0 THE FAREWELL TOUR 0 05111518me

M 2 r all"



MON-SAT 7.30 £7.50 £6.50 £6 £4.50 SAT AT I0.00 £7.50 £7.00 £5.50 MON EVENING'ALL SEATS £4.00

BOX OFFICE: O3I-557 2590




l l8-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh EHI 3AA

, 4////

mm WMEWR:WMIW'?6TFMWIM!ME&M Jm “Wimp/um; .flM W'mtmab; MWIM'MMI; mG‘ mama, WWII/III, vat/5mm”: (/r.


.6. - SUNDAY 12 JUNE

0005!? ON STAGE 8pm

mam puh I).I\ do sou kno“ that eth less to put on than a li\ e hand '.’ Sex eral. .-\men.


I Fairground Attraction Venue. ( alum Road. 55" all"? \\ ho'd ha\ e thought ll .’ lzddr and the lads \tot‘m the upper reaehex ol the ehartx \xith their \er} lir~t single. tttttl \ CIA gtttttl ll \tttllltlS lth. L‘Sl‘cL‘lrlll} \\ hen heard nut to all the dreadlul papon [IN/t U/ I/It' I’ll/H l.l’L’llllllL‘tl lllr' /‘1I'\Ir)lrl lit/lion Arm's due otrt no“, .-\ntierpate the huxrext night the Venue'x had in a lull: “llllC I The Motorcycle Boy. The Vultures and Golden Blade \landela ( "entre. lzdmhuruh l'rn\et\rt\ . llr rxto Square. \l‘lll-:.llll llapp} hour: S .‘llpm-‘l ‘llpm. 13113.5“ studentw. l he ne\\ . leather < iaeketed hand ol tormer Shop ;\\\r\tanr\\rn~.',er \le\ hrought out a larr|\ poppy anddrx er tnn' trrxt \mele m ‘lhe Roek ( 'amlx \lountam'. hut h\ e \ln\\\\ hax e heen Ian I\ tll\.t[‘l‘t‘lllllll}_' \o tar. lhrx rna\ he \omethnrg: the} ha\ e heen “or km: on. ho\\e\et. I The Primevals \ltrxre llo\. \ietor ta Street. 23“ l‘llS. Ll alter "pm \ ouuon't lrnd l he l’rrme\ ah hulking a \ampler ahont on tour \\ ell. mat he \ou uould ll hope not l hut a \rtronal Steel :llllal “ould he more then \tt le, ( her a \er tevtl reeord\ thex ‘\ e honed a uutlelt Rtk ll roelx \l\ lL‘. llgllllh [Tltlfie‘tl (itititl l|\e‘ [00. I No-Talenl Contest l'klllll‘lll eh ( 'olleee ol .\rt. laurrxton l’laee. :3" l-HI. Ll ad\. Ll .‘llon door Hat anddrxeo. Spool Hattle ot Ihe Hatttht‘lwett la loxel’llor \ at roux \lttdenl handx. rneludnru ( )h'\\ e l'oreot Km in. ( iar\ \loehrre'x Hr: \llxtake. l he I arrx .\l.n\hall l-ant‘luh and 'l he Rantan l’lan .lornrn}; llte\e minderltd-soundingen\emhle\are \lalttl-lll‘ eonth l )anm l)r umehapelt‘ I he \eteam trom the \eheme' l and l)a\ e 'l rrpp (ontpetex are m-houxe theatre uroup Rewflrttg-K—Refl I The Cateran. Archbishop Kebab. The Stretch Heads The CritterHillVarmintSantl The Staircaset‘almn Sintlrmt allon Road. 55h "llhh ‘lprn-Fanr t it 9-)) .\nd m a paelted programme tonight. tlux henelrt tor (ireenpeaee lealtttex the hroad rattL'e ot rnuxre plated h_\ l'drnhureh handx. lrom the garage t‘\}e'|re'tle‘lr.r ot l he Slatteaw to the hluegraxx eountr\ eaiun \oundx ol I he ('rrtter llrll \‘armmtx. taking; It] I he ('ateran'\ ragnr lull~on etntah and more lk‘SltlL‘x I The Boonierats and Good and Gone St Br rde'\ ( ~ommunrt} (‘entre. ( )r\\e|l lerraee. 33" 5543. lioonreratx \xe're told. lta\ e no“ drtehed all then \ietnam trappings. hnt \\ e'\ e no idea \\ hat ha\ taken then plaee. \later ral rxhem: prepared lHl a ne\\ l' l). I Soul Kitchen Neeoerantxl othran Street. :25 Ml.I ‘lpm. l'tee. .\ l’Iulunker ht am other name. hut a moretohx roule soullul approaeh Soul kite‘lre'ri rnuhtxat \egoerantx are heeomin}; inereaxrnult popular. I The Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band 1 old [Mr nlex . \\ ext l’or t. 33‘) ~l3~l l. lllpm. l'ree l'ull line-upol the traumentau hand. I Bo‘Weevil l’rexer \ atron I lall. \‘retor ra Street. 23h .‘Slo l.l alter ‘) .‘llpm. \lore


SATURDAY 14 Glasgow

I Shirley Bassey Sli( ’( ‘. l-mmexton. Spm. {l5 L135”Llll.\lxllawe}drdrnuehto merease her hip eredihilrt) h_\ appearng on the \xonderlul \‘ello Bill} .\l;iel\'eri/ie eollahoratron. l'he er_\thm Do me la\t year She Ioolw wt to one all that \he has uamed though \\ rth the annonneement that led Rodgers lS \peeial guext on llllS

I Faith No More ().\ll '. l 'nix ewtt (iardenx. 33‘) TM. ‘lpm. Return \ rxit lora hand \\ hose last \ rxit to the mute \enue

“on them mans lr tenth. I didn‘t go hull \llll hate the alhtrrn. \\ lneh IS a \ltante. as Slash has to he one ol the hext .~\mer rean lahelx ot the moment Btu the Bol )eanx alhurn inxtead,

I Heaven Sent l lall Hat . \\ l‘l‘klldlltlS Road. ‘lpm l'ree. .\t the laxt erg; thexnruer in l lea\ en Sent kmdh dedreated Had lime\ to me t‘the _\_'u_\ lrom llrel rxt‘ l a\l had said that it \\a\ h_\ tar their he\t mu}; And to he hone\t. I didn‘t see mueh at that fat: toehanue m\ opmron although. Sneet Red \\ me \ounth prommne~

IThe ElliotsrThe Trains’BeautiluISuite lllaelxltrarx. in Bell Street 5‘: WM ‘lpm. l'ree .'\ne\enrn§;ol larnzh :llllJlS llopp\ lrmuex

ITantara Blade llatl \sxt Itrl».(‘l\tle l’laee lllpm lree. l-rontman Rannond .\|e\ander ptottt|\e\ a path it Dundee

l rrrted \\ in the Seottrxhl tll‘llllS

hut no

atternoon \la\ not he \ueh lnn it the unthmkahle ltappethaHd(ellte'.te‘ltl.rll\


I Megadeth and Sanctuary l’lax hothe

l heatte. ( ilt‘e‘lTSItle Plate. ‘3‘ SQ“

' illpm Ur. t.‘ ( heek lltlv‘lteuttl toxee \\ hat\ the lale\l and hippext nr heaxt metal ;\ \ounuer . \nottrer and t|na\hrer hreed than the \llllt\\.ttll .meextoh that hax e en en the muxre a had name t \\ ell. “orxe than it dexer\e\. put it that \\a\ l. llIIS lxllitlltllllllttll\el1.llll|‘lt‘ll\‘tll‘\l’e‘e‘h no“ . \ure|\ the ultnnate m hrpnev. .\lore \ong\ ahottt \l\.llel\ dx and I ap'

IJohn Stewart St llr ide\(‘ommnmt\ ('entre. ( )ruell lerraee. .‘3'. 5543 .-\ rare ehanee to we the man \\ ho \\ rote \ueh elaxxiexax ‘l )a\dream Helrexer‘ \o. reallx . he did. a\ \\ ell a\ \onu\ lot a rnrrnher ot rriej.:.i-l.rrrrotr\ allth IPolitical Asylum. The Disturbedantl DanbertNobacon \tantlelat enlre. l’ollet

Rim Studentl rnon L Studentxand

t'tlL‘\l\iitll\ lead singer ol ('humhau nmha l iemenrher ‘l’retur evil Slat\|r‘.:3( hildien Sell Reeordx' ’) iotma hill headed in one or Seotland'\

hext knoun hardeore handx lot the eonnrnttedonh

IAVO-8 \llISIe l£o\. \ retor ra Street._‘_‘l| l”ti\‘ tl alter ‘lpm \ ea~ua| llrek through an old muxre paper '\ urz: crude re\ ealed the \hoeltm}; truth that .\\r»—\ ha\ e heen ensuing tor at |e.r\l ereht \ear\ llrextorrex the\ eonld tell. eh’ lherr \mule “axqtute pleamtltl . dexprte an unlor Innate \rmrlar rt_\ lo the Shop '\\\I\l.tnl\.

I The Osterbergs \euoerantx. I otlrran Street. 335(313 ‘jpm l'tee l he uxeol leg l’op'x \tll name IS \ureh a red herring. a\ it \eem\ the\ 're a lot \moother and hluexier

IThe Tex Fillet Five t’olloett llallwr Residenee. l lol\ rood l’ar k Road Spm. Studeth and guexhonh. .-\|ter egoxol

l he lloonreratx. a eompleteh unselleonxerouxhand “hm hm e heen knou n to lrt an a\\e\nmel\ had \erxron ol ‘\\ alk llll\ \\ a} ' mto the rrrrddle ol a eotmtr_\ and \\e\letrt \et l ntertarrrment \alue: hruh.

I Shiver ‘n‘ Shake l’t’exen atron l lall. Vietorra Street. 33h .‘Slh. Ll alter ‘) .‘llpm I Bulb Cormorant I out l)ar nlet . \\ ext l’ott._‘3‘)»1.‘~-ll .\tternoon l'ree .larn atmosphere. latd-haek hluex and eotrntu-roek \t\|e\.

I Texas Breaklast lord l)arn|e\ . \\ e\l Port. 32‘) 434 l. lllpm. l-ree.

SUNDAY 15 Glasgow

I The Shamen/Nyah Fearties \ltttllxth. to West ( ieorue Street. .‘L‘Hlll. 0pm. l’hrx i\ the Shamen’x replaeement tor then‘ tlltltlSIIltCtl dismissal lrom the Seottrxh lndie Night hrll (\ee \la} lest l. 'l'hen new \llltllL'. .lexux l.o\ ex Amerrka. Iseaxil} their hext \rnee Something; .’\hout You. ll ix alm \ttrlt l'eartrex‘ lirxt gig tor a leu months. (to along.

42 rte-‘1];Ttfii’fzo May was