltrtloi‘m l . Rtitland Street. 325 2433 lunchtime. The piano

I Alex Shaw Trio ( ‘oppers. ( 'oekhurn Street. 335 H-ll l-xeiiing,

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons l’i‘eseH :ilion lltill. Vieloi'iii Slieel. 33o 3M!» 3 4pm.


I That Swing Thang ( ‘ate llitri‘i‘itl.

l'Il'L‘LlL‘l lL'ls Street. :25 5:14. l( )ptll llll liliL‘ l'llllL‘\.

I Yella Dug Jazz Band Basin sneer. llirtmaikel. 33" hum. l‘xenine, li.rd

I Ken Ramage Quartet ( iuiltlionl .‘\i ms. \Vest Register Street. " 12pm .liniim Shortieed.clarinettist.

SUNDAY 22 Glasgow

I FourTrombones ( iliixgo“ Stretch ()l \liisieiaiis. lleilxeles Street. _‘_‘I ol l2. Milli, Ll Bar. l cadei . John .\liiii.r\

I Harpin and Barr lilaekri lill \. lit-ll sin-er. \ic'it‘haiit ('il_\ . 553 5931. l'\eiiin_u (illllill .ind pianodtio.

IPaisleyArtsJazz l’.ii\le_\ .\ii\(‘entrt~ \eu StieetAiVllllll.13.3“ I .itlpiii. ll.” l-iee ltandsehiriiee“with

I Perdido John Street lain . John Street. l3. ‘rll _‘.3Hpni. Mainstream .riidl .itiii.

I Frank Bolan Quintet the liar. lion lheatie. l’ainie Stieet. 5‘3 42h" L l ,5“ (LI i. [All Spin. 'l ron's neckl} lax/segue.


I Mike Hart Society Syncopators \tmmi Rti_\.tl l llllL‘l. i’l'lllL‘LN SllL'L‘l. 3:5 “lhl

1 3pm.

I Knights OtJazz 'l he i lltllllL‘ Rooni. ()ueenslerr) Street lane. :25 SH) ltxeiiinu.

I Capital City Jazz Band ( 'i-esi llolel. ()iieeiislei‘u Road. 33: 3-143.

2.311 Sfillpni.

I Ronnie Rae Trio l’lillltll m I . Rurlantl Street. :35 3-133. lunchtime.

IJazz Machine \liiito l loiel. lo .\lrnto Street. oh" ISM. S llplll.

I Basin Street Stompers Basin Street. ll.l}lll.ll'l\L'l leii‘aee. 33‘ lllirh l‘wnine. 'litid and l)i\iel;ind \L‘llllL‘.

I Waverley Jazz Band .\l.u um i lolel. lnxeileith Rim . 552 35o}. D II .illpni lltlLlLlIC\,

MONDAY 23 Glasgow I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shultlers

l lolrsons. 5 3 Stitiehiehall Stieet


I Edinburgh Jazz Quartett tippers. (‘oelditii‘ii Street. 335 1-1-1 l l'\L'lllll_\.1.

I East Coast Jazz Band Blue! iigooli. Angle l).lll\ 'l'ei'itree. Bl WWII, locum}; ‘) 12pm. Resident ‘l rad hand.

I Danny and Ellie ( 'aiiihi idge liar . Thistle Street. l‘.\L'lllll_L'. (‘ahai'et hlues Ian. 'l'uo

\trL‘;til\l\. UllL‘ PlilllU.


Glasgow I Bobby Wishart l l.ill liar. \\ oodlands

Road. 333 Ill“. l-xeiiing. l.L‘.ttllll}_‘ Seottish s.i\ni;iii. resident hand. (‘ioxxded I Zeke'sJazz Company In ()iiinee} ‘s. Reiilield Street. .‘xflfitltrfifi. ‘lpni,


I Swing '88 .\i;rlt Slim el. ( ~oelxhtirn Slieel. :35 054.“. l'\ Citing. i'Illlll piece l)|.'lli_:_'tl\\lill reeds.

I Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band l’l'L‘\L‘l’\ :ilioir llall. Vietoi‘iaStieel.3203510. l‘.\L‘lllllL!. Rh_\ thm and Blues.

I Criterion Jazz Band l'at Sam's. l‘tilllllullll‘t'ltlgc. liwning.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band \ax aar l louse lltilL‘l. \iit} ilL‘lLl (lill‘tlL‘ll\. hit“ 3335. l'.\ettilig_'.

I West End Jazz Band Basin Street. lla}inai'ket Terrace. 33” llllltr. l‘.\L‘lllllg.'. 'l littl.

I Festival City Jazz Band Merlin. Morningside Road. liwnrng.

WEDNESDAY 25 l Glasgow

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( iltisgii“

Sociel} ()t Mirsieians. Bei‘kele} Street. Ill til I]. 8.30pm. Slip. Bar,


I Tam White \Cgoeianls. Bi'islo Square. 335 h.“l3. 9pm. Soul hlues. \xith :ismall hand.

I Shore Jazz Shore Bill. The Slitil'c‘. l.L‘Illl. herring. Acoustic \\\ tire.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin sir-eel. lliIHlltll‘kL‘l Terrace. 337’ ltllltr. l'AL‘lllllfJ. The trad \ entre.

I Alex Shaw Trio Coppers. ( ~oelxhurii Street. 225 HJ l. herring.

l’iano hass drums.

I Charlie McNair's Band l’i'esei \ ation Hall. Victoria Street. 3er 3810. l-wening.

THURSDAY 26 Glasgow

I Fraser SpeirS/Ouncan Finlay Black-tr litt‘\. Bell Street. Merchant (‘it_\ . 55: W24. l:\enirig. lid) guitar and harmonica.

I Blues Night Ri\ ei‘side ( ‘luh. lo\ Stieel. 3483144. l‘,\L‘llill§_'. L3. l.i\eh;ind\.


I John Miller l \her i lall. lolhian Road. 225 1155.7.3llpni. L55“ L35” 'l'ielwts lrom the l'shei‘ l lall Bin ( )llice. John Miller leads an l.\' piece hi}; hand in the mood ol'his tiiiele(ileiin.

I Bill Kyle's Jazz Pool t.‘.-\ii.iehe. haseriient ol Rtitland l lotel. \\ est l-.nd.

l’i lllL‘L‘\ Street ‘lpiii. l'iee. .-\ gioiip li'oni a large pool ol }tillll}Jl\ll lllll\lL‘l;lll\ plats each ueek. ll\ll;tll} piano l'xL‘}l‘Uill'Ll\. hass. Bill K} le on drums. guitar. and hi'ass

and or reeds. .\l;iiiil\ modern. lionsonie mainstream. blues.

I Graham Blamire Jazzers Basin Sir-eel. llit}lilill‘l&L‘i Terrace. 337 lilili). lzxening. I Waverley Jazz Band Raehui'n Bar. Raehiirn Place. 333 0345. lzxeninu.

I That Swing Thang ( kite Biarriiz.

l‘rederick Street. 225 52-14. l-\ eiiing.

I Criterion Jazz Band in Sam's. i'oultiinhi'idue. l~\eiriii§_'

IJazz Machine .\lrnlo l lolel. lo.\lriito Sti'eetlrtr“ 1534. N llpni. ITemplehall Stompers lciiiple l lott‘l. l‘splirnade. .loppa. Ni" 13M l'\L‘lllllf_‘. ‘l'i‘adanddme IL‘\lLlL‘Ill\.

IJimmy GilmourGroup Bandungun. MorrisonSlreet l'\elllllf.l

I Gordon Fylle Trio .'\|ltlll l lott'l.

(il'tl\\L‘llUl Crescent. -Jlrllfi.‘ l \eniiie.



IThe Sugarcubestnastum \L‘lloirlill \Il. lo" Rentieu Street ‘lpiii .\\ l.ii .r\l kilo“ . the lll\l Scottish err: lot the Stie.iit'tilws. .riid altei li\llllll.tl postponeiiieni one \\ high I\ lllllx'll anticipated llllll\l .idiiiit l \\.l\\ll_‘.'_llll\ \t'eplieal .ilroiil lllL‘ll .ll‘llll\ ‘.'.|\L‘ll the amount ol PlL'\\ thm got and the tll\t|‘|\lilllilll_11ll.lilllc‘til the\t-tondsriiele. ("old 8“ eat, l lo\\ ex L’l tht~ .lll‘lllll more than [times that their .rit iii.iii\ iiioit~ goodxongsin their set

I Raygun and the Rockets I l.ill tin.

\\oodl.iird\ Road. ii. Ill“ “l‘lll l in Some .\l.i_\ lest poiililit'atiiie here the l l.ili deseiw eiedtl iii th.it lhe\ .l!\'. .l‘ l.ii .i\| l\lltl\\ . th~ onlx \L'llllL’ \\ hit‘h ll.l\ put on ll\ e lllll\lL‘L‘\L‘l_\ night lllliilltlll\l.t\|e\l.\\l1l\’ll l\ lil\ interpretation ol the rules“ hi. h illlti“ lot the late lit‘eiite ()lhei \t‘niit-s ll.r\e merely added one or t\\o lll'.‘lll\ill \\lirt'h\h.ill remain nameless l\ L‘l.l|llllll‘.'_ that .i l )l constitutes ‘li\e enter l.lllllllL‘lil l lou mam ptih l ).ls do tori lxllll“ that he

l l lliw .ilixeillenteitaiitin; '\tlllL‘ llou

ll\C niusre. \\ hile one \t'niit-


The ear is just one of a shoal of brilliant prizes waiting to be won at Edinburgh‘s Cl lARl_.()'l"l‘li SQUARE FAIR. It is being held to raise funds for: THE TREFOIL HOLIDAY AND ADVENTURE CENTRE FOR HANDICAPI’ED CHILDREN AND ADULTS at Gogarbank The Day SATU RDAY .l UNE 4th The Time 11.00am to 4.30pm The Price Admission 30p. Children (under in) lllp The Bargains On the stalls marvellous merchandise includes silver. jewellery. linen and lace. knitwear. erat’ls. eakes. quilts. dolls houses. books and much. much more! TheFun Children‘s Corner/Games 0 Bar 0 Restaurant 0 (‘ireus


Honda ear supplied by Graeme P. Chatham. ol'.»\hheyhill. Edinburgh


The List 13 ~ 36 May 1988 41